Twin Eyes: Fortunes Untold(CO...

By LoneCreatoriP

196 22 14

Born with strange abilities, two siblings embark on a dangerous and emotional path. Meeting new people, findi... More

CHAPTER 1:The Year Begins
Chapter 2: The Bully Cycle
Chapter 4: Secrets Blown
Chapter 5: Date Night
Chapter 6: Graduation
Poems For You
Chapter 7: Endangered Pregnancy
Chapter 8: London Life
Chapter 9: School Days Are Here Again
Chapter 10: Long Nights? ...I Don't Think So.
Chapter 11: More Money, More Problems
Chapter 12: Family Never Dies
Chapter 13: Birthday Gifts
Chapter 14: Expecting The Unexpected
Chapter 15: Survive!
Chapter 16: New Beginnings

Chapter 3: I Spy

11 1 1
By LoneCreatoriP

When we finally got home, I went straight inside and called for dad. He came downstairs, still in his work uniform. It was white with black threading. A popular custom job at the shop.

"Hey guys, what's wrong? Did something happen?" he asked as we sat down in the kitchen.

"Yeah, she had a vision dad. I think it's time you tell her what's really going on with mom." Kitt said, reaching over and grabbing my hand.

"Oh dear. I was hoping to spare the both of you from this fate, but obviously, that's not going to happen." he said, so disappointed in his failed efforts.

"Okay, you guys are starting to scare me, what's going on?" I asked, pulling my hand away from Kitt's. They both looked at each other, then back at me.

"Fine. Look, your mother, she does own a clothes line, but that's more of a side job. We're just using it for cover, to hide her identity." he said and I took a deep breath to keep myself from screaming.

"Continue." I said as I closed my eyes and turned away from the both of them.

"Well, she... your mother is a spy." my dad said as Kitt put his hand on my shoulder. I had to take a couple more deep breaths to keep myself from turning around and punching him right in the nose. It would've hurt the both of us, so, I couldn't.

"Yes, she is a spy. Our entire family on your mom's side for generations have been spies for hire. That, is why we've been having you two train your whole lives. In case anything ever happened, you could take care of yourselves." my dad explained. My chest was starting to hurt and my eyes were starting to sting. It was hard to hold in the tears.

"Mom isn't on a clothesline business trip, is she?" I asked, standing up and looking out the window.

"N... no, she's on a mission. I don't know exactly when she'll be back, should be soon. Look, if you don't want to continue our family tradition, I completely understand. I never really wanted this life for either of you, but we still had to train you. I just want you to think about what you want before deciding anything, together. I won't let one of you do it without the other. It could be bad for the both of you to be separated." he said and of course I knew what he meant.

See, if my brother and I separate for too long of a period of time, we lose our abilities. One of the cons to being super twins. I turned to Kitt, and he was staring at his feet. Remind me to tell you how we know that, later though.

"Alright, I think the both of you should take a couple days to figure out what it is the both of you want. And...Katt." he said and I turned around to face him, tears sliding down my cheeks as they fell. "The future isn't always for sure. That vision you had doesn't have to be your only option." he said and he walked over and kissed me on the top of my head. "I love you both." With a smile, he headed back upstairs and off to bed.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." Kitt said, giving me a quick hug and going upstairs as well. I didn't feel like sleeping yet. I needed to get some fresh air. I turned around and went outside into the backyard. I walked up to the edge of our back patio, bent down, clenching my stomach. I felt like I was going to puke. I had to take a couple deep breaths before I could stand up straight without actually throwing up.

"Hell of a day." I jumped, turning towards the neighboring house. Alec was laying on the brick wall separating the two yards, staring at the stars. I rolled my eyes, and turned back around to head inside. "What, so now you're going to ignore me?" he asked and I stopped in my tracks.

"You're the one that said that we shouldn't be friends, remember?" I said and I heard him sigh. I turned back around and looked at him. "Are you going to tell me what Darrel wanted to talk about?" I asked, staying still with the door halfway open. He didn't reply. I nodded, turned around and continued walking inside.

"No, wait!" he called after me. I looked over at him and he jumped down the eight foot wall like it was nothing. He stood there, like he wasn't injured at all.

"I see you healed quickly." I said, closing the door and sitting on the edge of the patio.

"Nah, I've just learned to ignore the pain. I tend to get into fights a lot." he said as he slowly walked over to me.

"Really? It didn't seem like it today." I said, just staring at the garden on the other side of the yard.

"Hey, that wasn't a fair fight. They had eight to one. I can take three, maybe four, but eight?" he said sitting down next to me. I looked away to try to hide my smile. "So, are you okay? You looked like you were going to hurl." he said, and my smile went away. I turned to him, and he was giving me a half smile.

"Why do you care?" I asked, mimicking his earlier statement, and he looked away, losing his smile as well.

"I don't. I'm just trying to be nice." he said standing up and heading to the wall. I stood up too, following him. I grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him.

"You care enough to ask, and you don't even know why?" I said and he was just staring off into the distance behind me. "Who said I didn't know why?" he asked, looking into my eyes. His gaze sent chills down my spine. Then again, it was chilly outside.

"I... think I should go." He turned and he started climbing the wall with a struggle. I smiled, ran up the wall, grabbed the edge, and pulled myself up. I sat down and turned to him, offering my hand. He rolled his eyes before taking my hand and I pulled him up. He sat down next to me and smiled.

"What?" I asked smiling back.

"Nothing, I just didn't expect you to be so athletic." he said and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You haven't heard yet, have you?" I asked, and he looked at me confused. "Okay. Well, my freshman year, Darrel was still the quarterback at freshman year. He and I got into a fight, and well, he threw a punch." I said and he looked at me angrily. He was about to yell, but I put my hand over his mouth.

"He didn't hit me!" I said quickly. He nodded and I pulled my hand away. "Anyway, I grabbed his hand, stopping him. He was shocked at how strong I was. He went to hit me again, and I tripped him. I'm not going to lie, I may have put him in a coma for a week that day." I said and he looked at me, pure shock in his gaze.

"Yeah, anyway, that's why everybody is afraid of me. They're afraid if they piss me off, I'll kill them. Literally." I said and he just sat there silently. "Sorry. I guess I ruined your image of me." I said looking down to my feet.

"No! No, of course not. I'm just confused on why you won't tell anybody your name." he said and I started laughing.

"Right, that. It's just something that my brother and I came up with freshmen year. We never had any friends, so, we made a pact that neither of us would tell anybody our names until the last day of our senior year. But, when Kitt started dating, he started telling people his name. I just kept with it because I never had a reason to tell anybody before." I said and he smiled.

"Well, you can tell me. I won't tell anybody. I promise." he said and I nodded.

"Thank you. Alright. If you can find my secret hiding place tomorrow after school, I will tell you my name." I said, smiling before jumping down and walking back towards my house.

"Hey, how am I supposed to know where that is!?" he yelled, and I turned back to him and smiled.

"Well, you'll just have to guess, see you tomorrow." I said and I went back inside. I turned off the kitchen light before heading upstairs and off to bed.

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