Beyond the moonlight

By shimmernshine8590

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this story is about two friends. When it is put to the test as a evil man hell bent on destroying it. The two... More

Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6

Untitled Part 4

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By shimmernshine8590

Chapter 3

Surprises Come in Small Bundles

"Your pregnant? We are having a baby?" Bo says. "Yes." Rose says. Bo shouted excitedly!!! The thought of him and Rose having a baby, caused his whole mind to race. Excitement and joy coursed through his veins like fire. Bo faced Rose and lifted her in his arms and spun her around and gently set her back on the ground. "I can not believe I am going to be a dad!" Bo exclaimed. Yes, love a father. The doctor said that by my last cycle I am about twelve weeks and two days. The doctor also said it was odd I was not showing any symptoms of my being pregnant and took birth control pills I know I didn't miss a dose. Oh well I'm to be a mom. "Bo witch's can take that" Rose replies, "Yes I am woman too." Rose said. Bo looked at her shocked. Then remembering everything that has happened in the last few weeks, the stress from that could have masked the symptoms of her pregnancy. "I am very excited about the idea of being a dad. I don't care if its a boy or girl as long as he or she is healthy." Bo said. Tears well up in Rose's eyes and she smiled weakly. "I'm tired Bo, I need to lie down." Rose said quietly. Bo picks Rose up and carries her to the bed, covers her up and leaves the room and returns with herbal tea and vitamins. Rose drinks the tea and takes the vitamins and closes her eyes to the silence of the room. Bo sits there for what seems like hours and protectively watches over his wife and their unborn child. Thoughts running through Bo's head silence when he hears Rose stirring. "Are you ok Bo?" Rose asks. "Yes, just want to make sure you and our baby is safe." Bo says. Bo walks over to the bed and lays down next to Rose and pulls her close to him and they both fall asleep. The morning chill in the air woke Bo up. He jumps up out of the bed without disturbing Rose and turns the heat on. Bo turns around to see Rose standing behind him with a delirious look on her face that Bo has never seen before. "Rose honey are you alright?" Bo asks. "Hmm just feel really nauseous." Rose whispered. Then Rose leans forward in a swift motion and begins to get sick. "Oh honey, it's alright. Let's get you back to bed where you will stay for the rest of the day. I will call the doctor and see if she will make a house call." Bo reassures Rose. All Rose can do is nod weakly as Bo carries her back to the bed. Bo has been woken up when he heard a knock at the door and he got out of the bed and answered the knock.

Dr. Charlene was standing there with a smile on her face. "Hello Bo, so tell me what's going on with our little patient." Charlene said. "Rose has been having severe nausea, and seems to be very weak." Bo says. "Bo, you have to understand. Rose is pregnant and some pregnancies are a breeze and others are rough. But, all the symptoms will subside in another week or so." Dr. Charlene said. "No, you need to come see her and do an ultrasound. I don't think they were right on how far along she is." Bo exclaimed. Dr. Charlene followed Bo with her portable ultrasound and went into the bedroom. Rose laying there sleeping, pale and sickly looking. Bo went to Rose's side and gently woke her. "Honey the doctor is here to see you." Bo said gently. Rose opened her eyes weakly and all she could do was nod her head. "Hello Rose, I am Dr Charlene and I will be handling your pregnancy from here on out. Let's take a look at that beautiful baby shall we." Dr. Charlene said.

The jelly was warm against Rose's cold skin which to Rose was a relief. Looking at the screen the doctor's eyes went wide with shock. "What is it Doc?" Bo asked with fear in his voice. "Well....Rose seems to be progressing through her pregnancy at a rapid rate. She went from being 12 weeks to 24 weeks. This baby is basically not what I would call a human." Dr Charlene said. "Um Doc that's really weird you would say that. I don't want to scare you but I am not full human. I am half human, half werewolf. I was cursed as a young man, the curse came from a demon named Damon. Basically my friend William and I was suppose to carry out what the demon called a bad deal. If we didn't then he would do his worse to us. Which in turn I was turned to a werewolf and my friend a vampire. If the baby is rapidly growing then my son or daughter is not a normal child, but then what does it mean for Rose?" Bo asks. "Well she will need to have a c-section at 28 weeks because this baby looks fully capable of surviving. The baby has the right birth weight of a full term baby. The baby will be ok and so will Rose. If she has the c-section, if not and she tries to have this baby naturally she will die." Dr. Charlene said. "Doc can you tell us if its a boy or girl?" Bo asked anxiously. "Well both of you will be excited to know that you have a very healthy baby girl." Dr Charlene said with a smile. "Doc we will see you in two weeks for the c-section. I don't want to risk the life of either our daughter or my wife." Bo said. Dr Charlene packs her equipment back into her large bag and Bo walked her out.

When Dr. Charlene and Bo reach the door, she turns to him with sadness in her voice. "Bo, I didn't want to say this in front of Rose, but there is no guarantee she will make it through the c-section either. This baby is literally draining her of all her nutrients. No matter what she eats it won't help. Rose is not strong enough to make it through a surgery or natural birth." Dr Charlene said. "So your telling me either way my wife is going to die?" Bo said with tears in his eyes. Dr Charlene looks at him with tears in her eyes and shakes her head. "Yes Bo." Dr Charlene says with a tear rolling down her face. When Dr Charlene walks out the door. Bo looks back at the door that leads to the bedroom that Rose and him share. With tears rolling down his face he is completely at a loss. Bo can not lose his wife now, he has waited centuries for Rose and him to have a family together. Bo then begins to think of a plan to save his wife and unborn daughter's life. Even if it kills him he will find a way.

Bo paces the livingroom floor and begins to come up with ways to save them both. If they both die he will have nothing to live for. He remembers the first time he saw Rose it was July 6, 2005, she was a vision of a pure goddess in her pale pink glittery dress with her high heel boots on. Beautiful porcelain skin that seem to glow in the sunlight. Blond curls as bright as the sun kissing her face. Oh how he wished he could be those curls, being able to touch that gorgeous face. To touch her skin, to feel the warmth emanating from the sunshine warming her. Eyes the deepest pools of seafoam green, like Rose's soul was crying out from the depths of those eyes. The curves this woman carried should be illegal, oh how Bo wanted to feel those curves pressed up against his body. Lips the color of blood with a smile that would stop any man in his tracks, how he wanted to just lightly touch her lips to his. Bo shakes his head of the memory and walks over to the counter and dials William's number on his cell phone. Tears glistening his eyes and face, Bo is praying William picks up the phone. Neither men have spoken in awhile and Bo hopes William doesn't hold it against him. Life for Bo has changed since he found Rose. Rose taught Bo how to control the change, how to block the pain out. Now his wife and unborn daughter are at risk of not surviving. "Please William answer the phone. Please old friend I need your help more now than ever." Bo pleads. Then Bo hears the familiar voice he has known since childhood, his best friend. Bo smiles weakly as William answers."Bo is that you?" William asks with a question in his tone. "William, I am in need of your help. Rose is pregnant, but the baby is not all human. Rose's pregnancy is progressing at a rapid pace. She has to have a c-section at twenty-eight weeks. Now here lies the problem. Even if Rose has a natural birth or c-section she will die. I need your help, please help me old friend." Bo pleds. "Don't worry Bo, we will figure something out. You will not lose her old friend. I will be over as soon as I can, and Bo don't do anything stupid or reckless. I promise you we will figure it all out." William says. Bo is listening to the words William is saying to him, but Bo feels like he is a dark tunnel and there is no light at the end to guide him. When Bo hangs up the phone he paces the floor. Bo thinking he has to get out and breathe, he changes to his wolf form.

Not feeling the pain from bones breaking and shifting. He jumps out the window in the living room glass shattering all around him. The cool night air and the full moon send shivers down his spine. He growls in pain as his heart begins to break for his love and his unborn baby girl. Bo runs through the woods at a hurtling pace, all the while thinking of what William has said. "Don't do anything stupid or reckless, we will figure it out I promise." But, what if they can not figure out how to save Rose and the baby. What will his life hold for him then. Heartache, pain, misery and anger. Bo knew he couldn't live without either Rose or his daughter, and if the gods had any plans for him he wouldn't have to. When Bo returned home he was back in his human form and sees a black SUV with dark tinted windows in his driveway. Bo immediately recognizes it as William and Nola's. Bo sprints up to the house to see his friend and his wife patiently waiting outside on the screen covered porch. "Hello old friend, very nice place. I would have pegged you for a city boy." William jokes. Bo chuckles at his seemingly funny joke. "No, my friend I like the seclusion of the woods and lake. Beyond this point up about four miles you will find a beautiful peaceful place, and if you hike a little further there beyond the tall Weeping Willow trees is a gorgeous waterfall surrounded by water lilies and wolfsbane." Bo said. "Sounds like heaven Bo, William and I will definitely have to venture out there." Nola says. Bo looks at Nola and smiles, "You will love it Nola, Rose loves it there. We call it Wolfsbane Falls, and we always go out there every chance we get." Bo says. "William if its as beautiful as Bo says it is, it will be a great place to have our wedding. We could get married under the waterfall and take our honeymoon at the cabin a mile up the road. I had a little chat with the owner and she says that she is finishing up the renovations and the cabin will be up for purchase in a month." Nola says with excitement in her voice. "If my love wants the cabin, the cabin she will get." William says as he looks at Nola with a cheeky smile. "So Bo, will you loan us Wolfsbane Falls for our wedding, and become our neighbor in the close near future?" William asks. "William, I would be honored for you and your fiance to get married under Rose and I's waterfall, and I would be ecstatic for you to be my neighbor." Bo says with a smile on his face. Bo turns to unlock the door to his and Rose's home. "Come on in you two, make yourself comfortable." Bo says. William and Nola walk in behind Bo and sit on the sectional in the living room. Bo brings William and Nola some Georgia style sweet tea, in tall luxurious glasses. Nola and William take the glasses and take a drink. "Wow, that tea is amazing!" Both William and Nola exclaim. "Rose is known all over this town for having the best sweet tea on this side of Georgia." Bo says proudly. William looks up at Bo with a new concern on his face, and Bo looks at William. "My friend is on to the pressing matter of saving your wife and child." William says. "Yes, we need to figure out what we are planning on doing. I will tell you both that Rose is a natural born witch. A very strong one, and she has done a lot of good in this town protecting the townspeople. It's just so strange that our unborn child would be the cause of her losing her life." Bo says with an uneasy smile. "Bo, we dont think its the baby that is causing Rose to be deteriorating at a rapid pace. William and I both think something else here is at work and if we all can get to the bottom of it before she has a wee little one, then all will be alright." Nola says. "Bo, has Nola been around anyone new around town or any new doctors?" William asks. "Well she has been seeing this doctor and her name is Dr. Charlene. Dr Charlene is the one who told Rose she was pregnant. About after a week after finding out Rose started getting violently ill, even her remedies she has made herself was not working." Bo says. William looks at Nola with the look of knowing what the root cause of Rose's illness came from, and William looks back at Bo and says "Bo, Dr Charlene is not a normal doctor.

Dr Charlene is part of the demon Damon's bad deal. She was sent here to end both our lives. When she realized we found our soulmates, she found a way to end us a different way." "So William what you're saying is, we now have another bad deal to take care of?" Bo asks. "Old friend if we don't deal with this "Dr. Charlene" soon, then your wife and unborn baby will suffer a horrible death." William says. "Then we deal with the fucking bitch, the way we always took care of bad deals back in the day." Bo sneers. William shakes his head in agreement with Bo and smiles wickedly. "We rip the bitch apart from limb to limb, and if she outsmart us then we all know what that means." William says. "Yes, Rose and my unborn baby girl will die." Bo says with concern. Nola chimes in with a low wicked voice, "Boys don't worry, neither one of you will have to do shit to that bitch. She is hurting my friend and she will fucking pay." She will pay if its the last thing I do!"

Chapter 4

Dr. Charlene's Past

September 2005

Graduating high school was not on my list of things to do, but I knew that I wanted to be a doctor to help others. I seen first hand how the doctors at Mercy General Hospital had tried to help my mother. They worked day and night to see why the cancer wasn't responding to treatments and why my mother was dying so quickly. I knew deep down in my heart that it wasn't a normal cancer it was something mystical. A month after my mother had been admitted to the hospital, she had died. My father who was an alcoholic was not there to be with my mother in her final hours. I watched the woman I grew up knowing as brave, strong, bull headed but most of all independent die within the blink of an eye. I was seventeen years old and a senior in high school, my mother would never see me graduate, go to college, get married or see the faces of her grandkids. When my mother died I vowed to not only myself but to anyone who suffered the fate like my mother had, that I would find a way to "cure" or help them. When college came up I went to the University of California and studied medicine. I graduated with high honors and was valedictorian of my class.

My hopes to be Dr. Melissa Charlene was dashed on a cold dark rainy night. Yes I will admit I may have had one to many drinks to count and I know that I should never get behind the wheel. But, to me I really didn't give a damn at that point in my life. I was driving home and my car had all of sudden careened off the road and hit a large tree. Not wearing a seatbelt I went through the windshield. I felt death coming for me, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything, especially after my mother had died. But, then beyond the trees I saw this gorgeous man walking up to me slowly. His skin pale white, his smile shown bright in the darkened night. "Melissa, do you want to die my dear?" the stranger asked. "I tried to talk but I was choking on my own blood. Knowing I had internal bleeding, all I could do was shake my head no. "I am going to give you a choice my little love. I have two bad deals who have went centuries unpunished. My little love these two men I am speaking of, their names are Bo and William. But, do not be fooled, they are strong and smart. If I save your life you will have to take care of these bad deals/men. If you fail even if its years from now, you will die and your soul will come with me to the eternal gates of hell. Do you understand." The stranger says. I shook my head yes, the strange man snaps his fingers. The next thing I know I black out and wake up in my apartment in my bed with a massive hangover. My cell phone begins to chime and I answer the phone. "Hello." I say half asleep. "Yes, is this Melissa Charlene?" the woman says back to me. "Yes it is who is this." I say. "Oh I'm so sorry honey, my name is Joanna and I am from Atlanta Methodist Hospital in Georgia. We have reviewed your resume and would like to offer you a job as head of our OB GYN department. Would you be interested?" Joanna asks. I jump from my bed wide awake with excitement. "Yes, I would love to take the position." I say. "Well then honey welcome to our staff and we will see you first thing Monday morning." Joanna says. "Thank you ma'am" I say as I hang up the phone.

The memories of that day linger, I now know what Bo looks like. But, William is hard to find, a recluse in his own right. I don't see the reason to end these men's life. They are not bad like Damon had said. My concousious is slowly eating at my heart, I either take care of the bad deals or I die and spend the rest of eternity at hells gate. That is why I have given Rose the formula to make her and the unborn baby sick. To make Bo weak, that's the only way I will be able to kill him. My phone chimes and I look at the caller ID. It's the hospital, my shift was ending soon but I decided to pick it up anyway. "Hello, Dr Charlene speaking." I say. "Melissa thank god you answered, all the rooms on labor and delivery are full. The nurses don't know if its the full moon or coincidence but we need your help." The head nurse said in a panic tone. "I'm on my way Cherry, stay calm." I say. I rush out my front door and down to my car. By the time I got to the hospital the labor and delivery floor is in a panic. "Everyone calm down!" I shout. Every nurse stops in her tracks as they hear my voice and seems like a sigh of relief floods the halls. "We will make sure that every unborn child is delivered safely. We need more doctors, Cherry call every doctor on call and have them head this way." I say. "Yes, doctor." Cherry says. I look down at the charts and realize that we are over capacity and multiple women are already to the point of pushing. "Michelle and Stacey, come with me to Room 413." I shout. Both women run up and we head to Room 413. When I walk into the room I announce myself. "Rebecca, my name is Dr. Charlene, I will be the one delivering your baby. Don't worry sweetie everything is going to be ok." I say soothingly. Rebecca looks up at me and smiles. I scrub and glove up and begin the process of delivery Rebecca's child. The birth of Rebecca's baby boy went smoothly. By two am, the whole floor welcomed over twenty-three new little bundles of joy. "Lord have mercy Melissa that was rough." Cherry said with a sigh of relief as she slumped into the seat at the desk. "I would guess they either all got lucky getting fucked at the same time, or it's that damn full moon. People say the full moon fucks with the earth's peace." I say with a chuckle. "I'm going to clock out and go home, I have been here over forty-eight hours and my body is sore and tired. Plus I need a stiff drink." I say. "Well Melissa enjoy the next couple of days off, you deserve it." Cherry chimed. "Thank you Cherry." I say as I walk out of labor and delivery and down the hall to clock out. I take the elevator down to the ground level. I walk to Level B and see a man standing next to my car. I recognize him immediately. "Damon what the fuck are you doing here?" I yell. "Well little love have you forgotten our deal?" he asks with a wicked smile on his face. "Listen you bastard I have not forgotten our deal, and my plan is coming along quite well. Now if you excuse me I am too tired to deal with your egotistical demon bullshit tonight. Now get the fuck away from my car....NOW" I scream. "Oh little love has some fire in her. It's alright, I just came to remind you of our deal. I'll be watching you little love. Even though I do look forward to you failing. Why you may ask, you fail and your mine. Mine for all eternity, and I will torment you, fuck you and make you beg for mercy everyday for all eternity." Damon says.

I shiver at the thought of ever failing. This man, not even a man this demon scares the shit out of me but also, arouses ever nerve ending in my body. "I won't fail that I promise you. So keep your dick in your pants cause the only sexual experience you will ever get will be your right hand you bastard." I say with a look of pure pleasure on my face from seeing his smile drop off his smug face. "We'll see little love, we'll see." Damon says with a low growl. I turn to unlock my door and turn to face him again and he is gone. I get into my car and drive out of the hospital parking garage and head home. I can't fail and I won't fail, I will not give that fucking prick the satisfaction. As much as I hated doing what I have to do, I really didn't want to spend eternity at the gates of hell with that smug prick. I will succeed even if it kills me in the process. As soon as I get home I could not sleep or relax, I look over at my phone and its three a.m. I start to dial Rose and Bo's number. I hear Bo's voice across the line. "Dr Charlene is that you?" Bo asks. "Yes Bo, sorry to call so early in the morning, but you and I need to talk as soon as possible. I made a terrible mistake and I want to fix it before it's to late." I say with a shaky voice. "Meet me at the cafe in town at ten a.m. and we will talk then." Bo said. "Ok I will see you at ten a.m." I say. I hang the phone up and try to relax and by five a.m. sleep finally claimed my already tired mind and body.

My alarm went off and I realized I am running behind. I look at the clock and see that it's nine-thirty, oh lord I can not be late meeting with Bo. I jump up and in a hurry get dressed and run out the door. I made it to the cafe at a little after ten. I walk through the cafe doors and scan the room and see Bo sitting in a booth with another gentleman. "Bo I am so sorry I am late." I say. "It's alright doc. Have a seat. I went ahead and ordered three cafe lattes with caramel topping and whip cream." Bo says. I look up with sadness in my eyes as I look at the gentleman sitting across from me. "Excuse my rudeness miss, my name is William. I am Bo's best friend." William says. "Nice to meet you." I say. I can't believe I have Bo and William in the same place. I can finally end all of this. But, my heart isnt wanting to cause harm to either one of them. Even if it means spending all eternity in the gates of hell with Damon. "So what do you need to tell me doc?" Bo asks. I begin to open my mouth and the waiter brings us the lattes Bo has ordered. "Thank you." Bo says to the waiter. The waiter walks away from the table and I look at Bo and William and begin to explain what is going on. "I just graduated med school. It was the three year anniversary of my mother's death. I went out and got so drunk and I knew I shouldn't be driving but I did anyway. I ended up carrying off the road and hitting a tree. Then a man from out of nowhere comes up to me and offers to save my life. He said his name was Damon and if I took care of two bad deals he has I would survive, but if I didn't then I would die and spend all eternity in the gates of hell with him." I put my hands in my face and began to cry. I look up and continue, "Damon told me the names of his bad deal was Bo and William. Now I see that it's the two of you. When Rose came into my office for a pregnancy test, I slipped something into her water to make her and the baby gravely ill. I didn't know at the time that I couldn't kill either of you. I thought if I took out the two women you both loved then I would be able to kill you both too. But, then looking back and seeing how my mother had suffered I couldn't do that any longer. I want to be a good doctor. I want to help people, but I also don't want to die. I do have the antidote for Rose and the unborn baby. Once she drinks it all memory of what has happen will disappear and her pregnancy will go smoothly. But, I need your help Bo. I know I don't deserve it but I am trying to make it right. Please help me I don't want to die." I say tears streaming down my face. Bo looks at William and then back at me. "I really should say I can't help you but I am not that type of person. If you do have the antidote to help Rose and my unborn daughter than I want it NOW. But, I will tell you this doc, if you ever fucking do anything to hurt my wife and child again, or even try to hurt William's fiance. I can promise you a very painful death. We will rip you apart very slowly and you will suffer, worse than you would with Damon. If you are truly trying to make amends and help us, once Rose has fully recovered I can see if she knows how to cloak your thoughts and soul from Damon. Think of this as a second chance which William and I rarely do, once this has all happened. You will go with William to a cabin beyond my property near Wolfsbane Falls. You will be safe there till we figure out what to do with that fucking prick. Do you understand me?" Bo says. "Yes." I say as I shake my head. I reach into my bag and pull out the antidote for Rose and the unborn baby. I hand it over to Bo.

William looks at me and sneers, but then his features lighten up and smiles. "Everything will be ok Dr. Charlene I promise." William reassures me. I shake my head and stand to leave. "Oh and we will have someone watching every step you take. You will be on twenty-four hour surveillance even at the cabin" William says. "I understand." I say to William. "The man that will be keeping an eye on you is one of my clans. His name is Nick O'Malley, and don't underestimate him, he is a lot quicker than he looks. More deadlier than Bo and I together, but when it comes to protection he is the man you want watching your back." William says. "I have to go home and pack my stuff up, I will be ready by six if both of you want to come pick me up and take me to the cabin." I say. "No, it won't be either Bo or I picking you up. Nick will be there at six p.m. sharp." William says. I shake my head and turn to walk out the cafe doors. "Oh and Melissa if I were you I wouldn't try anything or try to cross either Bo and I again." William says. I shake my head and quickly head out the doors of the cafe into the street to my car. I hurry home and begin to pack my things. Not knowing when I will be able to come back to the comforts of my home again. I fall back on my couch and cry. This is not the life I was hoping for. This is not the life I wanted, as I cried into my hands. I realize that two hours has passed and I am running out of time to get my belongings packed up.

Once I got all my things packed up I lay back on the couch and take a nap. I'm hoping Nick isn't as rough and gruff as Bo and William. I hope he understands the dilemma I am in. If not then I have to make him understand, even if it kills me. She hoping damon don't arrive before Nick arrives. as lies there taking her nap she begins to have a nightmare about damon coming for her. she's dreaming that she's running from damon. damon is chasing her and as he is laughing evilly in torment. all of sudden she awaken by to loud knock on the door. she is scared to answer as fears damon warth since she failed thru the deal. So she gets up bravely to ask who is it. A voice replies I am Nick to take you to in cabin Wolfsbane Falls. she is still in fear she slowly open the door. she sees a man, tall about 6 feet 5 inches muscler build with a serious face look like he has been thru war, he his slick black hair, pretty grey eyes. Dr. Charlene says in her thoughts what a beautiful man big and strong I think I may be in love. Nick is standing there Dr. Charlene is woken out zone out state. oh yes Nick I am ready to go as she says neveriousily. they both hope William and Nola truck and leave Dr Charlene.she says I am so glad to be out there. "Well your not exactly safe till we get there. Bo and William built this cabin as basically a safe house. Who ever stays there is safe from any type of demon and thought intrusion." Nick says. "Does that include you reading my thoughts too." Dr. Charlene says with a sexy innocent grin on her face. "Yes, but I hope you would not feel obligated to hide any secrets or feelings from me." Nick say smiling back. "Well sir, we may have to see when we know each other a little better." Dr. Charlene smiles. Nick smiles back, and starts thinking how this woman could stir such intense sexual arousal from him. All Nick wants to do is get her into the cabin and have his way with her. Dr. Charlene looks at Nick like she knows his little secret, she lets her eyes roam down the length of his muscular body. Well not such a little secret, a pretty big secret in her mind. Dr. Charlene chuckled and Nick looks at her and smiles with his eyes changing a reddish yellow color. "Im sorry, I guess I still have a bit more practice on controlling my vampire urges." Nick say a little embarrassed. "It's alright, I'm not afraid, I'm just happy that I won't be alone in that cabin. Especially at night." Dr. Charlene says. Nick smiles at her again and Dr. Charlene winks at him.

It's about two a.m. before Nick and Dr. Charlene arrived at the cabin. Both tired and stiff from the drive, they get out and stretch. "So Dr. Charlene do you have a first name or is just Dr. Charlene?" Nick asks with curiosity. "You can call me Melissa." Dr. Charlene says. "Well Melissa welcome to Wolfsbane Falls cabin." Nick says. "Oh my, I never would have imagined it being this beautiful," Melissa says. "Well tomorrow morning we can hike to Wolfsbane Falls. The waterfall there is absolutely gorgeous and peaceful." Nick says. "I can't wait!" Melissa exclaims. Nick unlocked the front door and they both walk in and Nick turns the lamp on in the foyer. "I gave you the master suite with the garden tub and the beautiful view of the scenery. I will just be down the hall. If you need anything just holler." Nick says as he heads towards the hallway. "Thanks Nick" Melissa says. "No problem." Nick says as he finds his room and goes in, The sound of Nick's door closing makes a loud bang in the eerily quiet cabin.

Chapter 5

Unknown Ally

Dr. Charlene finally went to sleep after her and Nick long trip. her phone chimes it's the hospital saying they her to come in and that a man named Damon is here asking for her. She is in fear once again, she holler "Nick" He jumps out of bed and comes running to find out what's going on. He knocks on the door he asked "Melissa, is everything ok"? He slowly opens the door."Melissa what's wrong" asks Nick? She showed him the phone. He goes to Nola and William's room knocks on the door. "William I'm sorry to wake you sir, but Dr. Charlene work is texting wanting her to come in and Damon there asking for her" say Nick. William opens the door quickly, so fast that Nick never William move so fast."Sir you answer faster than thought you would" says Nick. William says "you were saying." "Oh yeah the phone with text message" says nick. William look and read the message "Hurry call the hospital ask to talk to Damon tell him that you killed Dr. Charlene then get rid of the phone so it isn't track here" say William, Nick replies "Yes sir consider in done" says Nick with a smile on his face. Nola goes in to tell Dr Charlene that William took care of the situation. Nola knock on the door, "Dr Charlene can I come in" asks Nola "Yes Nola you come in," says Dr. Charlene I wanted tell William taking care of the situation says Nola. Dr. Charlene says "Oh thank you guys so much for all your help." "Your welcome Dr.Charlene say Nola." "Please call me Melissa says Dr. charlene." "You're welcome Melissa" says Nola. "I don't deserve your help" says Melissa. Nola says "Well did Damon tell you William and Bo's deal" says Nola. "No just they were a bad deal" says Melissa.

"Well 1860 Bo and William were young men they were always bullied by these group of men. Damon appartily was watching them. he figure them to be weak and couldn't take care of themselves. So one night the bullies took it a step to far the bullies beat them up and left them there. Damon appear to William told him to kill a man that was a bad deal. Damon consider the both in the deal. Damon gave William 9mm gun told him to shoot the man. Well William didn't have the guts to pull the trigger so he made the man jump so after the man fell to his death Damon wasn't happy with the outcome so he cursed William to be a vampire and cursed Bo to be a werewolf" says Nola. "Wow they been around that long," says Melissa. "They don't look it. I knew something was wrong with Damon I couldn't my finger on it. I wonder why they were a bad deal. he made them to be monster. When I first saw them and talk I didn't the feeling that were monster. I agree with them, he needs to be taken out" says Melissa. "They're trying to figure that out it's hard Damon doesn't stay in one spot so it's hard to track him down," said Nola. "You must forgive them they are very protected of their family. Get some rest you're going to need it good night," say Nola. "Goodnight" says Melissa. The next morning Bo brings Rose to the cabin he figure if Damon will go this far he might even further. He bring her in and lays on the cough. since her gave the antidote she sits up on the cough. Rose says to Bo "I want to talk to Dr Charlene." Bo says "I don't think that's a good idea."Rose looks at him and says "Go get her or I go to her myself." so Bo goes to Dr. Charlene room. He knocks on the door Dr. Charlene it't Bo Rose wants to see you. She replies "Ok I'll be right out", Bo goes back to tell Rose she will be right out. Rose says alright. Dr. Charlene comes out asks "What is wrong Rose"? "It's hard to lay down or sit up without having cramps," says Rose. "Bo did you give her the antidote" she asked? Bo says "Yes but this the first time that I heard about the cramps though. Is she alright" he asked? Dr.Charlene says "Yes. Cramps are normal during pregnancy but I need to get her to a bed to check her to make sure" says Dr. Charlene. Nola says "Take her to Nick's bed". Bo carries her to Nick's bed and lays her down. Rose groans as he laid her down. Dr. Charlene goes over to her work bag grabs gloves and lubricating gel. She rushes back to Rose as fast as she can. She gets to the room leans over Rose I need to check you and you feel some discomfort. So she lifted Rose dress put her gloves on squirts the lubricating gel on her fingers. Dr. Charlene asks "Rose are you ready?" Rose looks at Dr. Charlene and says, "As ready I'm ever going to be." Dr. Charlene moves to the chair sitting, removing Rose's undergarments she proceeds to stick one finger in her vagina to check the cervix she notices something is not right so she tries two fingers then three. Dr. Charlene is in shock as she says, "Umm people we have a baby coming soon. Everyone hurry, Bo get over here your father. I know you want to see your daughter born. Nola calls William and tells him the news. William replies, "I'll be as soon as possible." Dr. Chalene says "Now we have to get my medical bag. I have to keep checking her cervix to make she don't dilate to far." Dr. Charlene goes to her room to grab her medical bag she packed. She goes back to the room tells Nola she needs a lot of wet rags. Nola goes to get the rags. Dr Charlene goes in her medical bag to grab a medicine to sedate Rose to perform the c-section. She give Rose a shot medicine. Dr. Charlene goes to her bag grabs her surgical gear and tools. She has Bo help her pull Rose's dress up to her chest. then she takes off her panties. She asked Nola to come help her? Nola asked "What do you need me to do?" Dr. Charlene says, "I need you to take the rags and keep the incision clean." Dr. Charlene grabs her knife and starts to make the incision. First getting through the layers of skin this takes about thirty minutes.

After she cuts through the skin, now Dr. Charlene has the task of cutting the muscles as she is sweating. Bo wipes the sweat off and she continues to cut through muscle as this takes thirty minutes. She sighs now it's time for the uterus she this is risky one wrong move and she can nip the baby. Nola is trying to keep the area clean as possible as they went thru a dozen rags. Dr. Charlene is carefully cutting through the uterus, while she is watching Rose to make sure everything is going smoothly, everything is fine.

Dr. Charlene continues she got just more to cut thru then she will be able to get the baby out. Bo is nervous as it's been over in hour now he is walking back and forth putting his fist on his chen and checking his watch. Dr. Charlene says i see the baby. everybody is relive as it is a long process. Dr. Charlene grabs the baby gently as possible to pull the baby thru the incision she get the head thru and says Bo grab my baby airway cleaner. he grabs it hands it to her. She also i need my surgical serriors and a camp. Bo bring her the whole bag sits it beside her. She pulls the baby out tells Bo to grab a towel and hold as she clean her airway. he grab the towel and then grabs the baby. Dr. Charlene cleans here airway. everyone is waiting to sound of baby first cry. Dr. Charlene is trying to make sure the fluids is clear. She gets it clear everybody pauses the baby takes a deep breath and release her first cry. everyone is in tears and happy to hear that sound. Dr. Charlene tells Bo to hold her while she stitches to Rose close up then she wrap the incision with gauze. then she takes the baby to check her over make sure she is healthy. she checking her lungs and heart everything is good now she must bring Rose out of her sedation and give some pain medication. she gives her the medicine she start to come around she still little loopy from all the medication. Rose tries to regain her strength. because she wants to feed her baby naturally. Bo is so excited to see his little girl. he says she is beautiful like her mama. Rose smiles my beautiful baby girl. Bo I think Luna fits our quite nicely." Rose says. William arrives just in time to see the bundle of joy. William says "look at the beautiful baby girl congratulations to you both." William says "I'm not being rude but when you and Dr. Charlene are I need to talk you both it's important." they said alright they finish up what they are doing then they meet William in the living room. William says sit down. Bo asks "What's wrong William?" William says "We have situation after last night one of needs to change Dr. Charlene because Damon is going still try to kill either way to make sure she is dead." Bo says "I'll do it and I will have Rose make her up moon necklace."

William sits and think about it a minute. William tells about it Dr. Charlene is scared to death. Bo tells her everything will be fine trust me he can't take your soul this way. She finally agrees. Bo grabs surge out of her medical takes blood from his heart because the bite could kill her. He tells has to shot in the main vein in her neck. Dr. Charlene says "Ok lets get this over with." Bo stick the needle her main vein in her neck and pushes down on the plucher to release the blood.imminently after this blood enters her main it burns as the werewolf cells are mutating with her blood cells. Dr Charlene grunts and convulsing as she feels the pain. now if this was bite it would be the opposite the werewolf cells would eat her blood cells and kill her. now the werewolf blood is different cause it still has the human properties in it so it don't have a high chance of the person dying. Bo kneels down by Dr. Charlene can hear me? Stay with me it's almost over with now just stay with me. Nola hears the commotion come in the room what's going on, she sees Dr. Charlene on the floor. "What did you do?" William and Bo nothing we had to change her. Nola asked if she alright? they yea we have to for process to end. they sit their and wait for an hour.

Dr. Charlene is laying there, is everyone is fearing the worst. Then she sits up take a deep breath in, she behaving like she had a dream. Bo says Dr. Charlene are you alright? she replied yes that was a weird experience. Bo has Rose make a moon necklace for her. Bo give to her to where at all times or she will change on full moon night. Dr. Charlene goes check on baby luna. she asked if everything is alright she eating she's suppose too? Rose says yes thank you Dr. Charlene you been a big help to me, Bo and Luna. Nick arrives back sees that Rose had her baby. he tells congratulation. she thank you sorry for taking your bed. Nick says "It's cool I'll sleep on the cough" as he leaves the room he runs into Melissa. She says" hey"!! Nick he says "Hello Melissa"!! She says "Hey I know Rose has your room do you want to come sleep with me tonight." Nick says "Hell yeah." They go in the room. Melissa lays down on the bed Nick lays down right beside her. she rolls over puts her hand on Nick check as gives him a kiss. Nick grabs her rolls over on top of him kissing each other. she sits up moves her hips back and forth to arouse Nick. She pulls her shirt and bra off, she takes off her pants and pantie. Nick remove all his clothes. she is on top of Nick kissing him getting him sexual arouse. she grabs his hard cock put in her pussy and she slowly sits on it as she moan loudly oh Nick she moving her hips back and forth then she moving up and down on his cock.she is moaning Nick give it to me baby yes,yes,yes ooooo make me cum like a waterfall. she is going up and down harder as butt hits his legs it's making a slapping sound. she says oh Nick i'm so wet they get up Nick been her over the bed and sticks his cock in her pussy from behind. He picks up a pair a handcuff he has puts her hands behind her back and continue. nice and slow at first then faster and harder she moaning and screaming oh yeah Nick give to me yea, yea,yea baby. she says oh baby I'm cumming, I'm cumming and she screams moans as she cums. Nick oh i'm cuming as he is pounding her as cums oh fuck and grunts. they lay there for a minute. she asked Nick to remove the handcuff? he removes them and get up there and lay next they cuddle and sleep naked together. The next morning Nola is getting sick in the bathroom. She calls Melissa. She rushes to get dress and comes running and is shock what she finds. She holler Nick get my medical bag. he bring it to he to her and she looks thru her bag for pregnancy test she finds tells Nola to take it. Nola is scared. she takes the test and waits for the results. After 5 minutes the results are in. it is positive as she gasp. Melissa says oh my. Now Nola has to tell William. Nola asked Melissa "What is she going to do"? Melissa says "Everything will be alright. this is normal to be scared at first. just please don't stress. We will tell William but i need to check a little more first". She asked Nick "Do you have to take orders from William"? "It depends on what it is," says Nick. "We need some medical equipment" says Melissa. Bo overhears the conversation. Bo says "I'll help you, but William might not like us for not telling him. So what do we have to do"? Melissa says "I need some equipment from the hospital but it's too risky for me to show up their" "so what we are going to have to steal it. I know we are going to need better equipment than this but we need this equipment for her pregnancy. Here is the list of the supplies we need.

Equipment List

Fetal Heart Monitor

Portable Ultrasound Machine


Contraction Monitor

Blood Pressure Monitor

Now I know it sounds hard to get but there's a shipment that comes in every month and the machine that are in use by the hospital go in technology updates. we need to sneak up their and grab some of the equipment for updates." Bo says "Ok, here the plan me and Nick will go to the hospital and we will wait for them to bring the equipment out. we are gonna park out of sight because we don't want to be seen. Nick i want you to use your speed as you be a blur no one will be able to see you as you grab the equipment. They won't be able to tell who did it and i make sure im out of sight and away from the cameras". Bo asked what does this shipment come i"n? Melissa says "It's tonight." Bo says Alright, we will leave in minute to select our spot we need." Nick says "What's going to happen if William where we are"? Melissa says "We take care of that. Bo and Nick leave to go put their plan into motion. Melissa and Nola are trying to figure how to tell William that Nola is pregnant. William is out looking for his next feed, each vampire is to his/her own. They have their own method of feeding. Most prefer human blood, but William can't bring himself to kill an innocent person and now days it how to tell what's in human blood. So William hunt's whatever he can find to keep his strength up. Bo and Nick are the hospital waiting to grab the equipment. Nola and Melissa are waiting Bo and Nick to come back with the equipment and William to come back so Nola can break the new about her being pregnant. Melissa keep checking on Nola and the baby to make sure everything good with them. Nola is get nervous by the minute wait on William to come back and she misses him when he is gone. The doors open and everyone looks in disbelief and horror when they see who it is.

Chapter 6

Expecting Company

William comes through the doors covered in blood. "What the fuck happened to you." Melissa said. "The security guard tried to shoot me and I had no choice but to kill him." William said. "So thats not your blood then? That's a good thing because Nola would have a panic attack." Melissa said. "Im ok, I just never thought I would have to kill a person. My mind won't quit racing with the thoughts of what he looked like right before he died." William said. "William snap out of it because we need to get you back to Nola and your unborn child." Melissa said. William looks at Melissa in shock. "My unborn child, wait a minute Nola is pregnant?" William said with a smile. "William Nola wants to tell you, but you were in shock of having to kill a human I didn't see no other way to snap you out of it." Melissa said with remorse in her voice. "Don't be sorry Melissa, I didn't know we were going to be to this point and if something were to happen to me then I would want my last thought to be of my love and unborn child." William said. "Well then we must figure out how we are going to get the equipment and get Nola back home so her and William can talk. Plus, we are running out of time.

Daybreak is in a couple of hours. So we need to hurry." Melissa said. The group shake their heads in agreement, and keep heading to get the equipment they need. William's thoughts run to Nola, and he keeps thinking of why she didn't tell him she is pregnant. Maybe with them going on this mission she was feeling unsure if telling him will put him more at risk because he wouldn't be thinking straight. But, now that he knows all he wants to do more than anything right now in this time, is to get Nola home and hold her. William and the group are waiting to hear back from Bo and Nick to see if he was able to retrieve the equipment they need. When time seeming to get longer, they all start to worry. Melissa looks at her phone, no messages from Nick. Melissa unlocks her phone and texts Nick. Five minutes later nothing comes through. "Guys, it's time to worry. I just texted Nick five minutes ago and he isn't answering. Which is not like him at all. Something is wrong and we need to go find them both now." Melissa says. "I agree guys, Bo isn't answering any phone calls or text messages either." William says in agreement. Melissa, William and Nola all head to the equipment storage room in the OB GYN floor. "William I am so sorry I didn't tell you. To me this isn't the right time to spring this kind of news on you." Nola whispers. "Love as soon as we get out of this hospital and back home we will sit down and talk. I am not angry, I am worried about your safety and our unborn child's safety." William whispers. "That's why I didn't tell you right now. I want to be with you through this and not let you do it without me. I couldn't bear to know something dreadful has happen to you and you wouldn't be coming home to me. So I guess you could say this is my way of protecting you." Nola whispers. "I love you Nola, no matter what happens. I love you and our child, and nothing not even death could keep me from either one of you." William says as he grabs her hand and squeezes. "I love you too William. To the ends of the Earth and back." Nola says as she squeezes his hand back.

When William, Nola and Melissa reach the fourth floor, it is eerily quiet. They all head down to the equipment room. William pushes the door open with such force it smashes the door frame. Nick and Bo both jump at the sound and turn ready to fight whoever it is. "Woah, slow down old friend it's just us." William says. "Damn it William, warn me next time you little shit."Bo jokes. "We've been trying you all on your cell phone for an hour now with no answer." Melissa says with an angry tone, shooting a look at Nick. "Babe we don't have reception up here so it's really hard to receive a text or phone call." Nick says as he shoots one of his comes hither smiles at Melissa. Melissa walks over to Nick with a smile on her face, she reaches up to wrap her arms around Nick's neck. Nick cradles her face in his hand and kisses her lightly and slowly on the lips. When the two pull apart, Melissa looks at him with an apologetic look on her face. "I guess you're right. Your forgiven, but you can make it up to me better when we get home." Melissa says with a wicked cheeky grin on her face. "Darlin' I plan on doing more than just making it up to you later." Nick says. Bo and William grab the equipment and they start to head to the stairwell. Nick pushes open the door and the group bolts down the stairs to the ground floor. Once Bo, Nick, William, Nola and Melissa make it to the ground floor, they head to the parking garage toward the black SUV. They all jump in William starts the vehicle and they peel out of the parking garage as fast as they can. William knows he has to get the equipment to Wolfbane Falls in one piece. if any of the equipment is destroyed this all would of been all for nothing. he is not fixing let this be for nothing his unborn child and Nola are his main concern. Bo and Nick is relieve that the job is done. Bo says William you guys didn't to after us we were fixing to leave when you showed up. William says well you are my friend i consider as my brother, my family, and I couldn't stain see anything happen to you. that's why I'm not mad that you and Nick went ahead with a plan without telling me because you thinking about my unborn child. I knew you would act in my place if I wasn't there at the time to what has to be done to protect the family as I would do the same for you. we been family for ages now i know how we handle business. I do thank you. Bo says you don't have to thank me i would do anything to help you as you would me.

They arrive at Wolfbane Falls. They unload the equipment quickly as possible and put in the bedroom where Rose is resting. Rose asked them what we're doing? Bo says we are unloading this equipment Melissa needed for Nola. Rose pops up real quick in serious tone What is wrong with Nola. Bo says nothing and calls Nola. Yes Bo said Nola. Rose says what is wrong? Nola says rose i'm pregnant. Rose says in excited " oh my god we going to be momma's together! Yes Nola says! Rose says do you know what are having yet. Nola says no i think that's what this equipment is for. Melissa comes in says Nola i went to get some rest tonight and we will run equipment to check everything over. Nola says ok. Rose says i want to be there when it happens. Melissa says i think Nola would love to have her friend here with her. Nola says yes i was for here you and help Melissa in delivering Luna. Rose says aww thank you Nola. Rose says i'll be here to help for you too. thank you says Nola. Rose says your welcome. They all lay down to rest for the night.

The next day William, Bo, and Nick are cutting down some old trees and timering them into cabin lumber to add on the cabin.Melissa, Rose, and Nola are watching the men outside thru the window. William, Nick, and Bo are working with the shirts off. All three women admiring the men working on the cabin. Melissa says are ladies ready to start checking the baby out? Rose and Nola say yes excitedly! They processed to the room. Nola lies down on the bed. Melissa tells her to lift her shirt up to her breast. she poured the gel on her stomach and grab the tool places it on her stomach. she is searching for the baby. Melissa is shocked by what she sees. The baby is progressing fast, Melissa says I really got to learn the difference between a human baby and vampire, werewolf babies. Nola says what's wrong. Melissa says nothing just progressing is lot faster. everything looks good though. meanwhile the are starting the lay out for the new addition to make room for additions to the family. The talking about how good to be in a place like Wolfbane Falls. They are think of adding about a 30 foot section on to the cabin then restain the whole thing when they are finished. Bo, Nick and William are working blood and sweat to finish this. Each one are carrying logs from the woods to their work station.

Melissa is done checking Nola over. She goes out to tell William the news. William says well Melissa i guess we take what we can get but i am glad her the baby are doing good. Melissa says yes and it is a good thing you guys are doing this. William say yes it gives some much needed exercise. Melissa is shock how strong you are carrying those big long trunk logs. she says wait a minute you and Nick are vampires doesn't the sun make you guys burst into flames. William laughs oh my you believe the myths and legends. she says so vampires bursting to flames by sunlight is a myth. William says yes it's a myth it was created because men were scared was by creature who could drink blood so they believe the sunlight would protect from vampires. just like any other creature we can walk through sunlight he said also depending on where you live it is too hot or cold in the daylight just like this when you want a cold beer you just right you don't want it to cold or to warm. Same for us when it is hot the blood gets too hot because your body temperature rises and when it is cold it drops we want our blood just right too. She thinks about it and says that make sinces. He said no if sunlight made me burst into flames i wouldn't be out here he laugh and now you know. They go back work on adding on the cabin. William and Nick are using there there super speed to lay the framework much faster as Bo seals and nails the logs together. They only adding one window per room incase of an attack they only have to guard the one window. They all agree this the best solution to this problem. As they are working an unknown Vampire speeds in. immediately they take action on this intruder. It's not told but another vampire can't trespass on another vampires land the penalty is death. It's not known but it's a golden rule another vampire can not trespass another vampire land unless they are invited. Bo speeds into protect the women and children and William and Nick speeds in to action Nick grabs the man up where he couldn't get loose and grabs the man his throat. The man says wait i'm not here to cause harm my name is Raymond. William says well Raymond do you know the penalty is for trespassing on land? Raymond says "I know I'm here to warn you that you guys have a mix creature here that is against the our law. If the elder of our kind finds out he will come to kill you all. William looks at Raymond with pure blind hatred. "Who might that be?" William says. Raymond smirks at William and says "In time you will know, but if you excuse me right now I have other business to attend to. Within milliseconds Raymond dislodges himself from Nick's grip and disappears out of sight. "What the fuck is going on now William?" Nick says curiously. "I don't have a clue Nick, but I have a feeling that very soon we are all going to find out." William says. William and Nick turn to the ladies and to Bo. "Well old friend, it seems like we have another problem to take care of. Nobody is going to hurt our families or our children." Bo says. "I agree old friend. We need to find out who this elder is and try to talk the situation out. If talking doesn't work then we know what the next step is." William says. Bo shakes his head in agreement.

Melissa, Nola and Rose look at one another, and say all at once "Yep, another cleanup process for the women." All three women laugh as the men turn to face them. "Really ladies?" Nick says with a chuckle. "Well darlin who else do you thinks takes care of the mess after y'all decide to being judge, jury and executioner." Melissa says. "Darlin isnt that what momma's are for?" Nick laughs even harder. Melissa picks up and pillows and hurles it in Nick's direction. Nick doges the pillows with quick speed. He circles around Melissa and grabs her by her waist, throwing her over his shoulders. Nick playfully smacks Melissa on her ass, and she squeals. "Now Nick if your threatening me with a good time, than you need to follow through." Melissa says with a chuckle. "Darlin, I always follow through. And through and through. If I follow through anymore you would never come down from Cloud Nine." Nick says laughing. Nola, Rose, William and Bo just look at Melissa and Nick and begin to laugh. Once everything settles down, Melissa, Nola and Rose went to the kitchen to make Chicken Parmesan, Garlic and Three Cheese homemade noodles and fresh butter rolls with honey butter. Bo, Nick and William set the table for the ladies, after the table is set, Bo heads to kitchen the red wine that has been "curing for centuries. Bo returns with the wine, he pops the cork and goes around the table filling the wine glasses with the red wine. Melissa, Nola and Rose come out of the kitchen carrying a tray each of the dinners they prepared.Bo notices Melissa looks 20 years old and she a lack of energy. Bo asked Melissa when the last time you feed? she says just now. Bo says no i mean blood Shes says oh never. Bo says perhaps you want to look in the mirror. Melissa goes to look and she lets out a blood curdling scream. what the hell is wrong with me? Bo laugh nothing you haven't drank blood when you dont you ages a little bit. and lose you energy. you need to feed he said i'll go with you it's been a couple days for me. Melissa says it's not a full moon. Bo says we don't need to remember your moon necklace you can turn when you need too and you emotion can play a role in your changing. Melissa says my emotions oh no. so Bo goes out to the porch and tells Melissa to come with him. Bo says the trick is to use your emotions to your advantage. Bo says like me i use thought of someone hurting my family. he says watch Bo put the thought in his mind.

He roars take off running off the porch changing to his wolf form. Melissa closes her eyes and concentrates on what her thought should be to help her acquire the change within her. Melissa begins to feel her bones shift then it stops. Melissa opens her eyes and she is still in human form. She cries in frustration and closes her eyes again. The thought that comes to her mind is when her mother dies and her father was nowhere to be found. Melissa feels the change come quickly, within seconds of her changing. Melissa opens her eyes she feels different. She cocks her head down and sees the white fur with hot pink streaks running through the white fur. Eyes the color of pools of pink with lavender swirled through the iris. Melissa raises her new eyes to Bo. Melissa hears Bo talking to her, but his jaws are not moving. "Don't be scared, everything will get quicker." Bo says through telepathy. "Im ok, I'm just shocked at how the transformation with and how I look." Melissa says back to Bo. "Wait till Nick sees you, he will flip." Bo says. "Bo, do I have to kill a human, I don't think I have the stomach to be able to handle that." Melissa says. "Melissa that is completely up to you. You wanna kill an animal than a human that is your choice. But, it will make you feel a lot better and stronger. You won't feel so sick either." Bo says. "Let's get to hunting then Bo." Melissa chuckles.Bo and Melissa take off in a slow run then quicken the pace as smell the animals all around them. Finding the right animal that smells like blood and mint chocolates is going to be different on Melissa's first kill. The trees pass by them like a blur of greens and browns, the night sky full of stars and the bright moon that seems like its light covers the whole terrien their hunting on. The night air is cool but with the adrenaline coursing through her body, sends a shiver down her spine. Melissa stops all of sudden with a grunt escaping her new mouth. "Mm I smell what I want." Melissa groans as she sees the mountain lion crouching for his kill. "Are you sure Melissa?" Bo asks. "I got this Bo." Melissa says with confidence .

As Melissa takes off in a full sprint the mountain lion has no time to react. Before the lion could move Melissa on his back ripping his throat open. As the blood begins to pour from the animals throat. Melissa suckles at the lion's neck, taking in all she needs to be strong. Bo looks at Melissa with sheer excitement, Bo needs the same thing he needs the blood. Bo walks up to the mountain lion and looks at Melissa. She nods her head and shares her kill with Bo. So they would be strong enough to handle what Raymond said was coming.

Chapter 7

Making Room

Bo and Melissa are finishing their meal and head back to the cabin. As they get back to the cabin Bo turns back to human form. He is standing there watching Melissa running around having fun. William and Nick come out on the porch. Bo is smiling and laughing at Melissa playing around. William says Bo old friend we have to get back building the addition tomorrow. Bo says yes i can't wait to its finish. William and Nick are nodding in agreement. Bo goes to check on Rose and Luna. Melissa change back in to her human form. Melissa says that was kick ass, fun i never experienced anything like before. Bo is enter the room Rose is talking to Luna. bo notices Luna grow rapidly. His daughter is beautiful. Rose is doing great her scar is healing nicely. Luna about the size of toddler now. Rose tells Bo to watch and Luna is doing magic very well. moving object around. Bo says she going to be powerful like her momma. Bo asks if she has any changes yet. Rose says no i made her moon necklace the first chance I got. She is growing pretty fast but she our little girl. I still wonder what Nola is having. Bo says yes that is a good question.

Everyone is laying down to rest for the night. At six am William, Nick and Bo are out working on the cabin. trying get it built. From behind they all three hear a deep voice " hey boys " Bo is saying to himself please let it be, please let it be as he hear William say well well well Damon what the hell do we own the pleasure for your rioting present as Bo turns around and is ready to charge Damon. Damon says it's nice to see you to William and as you Bo. You must be mad still. Calm down old boy if wasn't for me you would of been dead decades ago. Say you boys don't know what happened to Dr. Charlene? William says no we have not who the hell that is. Damon says un huh and i suppose you guys don't know who took the hospital equipment. Bo says no we don't If we did we sure in the hell wouldn't tell you. Damon says i can see you guys are clearing your thoughts and you know i can places my hand on your head and i can hear your most deepest thoughts. William says you place hand anywhere nears us and i'll break that arm off and stick up your ass give you a third leg. At the same time Damon stiffened up and his ass sucked in. Damon says well boys the no need for violence. Oh Nick i know we don't know each other but it's nice to meet you. Nick says i heard alot about you. Damon says i'm sure you have. Williams says don't trust him and he is slick and foul as they come. Damon says William that hurt. Bo says more like slick, slimy, foul, and low down pure evil lying bastard. Damon says Bo I am shocked you think about me like that. Damon says alright boys enough chit chat and insults for now i'll be seeing again William says yeah with your head on my wall and Bo says yea we will with my foot in your ass and I'll stomp your heart out through your throat. Damon says touche as he leaves. Bo turns to William, "William let's forget about the fucking cocksucker and finish this cabin. That way we can prepare for the upcoming events." Bo says. "Alright old friend. Let's get to work." William says. By nightfall William and Bo finished the renovation of the cabin. The extra three rooms will space everyone out and the two new editions would have their own room. "Well old friend it took us all day but it's finally finished." William said. "Yeah and I'm glad because if we had to do it again tomorrow, I would have to run away. All we got all day was interruptions." Bo said. "I know but at least our children will have a personal sanctuary and that leaves a weapons room, and a room for Nick and Dr. Charlene/Melissa." William said. As Bo pats William on the back they both start walking inside.

The smell of calla lilies and dinner soared through the air. Bo and William followed the scent and watched as Nola and Rose are dancing around the kitchen making dinner. "Bo do you think we can sneak attack them?" William asks. "We could, they would never see us coming." Bo chuckles. "As they walk towards Nola and Rose, both women say "Not on your life buster." laughing. Bo and William grunt and look at one another. "Damn how did they know?" Bo asks. "Well gentlemen one of us girls is a witch. We know your every move." Rose says with a laugh. "William looks at Bo and laughs. "Old friend she has us there." William says. Bo and William walk up behind their significant other and kiss them. "We've missed you girls today. But at least we can the cabin is done and ready to move to the rooms." Bo says. "Well the children will have a room each, and Nick and Melissa will have a room. Now that we have all sides covered we will see what's coming at us." William says. "How about you both call the other troops in and we will commence with our "family" dinner. Bo turns to call Melissa and Nick, when by his surprise their headed down the stairs. "No need boss, we smelled that glorious dinner through the floor." Nick says. "Im sorry girls. I've been under the weather today. I went ahead and took some medication so I could be good by tomorrow." Melissa says. "Melissa no need to apologize. You were sick with the flu today, you needed your rest. We took care of the dinner and even figured out what to make for the rest of the week." Nola says. Melissa looks at Nola and Rose and smiles. Melissa starts to think how lucky she is to have two women who are her best friends. Melissa is thankful for her second chance at life and thankful for finding Nick. "Alright everyone let's eat." Rose says. Melissa, Nick, Bo and William grab the trays from Nola and Rose and they all head to the dining room to the table.

The trays were set down neatly on the table and they all sit to eat. When they finish eating Nola begins to cleanup, she is standing at the sink washing and rinsing the dishes. She feels a twinge of pain, Nola ignores it a first thinking she may have turned wrong. But then when the twinging pain gets worse she knows it's more than her turning wrong. "Ohhhhhh WILLIAM HELP!" Nola screams. William is in the kitchen in a flash. "Love are you ok?" William asks. "The baby I think it's coming. Go get Melissa." Nola says through gritted teeth. William rushes to get Melissa, by the time he returns Nola is beginning to push. "Oh shit William!" Melissa says. "William you need to get her off the table and to the medical room now." Melissa says. William picks Nola up gently and rushes to the other side of the house in a flash. Melissa not far behind them. The medical room is prepped for the delivery. "Push Nola Push." Melissa says. Nola bears down and begins to push, wanting to scream from the pain of the delivery. Nola feels faint, but she fights the urge and keeps pushing. "I see the head, one more push Nola and your baby will be in this world." Melissa says. William looks at Nola holding tightly to her hand. "Push love, just one more time." William says. "I'm tired William, I don't think I can." Nola says. William kisses Nola on her forehead, "Push love. It's the last one I promise." William says. Nola bears down on the bed and grits her teeth as she pushes for the final time before her baby comes into the world. Nola hears the baby's first cry, and tears well up in eyes. When she blinks the tears stream down her face as she sobs. "William is the baby ok? Is it a boy or girl?" Nola asks. "Baby's doing fine love just relax, but waiting on Melissa to say if its a boy or girl." William says. As Melissa stands with the baby cradled in her arms wrapped in a blanket she looks at both William and Nola. "Welcome to the world your son." Melissa says. William looks at Melissa and smiles. "I have a son?!" William exclaims. "Yes, here is your handsome son, congratulations Nola and William." Melissa says. "Nola we have a son, and he is perfect." William says. Nola holds out her arms and William places their son in them. Nola looks at the baby and smiles, a beautiful baby boy indeed. "William, I have the perfect name for him." Nola says. "What my love?" William asks looking at his son grinning from ear to ear. "I want to name our son Tayden James Michaelson." Nola says. William looks at her and smiles. "Our son has my middle name and last name." William gleamed. "Of course, I love you and your his daddy. Spitting image of you if I may say so." Nola says. "I love you Nola and I love you Tayden James." William says. Melissa walks over and takes the baby to run some tests. "Nola you just rest now, I'm going to examine the baby and make sure everything is good." Melissa says. Nola nods her head as she leans against William smiling.

When Melissa walks out the medical room Nola urges William to lay next to her. William climbs gently into the bed beside her and wraps his arms around Nola. Thinking to himself that whatever Raymond said was coming, is going to have a hell of a fight on his or her hands. William looks down at his son and smiles, and his son will learn how to protect what is his and will learn to protect his family. "I love you William." Rose says sleepiley. "I love you too Nola." William says as exhaustion begins to consume him. William's last thoughts before sleep captivated him was this war they will be fighting soon, will be the war to end all the running. Nick, Nola, Melissa, Bo and Rose are now and forever William's family. No one will take down his family, no matter what or who is coming. They will fight it head on, even if it means dying in the process. William says the next morning to Bo and William we have to make a run to town for the children. Bo says let's go old friend. william says we to stop at the hardware store.William says we have to grab stain and paint. he grabs the supplies to finish the cabin. Now they head to the baby store. they get to the baby store and walked in and the are confused what the get. A store employee comes over and says may i help sir. William says yes i need some help getting baby supplies. The Employee says i can help you sir. Meanwhile back at the cabin Rose,Nola and Melissa are talking care the children trying figure out why the babies are growing so fast. Rose says to Nola and Melissa let's get my Book of legend to see if it says anything about Werewolf and Vampire babies. She looking through the pages she comes the vampire pages. She is reading through it she come to last page, it says Vampire Children. It says grow faster to they reach adult age because there cells are rapidly producing until they hit adult age. As adult is turn they are frozen at that age as for a born child they Pure Born Vampire unlike Turn vampires Pure Born is stronger than a turned vampire, telepathically talk to any other creature . This as well the same with the werewolf except the are Pure born Werewolf isn't cursed through the full moon, pure born werewolves can turn at will.

Although, Luna is a werewolf hybrid, Luna has the different abilities. Which in turn makes being a hybrid dangerous to any enemy they encounter. But, it's against any other creatures, including humans. If such allegations are to arise within out courts, the matter will be investigated throughly through werewolf law. Any werewolf is found to bt the law for any werewolf to intentionally on their own free will breed we guilty of this said crime shall be prosecuted by the werewolf elder. Then sentencing would commence. The penalty for said crime would be death, no exceptions with this law. Rose looks up in shock, and remembers the conversation Raymond had said. About they had a creature in their house that is against the law. Rose's eyes begin to tear up, my child is not a creature she's just a girl. Melissa goes to her laptop to to look up the mixture law. She goes to google, looks up creature mixture law. She is shocked by what she finds. Hybrid creatures are known disobey the laws and think are superior over all creatures. The last hybrid creature existed in the year 1690. His name was Frederick Clayton Wilson. He left a marked on the creature history by wanting to make all creature's hybrid but most died because there body couldn't handle the mixture of the creature's. they a violent death. when some werewolf's would try to change after being turned to a hybrid there body had tear itself apart during change and some vampire would be changing into hybrid creature there body would split in half. the elder were appalled and discussed by this frederick was doing more harm than good. They agreed that the best thing is to get rid of hybrid's and keep it that way. and they agreed that born hybrids then making them from other creatures. Who are the elder's well that is classified information all it says is their two elder's and creature as there bodyguard. But, as far as Fredrick concern about creature's is they are old, weak, and couldn't cut it anymore that hybrid's are a lot stronger and faster. The elder's won't stand for this any longer so they spring into action. The two elder are a lot stronger and faster than their peers because they a lot older than the peers but hybrid are a force to be reckoned with because they are a mixture of both creatures which make them stronger and faster. The elder's are prepared to deal with the issue directly.

This created fear of the hybrid and the creatures went into hiding and the ones who took a stand and fought died a painful death. Once the war was over with the elder's put a ban on mixing the creatures and made a law to enforce it. If any creature is found in violation of law they will die. Melissa, Rose and Nola are shocked by what they read. Neither of the three women know what to do. Both Nola and Rose have had children and now their children are in danger from whoever these elders are for the werewolf clan and the elder for the vampire clan. Melissa is trying to figure out a plan to help her friends and her niece and nephew. "We can take the children into hiding until the reach full maturity." Melissa says to Nola and Rose. "No, we can't do that, either way the elders will find them." Nola says. "There is only one thing we can do. That is we train our children and we stay and fight with the men. No one should be able to "punish" two people for falling in love and wanting what everyone else has. Ladies, we stay and fight, I'm not saying it's going to be an easy fight. Cause the Gods above know there will be a lot of bloodshed and pain, but if we dont stay and fight. None of us will be ever to live in peace with our families. We must show the elders on both sides that our children are not a danger to either breed. They are children, innocent children who shouldn't suffer because they are hybrids.

So at dawn tomorrow, we prepare ourselves to fight. The children will be trained next. After we are prepared, all three of us will let Nick, William and Bo know that we plan on staying and fighting with them. Not bowing down to the enemy and running and hiding." Nola says. "I agree with you Nola, if we must fight to show that our children are not a threat then so be it." Rose says. "I will fight to the end of this earth for my niece and nephew. Then ladies I will say goodnight and I will see you both at dawn for training." Melissa says. "Goodnight Melissa." Rose says. "Goodnight Melissa." Nola says. As Melissa walks upstairs, Nola and Rose look at one another with tears in their eyes. "We stand and fight." Rose and Nola says. As they both shake their heads in agreement they hug. Saying goodnight to one another Rose and Nola head to their separate rooms, till dawn when training begins. Rose closes her door and walks over to her and William's bed. She pulls the blankets back and gets under the covers. Rose is wondering where Bo is and if him, William and Nick are alright. They said they would only be gone for a little while. Rose looks at the alarm clock on her bedside table and realizes it one forty-five a.m. Finding a comfortable position is difficult when Bo isn't in bed with her, and she silently prays to herself that Bo, William and Nick are ok. Rose pushes away all the negative thoughts she lays back and adjusts her body in a comfortable position. Once she finds comfort she closes her eyes to the sound of the crickets outside her window chirping in the night. Before sleep completely consumed her already tired body Rose mumbles "We stay and fight!" Nick, Bo and William pull into the driveway, looking at the clock illuminating the dashboard they all see it is well past two a.m. William, Nick and Bo all chuckle realizing that the girls are all asleep. Bo looks up and sees all the lights in the cabin are off. "Well it's safe to assume the girls are sound asleep." Bo says with a slur. "Old friend we are in a world of trouble in the morning." William says. "Oh no kidding, Melissa will surgically remove my balls if she ever finds out what time we got in tonight." Nick says laughing. "Alright gentlemen we will just explain that we were making a plan at the bar. Had a few drinks and lost track of time." Bo says. "Sounds good." Nick and William says. Nick, Bo and William get out of the SUV and head up to the cabin quietly, not trying to make too much noise to disturb Nola, Rose, Melissa and the babies. William unlocks the door and they all walk in. Bo heads to the nursery to check on his baby, he looks in and Luna is fast asleep. "William walks over to the other nursery and looks in. His son Tayden is sound asleep with his blanket. "Well gentlemen I bid you a good night or good morning which ever you choose." Nick says to Bo and William. "Good night Nick." William and Bo say at the same time. Nick heads to the door leading to his and Melissa's room. Opens the door and heads in shutting the door with a light click. "I wonder how mad the ladies are at us?" William says. "Hopefully not to mad, but we will find out in the morning/." Bo says. William shakes his head in agreement and they both turn to walk to adjacent doors. Very quietly, Bo and William open their bedroom doors, and slip inside their rooms quietly. With a faint click both doors are shut tight. Bo looks around in the darkness and finds his bed as he plops down, and passes out moments later in a drunken stupor.

Chapter 8

Preparing for War

Melissa is the first one up and she heads down the stairs to make coffee. Rose and Nola come into the kitchen five minutes after Melissa has the coffee started. "Good morning ladies. Ready for our day of brutal training?" Melissa asks. Rose and Nola groan at the thought of beginning training this early when they all went to bed late. "Anyone else notice that William, Bo and Nick came in after two a.m. drunker than a louisiana skunk." Nola says. "Yea Bo didn't even make it completely to the bed. He is passed out halfway off the bed." Rose says. "Serves them right, getting that drunk, and knowing they are all going to have a massive hangover when they wake up" Melissa says. Each one of the women grab them a cup of coffee and quickly down the steaming how liquid. They grab their bags from the hallway where they have their gear to start training. Nola, Rose and Melissa all head out the door to the SUV. Rose gets in the driver seat, Melissa in the passenger front seat and Nola in the back seat.The SUV starts up with a hum, and Rose puts the SUV in gear and head out the driveway. Driving down the country roads was a bumpy experience, but Rose knows they need complete seclusion from the world. So they are not interrupted. Melissa is humming to the song on the radio and Nola is laying in the back seat lightly snoring. When Rose pulls into the place they are meant to start training, Melissa looks at her with disbelief. "What are we doing here Rose?" Melissa asks. "Best way to train and to channel our energy is go to the place where Damon appeared to us." Rose says. When Rose puts the SUV in park and open the door, Nola jumps up awake. "Hey we're here already?" Nola asks. "Girl you been asleep for an hour in a half." Melissa says with a laugh. "Oh damn, I must have been exhausted from last night." Nola says.

The women grab their bags and walk up to the abandoned building. Melissa kicks the door open and the door makes a loud crash to the floor. "This is the perfect place to train." Nola says. "Plenty of places to climb and jump from. Which will be a good advantage on our side when the enemy comes to calling." Rose says. Melissa looks around for a light switch to illuminate the warehouse. When she finds it she flips it on. Nola, Rose and Melissa jump when the whirl and the humming of the machine take them by surprise. "It's alright ladies, it's just the machines starting up. The noise will die down in a minute or two." Melissa says. The three women walk further into the warehouse to investigate their surroundings and to find a table to lay their bags so they can begin their training. Three hours have passed and Nola, Rose and Melissa are working on their strengths, and their weaknesses. Knowing that if they don't strengthen their abilities they will not be able to help William, Bo and Nick when the time comes. Nor will they be able to properly train their children. Nola looks down at her watch and realizes it almost midnight. "Alright ladies we will continue this at home tomorrow. Right now we have got to be heading home before the boys come looking for us." Nola says. "I agree, Nick has already texted my phone over fifty times wondering where I am at." Melissa says. "Yeah lord knows what William is thinking." Rose says. The girls begin to laugh at the thought of the Nick, William and Bo's facial expressions when they woke up with no note, text or phone call explaining where they were going. Nola, Rose and Melissa gather their belongings and head out the warehouse doors. Melissa turns to shut the light off and begins to run towards the SUV where Nola and Rose are waiting. "Are we all set Melissa?" Rose says. "Good to go Rose, all the lights are shut off and it looks like no one has been there in years." Melissa said. "Good we don't need any trail of us being here to stir any unwanted attention."Nola says.

The drive home seems like its a shorter ride then when the three women were headed to the warehouse. When the SUV pulled into the driveway, Rose switched off the headlights. "Oh shit, Nick, William and Bo are still up." Rose said. "Nola is that William, Nick and Bo on the front porch." Melissa asks. Nola squints her eyes and her smile drops, "Yeah and they look like they are pissed off. Is it too late to turn around and run now." Nola jokes. "Yes it is. We all know we were in the wrong for not leaving some type of explanation of where we were all going. Now it's time to face the music." Rose says. Nola is the first one to open the back passenger followed by Melissa and Rose. The trio begins to walk up the sidewalk to the steps. That's where they meet three angry men. "Where in the fuck have you been? Also, why the hell have you been avoiding all calls and texts all day long." Nick, Bo and William say angrily all at once. "Well that's what we were wanting to tell you boys. We are not planning on running with the children. We have begun our training which started this morning. The children's training begins in three weeks when they hit full adulthood. Nola, Melissa and I are so sorry for not telling you, but we didn't see any other way of doing it. We all knew that none of you gentlemen would agree with us standing beside you all and fighting. But, at the end of the day we love you all very much. We are not complete without you, we are all stronger together." Rose says. William, Bo and Nick look at the girls and their anger slowly leaves their faces. "Darlin' we are not mad at all. We were just worried that something had happen to you all." Nick says looking at Melissa. William said you should of asked we could help. what is this about anyway. Melissa i will show you. She grab her laptop pulled up the web page the read and let him read it. I see what Raymond was talking about says William. Bo and Nick come over to read it. they both agree it sure is Bo and Nick says. William says we can train but ladies if we train there can't be no hard feeling or no i lady you can't do that because if we train we train hard and learn hard. when you fight nothing matters but who you are fighting with you guys understand. Nola, Rose, and Melissa says yes. Ok William says. Me and Bo will show how to begin says William. Bo charge at me, Bo charges at William and he leans in with his shoulder as they contact Bo flies back from the push back. Bo gets up and says that's how you stop a charge. Bo runs at William dodges his defences and grabs Willam from behind by his waist and leans slams William to the ground. William gets up and says good one old friend. Nola and Melissa repeated what William and Bo just dumistraighed. They asks how was that.William says that was good. William says Bo let show them the grab and slam. Ok Bo says Bo and William charge at each other as they get close to each other William lung at Bo grab him by his throat as they fly in the air about 5 feet as William knee goes up and Bo is in the laying down position and slams to the ground as dirt and grass flies up. Bo gets up cough man old friend i have done that in while that was fun but when you have your opponent on the ground you break there neck. the ladies say i don't know if we could repeat that. just try William and Bo says. Nola and Melissa repeated they weren't bad but need a little practice. they keep repeating it about 20 times and they got it just right. Yeah!!! Williams says that was good. Bo tells Melissa she need learn how to change when she is in danger. Bo says watch he take off running as he changes. Melissa says ok she take off running changes and roars.

As they both change back Bo says that was damn good. Now want you to change as grab and jump in the air and take me down. So they get in their stands they charge each other Bo grabs Melissa jumps in the air. She changes and put both hands out as she pushes, Bo to the ground as she flips back on her feet before they hit the ground and roars. The change is immediate, no pain just a quick release and it's over. Melissa is beginning to control the change. That is detrimental and a strong indication that the moon will no longer control her shifting. Bo looks at Melissa and smiles, proud of the way she shifted without the help of the full moon. "A couple more days and you will be ready, now remember in a couple of days there will be a challenge given to you. I need to make sure you are able to shift without any help. Now remember always keep your emotions centered until you are ready to shift." Bo says to Melissa. "It's getting easier the more I do it." Melissa says. "Let's get you inside and let you cool off and get something to drink." Bo says. Bo and Melissa walk into the cabin and Melissa grabs two glasses and Bo grabs the sweet tea out of the refrigerator. Bo sets the glasses on the counter grabs the ice tray and puts three ice cubes in the glasses. Melissa turns from the refrigerator and goes over to the counter and pours the ice tea in the glasses. "Bo, do you think Nick really loves me and accepts me for who I am?" Melissa asks. "There is no doubt in the back of my mind that Nick loves you and accepts you. Nick is head over heels in love with you. I seen it in his thoughts when I came over to the safe house cabin. He may be gruff but deep down he has a heart." Bo says. Melissa smiles at the notion that Nick really loves her, now she needs to tell him how she really feels. There is no better time than tonight when they go in town for a dinner and a movie.

Later on in the evening before her and Nick's date, Melissa decided to soak her sore muscles in a hot bath. The steam from the water is filling the bathroom up, once the tub is filled with hot water and lavender bubbles, Melissa undresses and slowly lowers herself into the tub. Laying her head back and a hot washcloth over her eyes she begins to relax. Thoughts racing through her mind on how she is going to tell Nick she feels the same way about him. Melissa now realizes that she has been in love with Nick since he picked her up from her apartment and took her to the safe house cabin. Melissa gets out of the tub and wraps a towel around herself and heads into her and Nick's room to get dressed. Melissa glanced at the clock it was already seven forty-five. She moves over to closet, opens it and finds pale blue high low dress that is adorn with rhinestones on the top. Melissa takes it out of the closet and lays it on the bed. She turns back around and proceeds to find the pale blue matching heels. When Melissa located the shoes she turns around lays them on the bed. Picks the dress up and slips it over her head. Melissa sits on the edge of the bed and grabs the heels and slips them onto her feet. She walks over to the mirror picks up her dark blood red lipstick and proceeds to apply it. White glittery eyeshadow lays upon her eyelids. As Melissa looks into the mirror all she can think is what Nick will look like or say when he sees her. Melissa opens the door to their bedroom and walks out.

As soon as she turns the corner and begins walking down the stairs, she hears Nick's voice. When Melissa gets to the bottom of the stairs Bo, William, Nola, Rose and Nick fall silent and look at her. "Melissa darlin' you look absolutely beautiful. You are a sight for sore eyes." Nick says with a smile creeping onto his handsome chiseled face. Everyone in the room nods their head in agreement. "You ready to go darlin'?" Nick asks. "Yes let's go." Melissa says. Nick pulls into the movie theater parking lot. Nick turns to Melissa , "Darlin' it looks like something is on your mind. Would you like to tell me?" Nick asks. "I've been wanting to tell you this for awhile, but I have been afraid you wouldn't think the same thing." Melissa says. "What is it darlin'?" Nick asks. "Nick, I'm in love you with. I've been in love with you since the first time I met you. I have never felt the connection with anyone like the connection I have with you. My soul yearns for you when we are apart, my dreams are all about you. When we make love it's like my body sets fire. I don't ever want to be with anyone but you. You Nick are my soulmate. So what I'm trying to say is, I want to be yours forever. I want us to have babies, I want to be forever yours. Eternity isn't enough time, I want every moment to be with you." Melissa says as she lowers her head, tears glistening her eyes. "Darlin' look at me, don't lower your head. Love isn't supposed to hurt, it suppose to be like riding on a cloud and the atmosphere makes you high. Your thoughts and heart are always with the person. When you truly love someone your souls become one. Basically darlin what I'm trying to say is I love you in the same way. I have since the day I laid eyes on you." Nick says. Melissa raises her head up, Nick pulls her closer to him and cradles her face in his hands. "Melissa I didn't know love until I laid eyes on you. My soul knew that we were meant to be together. Don't ever feel like you have to hide something from me." Nick says as he kisses her roughly on her full blood red lips. Once the kiss ended Nick looks at Melissa. "Darlin' lets skip the movie and dinner and go straight for dessert." Nick says with a wicked smile on his face. Melissa blushes and kisses him again. "Dessert sounds perfect Nick." Melissa says with a gleam in her eyes. Nick says. Nick starts the car and begins to head to Wolfsbane safe house cabin.

About 20 minutes they were finally at the cabin. Nick gets out of the car and runs to the other side. Nick looks at Melissa through the glass, he opens the door to the car. Nick leans in and picks Melissa up into his arms and carries her toward the cabin. Nick sets her down on her feet as he reaches in his pocket for the cabin key. Once he finds the key he unlocks the door, Nick then turns and picks Melissa back up into his arms. "Where are you taking me Nick?" Melissa giggles. "To our bed, where i'm going to devilish things to your body. You will be so satisfied that you will be weak in the knees." Nick says with a devious smile. "Oh I got some moves you haven't seen yet. I can do things to you that will have your cock hard for months." Melissa says licking her lips. Once they get to the master suite, Nick opens the door and steps in Melissa still in his arms. "Well lets see if we can cure our insatiable appetites. I'm going to torment you slowing having you beg." Melissa says. "Darlin' I will make foreplay a slow burn. Making you beg me to put that fire out." Nick says with a low chuckle. "Well sir lets see what you got." Melissa says as she crushes her lips over Nick's lips. Slowly kissing him playing with fire. Knowing that her doing this is going to get Nick revved up. Nick deepens the kiss by slowly licking her bottom lip till Melissa opened her mouth. Nick slowly kissed her deeply while massaging her breasts. Nick pushes Melissa up against the wall pinning her. A moan escapes from Melissa's lips. Nick then proceeds to lick and kiss Melissa slowly down her neck. Running his hands down her sides making Melissa shiver. Nick slides his hand to her front and down her stomach. Nick slowly inches his hand down between Melissa's legs, slowly pushing them apart.Starts rubbing on Melissa vagina getting her arouse as she moans and bites her bottom lip. Nick picks up Melissa puts her two hands on each bed posted. He smack her butt. moan ooo Melissa let's out. Nick is moving her butt and hips like he is giving a little tease. He pulls his pants down as he gets close behind her and massage her breast and plays with her nipples. Melissa is moan as her body shakes in pleasures. Nick grabbed her hips and pushes his cock in your vagina as she still leaning against the two bed posted and she lets a gasp and moan in pleasure. Nick is pulling her back and forth by her hips while she still holds on to bed posted as she moans and leaned her head back in deep pleasure. Nick smack her butt again Melissa says oh yes spank me I have bad a girl as she moans. Nick gives her three more smacks as he takes hand on the top butt pushes it down on his cock as lets out a loud moan and she's cumming like a waterfall.

At the same time Nick is cumming grunting oh yeah. As Melissa says oh yeah give it to me. the laying down and cuddle as they are going to train the next day. the next morning everyone is outside for training. William say Nick I'm gonna show you a trick that really is rarely use. William tells nick to grab his throat, Nick grabs his throat. william is just standing there. Then William shape shifts into a snake. Nick jumps back what the. William shape shift back into a vampire. Nick says dude what the hell? William says in vampires old bag tricks is he or she can shape shift if need be. Nick says like what? it limitless you turn into another person William says. Melissa is not feeling well she is weak and can not concentrate. William speeds over Melissa as he spooked her are you alright. She says yes but he notice she is weak and losing her balance William catches her before she falls. Melissa is trying to take a bite out William as he looks she has teeth protruding. William is shocked but she not turning what the hell is going on? William backs up and Melissa advances toward William. Nick speeds over Melissa what the hell that's William she snap at Nick? Nick says Melissa, Bo speeds over get back look at her eyes they are blue not pink. Rose come here says Bo. yes Rose says. I need you to knock her out Bo says. "This isn't like Melissa at all, its like all her senses are heightened way into overdrive. here is no bringing her out of it until she decides to come down." Bo says. "So what are you planning on doing? Knocking her out long enough for her hormones to come down where she will be back to normal?" Rose says. "I see there is no other way to do this other than that. I have never hit a woman in my life and I really don't want to start now but she leaves me no choice. Melissa is not only a danger to us but she is a danger to herself." Bo says. William looks over at Bo with a concerned look on his face. "Old friend if you can't do it then I will. I know how much strength to use to knock her out temporarily. In order for Melissa to come down from whatever heightened senses she is having she will have to sleep." William says as he looks over at Melissa. Melissa is thrashing around snarling and trying to bite whoever comes near her. "If you think it's the only way then I guess it must be done." Rose says with sadness to her voice. "I promise I wont hurt her, she won't remember anything will her senses go back to normal." William says. "Then once she is asleep we can take her into the cabin to the medical ward, strap her to the table and run a series of tests to see what is going on. Once we get to the bottom of what is causing this sudden violent outbursts, then we can figure out how to handle it from there." Bo says. William nods in agreement as he is walking toward Nick who is with all his strength trying to hold Melissa in place. "I'm sorry Melissa this is for your safety and ours." William says. William closes his eyes and concentrates until he feels his strength coming to the surface.

When William opens his eyes they glow a reddish color. He brings it fist back and makes contact with Melissa's jaw knocking her out cold. Melissa goes limp in Nick's arms as he cradles her gently. "It's time to get her inside." Bo says. "Will she be alright?" Nick asks. "Yeah, will find out what's going on, handle it and everything will be alright." Bo says. Nick puts Melissa's head against his shoulder as he follows William and Bo into the cabin. Nick looks down at Melissa. She looks so peaceful, he just cant explain what caused her to turn so violent. William, Bo and Nick round the corner in the hall and stop in front of the medical room door. Bo leans over and opens it as they each walk in. Nick carries Melissa over to the bed, and begins to strap her legs and arms down. Concern and guilt start to flood Nick, he never thought he would ever have to do this to Melissa. Nick looks at Melissa touching her face gently. Nick leans forward and kisses her lightly on her forehead. "I love you Melissa, everything will be ok soon. I promise my love, William, Bo, Rose, Nola and I will find out what's going on." Nick says. William and Bo look over at Nick, and wave him over to them. Nick looks back at Melissa one more time, as if it will be the last time he sees her. When Nick crosses the room to William and Bo and looks at them both with concern in his eyes. "Now I will tell you Nick, that William nor I will be performing a series of tests on Melissa. Rose and Nola will be conducting all of that. Once the results come in they will let us know. But, you must be patient. In order to help Melissa the best way we know how is to let Rose and Nola do what needs to be done uninterrupted." Bo says. "I understand, but will I be able to come in and see her?" Nick says. "No Nick. Melissa needs to get better, Rose and Nola will be running tests around the clock. If it's something we can handle then we need the results back as soon as possible. If there is any interference at all we will be risking Melissa's life. So for the next seventy-two hours we need you to be calm." William says. There is a light knock at the door and Bo walks over and answers it. There stands Rose and Nola in scrubs, ready for the next three days of testing. "Alright gentlemen it's time for us to start. Hopefully in three days we will have an answer on what's going on with Melissa." Nola says. William and Bo put their hand on Nick's shoulders and they walk out the room as the girls walk in. "Everything will be ok Nick, you have to trust us. Nola and I will find out what's going on." Rose says. Nick shakes his head. "I trust you all with everything I have in me." Nick says. The next three days are hell, Nola and Rose ran over sixty tests on Melissa and they all came back negative. No abnormalities in her blood, no disease no nothing. Exhaustion was starting to kick in and it looks to Rose and Nola that their friend is going to lose her fight with whatever she is fighting. "Nola, there has to be a reason for this onslaught of her senses." Rose says. "I agree Rose but we have run every test we can think of and everything is coming back negative. I don't know what else we can do." Nola says with defeat in her voice. "We don't give up, Melissa is a fighter, she is strong. Whatever is causing this will come to light." Rose says. "There is one test we haven't done on her yet, and it may explain why her senses are going into overdrive." Rose says. "Are you talking about giving her a pregnancy test?" Nola says. "You bet your ass thats what Im thinking." Rose says. As Nola turns and grabs the last vial they have, Rose sticks Melissa in the arm drawing out enough blood to run the test. Rose and Nola put the vial of blood into the machine and wait the time out. Nola and Rose look at one another nervously as the machine stops. The computer in front of them starts to compile up the results. Nola and Rose look at the result with sheer shock. "Oh my god." Rose says. "Oh my god." Nola says. Both Rose and Nola begin to read the results out loud. "Melissa is pregnant with a..."

Chapter 9

Expanding Family

Rose and Nola both stop reading abruptly and pick up the phone to call Bo, William and Nick. Bo answers on the third ring. "So did you find out what is going on with Melissa." Bo says. Both Nola and Rose say "Yes, she is pregnant with a hybrid." "Melissa is what with a hybrid?" Bo says. "Pregnant Bo. Melissa is pregnant with a hybrid." Nola says. The line on the other end goes dead, as the girls turned around to look at Melissa they see she is sitting up. Eyes glowing pink, and pissed off even more than before.

Before Rose and Nola could react or scream Melissa is on them within seconds. Rose and Nola are trying to get away from Melissa. Nola see Surge of sedation from Rose c-section. she grab and stabs in Melissa neck. Melissa backs up and starts stumbling Nola grabs and helps to the bed and lays her down. Rose and Nola strap her down. about this time Bo, William, and Nick walk in. William hollers Rose and Nola what's going on the line went dead. Melissa got up and came after us Nola found a needle with medicine in it. Sedation medicine says Nola and we strap her down Nola says. They both say Melissa is pregnant with a hybrid. So wait we have a new creature says William Rose says yes but that's not all this pregnancy is different. This baby incredibly fast and this not good most vampire/werewolf will die because of their body isn't made to handle this hybrid creature it could tear her apart. Nick bust out crying and says what have I done. Bo says now hold on a minute Melissa is a lot stronger than that we didn't think she would through the werewolf change. we need to draw some more blood for some tests. Nola prepares to draw blood. William I need you to give some blood then will we drip it down her throat maybe it will satisfied the baby long enough to do what we gotta do says Bo. Nola is done drawing the blood from Melissa and goes over to hook up a blood drip bag to William for him to give the blood. Why my blood? says William because she had a taste for your blood so there's something in it the baby wants or needs says Bo. Ok anything for the baby says William. How are going to control this baby says William Bo says we will have to keep blood on hand because baby won't be able to hunt right away. Nola says we got the test I can see the hybrid cells has a strong present in her body. Nola says let's take an ultrasound. Rose agrees they lift her shirt up and the gel on her stomach and place the wand on her stomach. Everyone is shocked by what appears on the screen. The hybrid baby is full grown at this time Melissa start to wake up as everyone is in there toes not knowing if anything is going to happen. Melissa says what the hell is that my baby am i pregnant? Yes says Nola. I am afraid it's hybrid oh no there chance i might die from this Melissa says as she crys. William is done giving a bag and take to Melissa and tells her to drink it. Melissa says no William says yes please your baby tried to kills us through. So please feed the baby says william. Melissa finally gives in and as she got the taste of it she drain the bag in seconds. William asks are you alright now? yes says Melissa can you unstrap me? William says we can't for protection and ours. Nola says yes because you tried to attack me and Rose. Melissa starts to cry i tried to hurt my sisters. Nola says we know it wasn't you it was the baby trying to feed. Melissa to the baby thats a bad baby you do not attack your aunts and uncles. Bo says it hybrid nature to eat anything they cross especially if they are real hungry they will even attack humans. How do you know some about hybrids William asks Bo? Well there were rumors of a hybrid existing she was very strong and powerful. She says Nola Yea she says Bo We read it was a he says Nola. that was after that and it could of been one her hybrids says Bo Hybrids are very rare thought because they are hard to to create Bo says. How did we do it then Nick says. "It depends on the timing and if the couple have a rare gene in their bodies. The one with the rare gene passes through the pregnancy. Even if this person isn't like the significant other, they can still in very and I mean very rare cases create a hybrid. Like take Melissa and Nick, Nick is vampire, and Melissa is a werewolf, but somewhere in Melissa's DNA is the gene to make a hybrid baby. Before any of you asks, I will tell you right now that neither parties have ever known to know that they carry the hybrid gene." Bo says. "So somewhere down Melissa ancestral line a female carried the hybrid gene. Which in turn any female in that bloodline will have it. It carries on to any female born in that bloodline?" Nola says. "You are absolutely correct." Bo says. William looks at Bo, knowing that the werewolf elder and the vampire elder both will coming for this baby once he or she is born. "Oh shit, that means the elder from the vampire clan and the elder from the werewolf clan will be coming after Melissa, Nick and the baby."William says. "Yes, but if we can prove that Melissa and Nick didn't know Melissa carried the hybrid gene. Then it will spare all their lives." Bo says. "Well I know that I wouldn't want to run for the rest of my life with Melissa and our child." Nick says. "Then we must get the evidence up just in case we run into whoever they are." Rose says. Everyone turns and looks at Nick. Nick gives them a reassuring shoulder shrug. "I know your scared, but I don't think anyone would come here for you, Melissa and the baby. Raymond could have been talking out his ass to scare us." Bo says. "But, to be on the safe side and to be prepared we need to find all evidence proving them innocent of having any knowledge of this hybrid gene." William says.

Nola goes to the computer to look up how Melissa had the gene. Nola look the woman hybrid a picture pops up which her name is Sarah. Nola takes a double look and notices her and Melissa looks a like. It says that elders vow all the family member will die hybrid or not it so happens that the Sarah had a sister that was not a creature her and family stay human so when they elders were coming they put there up for adoption to protect them from being murder. So means that is the direct descendent of the sister of Sarah. Nola says. So I have been lied to my whole life? My mother and father never told me I was adopted. I don't understand how they could have hid this from me. Melissa says. Darlin' they were and still are trying to protect you. If anyone ever found out who you are they would come after you and kill you. Nick says. I have a right to know who I really am. This would have to save us time and energy. Melissa says. Melissa is angry and ask herself why didn't her parents tell her. Bo tells her keep control of her emotions before she start involuntary changing. I think I will give her some time to process all of this. She needs a little time to be alone. Even though I hate to see her cry. I know whatever I say to her will ever take the pain away. Nick says. Melissa just got a huge chunk of news, and on top of that she found out that everything has been hidden from her. William says. We all know you love her Nick. There is not a doubt in the world on that. All you breathe is Melissa. That woman is your heart, and we all see it. Nola says. Just give her time. Everything will be alright in the morning. Nola says. Nick stays in the medical room with her. He does want to leave her side. This hybrid baby growing faster than ever seen before.

The next morning everyone awakes to the sound of Melissa screaming. Nick! Nick where are you? The babys coming. Please help. Melissa screams. Bo, Nick, William, Nola and Rose come running into the medical room. Oh shit! Bo says. The babys coming the baby's coming! Melissa screams. Rose and Nola rush over to Melissa and begin to check her. Rose looks at Nola She is fully dilated. The baby is coming. Rose says. Alright Melissa we see the head. When Rose tell you to push you need to push. Nola says. Melissa nods and screams. Nick rushes over to Melissa and grabs her hand. It's time darlin. It's time for you to bring out baby into this world. Nick says. Melissa looks at Nick, I'm scared Nick Melissa cries. I know Darlin. Everything will be ok. Nick says. Alright Melissa PUSH! Rose says. Melissa bears down and pushes. Rose I need her to push one more time, and the baby will be here. Nola says. One more push Melissa, push Melissa. Rose says. Darlin push. I'm right here with you. I'm not going anywhere I promise. Nick says. Melissa looks Nick right in the eyes as she gives the final push all she has got. About two minutes into Melissa pushing her second time. The silent room echoes the cries of the baby. Well Mommy and Daddy, your baby is a boy. Congratulations Nick and Melissa. Nola says. Congratulations you two. Rose chimes brightly. Nick looks at Melissa and smiles widely. It's a boy darlin. We have a son. Nick says proudly. I know, I'm so happy Nick. What do you think we should name him. Melissa says. Nick looks over at his son, and turns back to Melissa. "Daniel. Daniel sounds like a good strong name. Nick says. Melissa's smile widens and her eyes are gleaming with joy. I love that name. Daniel it is then. After the baby is clean and all wrapped up Rose bring the baby over to Nick and Melissa. Nick takes his son in his arms and smiles. He bends down to lay gentle kiss on his son's forehead. Welcome to world Daniel. Welcome to our family son. Your mom and I have been waiting to meet you. Nick says. The baby opens his newborn eyes as if he knows who Daddy is.

The baby smiles and Nicks heart fills with love and happiness. We can take these straps off now Rose says. So we know the elders will come it's if and when but according to article that was read it's not going to matter about evidence anymore it only sat Melissa up for the elders to tie up there loose ends Bo says. So we will fight says William. We will keep training and then training children or however big they are at that time. Which they are growing incredibly fast and our addition Daniel is growing even faster says William. What about Damon says Bo? We will deal with whatever comes at us first William says. Hey Nola come here says William. You go head and go hunt and bring back Daniel a fresh and alive animal so he can feed William says. Nola says yes it been a while since i hunted. She take Tayden with her so he can hunt since big enough he is like 5 year size and maternity. Nick and Melissa can not believe how fast Daniel is growing he's trying to walk already. They both think that's impossible but he's a hybrid everything is different. William says Daniel will give Damon and the elders a run for their money and we don't know his abilities yet either. How strong, fast, and powerful? Since he was born hybrid not made into a hybrid. We need to keep him safe even from creatures who want to dictate him and use his blood to make better creature's for their own personal gain William say. Nola and Tayden come back from hunting. Nola has alive animal for Daniel. She place the animal with Daniel he walks as he learn to walk already and jumps onto it tears through the animal neck sucked it dry of every last drop of blood. Then he use has little claws to eat the animal and this does not slow down his growing any it actually help it. I will agree with you that this sound disgusting but for the hybrid this is their source of their speed and strength. Drinking and eating their prey. I know your thinking if i was a hybrid i wouldn't do it but if they don't they grow weak and will go in to a forever sleep until they do feed.

So as William and Bo are thinking about what to do next. Melissa has done some research on the elder and hybrids. She found that hybrids were caught when they trying produce more hybrids and failed with some because there body's couldn't handle is when the elder caught wind of what was going on feared the new creatures and ban it because they were stronger and faster than any creatures Melissa says. Melissa say get this the elders are Dracula and Gilgamesh she says. William and Bo are shocked. William says Dracula isn't he dead? No, he just vanished the same with Gilgamesh Melissa says So these bastards kill my ancestors over fear and the rest of my remaining ancestors so there wouldn't be any more hybrids created Melissa says. So these are our elders is it because they are older William asks? Yes Vampire and werewolves alike picked them because they are older says Melissa. Shit they gotta be at 10,000 years old by now thats an old ass elder says William. So Gilgamesh is my elder says Bo. I knew when Rose read her book of myths and legends that he vanished son of a bitch says Bo. We know Dracula is the grandfather of shape shifting says William. He's very good at it he can pose as someone else as William stop talk in tracks. Son of a bitch William says. What asks Bo? Raymond I'm will to bet it wasn't even a Raymond it was Dracula pose as somebody else William says. If that was Dracula he knew what was going then why didn't he stop it right there and kill all of us Bo asks. That's what would us think that him and Gilgamesh as elders didn't know anything yet William says. So we got to be on toes at all times because we don't when they going show up Bo says. Damn we gotta deal with threat of Damon but now Dracula and Gilgamesh too Bo says. Yes i wouldn't put it passed Damon crooked ass to tell Dracula and Gilgamesh what was going so they would kill us and he would be rid of his bad deal William says. I think theory is supported because Damon he's been trying get rid of decades now Bo says. I don't want to kill our elders but if leave us no choice then so be family will become before any elder i promise you that William say. Bo says i agree with you. Melissa says I'm in it with you. Nola, Rose and Nick says me too. It will probably be it all out war but i know we are willing to die for our family William says. Everyone says yes. William says I'll go down with my middle finger in the air. We will end anybody that threatens to do harm this family says William. Nola come back from the medical room I think I found the reason why hybrids were banned Nola says. It's not because they feared a hybrid blood holds secrets on how to make more hybrids and how to kill creatures Nola says. I think i found it and is what started the war and the ban not because they were feared but what is in there blood and body fluids. Unlike us we can change people by using our blood but what makes a hybrid so dangerous is the mix of the two creatures where there blood and body fluids become toxic together so toxic when they consume flesh from their prey it like acid and break down the flesh but also there blood can make other creatures better and stronger than what they are while remaining one creature if it is used right a creature could become limitless.

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