ᒪITTᒪE ᔕTᗩᒪKEᖇ (ᔕᗩᑎGᗯOO Oᕼ ᙭...

By -peachie_fox_baby-

109K 4.3K 2.5K

In high-school, you met the supposedly kind and intelligent Oh Sangwoo. He wanted to date you, but you reject... More

| 1 | Stalker
| 2 | Roommates
| 4 | Bummie
| 5 | Min Jieun
| 6 | Kitten
| 7 | Tired
| 8 | Empty Threat
| 9 | Tae-Yeon
| 10 | Dae
| 11 | Tears
| 12 | Scissors
| 13 | Blood
| 14 | Knife
| 15 | Free
| 16 | Urn

| 3 | Pain

10K 394 169
By -peachie_fox_baby-

You laid there, gasping for air. It really hurt. Both your legs did. Sangwoo was punishing you by not giving you painkillers for trying to crawl away when he had told you to kill Diane. The pain was overwhelming all of your senses. It was all you could feel. Sangwoo had taken Yoonbum somewhere, but you couldn't care less. The bastard wouldn't tell you the password. The sick male wanted to stay with Sangwoo. Why? Why does he desire him in any remote way?

You should've known. You'd had your suspicions that Sangwoo was hiding a dark secret during high-school. You were right but why did you have to find out in this way? You had so many ideas on how to escape filling your head but how could you leave when you were in this much pain? Dae, please, save me. . .

"(M|n)?" A familiar, timid voice called out to you.

You wanted to sulk because Yoonbum wasn't giving you the password, but you knew very well that was the stupid option to take. You had to gain his trust, get closer to him. If you did, then you would be able to convince him to give over the password. You glanced over at Yoonbum, letting out a soft whine as you shifted. "Hmm?" Was all you could muster.

It was then that you noticed that Yoonbum sat in a desk chair. You stared at him in confusion. Admittedly, your vision was actually quite blurry due to the fact Sangwoo had smashed your glasses. That meant you struggled to see. So, you had guessed what Yoonbum was sitting on.

"For fuck's sake! You're like a damn snail! You're taking fucking years to even finish a sentence!" Sangwoo shouted before slapping Yoonbum hard. You winced at the sound of the powerful slap. You didn't want to see Sangwoo. You grabbed the futon cover, not noticing the dried blood that was on it.

You huddled underneath the covers. You gagged at the metallic smell. This sick sense of fear was slowly bringing you back to a past that you did not want to remember. You squeezed your eyes shut. This was all just a dream. Yes, that was all it was. A stupid dream! You willed it so hard to be true. But instead, the blankets were ripped off of you.

"Are you trying to hide? That's so cute! I was talking to you though, (M|n)! Don't be a bad boy. I won't hurt you unless you act like a little bitch." Sangwoo stated to you as he hooked his arms underneath your armpits.

You began to shake your head madly. "Let me go! I don't wanna-" You started but Sangwoo pressed a hand over your mouth.

"If you want to live, I suggest you shut the hell up and obey." Sangwoo hissed. You didn't want to become submissive like Yoonbum, but you knew that at this current moment, he was in a dangerous mood so for now, you had to listen to survive. You shut your mouth and stopped squirming. Sangwoo chuckled.

"You're a real challenge. I like that about you. Your little homo friend here doesn't really disobey much, hmm? I'm going to make sure you end up like him. You'll be the perfect little puppet, (M|n), yeah?" Sangwoo whispered into your ear before pulling you into the kitchen whilst pushing Yoonbum in the chair. You tried not to make a sound as both your stump and your injured ankle were dragged along the floor.

"It's mealtime. (M|n), you'll make something delicious, won't you?" Sangwoo purred as he tossed you onto the hard floor. You felt tears pricking your eyes as pain enveloped your entire body. "Come on, me and Yoonbum will wait for you to make food." Sangwoo cooed. He picked up Yoonbum. "You and I will go to the basement, huh?" He mumbled.

You dragged yourself across the floor with your aching arms. You felt pinpricks of pain as your damaged legs dragged across the floor. "Oi, how the hell am I supposed to cook like this?!" You exclaimed in an exasperated tone.

Sangwoo glanced at you. He just shrugged like the dick he was and left you there, taking a trembling Yoonbum down to the basement. Your eyes darted to the desk chair. This was going to hurt like a bitch. You hurriedly pulled yourself across the floor, trying not to scream in pain with every movement.

After what felt like an eternity, you finally made it to the chair. You placed your tremoring hands onto it and tried to pull yourself up. You cursed constantly under your breath as your injured legs throbbed. You struggled for quite a while before finally making it onto the chair.

You settled down, letting out a relaxed breath once you were seated. You lent against the chair. You had to cook. . . Who knew how Sangwoo would react if you didn't make anything? You began to use the counters as support to push yourself towards the sink. You came to a sudden stop when you remembered. . . The notepad!

An image flashed in your mind. Yoonbum had noted down many different number combinations. He'd scribbled out the ones that didn't work. Without even realising it, you were already pushing yourself towards the entrance.

You didn't even think about Sangwoo catching you. You had to find that notepad. You wheeled yourself around frantically, your eyes roving over the many things. It was irritating that you mostly saw everything in a blur. You had to squint hard to see clear, but it only lasted a few seconds before becoming all blurry again. You held the side supports of the chair as you gazed as closely to the floor as you could.

Where was it. . . You tensed as you thought hard about when you'd last been outside the house. Had Yoonbum dropped the notepad?! Dread filled you at the realisation. You wheeled yourself close to the front door.

Despite the immense pain shooting up your legs, you pushed yourself up high so your eyes could reach the peephole on the door. You closed one eye and took a glance outside. You managed to make out something white sitting on the porch. You were about to scream out in frustration. Was that the notepad?!

Your eyes noticed movement at the front of the door. You tried focusing in on the object that you were seeing. Your eyes widened when you managed to squint and see that it was face!

You wheeled yourself back, gripping the sides of the chair so tightly that your knuckles turned white. Who was that?! You didn't recognise the face you saw at all. "W-Who are you?" You spoke softly to yourself. Were you beginning to hallucinate or something? You glanced down and noticed movement. There was a small flap on Sangwoo's door. . . You hadn't noticed that at all before!

You squeaked out in surprise when you saw a blurred eye. "Hello?" A voice spoke out softly. A person! It was a real person! You felt relief flood your entire system. It wasn't just all in your head, you could hear the voice loud and clear! Your pain was momentarily forgotten as you put all your focus into responding to the person who was peeking in. You dropped to the floor, grimacing when you felt your legs slam against the floor. With your arms, you pulled yourself closer.

"I need help!" You pled, trying not to shout because you didn't want to alert Sangwoo. You could no longer hold back the tears. You might be actually safe! He could protect you! You reached out an arm towards the hole.

"What's going on, can you tell me? Are you okay?" The voice asked you in concern. Your heart was singing. Whoever this man was, he might be your saviour.

You bit onto your lower lip hard. You weren't sure as to which question you should answer first since you were so overwhelmed with emotion.

"Ah well-" You started but your relief was short-lived as the male suddenly closed the flap and disappeared.

"Hello? Hello?!" You shouted, trying to open the flap again. Your fingers were trembling so badly that you couldn't even push it. "No. . . No. . ." You whispered anxiously. You pressed your face against the floor, beginning to sob softly. He was gone. He didn't answer. Why did he even come here if he was just going to leave just like that?!

You didn't even know what the date or the day was anymore. You had lost track of everything ever since Sangwoo had locked you up. Was Dae still looking for him?

"Please, help me. Don't leave me. . . I might die if you don't come and save me." You begged to the flap albeit knowing that the male was probably long-gone. You jolted when you felt an iron grip on your neck. You choked as you were pulled back. You fought for air and your legs flailed as you let out a raspy scream when your stump hit the door hard.

"BASTARD! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF ME!" You cried out but you stopped when you felt a cold blade press against your neck. You let out soft pants as Sangwoo pressed his lips to your ear.

"What the hell were you doing? Who were you talking to? Have you finally lost it?. . . Or are you trying to frame me, huh?" He asked. You felt frustrated.

"Frame you?! More like get you arrested for your crimes." You yelled out. Sangwoo chuckled madly and shook his head. He slammed your whole front into the wall. The sharp blade was pressing dangerously close to your jugular which you knew if he cut, you'd die of blood-loss. To be honest, death was beginning to seem better than living at this very moment. . .

"I can simply tell them you were a stalker. Which you are. Trying to be pervy like your homo friend." Sangwoo muttered.

"I'M NOT A STALKER! I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRIED TO PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY!!!" You shouted in exasperation but that only resulted in Sangwoo only tightening his grip on your neck. Your eyes prickled with tears and you pressed your hands against the wall as Sangwoo smirked.

"Don't lie to me. You regretted the way you rejected me, and you came crawling back to me. You're my little stalker. . . I'm glad you finally realised that you felt the same way I did. There's no use denying it. You're a homo, just like Bummie. You want me to fuck the shit out of you, don't you, homo?" Sangwoo whispered in your ear.

Despite this anger you felt towards him, the voice made your whole body shiver. Your vision blurred as Sangwoo refused to loosen his grip.

"You're a homo yourself if you like me, you dumb fuck!" You screamed as you desperately fought for air.

"Shut the fuck up!" You let out one last choked gasp and felt the blade dig into the flesh of your neck just as you passed out.

"You'll surely be punished for trying to leave. . ."

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