The Bad Boy is Back (Book 2)

By Jenleighna

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(Book 2) *Contains spoilers below* "I needed more closure than what you gave me." I half lied. "It feels... More

Chapter 1: Nine Months
Chapter 2: Just Shut Up For Ten Seconds, Okay?
Chapter 3: What's it to You?
Chapter 4: Just This Once
Chapter 5: I Think We Should Ask Her
Chapter 7: Are You Going to Kill Me This Time?
Chapter 8: I Want You There
Chapter 9: Say My Name Again
Chapter 10: I Couldn't Save Him
Chapter 11: Prepare To Be Disappointed
Chapter 12: He's My Brother!
Chapter 13: He Knew
Chapter 14: Figure It Out
Chapter 15: Normal
Chapter 16: She'll Be Next
Chapter 17: This Is What I Need, Please?
Chapter 18: You Did What?
Chapter 19: Why'd You Do This To Me?
Chapter 20: 13 Months Earlier
Chapter 21: We're Going To Need You.
Chapter 22: I Didn't Plan On Getting Caught
Chapter 23: I Should've Made Her Stay
Chapter 24: She's Changed Everything
Chapter 25: I Need To Heal
Chapter 26: Doubtful

Chapter 6: When it Comes to You

38.1K 1.5K 249
By Jenleighna


“Are you sure we’re talking about my brother?” I laughed.

I heard Ashley sigh on the other end of the phone.  “I wasn’t expecting it either.”

                “Well, what did you say?”

There was silence, well, more of a hesitation. “I said yeah.”

                “This is so exciting!  It’s going to take some getting used to, but it’s really exciting!”

Ashley decided to break the news to me that my brother, Ashton Abernathy, actually asked her to move in with him when he heads to college September.  They’ll be going to the same school when Ashley graduates, and now they’re getting an apartment together.  I guess she’s ditching me senior year.  Which astounds me. My parents would kill me.  “It’s a pretty big step for both of us.  That’s why he took me to Huntington today.”

                “It’s great, I’m so happy for you.”

                “We need to hang out!  I miss you.” Ashley’s perky voice never fails to make me laugh.

                “I’m taking Alex to a friend’s house tomorrow, so come spend tomorrow night.”

                “Sounds good.  Love you.”

                “Love you more.”

After I hung up the phone, I walked to my side of the dresser and pulled out clothes to sleep in. 

                I decided to skip the shower since it was going on two in the morning and I was drained.  Talking to Noah today mentally took a lot out of me.  He needs to take care of himself.  I don’t want him to get caught trying to come see me.  I regret ever going to that show, but I didn’t know what I was in for.  Yes, it was completely stupid on my part.

                I miss him more than I want to admit.

                Kissing him today was the worst thing I could’ve done.

The sound of a car door slamming pulled me from my thoughts.

I quickly turned out all of the lights and walked towards the window slowly.  A car I didn’t recognize was sitting in the driveway.

Smart is not a word I would use to describe myself.  More like stupid or naïve. 

I walked out of the room, slowly making my way down the steps and towards the front door.  I unlocked the door and only cracked the door to peek my head out.  I couldn’t see or hear anything.  I walked out of the door and slowly started making my way towards the car.

Stupid, I told you.

No one was in the driver’s seat but a hunched over figure sat in the passenger seat.  I walked to that side, opening the door.  I pushed his head up, finding a sleeping Noah.  “You’ve got to be kidding me right now.”  I placed my hands on his cheeks to examine his features that were only covered in blood.  “Wake up, Noah.”  I smacked his cheek a little harder.

But no response.

I let out an annoyed sigh, giving him a few more taps on the cheeks.  I was not about to deal with this again.

He let out a low groan and leaned his head back further.  “Why are you here?” I asked.

He quickly opened his eyes to meet mine in a panic.  “Willow, get inside and lock the doors now.” He whispered in a low voice.

An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled against the person’s chest before I could even get a word out.  I almost screamed, but his hand went over my mouth. “You’re going to get in the car and not make a sound, understand?” Scott’s voice sent chills speeding through me.

I did my best to nod quickly.

                He opened the door behind Noah’s and basically shoved me inside.  He slammed the door but I could barely hear that over the sound of my racing heart that was beating too loudly.  “Noah, what’s going on?” I rushed in a shaky voice.

                “I’m so sorry.” Was all he said.

Scott got into the car and turned around to face me with a smile on his face. “What are you doing?” I asked as tears already threatened to spill.

                “We just have to talk.” He turned back around and started the car.

                “Can’t we just talk like normal people?” I attempted to strengthen my voice.  “You don’t have to kidnap me every time you have to talk.” My tone was even, laced with bitterness I’ve held in for so long.

He barked a non-humorous laugh. “I see you haven’t changed a bit.”

Noah’s silence was worrying me.  I could see him in the rearview mirror, but barely because it was too dark.  I could catch a glance when we drove under a street light.  “Where are we going?”

He turned down a familiar street, “Just somewhere private so we can talk.”

                We drove a few more miles in silence until he was pulling behind Mist to park the car.  The neon sign that usually lit up wasn’t and there wasn’t even a line out of the door.  This was all a nightmare.

                Scott and Noah got out of the car at the same time, but Noah was the one to grab me.  He still wouldn’t look at me so I knew this situation couldn’t exactly end well.  He threw me over his shoulder and I didn’t even dare put up a fight.  We made our way through the back entrance and down the long dull hallway. 

                We walked into the empty club and up the set of stairs I was once dragged up by Joel.  Everything looked a little different upside down, I guess.

                I heard the squeak of a door before being thrown on the couch.  I quickly looked around, seeing Noah standing beside me with his arms crossed and Scott was engaging the lock on the door with a key.  “Now tell me why I’m here.” I snapped.

Scott made his way around the large desk and took a seat in the chair.  He leaned over the desk with hands folded together. “I’m not here to hurt you, Willow.”

                “Last time we were in the same room together you tried to kill me.  Forget that?”

                “I’m much better now.  I’m not going to hurt you.” He repeated.

I couldn’t help but snort at his attempt at being reassuring.  “See this?” I pointed to my neck.  “That’s when you cut me, asshole.  And now I’m reminded every day.”  Noah finally sat down next to me but on the far end of the couch.

Scott was trying to keep a strong composure but my insult made him twitch a little.  “Noah saw you two weeks ago, yeah?”

I quickly shook my head, “No.  I haven’t seen him since he left.  And that was only through a computer screen.”

                “Still lying for him.  So loyal. He shouldn’t have given up on you so easy.”

I felt Noah shift but I didn’t look at him.  “It was your fault, Scott.  You took him away from his family.  For what?  Daddy issues?”

He slammed his hand down on the desk, making me jump back.  “Please, Noah, please tell me what you see in her besides a pretty face.”

                “She was convenient.” Noah said with no attached emotion.

I didn’t react because that’s what he wanted from me. “Please tell me why I’m here.” I directed at Scott and ignored the bitterness in Noah’s tone.

                “I want you to work here when I re-open at the end of the summer.”

I let out a really loud laugh. “You’re kidding, right?” I looked at Noah. “Tell me he’s kidding.”

Noah remained silent.

                “I’m serious.”

I focused my attention back to Scott, “And what makes you think I would actually work for you?”

Scott adjusted himself and leaned back in his chair, “I’m not asking.”

                “There’s nothing keeping me in here.” I said casually.  “Why me?”

                “I have to keep an eye on you two somehow, don’t I?”

Noah’s silence is driving me insane. “And why’s that?”

Scott just smirked. “Renovations start tomorrow.  I’ll let you know when you start.”  He directed his gaze to Noah, “Take her home. Don’t do anything stupid.”

He’ll let Noah take me home alone but he’s forcing me to work for him so he can watch me.  Makes a lot of sense.  “I’ll be in LA for a while, so I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” I swear Scott has a permanent smirk on his face.

                I rolled my eyes and stood up off of the couch.  Scott walked over to the door and unlocked it.  He led us outside and handed Noah the keys to his car.  “If you’re not back in thirty minutes, I know where to find you.” He dropped the keys in Noah’s hand and walked inside the building.

                I wasted no time and got into the car.  I opened my mouth to speak but Noah quickly put his hand over my mouth.  He pointed to his ear and gestured around the car, “What?” I mouthed when he dropped his hand from over my mouth.

Noah just shook his head, still telling me not to talk.

                The car ride back to the house was annoying.  Noah knew I wanted to ask questions, but it doesn’t mean he was going to give me any answers.  The whole situation seemed like deja vu.  A repeat of what happened last year, but worse.  I knew Scott’s intentions.

                I jumped out of the car and ran to Noah’s side as he was getting out.  Once his door was closed, I shoved him with all of the anger I had in me.  “I want to hate you so bad right now.” I growled through gritted teeth and shoved him again.

Noah’s fingers wrapped tight around my wrists before I had the chance to remove them from his chest. “You know I’m not going to let him hurt you.”

I struggled in his grip, finally realizing how pointless is was to fight against him. “I don’t understand. Why does he need to keep an eye on us?”

                “And you think I know?”

He dropped my wrists and I took a step back. “You’re his little lap dog.  So yeah, I do think you know.”

                “I don’t.  He doesn’t tell me anything.”

                “We can go to the police—”

                “No.” He said quickly. “It’ll make it worse.”

I was on the edge of exploding.  “How can it make it worse?  He won’t be able to bother us anymore and you can come home to your family.”

Noah was quiet because he knew I was right. “I have to go.”

                “At least come in and let me clean the side of your face.”

He was hesitant, but fell into step beside me.

                We walked inside and quietly up the stairs so we didn’t wake Carrie or Alex.  Noah stepped foot into the bedroom and took a seat at the edge of the bed.  I made my way into the bathroom to collect a towel and the first aid kit.  I dampened the towel before walking back into the room.

                I stood between Noah’s legs and tilted his chin up to get better access.  “I’ve learned not to ask anymore.” I whispered, looking into his eyes for only a moment before attending to his wound.

                “You’re smart.”

                “Not when it comes to you apparently.”

I was completely dumb when it came to Noah.  My mind would tell me one thing, and as cheesy and cliché as it sounds, my heart tells me another.  “You know what I said back there wasn’t true—”

                “I know.” I smiled a little.

I cleaned up Noah in silence.  The only sound was our out of sync breaths and the sound of my heartbeat beating through my ears. “Put ice on that when you get home.” I gestured to the lump on his forehead.

He ruffled his fingers through his hair so it fell back to its original position.  “Same thing with that giant bruise on the side of your face.  You must have pissed someone off today.”

                “It’s not a complete day without any injuries.”

Without any warning, I leaned down and wrapped my arms around Noah’s neck.  He didn’t hesitate to snake his arms tight around my waist.  “Please tell me it’s almost over.”

                “It’s almost over.”

I could tell that he meant that.

                He turned his head a little, nudging against my neck.  “It’s almost over.” He repeated.


Ehhh, don't know how I feel about this chapter...It feels too rushed. :/  I might change some things later on and add more description but I'm just sooo tired and I wanted to get something up for all of you lovely people reading. :))))


Can you please comment and let me know how it's going?  Too slow?  Too fast?  More of something?  Please let me know! :) Love you all!

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