Through the flames *MMG REVIS...

By Winnifred-writer

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*Revised version of My Motorcycle Guardian* **COMPLETED** Hanna Greens' life takes a turn for the dark and be... More

Part One - Chapter One: Miss Pave
For Readers Old and New
Chapter Two: Vroom Vroom
Chapter Three: Like a Cherry
Chapter Four: Taking Control
Chapter Five: It was maroon, you peasent.
Chapter Six: Gucci Gang
Chapter Seven: What tis a kiss?
Chapter Eight: The Flame Riders
Chapter Nine: New Look and New Perspective
Chapter Ten: Listen
Chapter Eleven: The Hinge
Chapter Twelve: Leo
Chapter Thirteen: Look Ma, No Pants!
Chapter Fourteen: I am borrowed without permission
Chapter Fifteen: My Motorcycle Guardian
Chapter Seventeen: Unmasked
Chapter Eighteen: Runaway
Chapter Nineteen: Just Him.
Chapter Twenty: Collapsing
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-One: Lets Get Down to Business
Chapter Twenty-Two: Hotel STD
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Big Mistake
Chapter Twenty-four: Juice Box Makes a Point
Chapter Twenty-Five: I'm Bat-Girl
Chapter Twenty-six: Totally not a kiss
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sexy Clark Kent
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Honk Honk
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Naomi Fisher
Chapter Thirty: Resilient
Chapter Thirty-One: Ice Cream and Little Chefs
Chapter Thirty-Two: It's Not Tea
Chapter Thirty-Three: End it all.

Chapter Sixteen: Over

1.6K 80 44
By Winnifred-writer

It's my birthday and I'm sick, so happy birthday to me I guess lol.

The soft lull of distant music gentle tugged at my subconscious. I groaned, pressing my face into the pillow as I grasped desperately for more sleep. My muscles ached like I had run a marathon. When I twisted my torso, my spine popped like firecrackers.

I groaned louder. The music finally pulled me awake just enough to trigger my synesthesia, and soft pinks and yellows wavered in my vision.

It was official. The universe was yanking back my bedcovers and telling me to wake up.

My eyelids fluttered open to see a pale grey ceiling above me. I frowned. For a moment - one gorgeous, untainted moment - I was oblivious.

Then the universe did a flying kick into my head and I sat up with a sharp gasp.

Leo. The mall. Being taken. The van - a motorcyclist!

My throat tightened. Slowly, I looked around me. The room was modest, blue walls and a grey ceiling with a closet and the bed - which I currently sat on, my legs tangled in the sheets.

I looked to my right at the small nightstand. On it was a bowl of strawberries and a folded index card. I leaned over, plucking up the card and flipping it open.

Morning sleeping beauty! Or night. Whenever you wake up.

My eyebrows jumped to my hairline. Who knew the Flame Riders were such dorks?

The message continued:

There's a towel and some clothes in the bathroom (the door beside the closet). When you're ready, call us using the walkie-talkie and someone will probably answer.

~ FR, xxx

Frowning, I set the note down and popped a strawberry in my mouth as I slipped from the bed. Across the bed was a small open closet, empty of almost anything besides a few sweatpants and a hoodie. I found the bathroom beside it, a small tiled room with just a shower-and-tub combo and toilet. Sure enough, a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt were folded by the sink.

I hesitated, tugging at the hem of my shirt. The little voice in my head sneered that this was a terrible idea. I shook my head. They saved me - they wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

But I locked the door either way before pulling off my clothes and stepping into the shower.


I massaged my aching muscles, my face tilted up to the streaming hot water.

Leo's smirking face...My eyes snapped open with a gasp, half expecting to see him standing on the other side of the fogged glass. I shuddered and hugged myself. Swallowing, I turned back to the water and reached for the conditioner.

But I couldn't shake the look on his face as he let his act slip away. It was the glower of a predator excited for the chase. He wasn't just a mindless creep... the kidnapping had been planned. Those two thugs must work for him. But why? Why such an elaborate plan for me? I was nobody.

My chest tightened as panic caressed the back of my throat.

Hurridly turning off the water, I stepped from the shower and quickly dried off and tugged on the clothes.

I found a brush and ran it through my hair, walking back into the bedroom and looking for the walkie-talkie the note had spoken of.

I opened up the top drawer and sure enough, inside was a small, blue walkie-talkie.

Setting aside the brush, I picked up the device and hesitated.

I pushed the button.

"He-Hello?" I released the button.

"Morning." A voice came on a moment later shrouded in static. I stiffened. "Sleep well? Over."

My brow furrowed. I held down the button. "Fine...I guess." I sighed. "Can I ask who I'm speaking to?"

"Flippity. And please say 'over', when you're over. Over."

I scoffed. "Alright, Flippity. I have some questions."

There was a long, pointed silence. Sighing heavily, I pressed the button again. "Over."

"Thank you. Ask away. Over."

I leaned back on the pillows, my damp hair soaking into the pillow. "Where am I? Over."

"An undisclosed location. Over."


Flippity laughed. "I never said I'd answer them. Over."

Glaring at the walkie-talkie, I pressed the button a little harder than necessary. "How long was I out?"

"A few hours? I dunno. We got here around eleven. Please say over. Over."

I bolted upright. "A few hours?"


"Over," I growled through gritted teeth.

"Thank you. Over."

"What time is it now?"

Flippity sighed. "Listen, if you're not going to respect the rules of walkie-talkie-"


"Right. Okay. Does anyone have the time?"

I waited with a clenched jaw as he "uh-huh"-ed to someone on his side. He came back a moment later. "Five-thirty. Over."

My eyes widened. I had a dinner date at six. My mom was going to kill me.

"Why the hell would you greet me with 'morning', then?" I hissed.

"It seemed appropriate. Over."

"I need to get home. Right now."

"I'm not sure that's the best idea. After what happened, and all. Over."

I fell back against the bed and pressed a hand to my eyes, groaning loudly. I hesitated. "Do you think those guys are looking for me? Over."

"Highly possible. Over."

I swallowed thickly. "Have you contacted the police yet? Over."

There came a long silence. The static came off and on as he held down the button before releasing it, only to press it again. He seemed at a loss of words.

"Hello?" I called helplessly. "Over?"

"Hey." A new voice greeted.

I jolted. "Who's this?"

"Heat." I slowly straightened, my heart in my throat as I waited for him to speak. His voice was deep, different than what I had expected. "There's a lot that's going on right now, Hanna." He sighed and was silent for a long time. "The Hellmington police...they...they tried to stop us."

My blood went cold. "What?" I breathed.

"They tried to stop us. They threatened to open fire if we drove any further. They almost let the van get away."

I dug a hand into my hair. My heart pounded against my ribs as my breath quickened. "This...this isn't right..." The police are supposed to help people. Why...why wouldn't they help me? What did I do wrong?

"I know you're panicking right now, Hanna, but you need to breathe and listen to me. Do you know anything about why you were taken?"

My breath caught in my throat and I started to wheeze, clutching at my chest and doubling over. No. No no no. This wasn't right. What was happening? What was happening to me?

"Hanna?" His voice came on the walkie-talkie, drenched in concern. "Hanna? Can you hear me?"

I grappled with the small device and held it in my shaking hands. "I can't - I can't breathe!"

I dropped the walkie-talkie and dug my hands into my hair, wheezing as I chased my breath. I was dying - I was having a heart attack. Small white spots erupted in my vision - I couldn't breathe!

Hands grabbed me and forced me back against the bed. I thrashed, my vision darkening. Leo was back. Leo was back!

"Hanna - Hanna, come on!"

Someone was yelling for me. But it was like I was underwater, registering everything from miles below.

I was - gone.


When I came to, someone was holding me. Arms wrapped tight around me as they held me against their chest. They rocked me gently back and forth, both of us curled upright on the bed.

I stiffened, and the arms loosened. "Can you hear me?" Heat murmured.

I nodded, staring blankly at the nightstand. My throat was dry. "I...what - what happened?"

"You had a panic attack."

Something within me tightened. "Oh." I breathed. Was that what that was? I thought I was dying.


He stroked a hand across my head, sweeping my hair behind my ear. "Are you alright now?"

I swallowed. He was warm. So, so warm. Secretly, I wanted him to hold me longer. The feeling of arms wrapped around me so foreign yet so welcoming. Rachel had given me hugs, of course. But even those were few and far between.

This was different, somehow. Almost like he didn't want to let go either.

"I - I think so. Thank you."

He shifted, taking away one arm and fumbling with something behind us. "Don't - don't turn around." He blurted when I tried to glance behind me. I faced the nightstand again and hugged myself, already missing the feeling of being held.

"Alright." The shuffling sounds stopped. "You can look."

I turned - and a weak laugh burst from my lips. "Really?" I commented dryly.

Heat shrugged. He wore his helmet, the black visor pulled down so I couldn't see his face.

He slipped from the bed and straightened, brushing off his jeans. "You can never be too careful."

I snorted and rose to my feet, grabbing the nightstand to steady myself. "We aren't on the road anymore." I quipped, even though I knew what he meant.

I imagined he grinned beneath his helmet before offering me an arm. "Come on, let's go get you something to eat."

As if on cue, my stomach grumbled and I smiled sheepishly. "Thank you." Taking his arm, Heat steered us out the door and down a small hallway until we reached the stairs. It looked like there was only a single room up here, with a small alcove lined with bookshelves before the stairs.

I hid a smile beneath my hair when he gripped me tighter and helped me down, one step at a time.

Finally, we reached the first story of the house. "Where are we?" I murmured, eyeing the brown tiled floor and amber-colored walls.  Voices floated from an open door on the other side of the kitchen, which opened to my right. To my left was a simple door with a sign that read: 'Eye's laboratory. Falcon, stay out!'

"Eye's guest house. It's our... unofficial headquarters."

When I lifted an eyebrow, Heat rubbed the back of his helmet sheepishly. "His parents rent it out. We get a discount."

I snorted. "How quaint," I murmured, pulling away from his side and padding into the kitchen. Heat followed closely, watching me as I traced my hand along the smooth granite counter.

"What do you have?" I called over my shoulder, swaying my way to a pantry and tapping a finger against the handle, glancing at Heat with a grin.

He leaned against the counter. "Cereal, maybe?"

I snickered. "Cereal maybe? You really are a house of teenage boys."

"Hey!" Heat laughed. 

"Tell me you at least have milk?"

Heat hesitated before cursing under his breath. "Alright, how about something dry?" He opened the fridge and stuck his helmet inside, only to bang it against the frame.

I snorted. He emerged from the fridge rubbing the top of his helmet, clutching a yellow apple.


I held out a hand, and he tossed the apple across the kitchen. I traced the golden skin with the tips of my fingers, eyeing Heat closely. I knew he was a teenager like me. He seemed familiar with me, knowing my name despite never having a true conversation before. Of course, he could have heard it somewhere.

But he just seemed so...friendly with me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a lean figure suddenly rush into the kitchen. I spun - and saw Issac standing there like a deer in headlights.

"You?" I yelped, pointing.

Issac blanched. "Oh god, Hanna-"

Heat rushed between us and grabbed Issac, but it was too late. I had seen him. I stood frozen, watching Heat try in vain to shove Issac from the kitchen. "Where is your helmet?" He hissed, shoving hard.

Issac was still trying to explain himself, blabbering and sputtering as I tried to catch another glimpse of him.

"-Sorry! Sorry Heat! I'm so-"

Heat slammed the door and Issac's whines ceased.

A heavy silence fell over the kitchen. Heat faced away from me, his gloved hands braced against the door as he panted.

I frowned, tossing the apple gently from hand to hand.

"So..." I clicked my tongue. "Who's your friend?" I leaned back against the counter, grinning as Heat slowly turned to look at me.

If a helmet could look sheepish, he did. Heat shifted his weight and cleared his throat. "I - I've never seen him before in my life."

"Right." I drawled.

"Must be a crazy homeless person or something..."

"Mhm..." I sauntered closer, grinning at how uncomfortable this was making him.

Heat scooted sideways, feeling along the wall like a trapped animal. "We have crazy fans break in sometimes," he babbled. "Like freaking rodents. They come in through the windows-"


He froze.

*sarcastic Jazz hands*

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