Kill Him [Dabi Is Touya Todor...

By handfedduckling

1.2K 64 20

Here's a little one shot about Shigaraki and Dabi mainly, and about finding out Dabi is Touya, I didn't proof... More

Kill Him

1.2K 64 20
By handfedduckling

Guess Who Got Socially Overwhelmed And Wrote Dabi-Is-Touya 2k19. me I did that, so this is that.
Warning: Slight self harm and a whole lot of swearing.

"Oh for gods sake" Shigaraki had this distant hiss in his voice as he moved his controller like it would shift his character to be more effective.

"Of course" Dabi muttered,  kicking the box he was carrying against a wall "We don't have running water and you're already sitting on your ass while I'm getting soaked"

"Do you ever stop complaining patches?" Shigaraki muttered, staring at the screen he'd set up on a pile of magazines and boxes of books. "I did my share of moving"

"Not while you're not helping with the hideaway we're in cause your plan was shit" Dabi hissed, sitting on one of the beanbags that puffed out some fluff or whatever it was stuffed with when he put his weight on it. "You could have helped to be nice you know?". Shigaraki put his controller down, having died anyway, and turned around.

"You have someone's blood on your collar" He said, as Dabi pulled his coat off to rub at the blood stain so it didn't stick. "You're talking about nice like you don't boil people alive"

"And you're talking about patches like your skin isn't practically scratched off" Dabi returned, shifting forward so he was beside Shigaraki. "Toga dragged the others off to try and figure out how to proceed, and maybe find food"

"So I'm stuck with you for a hours, wonderful" Shigaraki hissed, his eyes passing over the console before he threw his controller at the wall. It didn't break, this time, but Dabi still groaned and slouched in his chair. 

"I'm good as long as you don't snore" Dabi took one of Toga's magazines from under the TV screen and began to read it. "God this is crap"

"Then why the hell are you reading it?" Shigaraki pointed out as he leaned over to look over his shoulder. Dabi gave a glance to his hands but saw he was wearing his weird half missing gloves and found comfort in the fact he wouldn't be dust. 

"Because it's funny crap" he turned a page, eyes following the page as he coughed, and began to read "10 Signs He's Not Your Type" 

"Do you do this a lot?" Shigaraki looked over his shoulder, and Dabi shook his head.

"No but my sister used to buy them and keep them under her bed" Dabi muttered, and Shigaraki gave him another look, it seemed 90% of his communication was in the sense of eyebrow raises.

"Okay- what is the deal with you can family? because I can't shake the sense you had a lot of siblings" Shigaraki asked. He'd been meaning to ask for a while, but Dabi froze uncharacteristically.

"I don't ask about your family" Dabi hissed through closed teeth, shutting the magazine "You do not  ask about mine"

"What did you kill your parents?" Shigaraki said, leaning back as he was aware he was skirting the edge of becoming the league's next roasted meal.

"Sadly not" Dabi said, and glared angrily at a brick as if willing it to combust. Which was of course, entirely possible.

"Sadly not? goddamn, bad relationship?" Shigaraki grinned a little, the Cheshire Cat grin that Toga called his 'psychotic teenager smile'. Then, Dabi flew into him, and pushed him hard across the room, knocking him into an unstable table.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Dabi was burning once again, you could tell, up close by the sizzle of human flesh. Then, in the sudden realisation that burning his boss wouldn't end in joy, Dabi marched away. "See you later" the door slammed, and Shigaraki pulled himself off the ground with a bitter mumble, cringing at the broken mug now in pieces having fallen off the table as it came to the ground. 

Shigaraki wasn't really sure what Dabi had meant, but when that had unfolded he'd made a pact to never ask Dabi about family again. It didn't end well. 

A few months later, when they had managed to settle into the new hideout a little better, was the next time families came up.

"Hey Shiggy" Toga mumbled, leaning excitedly over the back of the battered sofa Shigaraki sat on, trying to beat another level. A lot of his spare time, was spent playing video games it seemed. Maybe that was a reflection on his life. In fact, it definately was, but he didn't have time to ponder. "Do you know the deal with Dabi having a younger sister?"

"Don't ask Toga" Shigaraki said, a warning in his voice. That seemed to make her more excited "I don't know, but when I asked he pushed me across a room and nearly burned me alive, don't ask"

"But I'm curious!" she whined, climbing over the back of the sofa and sitting on it upside down "What if he stabbed them?"

"Dabi doesn't stab people" Shigaraki said, and looked at her for a moment. Then he threw a musty old pillow at her head. "Besides, all I do know is that he didn't kill his parents"

"Fuck, no one ever kills their parents" She mumbled, and looked over as Shigaraki froze awkwardly "Did you kill your parents?". She didn't get an answer however, because he pulled his glove off and she jumped off the sofa, running away before he could attack her.

The next time Dabi's family were brought up, was when the mystery was solved. Twice, stumbled into the hideout, tripping on his own feet as usual. He waved a photo in their direction, and showed them the person in it.

"So it's a missing person's poster?" Shigaraki muttered, shaking his head "We can't have killed the kid he's been missing too long- wait isn't that Endeavour's name? Todoroki?" 

"It's Dabi" Toga interrupted, but judging by her tone she wasn't paying attention, she looked up to them. "It's Dabi with his scars less bad and white hair" 

While Twice praised her for figuring it out, Shigaraki couldn't take his eyes off the poster. What could have happened to Dabi to have him in the league, after being a pro hero's son? He didn't have to wait to find out however, as Dabi walked in, and despite Twice's attempts to hide the paper, recognised what was on it. He turned on Shigaraki

"Did you look into this?" he hissed, crumbling up the paper as it caught fire. "After I told you to fucking drop it did you look into this?"

"I didn't even think about it" Shigaraki returned, hissing his words back as he stood straight. "It was twice that found the poster, I just looked at what he shoved under my nose". The others had all ran, so there was no twice to turn on. Dabi hissed, and watched the ash of the missing poster fall through his fingers.

"Endeavour is not a good man" Dabi hissed, crumbling the ashes to the floor and wiping his hands clean of it "I'm not a good man, but I'm not pretending to be one, and I've never covered up my child's disappearance because I think I killed him"

"You're a pro hero's fucking kid" Shigaraki muttered, and then rounded on Dabi "You're a pro heroes fucking kid, didn't you think I should know that Touya?" Dabi growled at the use of his old name.

"You didn't fucking tell me Tenko" Shigaraki froze when Dabi said that. He began to scratch his neck again.

"How did- fucking hell" Shigaraki backed into a wall, and stared up at the other "How the fuck did you know?"

"I recognise when people are like me, when I heard of Tenko Shimura's disappearance it wasn't hard to catch the anagram" Dabi muttered, he had long abandoned the fire that had blazed on his body when he found out, just sounding numb now.

"Dabi- Jesus christ what did you do to get you all the way over here?" Shigaraki stood up, and stopped scratching, his neck bleeding slightly again. 

"I didn't do shit" Dabi said, anger in his words again for just a moment "He used me and my siblings, Shouto is still fucking reeling from being his pet project, and he locked me up, and let the house burn around me without making any effort to get me out, none of that was fucking me"

"So you're here cause you want to lash out against your Father?" Shigaraki asked sceptically, and Dabi grabbed his shoulder.

"I'm here cause I want to kill him" Dabi hissed, and stared down at the other "I'm here cause I want to watch him burn like he watched me"

Shigaraki paused, before a sick, cheshire cat grin returned to his face.

"Now we're talking"

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