His Angel (Tony Starks Daught...

By alayiahwinchester

100K 2.4K 224

(Imma be real, I wrote this when I was Young. There's zero punctuation and personally I think it's shite but... More

The goodbyes
Book Two


3.4K 88 10
By alayiahwinchester

Mercy ran through in search of Thor she finally found him "please I need to see Loki" she said quickly thor felt bad seeing the lingering tears in her eyes but he couldn't permit her to see Loki, not again "I'm sorry last was a one off" he said trying not to look at her broken face "Thor please is there's any way you can" Steve asked running in he sighed and walked out the room returning with Loki

One look at her oldest friend and mercys posture loosened and she relaxed slightly which Tony instantly noticed "he thinks I'm dead, doesn't even remember me" she told Loki he would have hugged her but knew she wasn't the hugging type "tell me I can do something" she begged "it's dangerous merc" Loki responded "One wrong move and your dead" Loki added she rubbed her eyes "I don't care" she answered quickly not even giving it a second of thought "I do" Tony interrupted Loki glared at him "can I do it Loki" mercy asked sternly "essentially yes, but you'll have to be quick" he said she nodded "tell me the spell" she said memorising it as he told her "I'll free you" she said in Latin watching his eyebrows raise

"You can't" he respond in English "your my mentor your the reason I'm alive I owe you my life" She said also in English he kissed her forehead "be careful" Loki said sternly Thor took him back Mercy was repeating the spell in her head repeatedly "you can't do this" Tony said "I have to" She responded paying no attention To his concern "I just got you back I can't lose you again" he said emotionally trying to trigger some kind of emotion in her "I can't lose him" She said back running through the building to winters cell

She unlocked the door and before he could retaliate  placed her hands on his head extracting the memory of him seeing her dead body She could feel a slight bit of blood dripping from her nose Steve and Tony sprinted in She finished the spell and stumbled because She was slightly weak She surprisingly found her self calling out for Tony and held onto him as She waited for winter to awake

He opened his eyes "mercy" he said She ran over and hugged him "winter" She said back sighing in relief he kissed her forehead he was slightly disoriented She spent ages with him until She went home with Tony When they got home tony asked if she wanted to watch a movie she nodded and sat next him and ended up falling asleep on his shoulder She was awoken by a knock on the door And walked over and opened it a kid she recognised as Spider-Man was there Tony stood up "what are you doing here" he asked

She turned to Tony "want me to kill him" She asked "woah woah woah" spider man said stepping back "what no" Tony said quickly "okay" She said moving out the way fiddling her thumbs as she noticed he didn't like her gesture she was trying to be nice but she didn't really know how so offering to take care of what could have been a problem was her idea of being nice tony noticed her slight frown "thanks for the offer though kid" he said she nodded towards him the boy stepped in and removed his mask "hi I'm peter peter" he said nervously mercy frowned confused by his name "wait no I'm peter Parker" peter said quickly nervously chuckling this girl before him was beyond stunning and he was slightly intimidated "hi I'm..." She stopped myself unsure of what to say "Hope, but most people call me mercy" She decided was a good response he raised an eyebrow and nodded he had brown hair and he was cute, incredibly cute

"Nice to meet you" he said politely "mr stark I locked my self out my house"he said mercy walked to the kitchen and poured her self a drink "I'm going to train" mercy said "you don't need to train anymore your safe here" Tony reassured "for now" she mumbled pessimistically walking out the room leaving Peter and Tony and heading through to the gym after a couple of hours she left and went back to the kitchen pepper was now home "hi sweetheart" pepper smiled mercy nodded a hello pepper and Tony had really been trying to get the girl to open up but she would shoot them down straight away or leave the room to avoid talking to them it seemed the only people she showed emotion around were Bucky and Loki but even around Loki her emotion only came from her concern for Bucky he seemed to be the only thing that mattered to her and Tony hated it

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