Ema's Sister (Brother's Confl...

By GirlGoingViral_123

13.6K 290 152

Y/N L/N lives at the orphanage until Rintarou Hinata adopted her and became his daughter. Now she is known as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part 1)
Chapter 9 (Part 2)
Eiji's Note?
Chapter 10
OneShot: Subaru's Birthday!
Oneshot: Ukyo's Birthday!
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Final Chapter)
Not A Chapter

Chapter 6

678 15 25
By GirlGoingViral_123

Hello my wonderful Readers! I know I have been gone for a decade--

Eiji-san: It was only two months...

--but thank you for waiting!!! (If not and your complaining then go ahead ;) )

Here is Chapter 6!!!

Moving on



Name: Makoto Ichijo

Age: 27

Birth: January 01

Looks: He has pale red-grayish hair, Striking orange eyes

Likes: Buffalo wings, playing instruments, nice people

Dislikes: Sunny weathers, pigeons, mushrooms, his parents

Occupation: Keyboardist, Disk Jockey

Moving on





"I may be the helpless eldest son...but I want to be the kind of man who can be there for you." soft brown eyes meets a deep ocean color eyes. Yet another, but young voice spoke to the girl beside her.

"I'm the youngest, but I'm not a kid anymore!"

The man at her right speaks .Making clear of his feelings towards her "We can see each other whenever we want to, but..." the young boy at her left continues, "We're too close to exchange whispers of love."

"I love you."

"I just love you Onee-chan!"




That's who we are—siblings...





Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up to find myself in front of a beautiful aesthetic cottage. The trees were in different hues of color, making me breathes its soft but refreshing air. Weird, but it was a pleasant sight.

'Where am I?'

A guitar starts to play inside and peeked my interest. I went inside to see a living room. It was small enough for two people to stay in here. Vaguely, it seems all too familiar to me. There was a kitchen at the northwest side of the room. I look at the right to see a hallway.

"Y/N, there you are."

As soon as I heard that voice, my feet won't stop moving. I want to find that voice . Longing to see that person. I walked in an all too familiar hallway filled with pictures. It was the time when we were on our debut in Japan; our first time abroad; made it to Radio City; and when KuRoToSHirO went to DisneyLand. My heart raced all of a sudden. Thud.Thud.Thud. Its not that kind of beat when your happy, it was more of when you found something and starts to reminisce the memories, your chests starts beating. I hear a guitar strumming and I saw a door slightly opened. It was a sound of a man. His voice was like he is still in his twenty's, and he was singing. I want to look. I want to see him. But why am I feeling scared? I stood by the wall beside the door. I was still in the hallway.

'If I look inside, my heart won't take it. It's too much.'

"Don't worry, I'll be here, by your side. Forever... and always."

I hear a females voice. She was happy to hear the man's words. My mind and heart says it's the right thing. I reached to the doorknob and as I open the door, a bright light came through.

I open my eyes, my hand raised up as if I was reaching something. Sitting up, I hold my left eye because it hurts when the bright light came.

'It was a dream?'

The sudden chime of my phone brought me back to reality. I turned off the alarm on my phone and gasps at what time it is. "6:38 am".

"I'm supposed to make breakfast today!" I rushed my hygienic activities like washing my face, brushing my teeth, and put on some face moisturizer, and went out of my room.


After putting down the last dish that I cooked, the first brothers I heard was Ukyo-nii, followed by Kaname-nii, Masaomi-nii, Subaru-kun and the twins. Then the others like Emachii, Yusuke-kun, Iori-kun, and Wataru-kun all came downstairs.

"Hmm~ What a delightful smell!" Kaname-nii says inhaling the scent of food.

"This looks so wonderful~"

"Y/N, your cooking is incredible~"

We all sat down and I look to my right to see Masaomi-nii, and to my left was Wataru-kun. We say our prayers and started eating.

"Wow! This is delicious!"

"I agree."

I feel a hand placed down on my head and the hand belongs to Masaomi-nii. I look at him in confusion, why did he do that?

"You'll be a great wife someday." Masaomi-nii says making me choked up.

Tsubaki-nii, Ukyo-nii, Azusa-nii, Kaname-nii, Hikaru-nii, and Subaru-kun seems to have choked up too.

"Masa-nii..." Ukyo sighed.

"What the heck?!" Subaru asked while screaming.

"Stop making jokes, Masa-nii." Tsubaki says, Azusa agreeing to what his twin says.

"Hmm~ I-Is that so?" Hikaru says, gripping  the table too hard.

"I wanna marry Y/n-Nee!!!" Wataru-kun joins in. He jumped off his seat and asked Y/n. "Nee-chan! Will you marry me?!" The cute scene made Y/n heart swoon. Although he is the youngest, she felt like she has to be honest. She didn't want to lead him on.

"I'm sorry Wataru-kun, but I can't marry you." The brothers couldn't believe what they say. It was the first time someone did not say yes to Wataru-kun. He was about to cry when Y/n continued.

"It's not because you are young. Your already growing up into a teenage boy, and If I marry you, you'll be swarmed by a hive of reporters! Cameras! Newspapers! And worst! The Social Media! I don't want to cause such a heavy fate on you just because of me. I believe that, If you're really in love with a person, that you love everything about that person, regardless of how they act, their status, their past...and even how they lived their life...You would want to be in her life. To protect that someone. To be everything to that person you want to be with. " I patted his head. "You'll understand it when your older, much more older."

They were in tears of how Y/n handled that maturely. Emachii was always proud for being her sister. And for sure, Wataru-kun only understand that he can't marry her sister now. He needs to grow up more to be able to understand the world of adults. He wipes his eyes and looks up at her with determination in his eyes.

"Onee-chan, what kind of guys do you like?!" He asked making the brothers anxious of her answer.

"My type?" Y/n was debating if she really wanted to let them know. But she answered it. "I like older guys I guess...The looks doesn't really matter."

"If I talk to Nee-chan more, will that help me mature?" He asks making Emachii, Juli, Rocky, and the rest of the brothers choked again.

"Sure!" Y/n gave Wataru-kun a thumbs up and he went back to his seat.

Soon, everyone is done eating. I put the dishes away and Iori-kun said that he was in charge of washing the plates today.

"Onee-chan, you made lunch for all of us?" Emachii asks as she looks at the table.

"Yeah, I just feel like cooking for everyone today." I handed their lunchbox and I swore to god, all of them had sparkles in their eyes, while Wataru-kun has flowers on the background. As soon as everyone left, Iori-kun surprised me by giving me a flower.

A red carnation.

"A red carnation suits you. Take it as my thank you for breakfast." His smile was like the sun, a true prince was in front of me. This is why Iori-kun is so popular. The thought of receiving a flower like this really made my day.

"Thank you Iori-kun! I'll take good care of it." I took the flower and gave him his lunch. He says his goodbye's and left. A dog's bark suddenly got my attention, and I look down to see Rocky on the floor.

"What about my breakfast?!"

I pour the right amount of dog food on his bowl and place it down on the floor. My phone got a call and I see the caller's name. Eiji-san.

"Moshi Moshi, Eiji-san?"

"Y/N, you are having an interview from one of the talk shows here in Tokyo. Make sure to bring Rocky along with you. The time is 2:00 pm sharp. Meeting place is at the top of Tokyo Skytree. Don't worry. I already informed the others."

He ended the call before I could ask 'how are you?'. But no, he didn't even let me greet him! Wait a minute... I thought I told him to cancel all interviews! He still a stubborn hard working man. Let's see...The time is 8:24...If I take the train, it would take me five and half an hour...But If I get there by taxi...it would've cost me too much...

"F/S/N-chan~" I turn around to see Hikaru-nii, grinning like a cat. Maybe he could drive me...but I have to ask first...

A question mark appears on his head."Hikaru-nii, do you have any business to attend right now? And you can call me Y/N you know." He ponders for a bit and answers. "Yeah, I have a book signing event at Tokyo, why do you ask?" Score! God, thank you for such a wonderful opportunity!

"Are you going somewhere, Y/N-chan?~"

"Yes, I also have an interview at Tokyo, I was wondering...maybe..." Why is it so hard to ask such a favor?!?!?

"Hmm~?" Jeez, he's enjoying my state...

"Can I...uhmm...come along?" There, I said it! Now please say yes...


Hikaru's P.O.V.

Ufufu~ How can I not say no to my cute little sister. Blushing and playing with her hands. Who knew that a beauty like her have this kind of childishness inside her~?  Interesting...She looks like a kid asking for a favor. Well, she is asking for a favor...

"Sure, I'll give you a lift."

>>>>>Time >>>Skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Y/N's P.O.V. –time 6:00 pm- Sunrise Mansion

After the interview and got home late, I changed into a large white shirt and a light mint green sweatpants. I was sitting beside Hikaru-nii looking at the pictures Emachii took at the entrance ceremony.

"These are nice shots Emachii, maybe I should hire you to take pictures of the band." I look at the picture that Azusa-nii, Yusuke, and Futo-kun is in.

"Little Sis, make me and Y/N-chan the subject of your photos sometime." He throws me a wink and whispers something to Emachii, making her blush and Juli hissing at him. I look at Hikaru-nii and he seemed upset when Kaname-nii said that. Maybe he thought that I was bothered by him. I hold his hand and smile to reassure him that its fine. He blushed when I holded his hand and seem disappointed when I let go.

"I wanna see the photos Nee-chan took, too!" Kaname-nii gave the camera to Wataru-kun. He gladly took Juli along with him to see the pictures. I took out my phone and showed them one of the videos Makoto recorded. It was me and Nagi, doing the 'Chicken Noodle Soup' Challenge. They laughed when Keichii suddenly jumps in and dances too, but almost trip when he was dancing.

"I'm home!"

I look up to see Tsubaki-nii above the hallway. "Welcome home, Tsubaki-nii!" I greeted him and he almost look like dying from happiness. "Oh? What's going on? You look like you're having fun." He went down to join us.

"Wow! Is this Masaomi and Yusuke-kun?" I look at the picture to see a young Masaomi holding a baby-sized Yusuke. I glanced at Emachii to see that she was blushing at baby Yusuke-kun. Awe...someone has a crush... (A/n: sorry Yusuke fans out there ;-;)

"Hey! Don't look at that stuff!"

Wataru-kun's photos where a few when he was a toddler. I look at my surroundings. Emachii has a smile on her face. Everyone is happy. My chest suddenly flutters at the sight. A warm feeling that I once felt before, I'm feeling it right now. Happiness. These photos were memories of them, seeing that they have a bond that was inseparable.

I was skimping over the pictures when I saw Natsume-nii with Subaru-kun, but younger.

"Back then, Suba-chan was seriously stuck to Natchan like glue." So they did have a history...

"What about this picture?" Yusuke-kun asks that had my interest grow. It was a blur picture of Azusa-nii. I pick it up to see a closer look at him.

"It's rare to see a photo of him by himself."

"Tsubaki and Azusa were always together after all."

"You took this, didn't you, Tsubaki?"

I was staring hard at the picture. This kind of blur was fascinating enough that I wanted to keep it. Unique.

"Hey! Would you please not talk about a photo I took look like it's garbage?"

"It's not garbage Tsubaki-nii. The person inside this picture itself and the person took it is more important here." I say to him truthfully.

"I don't have too many photos of me from when we were little, so we don't have a photo album...So, I'm a bit envious" Emachii says to herself, the brother's might have noticed my forlorn face. I didn't want their concern so I hide it with a smile.

We didn't have enough time to take photos like this when we were young, papa was always gone while I have to study and take care of Emachii. But when I got in the band, we spent a lot more time together than papa and Emachii to be able to have photos that we could remember by when we grow older.

"It must be nice...to have photos that are packed full of happiness like this." I suddenly remember the times, me and Emachii play along the playgrounds at the park, the time when we made breakfast for papa together, and the time when we would sleep together when we were younger. I wish to go back and enjoy the fun times I had with Emachii. But...its sad that we can't bring back time. It feels like an impossible dream to achieve.

"Do want that photo?" Azusa-nii asks and all of us were surprised. "Oh...That's not what you meant—" I cutted him off even more surprising myself than Emachii and the rest.

"Can we really have it? We can keep it? Emachii, place it in your room so we won't have it missing." I was really happy to have one of the pictures of our brother. I was so happy and late to realized what I said, it made me embarrassed as hell. "S-Sorry Azusa-nii! You didn't even tell us your—"

"Of course. If you want that thing." He was blushing. Tsubaki-nii puts an arm around his shoulder. "Hey, What is this? Is this you trying to steal a march?" Tsubaki-nii's tone, he was annoyed.

"Tsubaki-san..." I patted Emachii's head.

"Don't worry Tsubaki-nii, after all, you took this picture when you were young, so it's a win-win." I made him sure that he was also important because he was the one who took the picture. So, it's like hitting two birds with one stone. Tsubaki-nii looks at me and I just smile at him. He blushed as he looked at me. It was getting late so everyone else went to bed. 

Except me.

I got up off my bed and went outside. It was a bit chilly, despite my big shirt. I have a thing for large shirts because they are comfortable to wear.

A water break should be fine. I went to the kitchen, hoping that a glass of water would help me but I was wrong. The person besides me, here in the kitchen,

...was Subaru-kun. We made eye-contact and it turned into a staring contest. After a few minutes, he blinked, making me the winner. 

"Dammit, I lost." He says drinking the water from his bottle. "You went out to have a run?" I asked him, because its not good to stay up late. 

"Yeah, I can't sleep a wink these past few days..." He trailed off, not noticing Y/n walking up to him. She reaches her toes up to see If his eyes have red hues. Subaru was brought back to his daydream when he saw Y/n in front of her face. He stumbled, which made Y/n stumbled backwards when she was grabbed by a pair of arms. "Y/N! Are you ok?!" He was holding her so that she wouldn't get hurt. Y/n didn't care that their noses were touching. Or that their lips were only one millimeters apart from kissing. Subaru was staring at the pair of eyes that he fell in love with. Those deep blue eyes that will take you to a million dreams. And he couldn't take it anymore.

"Sorry for being selfish, but I'm not sorry. I love you, Y/N." 

Before I knew what was happening, his lips met mine.

>>>>Time >>>Skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I was outside by the garden, hanging out with Rocky, when I hear someone by the front door. I have a hearing talent that can make me hear things even from ten miles away.

"What would you know?! And besides, why should I have to take this from you?!" I hear Subaru-kun. His tone was filled with anger. I walked over at them but they don't even realize my presence. I look by the gate to see Emachii, signaling her index finger to be quiet. 

"Maybe, it's not really me that your thinking about, but her!"


Subaru-kun notices me and turns his back and goes inside. Natsume-nii turns around and was spooked out of his wit when he sees me.

"What?! You?! Since when?!" His voice was filled with terror, embarrassment and a bit more. I laughed when I saw the look on his face. He was blushing from the tip of his ears.

"Don't scare me like that...I almost had a heart attack." Natsume-nii calms down and stares at me. I was thinking of teasing him more so I answered. "Then I'll be the medicine to cure your disease." After I said that, he blushed again like no ending making me laugh a bit. "Here, a sample of our new game." He handed me a small package.

"And about what Subaru said. Don't let it bother you. He was just upset." Natsume-nii says.

I remember the words he spoke that time."I love you, Y/N." His feelings got through me like a bullet, and I was afraid that it would hit me sooner than I thought.

"Don't worry about it. It didn't bother me." I lied through my teeth.

He sighs. Like a relieved sigh.

"You're really good natured to smile even at a time like this." I was frozen as stone when he said that. It was bringing me back memories that I want to forget. He left and flicked Emachii's forehead.

"Itaii!" I grin when I saw that. I patted her head and went inside with her. I gave her the package that was really meant for her. I haven't had enough time to relax ever since that dream. I went ahead of her to my room when my phone started ringing. 


"Ahh, Y/n-chan! How are you?"

Keichii? It's been two days since the interview huh...

"I'm fit as a penguin. What's up?"

"Well, A new agency wanted me to model for their brand new cloth line. The first appearance venue is at your town. I was wondering If... I could stay there until the event is done?"

"Saves more money to make a reservation, I guess its alright." 

"Really?! Alright! Send me the address. I'll contact you when I get there. Thanks!"

 I send him the address and put my phone in my pocket. Walking to my room, I came across Azusa-nii. "Y/N-chan, do you have a second?" He was holding something and gave it to me. I opened the brown package to see a new photo album.

"You said the other day that you didn't have a photo album, so If you like, I hope you'll accept it," Mou...They're beginning to spoil me and Emachii...

"Of course! I'll gladly take it! Arigatou Azusa-nii." I hug him. Seriously, these brothers of mine, I'm thankful for them. All these things that they give us, it was more than enough.

"I wanted to thank you properly, without you, I wouldn't have been able to do that role. I think I would've ended up deeply hurting Tsubaki." He was looking back at that time, he was feeling vulnerable.

"It was because of you that I was able to change. Thank you." He looked thankful and serious at the same time.

"I feel as though this is the first time I've talked to you like this. We've been living together for quite a long time already, too." A pinkish blush was on his face.

Somehow, I feel comfortable when I'm talking to Azusa-nii, He has this aura that gives this peace and tranquility. His voice. He really feels like he's my older brother.


I laid down on the bed, yet I still can't sleep. I was still dazed at the thought of what's slowly happening each day. Then suddenly Subaru-kun's face came up in my mind.

"I love you, Y/N."

I stood up and went outside my room. Maybe a walk would've helped sleep later. But, I was wrong.

I went downstairs to see Tsubaki-nii, holded-off by Azusa-nii, and Emachii looking worried over the two brothers. I was confused to as why are the three of them are here.

"Azusa-nii. Tsubaki-nii. What's going on? I heard a yell and..." I came closer to them and Tsubaki-nii looked away. I was suddenly hugged by Emachii and what made me most worried was that she was trembling a little. "Onee-chan... Let's go." I hold her gently and guided her upstairs, still burying her face to my chest.

"You two should go to sleep too. Good night." Honestly, what happened? After guiding my sister to bed, I went back downstairs to see Tsubaki-nii passed by me, pissed, Azusa-nii left there standing.

I can clearly see the calm and stoic look he was giving, but his slow breathing made says that something is wrong.

"Azusa-nii, are you alright?" Y/n asked the troubled Azusa-nii. When He looked at her, he felt like his heart was about to explode. Azusa prayed that Y/n wouldn't hear the sound of his heart, but his prayer didn't go all that well for Y/n. Except, this happened.

Y/n hugged Azusa. His mouth was gaped for a while until he returned the hug back. Y/n can hear the sound of the beating. He can feel the butterflies in his stomach, wanting that moment a little bit longer. He was nervous. He didn't want her to know what's going on in his mind. It might drift off that already-made-bond between them.

Azusa pulls back, while holding Y/n in his arms. "You should go in bed now. I'm sorry for dragging you into this problem." He apologized, not because he made her worry, but because of the emotions that was surging inside of him, and it's because of Y/n.

"It's alright." She stared at him and cupped both of his cheek, kissing him in the forehead. "Good night." She went back to her room, leaving Azusa entranced.


Welp. That's all for chapter 6!!!

OreoHimeSama: I'm so sorry that it didn't have that kind of love-shit happening where you read a scene and you start to squeal. I'm not really great at those parts since I never fell in love with a person, other than family. Exams are coming up and this is the only time I had to upload this. I'm really sorry ;-;

Ryuto: I thought you were going to update the next month because of your m—

Kei: *covers Ryuto's mouth* You have the worst timing ever...

Nagi: *punches Ryuto's head* Baka! Don't talk about that in here!

Makoto: *Hugs Y/n and author-san* If you ever have any troubles, you can tell us.

Eiji-san: That's right. We are a family here.
























Broken Hearts 






Negative Emotions in the dark, Eyes that see the white behind the black...

A New Beginning, A New Ending...

I will be the light...

That will come out behind the black... 

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