
By Ayakano

144 3 2

A collection of the various poems I have written. More


144 3 2
By Ayakano

I fly, free, lively it seems

Within the Blue Infinity

Down, below, the world sleeps and snores

And I watch, silently amused

Trip over Mountainous Strength

Fall away from the Heavens, settle below

My journey resumes; never lost

This is my Domain

You understand

Can you feel me?

As I breathe past your ear

I am here, always somewhere that is near

Yet, you know not of my existence

This is no trick; I am free as the Air

This is the world in which I live

Never meant for you to exist

My World

No restraints or laws to hold me back, forever free

This is the world in which I live

Never will it be shared

With you

This is my Domain where I am free to be Blithe!

I start small, and grow with time

The Air flies past, acting as fuel

So I grow stronger and reach higher

Until I've become something to fear

My Crimson Wrath stains the Earth

Swallowing everything whole, turning it black

But what do you care?

This is my Domain

Deal with it

Can you feel it?

My heat as I race over the land

I am here, carrying on with a vengeance that leaves ashes behind

The evidence is always there

I'm always a threat known as the Flame

This is the world in which I live

Never meant for you to exist

My World

No restraints or laws to hold me back, forever free

This is the world in which I live

Never will it be shared

With you

This is my Domain where I am free to be Cruel!

Black with pain

Scorned, disgraced and left alone

There is nothing but time

To bring me back

To my former Legacy

That green vastness in which I was proud

But with the help of the Rain

I sprout the start of a new Field

Thus I am Reborn

This is my Domain

That Okay?

Hey, can you feel me?

As I grow into something to see

I am here, always a protective wall that aims to please

You will never forget me

I am always here like a looming Forest

This is the world in which I live

Never meant for you to exist

My World

No restraints or laws to hold me back, forever free

This is the world in which I live

Never will it be shared

With you

This is my Domain where I am free to be Proud!

I float above, biding my time

When I must interfere and save

Poor Sister Earth

Scorched by Sister Flame

With the help of Sister Air

I let my Tears form, allow them to fall

They reach the land below

The time of Healing has begun

My purpose is complete

That is my Domain,

You see

This is the world in which I live

I watch as Water in the Clouds

My World

No restraints or laws to hold me back, I will guide

This is the world in which I live

I will always be there to help

My sisters

The Elements of Air, Fire, and Earth!

I am Rain and I reach out to you!

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