Infernal 》Avengers

By lovethebreeze

61.4K 1.9K 569

What will happen if the thing you love most gets taken away from you? [Book 3 in AMZ.] [Set during Endgame an... More

Cast and Sneak Pics
Nothing but Regrets
Where Were You?
What Happens Next?
We Got Our Second Chance
I Love You 3000
I Don't Trust Her
Ancient One
Natasha and the New Gauntlet
He's Back
I Have A Plan...Attack
Avengers Assemble
Girl Power
I Am Iron Man
Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart
Back To Reality
I Regret Coming Here
What I Have To Do
Peter Panics
You Hung Up On Fury
Switching Seats
You Have A What Now?
Another Hero
What's Wrong With You?
Be You
MJ meet Quentin
Moment Ruined
Night Monkey
Panic Attack
I'm Done
I'll Destroy Her, Too
Everything's Not What It Seems
Not A Monster
Welcome Home
Tony's Gift

Five Years Too Much

2.2K 71 8
By lovethebreeze

When she was just a girl she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of
Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise
Every time she closed her eyes
- Paradise, Coldplay

I never knew how tired I was until Tony started to drive. He was talking about the time machine, the suit for Pepper, and other stuff but as I looked out the window I felt my eyes getting droopy until I actually fell asleep.

"I didn't mean to ignore you. I was just...busy with school and other stuff."

"Like building your Lego Death Star?"

Why do I feel so angry? Why should I care if he's been ignoring me?

Because you love him, you old goof!

"No! I - I..." he stammered.

I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "You know what? Maybe I shouldn't have come here. I'm not here to be a babysitter. I'll just call Happy and he could come and watch you." I went around him and walked towards the door.

"Wait, Raven," Peter started as he grabbed my arm. "I'm sorry. It's just that with everything that happened with Mr. Stark. I thought you might be mad at me."

But you're not!

"We all make mistakes. Not every hero is perfect. Tony makes mistakes. I make mistakes. You were just trying to help the little guy. Be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Doing all of that while keeping your identity a secret. I might be mad at you, but I'd get over it."

'Cause you can't stay mad at him.

"Why?" he whispered. "I've seen you hold a grudge with others, but you're willing to forgive me so easily. I just want to know why?"

"Cause," I started. I tried to think of a good reason. I really did. But nothing was popping into my mind. I shook my head. "I don't know. And I'm a bit surprised that you still want to talk to me. People find me weird and unusual so they stay away. They think I'm creepy."

"I never thought you were creepy. You're just being you." Peter was getting nervous. He released my arm before rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "That's why. That's why I - I like you."

I shook my head. "That's not possible."

"It's true." Peter bit his lip while looking at me nervously. "I've liked you for a while now. Ever since you and Mr. Stark came into my apartment. I thought it might go away, but when I heard you laugh...I don't know. I never heard anyone laugh like that. I actually love the way you laugh, so when Mr. Stark ran in and said that you were actually laughing it took me by surprise.

"After you left my house the day we got back, I wanted nothing more than for you to come back. I wanted to hear your voice. Even if it's sarcastic or - or if it's just your voicemail, it made my day a bit better."

My eyes softened. "Peter, you have to understand that it's hard for me to fall in love. My emotions are bottled up so I can't feel anything. I've let one boy in my life but I had to leave because I couldn't put his life at risk. If he died then that's on me." Tell him the truth, Raven! "I've only dated one guy since. We might have broken up, but he died because of what we do. He died protecting a friend. My track record with guys isn't great."

"Yeah, but I'm not like those other guys," Peter defended. "I help protect this city. I can protect myself and I can protect you. If you ever lose it then I'll be there to bring you back."

"That's the thing, Peter. I can only contain myself for so long. If anything were to happen to you...I think I might lose it. Because..." I took a deep breath. "I actually care about you. And that scares me."

Peter slowly lifted his hand up and tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. His hand laid on my cheek as he stared into my eyes. He bit his lip before he slowly leaned in.

"It doesn't have to," he whispered. His breath fanned my face as his lips hovered over mine.

Oh, for crying out loud!

I felt myself being pushed forward and closed the gap. My eyes fluttered closed as I could feel Peter's warm lips against mine. I could hear my Happiness cheering inside my head along with my other emotions.

That was the first time Peter and I ever kissed. I don't know why I'm dreaming about it now. I don't know if it's the fact that part of me is actually giving hope. Hope that we'll bring everyone back. Hope that I'll finally get Peter back. I don't know me having hope is a good thing because having too much hope would mean to deal with great disappointment if it doesn't work.

"Look who's finally up," Tony said amusingly.

I rubbed my eyes. "Sorry. How long was I out?"

"For a good 40 minutes." I let out a yawn. "I'll get you some tea once we get there."

I shook my head. "No, thanks. What I need is coffee."

Tony looked surprised. "You? Actually wanting coffee? With cream and sugar and all that other stuff you hate? Or do you take it black like your old soul?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm...trying something new," I explained lamely. "What is it you always tell me to do...expand my horizons?"

"For almost the past decade."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Better late than never, I guess."

Tony nodded before motioning my attire. "Like the new suit."

I looked down and nodded. "Yeah. New suit and all."

"Well, if things go as planned...then the kid is going to love seeing you in that suit." Tony looked at me. "Now that I think about it. The outfit might be too revealing." I rolled my eyes. "I didn't know what I was thinking. No, I did know what I was thinking. I was thinking that you would have aged and it would have been perfect. A bit of something new while still dressed like the old you."

"It is perfect," I said before noticing the Avengers Headquarters up ahead. I got a closer look to see Cap already standing outside with a defeated look on his face. "If he pouts anymore than he's going to get more wrinkles."

"It just means his plan failed," Tony said as he sped up. "Because he didn't have us." He parked the car not that far from Steve and backed up until we were in front of him. Tony stopped the car and rolled down the window. "Why the long face? Let me guess, he turned into a baby."

I leaned against the console. "Or into an old guy and crapped his pants."

The look on Steve's face confirms it. Scott turned into a baby and an old guy. "Among other things, yeah. What are you two doing here?" he asked.

"It's the EPR Paradox," Tony began to explain as we got out of the car. "Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up...pushing time through Lang. It's tricky, dangerous. Somebody could have cautioned you against it."

Steve had a smile on his face. "You did."

"Did he?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, thank God we're here," Tony added. "Regardless, we fixed it." Tony held up the GPS device. "A fully functioning time-space GPS." Then he held two fingers up. "I just want peace."

"Raven!" I heard a familiar Tameranian yell.

"Without the usual amount of yelling."

I heard a small chuckle. Suddenly, two arms were around me and I felt myself being crushed to death by Starfire's hug. "You are the here!" she shouted happily. "I knew you would show up!"

"Star, you're crushing me," I gasped out.

She let out another laugh before she flew over to Tony. "And you brought our friend." Tony grunted when Starfire started to hug him. "Oh, thank you for taking the care of Raven for when I cannot."

"No problem, really," Tony choked out. "But you're hugging me really tight right now. I would like to breathe right now." He looked at me for help. "Uh, Raven...might tell the warrior princess to let go of me."

"Starfire," I called out. "You're overdoing it again."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said as she pulled away. Oh, wow. Starfire really did grow up. Her hair was longer than usual. She got a little bit taller. The outfit she was wearing wasn't her usual crop and skirt. I hope Rocket isn't in there oggling her. "I hope I haven't been overdoing the it."

I came over and smiled at her. "No, you're not. It's just great seeing you again, Star."

"You, too. You still look the same as the last time we saw each other."

"Yeah, that's a bit of a mystery."

Steve looked confused as well. Tony waved towards me. "For some reason, Raven hasn't been aging for the past five years," Tony started. "I think she's doing some spell without me knowing."

"I'm not," I gave him an annoyed look.

Starfire gasped. "What if it's your powers stopping the age until you reunite with the Spider-Man?" She let out another gasp as she grabbed my hands. "Or if your time in space made you age backward?"

"She's not Benjamin Button," Tony canceled that theory real quick. He looked at Steve. "It was either magic or she has some really good aging cream on Azarath."

I glared at Tony before Starfire wrapped her arm around me and started to drag me into the building. "Friends, we all should catch up. I want to know how Raven and Tony are doing." Once we were far away from the guys she leaned closer to me. "And I wanted to ask if Tony has the thing for you?"

This time I gave Starfire a weirded out look. "No. He's married."

She sighed in relief. "Good. I just wondered 'cause he never leaves you out of his sight. I wanted to know if I should remind him of the boy you're in love with." Her eyes glowed green as she held up a fist. "And if he doesn't back down then I would have to obliterate him."

"Tony's just a friend. He's...He's the father I never knew I wanted and needed."

She started to clap happily. "That's wonderful news. Now, can you explain to me what this 'fangirl' is? Natasha told Scott that he should stop fangirling over me since we met. Tell me, is this a girl made of fans?"

"No, Star. That's not what a fangirl is."

"Oh. Is it a fan made of girls then?"

I let out a sigh as I let her walk me to greet the rest of the team. I'll admit though...I miss talking to her like this.


A/N: Another appearance next chapter...Guess who?

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