Tamed Wolf

By dmnaries

106K 4.1K 1.4K

JoongNine Fanfic โœ This is not a fantasy ff --- I am definitely not used of thai culture and stuff so sorry! ... More

1: The Wolf
2: The Sheep
3: The Wolf's ๐Ÿ’“
4: not so SmoOth confession
5: Determination
6: Eyes
โ™ฌโ™ฉโ™ชโ™ฉใ€€Not an updateใ€€โ™ฉโ™ชโ™ฉโ™ฌ
7: Alpha's Weakness
8: Heartbeat
9: Baby giant
10: โ—Dangerโ—
11: Hungry Wolf
12: Clearing things out.
13: Things he can't tell to him.
14: (Triggering) His unconditional love.
15: โ›ค
16: ๐ŸŽ‰
17: such a tease
18: little fight
thank you #J9 fam
19: #nineshappiness
20: ๐Ÿ‘Š
22: Misunderstanding
23: Mutual Understanding
24: the fox vs. the wolf
25: untitled
26: De Javu
27:Thank You, Joong.
28: Flashback I
29: Flashback II
30: Drunk Reminiscing
31: Dinner
32: misfortunes
36: I love you 3000
45 โ™ก the real ending
โ™ก Special Chapterโ™ก
shamless promoting ;;
#Support Long Trip by Ton Thanasit #SUPPORTJ9

2ne1: the nightmare

2.2K 87 29
By dmnaries

Sun is up, so does Pavel. Actually he couldn't sleep a blink, since their last love making Dome is still having nightmares that Pavel had to convince him to let him sleep at his dorm for awhile.

He brushed his sleeping lover's hair.

"Tee rak, wake up." He whispered softly to Dome's right ear.

Dome did not respond.

"Tee raaaaaAaaak. Wake up, we will be late." He whispered again while shaking Dome.

"Hmmm..." Dome groaned as he put himself inside the blanket.

"Oiii~ why did I even let you sleep late?" Pavel whined, last night they had a long conversation about random stuff. So this is the outcome.

Pavel decided to call Nine.


"Why are you calling P'Nai, this early in the morning?"

Pavel laughed evilly, when he heard his N'Joong on the other line.

"Why not? Nine's husky voice is sexy."

"Fuck you, P'." Pavel laughed out loud when he heard Joong curse, he never heard him curse before.

"No, thanks. Get Nine on the phone you punk. I need to ask something! I ain't taking your lover away stupid kid." 

He heard Joong sighed before Nine talked.

"What do you want? Is there something wrong?" Nine knew about him staying with Dome.

So the lad, had a hunch that something might have happen.

"Well, my lover isn't even awake yet. What time will mister moon open his clinic?"

"Oh, later at 10. Wake your lover now and leave me alone."


"What the hell?" Pavel blurted out when Nine straightly end the call without any goodbye or anything.

He sighed, how is he going to wake up a sleepy head?

Pavel decided to Iron their clothes giving Dome another 30 minutes nap before waking him up.

When he went back to Dome's bed the Med is still sleeping like there's no tomorrow.

"Tee rak, I said wake up!" Pavel yelled softly as he planted kisses to Dome's face.

Dome slowly opened his eyes.
"Hmpf~" Dome tapped Pavel's shoulder to make him release his lips.

"What are you doing?" Dome whined still half asleep.

"Waking you up?" Pavel answered.

Dome turned his back from his lover making Pavel jaw drop.

"Oh no, you did not turned your back on me. I'm going to murder that ass, I'm telling you." Pavel threatened.

Dome suddenly woke up and sat protecting his ass.

"Phoom, you better stop pinching my butt cheeks!" Dome scolds.

"Not my fault that they are the butt of thailand?" Pavel said with a smirk.

Dome could only shake his head because of his lover pervertness.

"Hurry up and shower, I already prepared your clothes." Pavel said as he took Dome's hand to help his stand.

"What about food?" Dome asked.

Pavel gave him a smirk.

"You can have my hotdog and eggs." He teasingly said.

Dome slapped Pavel's chest.

"You and your peverted brain." Dome said while glaring at the Engineer.

"Oi, that hurts. I'm not kidding I cooked hotdog and eggs." Pavel explained. Dome yet again shook his head.

Dome went to the bathroom and immediately locked the door, when it's Pavel you are always in danger. He thought.

When he finished, they ate breakfast together.

"How's your sleep?" Pavel asked.

Dome just gave him an okay gesture while keep digging at his plate.

"Oi, slow down! You'll get choke." Pavel scolds.

Dome stopped and munched his food inside his mouth while looking at Pavel blankly-- like he's invisible. He's too focused on his food that he ignored Pavel completely.

When they are finished he stayed on his seat while Pavel took a shower. He stared at the ceiling blankly. Today, he will consult a psychiatrist to help him ease his mind.

Nights became torture for him. He is not a type of guy who will cry for help but look what this traumatic event have done to him? He's so fragile, he became emotional unstable and if Pavel wasn't around--he might have gone crazy already.

Everynight, he will scream to his sleep but those nights became bearable because of his lover. He would be comforted with a hug and soft whispers.

When Pavel finished dressing up they went to the parking. Where Nine was waiting.

"Hurry up, people." Nine yelled while frowning like an angry bird.

"Are you going with us?" Dome asked.

Nine shook his head.

"Your husband borrowed my car but forgot to get the keys, you need a new husband." Nine grumpily said, Dome chuckled.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Dome asked trying to divert the topic.

Nine gave him a "dont-ask-look"

"Let's go." Pavel just said as he took the keys from Nine.

"I thought we're going to ride your motor." Dome said while going inside the car.

"It's more comfortable with a car plus you can continue to sleep." Pavel said as he start the car.

Dome nodded as he rest his head.

"Oiii, you're stressing me out. Put that seat belt on." Pavel whined.

"Ooops, sorry. I forgot I'm a bit distracted." Dome said while smiling shyly.

"Teerak, relax... I'm with you, okay? No one will hurt you." Pavel assured Dome.

"I know..." Dome uttered. They stared at each other. Pavel knew how scared is Dome right now but he won't let him feel it anymore. Pavel broke his stare and held Dome's hand while he drive the car.

Along the way both enjoyed listening to music while jamming on it. 

After a while they arrived.

Dome started to sweat. He's too nervous that he don't even want to move.

"Tee rak..." Pavel softly called.

"Can't we just go back?" Dome asked with a trembling lips.

"You know I'm with you right?" Pavel comforts him.

Dome breathe deeply and removed his seatbelt. Pavel quickly went out of the car and helped Dome open the door.

They walked inside the clinic hand in hand, Dome's grip was so tight that Pavel had to endure a bit pain.

"Oh, you must be Dome." The doctor greeted.

"Khrab." Both of them gave their wai to the doctor.

"Let's go to my office." The doctor said and started to walk.

The lovers followed him. Inside the office, there is a small bed-- a comfortable one.

"Dome, please lay here." The doctor instructed, Dome looked at Pavel first, his lover gave him a nod so he went to the bed and lie.

"Phoom.." Dome called, the doctor looked at Pavel.

"I think he's not comfortable, son. Please come here and sit beside him." The doctor gave Pavel a permission to see all what will happen in the session.

Pavel sat beside the bed and held Dome's hand.

"Now, close your eyes."

And Dome did.

"You must answer all my question honestly and you need to recall your memories without hiding them, okay? Pour it all out." The Doctor reminded.

Pavel could only look at his lover and the doctor, observing everything.

"Now, why are you here?" The doctor asked.

"T-to-- stop those nightmares." Dome stuttered.

"I see, but you know that you will have to see and remember all what happened that causes you to have thos nightmare, right? It means whatever event that happened to you, you must unfold them all."  Mr. Moon said.

Dome just nodded but his grip to Pavel's hands tighten.

"Okay. Now, what happened that day? Can you tell me all about it? From start of you day to end?"

And there, Dome remembered it all like it was yesterday.

"In the morning I only did my daily routine waking up at 6 and dressing up for my class. I took my biology class for 3 hours and then I went to the dining area with Nine and Ben. We did our paper works until lunch, while we eat I was getting worried because Pavel did not visit our department like he always do. We secretly meet at the dining area and when I finish my lunch we always go to the agricultural department to spend time."

Dome paused,

"And then?" The doctor asked.

"And then while I wait for him at the agriculture department... someone sent me a video, it was Pavel getting beat up by group of guys-- blood and bruises all over his face. After the video was a message. Go to the abandon building near the school or else you know what might happen. I was warned not to tell anyone and to go by myself. So I did, it was getting dark when I arrived there-- I clenched my fist, worried and scared what might happened to him, to the person I love." Dome bursts out crying while saying those last words, while sobbing uncontrollably Pavel held Dome's hand tightly. Making him feel that he's here with him.

"Continue." Mr. Moon said.

"When I was there already, I did fought with those guys but I was outnumbered. They made me face Lek. I can still hear their laugh while they look at me. Saying words such as, weak, stupid and faggot. I accepted those but the only thing that came out of my mouth was... "Where is Pavel?""

Pavel couldn't take it, he also shed tears hearing those from Dome. If it wasn't for him Dome would not have experienced such a traumatic event. Pavel felt pain to his chest-- all along Dome did not gave up on him. It was all Lek's fault. Pain and anger-- that's what he's feeling right now.

"They laughed, those laughs were the only thing I could hear. Until I felt something digging through my skin-- a syringe. Slowly I felt dizzy---and a hand started touching me where I did not like to be touched at all. I keep struggling and stopping those disgusting hands. I did not want to beg but I did. It's really disgusting but instead of stopping he responded--- he said that, "You should be used to it by now-- I heard you're good at screaming and moaning, why don't you do it now?"

Dome was crying so loud, it was like he's experiencing all of it again.

Pavel couldn't take it and pulled Dome into a hug.

"Tee rak... Shh. I'm here. I'm here." Pavel also cried out.

Both of them were crying non-stop while hugging each other. The doctor let them be for minutes.

"What happened next." The doctor asked, he let the two stay that way-- hugging each other.

Between Dome's sob he continued, "T-then... I-I felt something d--down there--- it hurts so bad that I started to scream in pain. And all I could do is to call his name... I screamed his name, Pavel--- I screamed but he did not come. I felt something vibrating--- it feels like I was being torn apart. I heard them laugh again like what's happening to me was good to see, like it was a joke. After that I heard a yell from a familiar voice. I could only see his figure but no his face and then everything went b-black." Dome keep crying and clinging to Pavel. He's like he's trying to escape it.

"Tee Rak, I'm so sorry. Forgive me... I love you. I'm sorry." Pavel cried, Dome did not respond rhe session wasn't finished yet.

"And--then, I woke up. I stared blankly at the ceiling, lifeless. Nine was calling me non-stop. I did not respond not until someone said those words. "Forget all about it." And just like magic, I came back to my senses I forgot what happened and I thought I was there because of fatigue. I only remembered it again that day when they took us. My body was trembling uncontrollably at first I did not know why--but when I saw them injecting something to Pavel. Slowly it went back. One day after Pavel and Chen discharged from the hospital. I begun to have nightmares at first I could only see that I am in a dark place and I could hear laughs.

       ---but after some days those memories came back completely. And the nightmares did not stop until now." Dome cracked at the last line and finally he opened his eyes, when he saw Pavel he smiled weakly but his tears won't stop.

"I feel a bit-- refreshed." Dome said with trembling voice.

"Tee rak, you did well. You did well." Pavel softly said while caressing Dome's back between their hug.

"Of c-course, we're in this together--" Dome uttered.

"Okay, very good. Do you feel like the heavy on your chest became light even a little?" Mr. Moon asked.

"Khrab, t-thank you P'." Dome replied the doctor nod.

"This is just the very first session, you need to come back every once a month. Okay?" The doctor said.

Dome nodded, Pavel handed Dome tissues. He grabbed them to wipe his tears but he also wiped Pavel's.

The doctor decided to give them time to comfort each other. Ans when they were alone, Pavel quickly kissed Dome on his lips.

"Tee Rak, I'm sorry. It was my fault." Pavel said as he pulled Dome again with a hug.

"No, it wasn't your fault it was Lek's. Okay? I know that-- you will do the same, worst you will even put your life in the line. I just need you to be with me through this. We will never let anything seperate us again, right?" Dome low voice attacked Pavel's heart.

"Of course, I will kill anyone who dares to seperate us again." Pavel responded.

"Not that brutal, phoom." Dome said while chuckling.

"Sorry." When they relaxed a bit. They went to the doctor again.

"I called the hospital to give me your body examination that day. The result said that it was an object penetration meaning the culprit only put an object inside you-- a dildo with vibrator to be exact. I just think both of you need to know to lessen the pain--emotional pain. Pavel, I need you to be with Dome from now own. He is not okay yet-- he needs moral and emotional support from a person he trust. Does your parents know what happened?" The doctor asked, Dome's eyes widened.

"N-no, I'm not ready to tell them yet."Dome answered with horror. Pavel looked at Dome, worried about his lover. There are a lot of things going on with his lover and he is truly amazed that Dome still manage to smile everyday.

"Okay, I respect that. You can go home for now. But come back next month, okay?" The doctor reminded.

Dome nodded, they gave the doctor a last wai before they left.

In the car, Pavel keep looking at Dome and then to the road.

"Stop it, we will end up to the hospital. Focus at the road." Dome scolded.

"I-it's just that----"

"I'm fine, as long as you're with me. I'll be fine." Dome said with a smile. A genuine and soft smile.

"Gosh, I don't know what to do anymore. You make me fall for you so hard that I can't live anymore without you." Pavel exclaimed.

Dome laughed. "Cheesy as ever."

The ride was long, long as  Pavel's chessy pick up lines.


Chen looks at Nine back. Pouting and sulking. Since saturday Nine had no time with him, Nine was busy on mentoring who knows who and also with his studies.

Chen can't even talk to him even for five minutes. They also fought earlier when Chen bugged Nine to eat together. Nine bursts and yelled at Chen, and until now he ignored Chen.

Chen decided to sleep all day, he did not even eat. Nine decided to stop for awhile and saw Chen sleeping.

"Joong." He called but the Engineer did not respond.

He sighed, he decided to call for food delivery and when the food arrived he then woke Joong up.

Joong sat, stared blankly at Nine. He's still sulking.

Nine sighed again, he the pulled Joong into a kiss-- smack.

The Engineer was on shock but his face lit up.

"P'Nai~" He called sweetly.

"Stop sulking already and eat." Nine said, using his usual grumpy voice.

While eating, Chen keep looking at Nine.

"Phi, I miss you." He uttered.

"What? We're sleeping on the same room and bed how could you miss me?" Nine asked like Chen was being exaggerated.

"Yes we do, but you don't give me any attention. I think you're tired of me already." Chen responded like a child sulking to his parents.

Nine glared at Chen.

"If I hear that again from you I'm going to break up with you for real. I'm just busy, okay? I'm not tired of you. You should be use to this because when I became a doctor it will be worse. What are you going to do if its worse? Are you going to break up with me then?" Nine said with his serious tone.

"I'm not Phi, sorry khrab. I won't say-- I won't even think like that anymore." Chen uttered as he straighten his back.

They continued eating while talking about random stuff when suddenly someone disturbed their quality time.

"Oi, wait up!" Chen yelled to the door. He's pissed that someone disturbed his time with Nine.

Chen opened the door and his night is ruined already.

"Phi, why are you here?" Chen asked without hiding that he is annoyed.

"Ohh... Where's Nine? The guys planned a dinner together, I'm here to invite him." Andy said while peeking at the door.

"P'Nine? Oh, he's eating already. Later on he will do his paperworks so I don't he can go." Chen said and he did not bother to hide how he wants Andy to juy go already.

"Aw, okay. Tell him I came." Andy said as he turned his back and walk away.

"Psh, annoying." Chen mumbled to himself.

When Cheb went back he slammed the door causing which startle Nine.

"Joong!" He yelled.

"Sorry khrab." Chen just said while pouting. His precious time with Nine was robbed! When he went back inside Nine was in android mode again.

Chen sadly went to shower.

"I really hate that Andy guy, I wish he'll trip on his way!" Chen cursed.

And his curse came true when Andy indeed tripped. In front of Pavel and Dome, the two arrived late because Pavel flirted with Dome so much that he did not notice they run out of gas.

"Oi, are you okay?" Pavel asked trying to contain his laugh, Dome slapped Pavel's arm.

"Aw, Andy. What are doing here?" Dome realized it was a friend.

"Nothing, I'll go now. Nice to see you again. Dome." Andy smiled to Dome when he turned to Pavel their eyes met. He smiled to Pavel then he went to his way.

"Fuxk, that guy. He's i'm sure he was provoking me." Pavel suddenly cursed.

"What? Hey, he's a good guy. He helped Nine alot." Dome uttered.

"He looked at me right in my eyes, it's a guy code---if a guy stare at you in the eye it means they're provo---" Pavel stopped when Dome placed his face near to Pavel's staring at his eyes.

"Like this?" Dome asked.

Pavel blushed.

"Hey, it's different when you d-do it." Pavel stuttered, he was startled because Dome never initiated gestures like this.

Dome smiled and gave Pavel a peck. Now, Pavel's ears and cheeks turned to red as tomato.

Dome chuckled.

"You're blushing." He teased.

"W-what? No!! It's h-hot here! Go back to your room first, I'll give the keys back to your friend." Pavel said trying to avoid Dome's teases, he ran away fast before Dome attacks him again.

Dome smiled ear-to-ear. He just made the Alpha blush. Oww, he loves the Alpha so much. And he knew that the savage, fierce and manly, Alpha loves him so much too. Dome feel so happy right now. He wish everything will be happier from now on because both of them will not let go of each other anymore.

----------------------------------------------------------A/N: This is chapter 2ne1 for ya'll!! Calling kpop fans out there!! Can you guys help me vote for 2ne1's Park Bom? She's my ult ㅠ ㅠ I need your help please!! Vote her at Mama in any category she's included~~ pretty please? 😭 THANK YOU! 😭💖

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