Blue Mountain Town

By WyleEcoyotee

26 0 0

This story follows a young man, stuck in a dying town with his family. All seemed normal until the disappeara... More

Harry's Burger Shack
The Harbinger
Cherry's Creek

Welcome to Blue Mountain Springs

12 0 0
By WyleEcoyotee

  "Walker!.... Walker Lee!" A voice called out in a semi-quiet home, the sound of footsteps followed with the creaking of an old door, "Yeah, dad? Did you fall again?" Walker called back to his father as he made his way down the hall to the wooden steps, "No, breakfast is ready, come get it. Afterwards help Priscilla with the dishes." The old man spoke, looking up at Walker from his wheelchair, "And wake your brother up, s'bout time for school." He added. "Yes sir." Walker nodded, making his way to the door adjacent to his.

Walker knocked gently, "Jimmy Dean, wake up if you're not already." He called to his younger sibling, "I am, you taking me to school?" His country twang a little thicker than Walker's, "Uhh, maybe, we'll see," with a shrug the older started back down the stairs, Jimmy following barely a shadow's length behind him.

"I'm working on it dad, it's just like everyone's got somebody working for 'em already," Priscilla shrugged, "It ain't about that Priscilla, it's about showin' 'em you can work harder than the rest they got." Her father argued. Walker sat at the table across from him and dug into his plate quickly, Jimmy sat beside his older sister, seemingly deaf to the whole situation. "Do you honestly think they're going to fire someone doing the same quality job I could do just 'cause I tell 'em, 'Oh well I could work better than anyone here', that's not gonna get me a job-" "You're damn right that ain't gonna get you a job, not puttin' it like that. Listen to what I'm sayin' Priscilla," "Dad, I am listening, you just don't get it, you haven't-" "Hey! I'll just ask Greg if she can come work there with me." Walker interrupted, trying to keep the two of them from getting into it again.

Most mornings had been like this, ever since Priscilla graduated out of high school, their father had been pushing her to start work, which after 12 applications put in with nothing coming back, it seemed impossible and incredibly disheartening. But still they argued about it, through redundancy and all. Their father was silent for most of breakfast until he finally chimed in, "... Alright.. thank you Walker." Followed by more silence until Walker responded with a small 'Yeah' before he was onto helping his sister with the dishes.

"Thanks fer driving me Lee," Jimmy Dean voiced as the car door squeaked open, "Mhm, lucky I didn't make ya walk in the snow." Walker joked with a laugh, "Have a good day goofball, don't get up to trouble ya hear?" Walker's fatherly tone rang in "Yeah, no makeshift snow slides this year," Priscilla chimed in as well with a friendly laugh and Jimmy rolled his eyes playfully "I won't, Scout's honor. See ya Lee, see ya Prissy, love ya'll." He laughed, walking away.

Walker stayed until his brother had gotten inside, then he took off to Fred & Greg's, the local grocery mart. "You think Greg will hire me on for real?" Priscilla broke the silence with her soft voice. Walker Shrugged, "I can't say for sure... I know we've been needing help sometimes but," Walker started, he sighed in thought before he looked to his sister for a brief moment, "Not a lot of people shop there anymore, not since Clover's came to town." He finished, watching the road ahead of him.

Priscilla was silent for a moment, then she sighed "I guess... I've tried Clover's ya know," she voiced like she didn't want to hear herself say it, like it wasn't even supposed to be said aloud. "And?" Walker asked, unbothered by it. Silence fell between them again for a moment before Priscilla spoke up, "Positions are filled," Walker nodded, "Like always." She finished, and it was quiet again. "This town is dying, you know it?" The question carried an obvious answer, one everyone who lived in Blue Mountain Springs knew. "I think Greg can spare a spot." And Priscilla sighed as the question she had posed was brushed off, "Well I hope, I'm tired of arguing every morning, damn it," she laughed a bit and Walker joined in.

"Hey there Walker Lee! Having a good morning so far? I mean besides the cold and all?" Greg called from the middle of the store, pricing items on the shelves, "Hi there Priscilla!" He added. The both of them waved and Walker put on his apron, "Yeah, so far so-so." He chuckled, Priscilla leisurely following behind him, "Well ain't that the best we do these days?" Greg half joked, Walker only shrugged "I reckon so." He replied, "Hey uh, Prissy's looking for a job, is there possibly anything she can do here for a pay check?" He added. Greg thought for a moment then he looked around, "Well, if she wants she can start decorating for Halloween, other than that uh..." he trailed off in thought, "Well I s'pose we need someone to help stock, so she can do that as well, how's that?" He asked and Walker nodded "Yeah, that's great, thank you so much." He voiced gratefully, "Don't even worry none," Greg replied, making his way to give Priscilla an apron, some decorations, and a name tag.

Later that afternoon Greg had driven Priscilla to pick Jimmy up from school and then home before he returned to the store. Walker stayed, still re-pricing items and keeping busy. The phone rang and after a moment of quietness Greg called out "Walker! Delivery time." And he handed the younger man a piece of paper with scribbled writing on it.

Walker loaded up the groceries in his car and made his way to the address on the paper. The drive was quiet and lonely, it gave him time to think about his life and his time spent in Blue Mountain Springs, and what he had really made of himself. His thoughts found him a bit disappointed but the feeling was nothing new and left him no different. When he had arrived, the driveway was long and led to a large, nicer looking house, much nicer than his own.

The paper bags crinkled as Walker gathered them all in his arms. He walked up the white painted wooden steps, unlike his at home these didn't creak under his pressure. "Mr.Shepherd?" Walker called, making way towards the front door which was opened. The heat from the inside leaked through the screen door that swung a bit in the light wind. Walker shivered in the chill before he decided to go on in, "Mr.Shepherd?" He called again, looking around until he found the kitchen. Silence stayed before Walker called out again, "Uh, Mr. Shepherd?" This time his tone held concern.

A sudden commotion came from upstairs before footsteps were heard down a hall and down some stairs, "Yes? Hi I'm here, hello!" a hurried but friendly voice called back. Walker turned to look at a very tall man, he thought he must've been six foot six, entering through a swinging door on the other side of the kitchen. He was someone Walker didn't recognize, which was odd in this quaint little town.

"Howdy... uh delivery?" Walker spoke, motioning with the bags in his arms, "Oh! Yes hello, I hope it wasn't too much trouble getting out here," the man voiced as he approached Walker, a kind disarming smile on his face. "Oh, no not at all... you new around here?" Walker asked, returning a smile of his own, taking a moment to examine the other. He had a short dark beard that barely went past the frame of his face, obviously well groomed, his hair was a dark brown color, short and lightly brushed but somehow professional looking, and his eyes were dark blue. Somehow he looked a little out of place for a town like this.

The man nodded, "Yeah, I moved here about three days ago." His voice lacked in country influence, "My name's Irin, nice to meet you," he paused to lean forward just a tad so he could read Walker's name tag, "Walker Lee." He finished with a smile, a hand outstretched. Walker smiled, reaching to shake Irin's hand, "Likewise, a pleasure. What do you do? If you don't mind my askin' of course." He questioned the taller man.

"I'm a science teacher, I start Monday at the high school." Irin responded as Walker helped him put away the groceries he had bought, "Oh, I didn't know Mr.Weston was retiring," Walker voiced and Irin looked at him with a little shrug, shutting the cupboard door. "Hmm.. I'll take a wild guess here and say that you're out of high school then?" The man questioned, Walker nodded, "Yes sir, I graduated two years ago." He confirmed. A knowing silence passed between them before Irin took a breath, "So, Walker, how much do I owe you?" He questioned, pulling out his wallet. "Oh no, there's no charge for deliveries." Walker responded kindly and Irin looked surprised, "Oh... Well can I give you a tip?" Walker nodded "Yeah, you can." He laughed gently.

The taller man pulled out fifteen dollars and handed it to Walker, who stowed it safely away in his apron pocket, "Thank you." He voiced and Irin shook his head lightly, "Not a worry," the man spoke humbly. Walker found a comfort within this moment, a comfort he forgot he was missing and it warmed him as the sun set through the windows.

"Uh, well I should get going." Walker spoke up finally, "Ah, yeah I'd hate for you to catch a cold out there," Irin replied as the both of them walked to the front door. Walker stepped out and began towards his car but he stopped on the steps, turning to look back at Irin, "Welcome to Blue Mountain Springs, by the way. My last name is Haywood, I live out on Piney Street if you ever find yourself needing anything." Walker smiled and the other hesitated a bit but smiled quickly "Thank you, it was really nice meeting you." He responded.

As fresh snow started to lightly fall, Walker left from Mr.Shepherd's driveway and started on the quiet drive back to the store. For a moment he began to think about life again but red and blue flashing lights drew him away. Time seemed to slow as Walker drove past a familiar home, two police cars sat outside with their lights going but sirens off. Though he didn't know the people who lived there very well, he sort of knew their son, Otis Laughlin, but only through school. Walker mostly kept to himself after graduation, without much to do in this town it was easy getting off track and turning your life into a waste, but something about this didn't seem right, it bothered him deep inside but he couldn't place why.

When Walker got back home, his father sat in his wheelchair in the living room, the same spot as always. "Hey Walker Lee, d'ya hear about the Laughlin's?" Their dad questioned, plates clinked against one another while two pans sizzled on the stove, Priscilla hovering over them while Jimmy set the table, "No, I didn't but I saw the police at their house earlier. What happened?" Walker questioned back, shedding from his heavy jacket, scarf, and toboggan to hang on the rack. "They say their boy is missin' and nobody's seen him since last night." Their father answered, turning up the news as the anchors spoke about the the information that had been gathered so far. "Yeah, it's like he's just up and disappeared." Jimmy Dean added in.

At first Walker felt unbothered by all this, but as the television droned on with their lacking amount of information, it sunk into him. A seed of fear planted itself in unscathed soil and began to slowly grow, "Ya'll think they'll find him?" He asked, concern apparent on his face along with confusion. Jimmy, Priscilla, and their father turned their heads to Walker, then they all looked at each other and shared a feeling of unknowingness before their father attempted to calm the stir "Yeah.. Yeah I got faith that they will." He nodded, reassuring himself and hopefully his children.

As they all ate dinner in their quiet home, conversation passed about the day but always found its way back to Otis Laughlin. And once everyone had settled into bed, Walker laid awake in his, staring at his immobile ceiling fan. A lot of questions fell into his mind like raindrops, many questions all at once, ones he wasn't sure he'd ever get the answers to, yet still they were there.

Nothing ever happened in this tiny town, in Blue Mountain Springs, the town tucked away into a mountain range, a boring dead end place where the buildings seemed stuck in time. No nothing ever  happened here, that is not until now.

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