The Master of Souls (Ahri x O...

By KraneRai

111K 1.9K 2.3K

{Main Story} Jeffric is a boy who once lived in a village of Ionia that's cut itself from the outside world... More

Prologue (Edited)
Chapter 1: The Beginning (Edited)
Chapter 2: The Woman (Edited)
Chapter 3: Now (Edited)
Chapter 4: The Nine-Tailed Fox (Edited)
Chapter 5: The Another Beginning (Edited)
Chapter 6: Breakfast (Edited)
Chapter 7: Opening My Eyes (Edited)
Chapter 8: The Village (Edited)
Chapter 9: Decision (Edited)
Chapter 10: Bed Time Story (Edited)
Chapter 11: A Flower
Chapter 12: The Painting
Special Episode: 1 (Edited)
Special Episode: 2
Special Episode: 3
Chapter 13: Insanity and Tears
Chapter 14: Another Decision
Chapter 15: Morning Warmth
Help Wanted
Special Episode: 4
Prologue of Chapter 1
Special Episode: 4.5
Chapter 16: Taken
Chapter 17: Bandits
Chapter 18: The Awakening
Chapter 19: Guilt
Chapter 20: A Dream and Kindness
Special Episode: 5
Special Episode: 6
Special Episode: 7
Special Episode: 8
Chapter 21: Plan
Chapter 22: Ionia
Chapter 23: The Song
One Year Anniversary
Chapter 24: A Sacrifice
Chapter 25: Before the Surprise
Chapter 26: Happy Birthday
Special Episode: 9 (18+)
Special Episode: 10 (17+)
Special Episode: 11 (17+)
Special Episode: 12 (Not 17+)
Special Episode: 13 (Not 17+...?)
Special Episode: 14
Special Episode: 15 (17+)
Special Episodes: 16 (+18)
Happy Halloween!

Happy New Year

1.2K 15 12
By KraneRai


Hey guys! Since the new year and the start of a new decade is here, I decided to write something that celebrates it. This is just a funny short story that you can just read and chuckle, so I hope you enjoy :)

"So, new year, huh?" Akali asked while hugging her teddy bear in her lap. "I can't believe that it's finally here!"

We were all sitting on the floor of the living room; surrounding the coffee table while blankets covered our bodies. The lights were off, but two candles that were placed on the coffee table gave off a warm light that lit up all five of our faces.

"And I can't believe that you're hugging a teddy bear," Evelynn commented while staring at the stuffed bear in Akali's arms. "I didn't know that you'd a childish side, Rogue."

Akali blushed a little while hugging the bear more tightly.

"I-It's just m-my lucky charm, Eve! D-Don't just jump to conclusions . . ."

"It's ok to have a childish side, Akali," Kai'Sa said while holding out a stuffed koala and beaming. "As you already know, I always sleep while hugging my koala!"

I imagined Kai'Sa hugging the stuffed koala while she slept on her bed, snoring softly while her chest rose and fell.

I had to say, that was cute.

"I agree with Kai'Sa," Ahri said. She was sitting next to me, and we were sharing the same blanket. Suddenly, she turned to me and hugged me! "I mean, I have a stuffed doll right next to me! His name is Jeffric and he wants to say hi to you."

She grasped my right arm and started to wave it in front of me to make it look as if I was waving my hand.

"Ah-Ahri . . ." I whispered while blushing with embarrassment. "P-Please . . . stop d-doing that . . ."

"Anyways," Evelynn said while looking around the table, "soon, a new year will begin, so let's do something meaningful."

"Like what?" Akali asked grumpily. "Beating you with my teddy bear?"

"Well, no." Evelynn gave a small frown at Akali who just stuck out her tongue in reply. "I was wondering if we could each make a wish for the new year."

"Oh, that's a good idea!" I said while clapping my hands in delight.

"Hmm . . . then I'll go first," Akali said and yawned sleepily. "Because I really want to sleep right after it becomes 12 AM."

Evelynn gave Akali her usual cold smile. "Well, go ahead then."

Akali pondered for a moment while touching her chin. Then she said; "I wish that I could beat Evelynn on something."

"I'll make sure that your wish would never happen," Evelynn said.

"I'll be next," Kai'Sa said enthusiastically while waving her hand in the air. "This year, I wish that nobody here gets harmed!"

Evelynn nodded. "Now, I'll make a wish."

She thought for just a few seconds, her eyes narrowing while doing so. "I wish . . . that we all have a good time."

"My turn!" Ahri announced while puffing out her cheeks.

"So, what's your wish?" I asked, curious about what she'd wished for,

Ahri turned her head and smiled warmly down at me.

"For your wellbeing, of course."

She winked at me, making me blush.

"Now, it's your turn, Jeffric," Akali said while leaning forward slightly in anticipation.

I looked around at the other four who were sitting around the coffee table, feeling nervous. They all stared back at me, waiting for my answer.

After gulping down air, I finally spoke; "I wish that we all live happily ever after."

The other four nodded to show that they understood what I said.

Just then, Akali pulled out her smartphone from underneath her blanket and checked the time

"Hey, guys! We only have one-minute and 4 seconds left before the new year!"

"Start the countdown!" Ahri said excitedly.

We all started to count the seconds down and soon we reached one.

"Three . . . Two . . . One . . ."

Then we all yelled; "Happy new year!" and blew out the candles on the coffee table, the living room becoming dark in an instant.

"Happy new year, everyone!" from the darkness, I heard Akali whooping. Then I heard her yawning loudly. "Dang, I really gotta sleep . . . good night, folks. . ."

And that was how my new year celebration ended.

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