
By darani_vasudevan

258 28 9

Anna and Mia were happy until they sensed paranormal activities in their new home...will they survive in the... More

Is it haunted?
Happy Villa - The Happy home?
Piano 🎹
Get Him
Hope to make things normal
Meeting the Pastor
The Pizza boy
Richard Thomas
The Diary
A drawing?
Book trailer
A letter from Grandfather
The Treasure
The End


48 2 1
By darani_vasudevan

I didn't realize when I fell asleep until the alarm rang the bell in my ears. I was damn tired with my new project which I am working on since last Sunday. I have successfully completed it last night but I couldn't have control of my sleep while verifying my work. I fell asleep in the middle. Now it's eyes refuse to get up from sleep. They insist me to sleep for some more hours.
"Wake up lazy pig" Mia's words turned out to be the second alarm of the morning. She dragged the curtains away and opened the windows of the room. Sun's rays hit my face. I covered my face with the blanket. Mia dragged the blanket away from me.
"Wake up and get ready"
"Why this early?"
"Don't you remember what day is today"
Today?? I am confused about the day since last week....what day it is...oh my gosh!! Saturday... Now I came to know why Mia is so excited this morning.
"What is time?" I asked rubbing my eyes. My fingers searched for the spectacles on the table adjacent to the bed.
"It's almost 9....we have to be there at 10... already late because of you. We need to travel for an hour to reach there...."
"Not in the mood for travel... postpone it to some other day"
"Postpone??" The way she said that...I made sure I triggered her anger "How can you say that? Lost your mind or what? Whatever it may are coming and we are leaving in 10 minutes..." Saying this Mia left the room.
I got down from the bed to get ready for the day. There is a reason behind Mia's excitement. Yes!! today we are about to achieve one of our dreams.
By the way, I am Anna and Mia is my twin sister. We reached California from Brazil five years back in search of our careers. Our parents own farmland in Brazil and they never failed to support us when in need to pursue our dreams.
Mia and I are dreamers since childhood and we are always excited to try what we decided to try. My interest in coding turned me into a successful coder and now I make a profit out of my coding skills. I didn't like to confine myself in a circle by joining a single unit. I work for many companies in California and coding because of my profession from passion. I work from home and I feel quite comfortable but sometimes I have to stress a lot for some projects and my recent task was one such that. I am confident about my new independent life as I learned to fill my wallet with my skills.
Mia....a lot to say about her...her love for painting converted her into an artist. Her skills are mesmerizing that it is quite difficult to differentiate her painting from a photograph. Sometimes she speaks through her paintings. She receives offers from people and companies and now she is a professional painter. She is making a handsome profit too.
We both decided to buy a dream home in California.
When we reached California five years back our maternal uncle Max welcomed us and our aunt Stephie took great care of us like her own daughters. They encouraged and supported us whenever we failed in our attempts. Within a year Mia and I settled with our careers after which we left Uncle Max's home and began our independent life in a flat in an apartment. This flat is quite small and lacks the facilities that offer daily comforts.
Uncle Max took us to a realtor named Maria. We expressed our desire to buy a new house to her and listed out the needs we expect our new home to contain.
She made note of everything and pretty soon she got a surprise for us and that's "Happy villa" in Berkeley. Mia and I visited the villa 10 days back and were astonished to see that the villa was more than what we imagined it to be. It stood there majestic and when we heard that it is under our budget then it's a real jackpot. It was built in 1912 by the Werner family and had many historic specialties in its construction. We admired every inch of it and still couldn't believe that it is going to be ours soon. The villa was surrounded by a beautiful garden but the plants and pool need some maintenance to look perfect. Rooms were elaborate and there were 5-bed rooms which can accommodate our whole family. The best place for celebrating with friends and family. Mia can even exhibit her work without any problem. I can convert a bedroom into my work area and that's all I wished to have. The villa occupied a huge place in our hearts and we fell for it at first sight. It had a garage in its basement. There was a room in the garage but it was locked and had a cross on it. When we asked Maria to unlock it she refused to say that the room is full of stuff which belongs to the owner George Fernandes. We didn't mind and hence we moved on examining the other parts. The environment is really peaceful and the garden separated the villa from the neighborhoods.
Mia and I lacked reasons to deny the villa and hence we made a final decision to make it ours for life. Maria assured us that she would call us after making the necessary arrangements for registration and yes!! She called us two days back and we promised to meet her today. Today the villa is going to be ours....
I got ready and came out of the room. Doorbell rang.
I went and opened it....Uncle Max stood there.....

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