The Wolf Within BOOK ONE (COM...

By CaptNAndrews

86K 3.3K 273

In a world where the Moon Goddess blesses certain wolves with abnormal, powerful gifts, Wyren Thorn is a curs... More

The Wolf Within
Chapter Two: Rumors in the wind.
Chapter Three: Don't look back.
Chapter Four: An unwelcome group.
Chapter five: the rogue king is my...!
Chapter Six: Ice cream promise.
Chapter Seven: Dinner with a king.
Chapter eight: Substitute teacher.
Chapter nine: Train until you're drain- ed.
Chapter ten: Moon cursed.*
Chapter eleven: Watch me bleed.
Chapter twelve: New babysitter.
Chapter thirteen: Almost a normal mate.
Chapter fourteen: The Beta's mate returns!
Chapter fifteen: I Spy.
Chapter sixteen: heart and head
Chapter Seventeen: Kindness
Chapter Eighteen: a healing heart
Chapter Nineteen: Feelings and Heat
Chapter Twenty: Freedom Runner
Chapter Twenty One: A Luna's choice
Chapter Twenty Two: The Full Moon
Chapter Twenty Three: Hostile Take Over
Chapter Twenty Four: The Pain of Losing a Pack pt. 1
Chapter Twenty Four: The Pain of Losing a Pack pt. 2
Chapter Twenty Five: Healing a Hurting Heart

Chapter One: Twenty nine days.

3.5K 135 6
By CaptNAndrews

Golden, Ruth B

Chapter One: Twenty nine days.

In exactly twenty nine days our Alpha would touch my sister. I could not let this happen but he was a big wolf, and in my wolf form I was barely two hundred pounds soaking wet. I would only get slaughtered and I knew that.

I needed help, I needed the other Alpha's help. I needed anyone that would listen – anyone that would care about what he was doing. The only way Amber would be saved is if the Alpha was dead – it would cost the pack but I needed him gone.

I would protect Amber at all costs, even if that made me a traitor.

Today, I would make sure Amber was safe, then I would hunt for an Alpha that would save us all. I had twenty nine days to do so – it wasn't a lot of time but I would do this. Amber would be fine without me, she was already sixteen in a few months and the best warrior in her class. Not like me, not a failure.

I sighed softly, smelling as the bottom of the pancake I was trying to cook burned. Amber was even the cook for the two of us – it would seem I was only good at my healing. But even then, because I was a female, I wasn't allowed to be one of the medicine men. Female warriors were fine but female medicine men was apparently just bad luck.

Maybe they were right, after all; I couldn't even save our parents.

"Ren?" Amber's voice floated through our cottage as she walked into the kitchen, "You're up early – the sun hasn't even rose yet."

She wore her usual apparel – black leggings and a sweatshirt. Her long, red locks were tucked away in a ponytail and a few shorter stands hid behind her ears. Seeing her in such a good mood after last night filled me with hope, but I knew it was all an act. The red rimming her eyes was as clear as the sky.

I nodded, flipping the pancake, "I thought I'd make breakfast. Good morning."

She frowned, the blue in her eyes swirling, "You never cook. What's going on? Is it the Alpha? Wyren you're planning something and I'm begging you not to. Please, please Ren don't."

I put the pancake onto a plate, then placed it on the table, "Eat Amber. You have school in half an hour, and if you're late again I'm going to get a call. I'm going away for a bit on a work trip so don't wait up ok?"

It was a lie, and she knew it. I worked in the pack as a cleaner – there was nothing that could possibly demand me leave the pack for such a job. The pack lived deep within the northern forests, among a small village made of cottages. Many packs were small and cozy like ours but there were bigger ones. Castles even. Definitely not our pack however. Although small, we were strong. Our warriors were fierce and our Alpha had a brute strength in his wolf form. We were secluded but protected.

Jolting from my thoughts I looked over to Amber as she was suddenly a blur.

She moved across the wooden floor, her fingers digging into my wrist as her eyes began to cloud with tears, "P-Please Wyren."

I smiled at her, "There's nothing to worry about. Just focus on finishing your last year training. You're going to become a great warrior remember?"

She nodded, a small laugh bubbling up from her throat, "I'm the fighter for both of us, I remember. I love you Ren, please be safe on your fake work trip and don't do anything stupid."

I laughed lightly, "I love you too Amber. Don't worry about me ok? Now eat your pancake."

She frowned, "No offense but, I'm sure you could kill the Alpha with your cooking. I'll just have some cereal."

I sighed knowing that was wise.

Once Amber left, I changed into my work uniform – a black skirt and white blouse, then headed to the pack meeting cottage. It was a large cottage made by the very first pack settlers. Now it was used for pack meetings mainly.

Pulling the heavy oak door open, I greeted my boss (an elder by the name Anne Kul) who looked more pale than usual. Her grey hair seemed to make her pale skin as white as paper and she sat on a chair looking lost in thought.

"Elder Kul," I called, "Are you alright?"

She looked up and over at me, tears rushing to her eyes, "Yes. I'm fine dear, just a tad dizzy."

Cocking my head, I made my way thought the large hall then into the kitchen. There the five staff didn't bat me an eye as they prepared the meat hunted last night. I poured some milk into a glass cup then added a hint of cinnamon then heated it.

Once the microwave beeped, I returned to where Elder Kul had not moved. Handing her the cup, she looked at me in surprise. I smiled warmly at her, worried about her health. I really hoped she was alright.

"It will calm your nerves and your mind," I explained softly, "Maybe talking about it will help?"

She smiled slightly, "You're so kind, just like my Gracie."

Grace Kul. Realization hit me like a brick wall and I felt my stomach tumble. She was the chosen one from last night. Elder Kul nodded then sighed, unshed tears in her eyes as she drank the milk then stood.

"It must not be talked about," she commanded softly, "Gracie is strong. She will not allow that man to tear her spirit apart. I just pray the goddess won't give him what he wants."

"Do you know any Alpha's that would help us?" I asked.

Her silver eyes stared at me for a moment, "Understand this Wyren: they have left us to rot under the Alpha's rule. I'm sure only the former king of the rogues would care at this point."

My eyes widened, "The king of the rogues?"

"Enough now," she snapped, "It is ill omened to talk about the horrors the east holds. Go tend to your duties. The second floor needs dusting."

There had always been whispers among wolves that our alpha gets away with so much because our pack is the only pack in between the other packs and rogue territory. I had always assumed those were just rumors but her words filled me with dread and hope.

I nodded, "Yes ma'am but if I can, may I get the rest of the month off? I wish to spend it with my sister if that's alright?"

She smiled sadly, "Amber. Of course. Finish early today if you would like."

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

That would leave me more time to find out who this former king of rogues was.

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