A World Upside Down - WoF Jad...

By ThatRedBacon

17.3K 261 355

Notice - this starts at Talons of Power/Darkness of Dragons and contains content from across the 2nd Arc. As... More

Makepeace - Qibli
Off Course - Moon
Numbers - Qibli
Below Zero - Turtle
Lesions - Qibli
Immortals - Qibli
- Author's Note -
With Friends Like These... - Riptide
Catalyst - Qibli
- Another Thingy -
In Darkness - Moon
Wet Work - Winter
Dragonbane - Moon
Dead Reckoning - Qibli
Old Comrades - Qibli
Bravado - Qibli
Nightmare - Moon
Judgement Day - Qibli
End Behavior - Qibli
Thank You
Bonus - Blowing in the Wind
Epilogue - Moonbli
Epilogue - Winterwatcher
Epilogue - Qinter
The End...Or is It?

Of Saviors and Insurgents - Qibli

1K 14 3
By ThatRedBacon

All Qibli could see was darkness. But that was only because his eyes were closed.
When he opened them, he realized that he was on top of Kinkajou. His Outclaw instincts must have kicked in, as he spun her away from the fire and covered her with his wings on top of her.
Qibli realized some searing pain was on his back, and when he rubbed it, he noticed it was soft as he winced slightly. Just a few burns.
He turned and observed his friend for a moment. She was pale green, with whites in spots. So maybe he wasn't able to protect her all the way from the explosion.
Try again harder next time, Qibli.
"Are you alright?" he asked her, offering her a talon. Qibli saw that she was trembling, with looks of confusion and fear mixed on her face.
"Am I okay? Are YOU okay?! You're the one who...who protected me from that," she said, her voice lowering into a whisper.
She didn't give him time to respond as she barreled into him with a hug. Qibli winced as his burns were touched, but ignored them and focused on the RainWing.
"I'm...fine, I guess," Qibli responded. "Could be worse. I suppose - "
He didn't have time to finish as a cold front sidled up next to them. He instantly felt better as the coolness washed over his body.
"Three moons," Winter mumbled. "What happened here? Are there any fires still smoldering or hidden bombs about to kill us all?"
Qibli observed the hallway in front of them. Luckily, the classroom that had been hit wasn't the history one they needed to go to. Instead, if Qibli recalled correctly, this was a math classroom. Charred papers, some barely with mathematical concepts, were strewn about in the hallway.
Ew. I always knew people hated math, but are quadratics and cubic polynomials really that bad?
Says the dragonet with one of the best math grades.
Qibli, focus.
Qibli felt a cold, hard hand grip his shoulder as he started towards the scene.
"No way," his supposed IceWing friend said. "We wait. Who knows what other dangers are about."
But Kinkajou had other plans. "I feel like sitting in the hallway just moping about is putting us more in danger than actually investigating. Even Egghead agrees. Right?"
"Of course," Qibli stated. "Find out what went down here."
Already, a million thoughts were racing through his head.
It's literally been only a few days since Darkstalker's release and there's already action like it's an adventure story someone made up.
Besides that, who could've caused this?
Qibli was at a loss at first. The Icicle and Sora situation had already been solved. Darkstalker wasn't anywhere near the school.
That means it was time to investigate.
The little SandWing was the first to enter the room. He coughed from the smoke still lingering in the air. At least he couldn't see any dragons still inside. He heard and felt Winter breathing frost breath into the room, instantly cooling it down.
Weapon. Is there a trace of the explosive device or abandoned equipment? Anything?
Qibli saw something shining in the corner of the room, near the window. As he approached it, talons appeared from the window and seized his snout, pulling him through and onto the ground.
"You absurd imbecile!" Qibli shouted at his attacker as they pounced on him, digging their talons into his back scales. He yelled with pain but struggled back, eventually pushing off his assailant.
He whirled around, poisonous barb at the ready. He observed the insurgent as a NightWing who Qibli had never seen before. He was large, clearly a young adult, and had what looked like blue paint streaked underneath both of his wings.
He didn't get a better look before the insurgent whipped his tail hard across Qibli's snout, knocking him back onto the grass, the wind gone from his lungs.
All Qibli could feel was pain, as it hurt to move his head. He heard a flurry of wingbeats and shouting, and slightly opened his eyes to hear the NightWing shout, "For Darkstalker!" He then saw his attacker fly north as his vision started darkening.
Then, Qibli passed out.

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