By Ninogift

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Tessa Ramsey had gone through hell at her previous college with some friends and that fight left a scar leavi... More

CHAPTER 1{Introduction}.
CHAPTER 5 ("FRIENDS") Dedicated to Afinikijohn
CHAPTER 6 {I'm on some dope shit'}
CHAPTER 9 {"A friend in need is a friend indeed."}
Chapter 10{trying so hard}
CHAPTER11 {Something's wrong}
Chapter 12{The Plan}
Chapter 13 {Information}
Chapter 14 {the long drive}
Chapter 15 {Roommates} {Memories- thutmose}
Chapter 16 { Never Giving Up}
Chapter 18 {Water Tag 2}
Authors Note
Chapter 23 {Solitude}

Chapter 17 {Water Tag}

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By Ninogift


   I roll over to my side to touch a warm hard body beneath my palm. Wait! I don’t recall sleeping beside a body. Suddenly I feel a hand skim my waist, pulling me closer to the warmth. The warmth radiates peace of mind. I open my eyes slightly to see Ezio still asleep.
   I try to move away to avoid waking up, but his hand tightens around my waist. So he’s not asleep.
  “Ezio, let me go.” I demand
  “You were cold and I was trying to warm you up.” He mutters. His eyes still shut.
  I raise my brow at him, even though I know he can’t see me “Really?”
  He shrugs and gives me one of his heart wrecking smile. “Well you broke the boundary rule first.”
  I blink taken aback in shock, I mean I know I am a major disaster when I’m asleep which is why when I set up the boundary rule I made sure I had a little bit more space, but he can’t know that. “I broke the rule?” I ask with sass and fake annoyance.
“Yea, you touched my abs, as though you couldn’t get enough of me, you touched my biceps too.” He says as he smirks and flexes his biceps slightly. To top it off he has no goddamn shirt on. Now that is just an appetizing sight
Okay now this is a major problem, I know I have very sensual dreams but I thought dreams were dreams not reality. I mean what happened to the rule of what happens in the dream world stays in the dream world? But then again I was certain I had learnt how to control it.
I feel my face heat up in embarrassment and anger; mad at myself because I can’t control these fucking hormones and embarrassed that he may find out about my nasty wet dreams.
  “As if.” I say hopping out of bed.
  “I was kidding.” Ezio says getting up. “You didn’t break the rule, I did. I’m sorry.” He says sheepishly, i almost feel sorry for him. Actually I do, he’s so cute and I really can’t say no to those beautiful sea-blue eyes.
  “Fine, I forgive you.” I exhale.
  “Great.” He says getting up revealing his gorgeously toned abs and ruffled bed hair, making him look very delicious.
  Okay what is going on?
  He strides over to the dresser behind me, allowing me to perceive his cologne, which can turn any girl on, and yea that includes me. He checks the time on his phone. “Wow, we really slept in.” he says with a husky chuckle.
  Whoa Tessa calm your hormones! You just crashed on the same bed it’s not as if you actually like the guy. I scold myself.
  “What time is it?” I ask trying to take my mind of the fact that his v-line is looking very delicious right now.
“It’s ten thirty am.”
I blink in shock, wow we slept that long? Ezio smirks at me then goes over to his duffel bag and takes out a little water gun. He puts on a light material tank top and turns to face me. “You might want to change from that outfit.” He says gesturing at my pajamas.
“Why? What wrong with my pajamas?” I ask looking down at my navy blue matching sweat shirt and sweat pants.
  “Well let’s just say things are gonna get pretty wet once you step outside this room.” He replies with his smirk still on and I did not fail to notice the pun. “By the way no pun intended, I mean literarily wet.”
  I roll my eyes and fold my arms over my chest. “Sure.” I drawl “Then what do you suggest I have on?”
  He bends over and rummages through his bag for a moment, then stops and pulls out a black basketball shorts and white tank top as he stands up and faces me handing the clothes to me then gestures with his head to the bathroom.
  I head to the bathroom then I strip off my pajamas and put Ezio’s clothes on the clothes, luckily though I had enough time to grab a pair of sports bra, so I am totally safe and my babies are secure because I sure as hell cannot let Ezio see them, that would just mess us up but mostly me. All of his clothes manage to fit except the shorts which just loose around my waist, slowly slipping lower and threatening to fall off.
It has a rope but it’s tied in a weird knot and I most certainly do not like complicated knots, so I step out of the bathroom so I can at least get help from Ezio. He did this, he should be the one to fix it. Immediately I step out, he stands up from the bed, he looks at me with pride but it fades of quickly like it was never there which confuses me.
  “Finally, I was starting to think we were gonna miss out on the game.” He says then his eyes travel down to my waist where I clutch the shorts so they don’t fall of entirely. “I see you’re having problem,”
I roll my eyes at him “way to go Einstein, do you need a point for that?” I ask dryly.
  His lips quirk a little “Do you need help with that?”
  “You think?” I ask raising a brow at him.
  “Rude. But I would still be a gentle man and help you out” he says coming close to me. I stand still, let go of the shorts so he can unknot the rope.
  He slowly unties the knot. I shudder a little when his finger grazes my stomach, making me feel like I have a volcano around in my stomach. I look away from him and try to distract myself with other thoughts, which seem to work until he lifts his head to look down at me, and stares into my eyes. “All done.” He says with a little smile.
  Even still I couldn’t move an inch from my spot. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, which I lick in nervousness and anxiety. He leans down a bit, his hot breath fans my face sending tremors of desire down my spine, the scent of his cologne fills my nose making everything turn into a hazy blur.
  Suddenly, we hear a soft thud from the door, Ezio takes his hands off my waist, and then goes over to the door, while I release the breath I unknowingly had.
We almost kissed!
  I one hundred and four percent blame his cologne. Aside that very obvious fact, it also felt very thrilling and exciting.
Okay there is something seriously wrong with me!
  I look over at Ezio who walks over to the door cautiously, he takes out his water gun from his back, which is hooked in with his short and covered with his tank top. Well someone watches a lot of crime series.
  He keeps the door slightly ajar while he peeps outside then he gives me a thumbs up telling me the coast is clear. He then looks down and picks something up, he looks around then comes back into the room shutting the door behind him. He opens his palm to reveal a piece of paper, he opens it and reads aloud:
  “The games have begun”
   “What does that mean?” I ask with a creased brow.
   “It means they are coming for us, if we don’t head out first.” He replies going over to his duffel bag again this time he brings out another water gun and hands it over to me.
  “Why?” I ask receiving the gun.
  “Because, it’s how we play.”
  “What kinda game is this?”
  “Water tag.”
   I stare at him blankly for a moment then he takes the hint to explain further.
   He exhales tiredly “it’s just like laser tag, but instead of using a laser gun to tag someone, we make use of water guns.” He says and pulls the trigger of his gun pointing it above for dramatic effect.
  “So you guys play this game always?” I ask crossing my arms over my chest and cocking my head sideways.
  “Well not necessarily always, but most of the time” He says with a shrug.
  “Wow,” I exhale, then I realize how much Josh boasts about everything to me “And I assume Josh is the best at this game?”
   “Actually,” he says smirking, “I am.”

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