Flames Ignite (Magna x OC)

By RedBlackNinja

29.4K 1.2K 266

A young woman from a small mining village decides to enter the Magic Knight's exam to pursue a better future... More

The Exam
Pushing Too Far
Magna's Internal Struggle
A Day In Town
The Spark Begins
First Day Training
The Dungeon Part 1
The Dungeon Part 2
A Speedy Recovery
The Magic Knight's Headquarters
Taking Back Castle Town
Back At Base
Home Sweet Home
The Crystal Dungeon
Scarlet's Busy Day
Training With The Lion Cub
Beach Time
The Flames Ignite
To The Water Temple
A Game Gone Wrong
A Reassuring Victory
Assisting Kiten
The Sad Truth
Wasteland Dungeon
Author Note
The Curse Has Been Lifted
An Undercover Mission
Magna's Seething Rage
Three More Stars
The Festival
Clearing The Confusion
Hot Springs
The Path I'm Walking
Royal Knight Chaos
Don't Underestimate Us
Irritating Confrontation
Saving A Friend
A Shocking Battle
The Final Match
Author Note
Exam Results
The Raid Has Began
To The Capital
Glamour World
Protecting The Kingdom
Village Repairs
Disruption In Court
Family Get Together
A Night Alone
Unnecessary Prying
Just A Couple Drinks
The Calm Before The Storm
One Hell of a Week.
Rigorous Training
Dante of the Dark Triad
Our Vice Captain
The Battle Begins
Magna's Battle
The Battle Rages On

Heading for Home

601 24 7
By RedBlackNinja

I was drawn awake by the sound of the door closing to the room. Rubbing my eyes I sat up seeing the bright orange light from the sunrise. "Why the hell is he up so early." I groaned swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I got up stretching as I looked out the window. Magna was strapping a large trunk onto the back of the Crazy Cyclone. His hair was still messy and he was still only in a tank top and his pants from the night before since he probably was trying to let me sleep.

I made my way up to my room to prepare for my trip. I got into my normal gear since Yami requested I wear it on my time off just in case. I quickly packed my bags making sure to bring my money for my village. I threw the bag over my shoulder then headed downstairs to the main hall.

Yami was the only one down there sitting in the corner reading his paper. I threw my bag onto the table then threw myself down on the couch. "So you're taking the delinquent with you?" Yami piped up from behind his paper.

"Yeah, It'd be nice to have a travel partner, ya know?"

"Just don't destroy any villages along your way."

I giggled at the comment. "Don't worry, I'll keep him in line."

Yami chuckled lowering his paper. "That's what I'm worried about."

Charmy was the first to join me downstairs. Right away she got the sheep cooks making heaps of food for everyone to enjoy. This morning I had fried eggs with a side of rice, bacon and a corn muffin. The others started trickling down as they smelled the food giving us more company.

Luck came downstairs with Magna who was fully dressed and ready with a large bag for our trip. Magna seemed super pumped while talking to Luck. "It was because I did so well that they gave me a star for my efforts! At this rate I'll be the one pulling us bulls out of the dumps!"

"Yeah!" Luck jumped up in excitement. "We need to improve out combined skill, the Zapping Magna Typhoon!"

"There ain't no way in hell I'm letting you do that to me again!"

Asta rushed over with Noelle in toe. "Welcome back Luck, Magna!"

"Hey, I heard about the hell you guys went through in Castle Town, but its my time to shine kid." Magna pointed at himself with his thumb.

Asta giggled like a devious child. "For my outstanding work in the invasion they promoted me to a lower rank, class three knight!"

Magna looked blankly at Luck. "What's a lower rank class three knight?"

"Not a clue" Luck shrugged.

Yami scratched the back of his head in disappointment. "You guys are actual knights and you don't know this?" He took a drag of his cigarette blowing the smoke to the side. "The Magic Knights have a ranking system. Since you guys haven't went up in rank you're both lower rank five knights. Since Asta is higher than you you'll need to treat him with respect. Oh and FYI Charmy is lower class rank one."

Charmy rubbed her head with a huge smile on her face giggling. "On your knees bitches." She started dancing around Manga who collapsed on the floor in disbelief.

Yami watched the scene unfold. "I guess the fact she captured the perpetrator is the reason for her sudden promotion. Although it looked like you were trying to lynch her."

Magna looked up at me while still on the ground. "S- Scarlet don't tell me you ranked up too."

I started laughing as I got up putting my hands on my hips. "Lower rank class three knight. Same as Asta."

Magna laid on the floor looking dead from shock when Luck hopped over next to him and zapped him making him get up. "Damn it! I'll just have to work harder then. Don't worry Scarlet I'll catch up in no time."

"You better. I need some competition." I pushed him grabbing both our bags. "Hurry up and eat so we can get going."

While Magna ate I packed our stuff into the trunk Magna had strapped to the back of the Crazy Cyclone. There was still quite a bit of room if we decided to get anything along the way. This gave me a chance to bring some stuff back from my room at home as well. As I tied my hair up I could feel Vanessa's ki coming towards me from behind.

"Don't have too much fun on your little excursion." She sat next to me on the Crazy Cyclone. For once she was fully clothed looking like she was going on a mission. "This will be a snug little ride, not too much room with this chest here."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Don't get your hopes up Vanessa. I don't think it's happening." I leaned against the trunk next to me. "I think there's someone else." I mumbled just loud enough for her to hear.

"You're ridiculous. Why the hell would he offer to spend his entire week off with you?"

I groaned laying my head down. "Men are so confusing. I don't understand them at all." I could feel Magna's ki going towards the front door making me pop my head up. "He's finally ready."

"Have fun." Vanessa sang as she stood up. "Try not to kill each other." She winked to me as she passed Magna.

"Ready to go?" I said as I threw my leg over the seat leaning back against the trunk.

"Yeah, Yami gave me a communication device just in case something comes up." He tossed me a small metal box with some fancy designs on it to stick in my belt pouch. He also had an extra bag with him that he stuck in the trunk behind me before strapping it closed. "Charmy packed us a few meals for the road."

"I'll have to bring her back something as a thank you." I said scooting back for Magna to sit. "This is gonna be a little tight for us both to fit don't you think?"

He threw his leg over sitting down in front of me making the broom rise up below us. "It'll be fine, just relax. I plan on getting is there in half the time. Just hold on."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head against his back. "Ok, I'm ready."

With that we were off. Being wedged in between Magna and the trunk I felt comfortable enough to sleep. I sat up putting my chin on his shoulder but struggling since I'm a bit short. "Hey, I'm gonna take a nap. Don't drop me."

He tilted his head back so I could hear him through the wind. "Yeah like I'd wanna feel your wrath if I'd let you fall."

I jabbed his side making him laugh then got cozy nuzzling into his back. I lightly slept while Magna flew us along. He really enjoyed the view flying over places he hasn't seen before. 

I felt us slowing down which drew me out of my slumber. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful forested area next to a clear lake below us. As we descended I stretched my arms. "Yes, lunch time."

After we landed Magna got off the Crazy Cyclone and instantly laid down in the grass. "Man it's tiring flying that fast for that long."

"How far did we get?" I opened the trunk pulling out our lunches and sitting against the Crazy Cyclone.

Magna sat up joining me as I handed him his food. "We're a little over a third of the way there. We should make it to your village with just a stop to rest tonight."

"Damn, that really was fast. You want me to fly for a while after we eat? You look beat." I said as I stuffed my face with the sandwiches Charmy provided us.

"I don't know, can you handle the Crazy Cyclone's power?"

"It's just a fancy broom, it can't be that hard." I shrugged taking another bite of my sandwich.

Magna nudged me then pointed across the lake. "Look we have company." There was a buck staring at us from the far side of the lake as the mother deer and her fawn drank creating ripples in the water. The scenery around us was so lush with wildlife. The sound of birds singing surrounded us along with the movement of the leaves as the wind blew. 

"This is really nice. Thank you for coming with me. This ride would have been kinda lonely." I picked a small wild flower from the ground next to me twirling it in my fingers. "I don't think you're as much of a thug as everyone says you are."

"I'm not a thug! Who says that!" He yelled making the deer run off.

"Now look what you did. Only a thug could scare off poor innocent animals like that." I taunted laughing as I put the flower in his hair. "Don't worry, I still think you're a pretty nice guy."

Magna's heart raced at our closeness making him blush slightly. The sun made my red hair practically glow as it flowed through the wind. My emerald eyes sparkled making him melt as my hand pulled away from his hair.

As I got up I saw the flustered look on his face which made me snicker. "What can't handle it when I throw you compliments instead?"

"What? No, I just- you threw me off guard ok?" He scratched the back of his head smiling.

We cleaned up from our meal and got ready to hit the sky again. Magna sat against the trunk on the Crazy Cyclone leaving me the room in the front so I could fly. I got on and adjusted myself making the Crazy Cyclone rise from my magic. Magna wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. "Alright now take it easy at first. This broom has some pieces I bought from the black market to boost the speed."

"Yeah yeah, we'll be fine." My mana control is fairly decent so this shouldn't be too hard. I slowly trickled my mana through the broom making us rise from the ground and head towards our destination. It didn't take long to get the hang of flying this thing so we soared through the sky in no time. Although, I noticed Magna still holding me tight with his head rested next to mine. "Why don't you sit back and relax. My flying isn't that scary."

"You see. I'd love to, but I don't want a face full of hair."

"That's fair." I chuckled. "Sorry you're stuck clinging to me then."

"Trust me. I'm fine like this." He squeezed my waist a little tighter making me elbow him.

"Damn perv."

After a few more hours of flying the sun was starting to set. Through the trees I spotted a lively looking village. Paper lanterns lined the streets illuminating the busy crowd. There was a stage with people dancing creating a beautiful displays with their magic. "Let's stop here for the night." I said lowering us to the ground in which Magna agreed.

I spotted an inn at the edge of town where I landed letting Magna get off. "I'll go get us a couple rooms for the night. Just wait here with our stuff for a minute."

I agreed handing Magna some coin for the rooms which he reluctantly accepted. I sat side saddle on the Crazy Cyclone watching the townspeople pass by. The smell of food filled the streets making my stomach growl in hunger. "Ugh hurry up Magna I'm starving." I mumbled to myself kicking my feet a little.

"Excuse me miss, are you a Magic Knight?" A small voice said pulling me out of thought.

I look down to see a small girl with a bunch of wooden necklaces with various colored beads around her neck. "Why yes I am." I smiled looking down at her.

She smiled back jumping up and down. "That's amazing! My Momma got saved by a Magic Knight when I was smaller! We don't see knights very often."

I chuckled getting off the Crazy Cyclone and knelt down to her level. "Well I'm happy to meet you. My names Scarlet of the Black Bulls."

"I'm Emily. Did you come here for our festival?"

"No actually. My friend and I are on our way to my village. We were lucky enough to stumble upon this place to rest."

"I'm so glad I got to meet a Magic Knight! Here take these." She pulled multiple bead necklaces off from around her neck offering them to me.

I lowered my head allowing her to put them on me. "Thank you Emily."

A woman hurried towards the small girl. "Emily! You shouldn't wander off like that!" The woman stopped next to us. "I am so sorry. Emily really adores Magic Knights. We don't see many since we are in the middle on no where."

"It's quite alright. I'm from the boonies myself so I understand." I said picking myself up.

The woman looked at my robe and smiled. "You're from the same squad the man that saved me is from. I never got to thank him for taking out the man who tried to rob us after my husband had passed. He was a large man with dark shaggy hair who used a strange sword and dark magic.

"That sounds like our captain Yami. I'll be sure to tell him when we get back to base."

In that moment Manga joined behind me scratching the back of his head. "Uhh... Scarlet, we have a bit of a problem."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"There's no rooms left. The village is packed right now from the festival." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'll fly us to the next village then since you just got us here."

I sighed turning back to Emily and her mother. "Well it was nice meeting you two. We have quite the ride ahead of us since the next village over is pretty far."

"We have a spare room if you two would like to spend the night with us. I'd be honored to help you two out." The mother spoke making the little girl smile wide.

"Yeah! Since big brother moved they can use his room! They can enjoy the festival too!" She bounced around pulling on her mother's arm.

I put my hands out in front of me laughing nervously. "Oh no. We couldn't possibly intrude."

"Oh it's really no problem. Please let me do something for your squad since your captain helped me in the past."

I looked back at Magna seeing him nod in agreement to take the offer. "Alright, I guess we can stay the night here."

Emily grabbed my hand pulling me with her making her mother laugh. "This way! This way!"

We were led to a two story house with a balcony only a few houses away. Magna unstrapped the trunk to bring with us so we could store the Crazy Cyclone in their shed. I grabbed the other side against Magna's wishes as we lugged the trunk to our room. The rooms were fairly small since the house isn't very large itself. I opened the door to see a double bed with green sheets and a small dresser next to a window. I paused for a second realizing we'd have to share a bed. With all these feelings stirring up it made everything so much more awkward in my mind.

Magna nudged the trunk pulling me out of thought as we set the trunk on the dresser. "Ready to hit the streets? I'm starving." Magna moved towards the door looking back at me. "Unless you want to stay in. I can grab us something."

"No, I'm fine. Let's go." I squeezed my way by him leading us back to their living room. Before we left the little girl offered Magna similar beads to the ones she had given me. He tried to refuse but I forced him to lean down by pushing his head down to her level making her giggle.

As we left the house he was messing with his hair. "Damn, do you have to be so rough on my hair? It takes me a while to make it look this cool."

"I don't know if I'd call it cool. Plus, I like your messy hair better anyway."

"Well too bad. I don't look nearly as manly with my hair down."

We grabbed a bite to eat which tasted so much better after our long ride. The villagers around us all seemed to be heading towards the center of town so we decided to follow to see what the commotion was about. There were people hanging out of the windows of their homes, on their porches and even sitting on the roof tops to see the show. Magna noticed some large crates beside a building that we could climb onto. Getting situated sitting above the crowd everyone grew silent.

A finely dressed woman walked up on stage raising her hands creating a large ball of multicolored light. Throughout the town different instruments started to play from all directions but you couldn't see the players. She twirled making the different colored lights swirl around her in tiny glowing orbs. As she danced on stage the orbs moved as if they danced along with her. Children reached for the orbs to touch them but the orbs stayed just out of reach. The woman moved with such grace, leaving the audience in awe. As the music ended she sent all of the orbs crashing together in the sky like a large firework to end the show. The crowd clapped and cheered as the woman waved to everyone thanking them.

We weaved through the crowd trying to make our way back to where we were to stay the night. When we finally got back to our room I immediately face planted into the bed. "Finally some rest." I groaned rolling onto my back.

Magna closed the door behind him then started rooting through the trunk. "So how do you want to do sleeping arrangements? I could sleep on the floor, but I'll probably be exhausted tomorrow for the rest of the trip."

"I couldn't make you sleep on the floor. You've done too much for me already."

"I don't think I'd say too much." He said handing me my bag. "I'd say not enough. You did save my life after all."

"Is that why you're helping me out and being so nice to me?" I looked down digging through my bag for my night clothes.

"Well I mean yes and no. I do think I still owe you for that, but you're also one of my best friends. I mean we are both flame brained dumbasses."

"You mean you're the flame brained dumbass, I'm just a hot head." I teased pulling my clothes from my bag. "Now turn around I need to change."

"Aww but you've seen me practically naked before." He whined making me throw a pillow at him. 

"Cover your eyes you fucking perv." 

"Alright, but no peeking when I change then." He taunted with a cocky smirk.

I rolled my eyes as he turned away from me covering his face with the pillow. "Maybe making you sleep on the floor isn't such a bad idea." 

"I'll behave, I promise." 

We finished getting ready for bed so I took the side against the window while Magna took the other side. We both laid facing away from each other to keep things from getting more awkward than they already were. I gazed at the stars through the window next to me. Tomorrow I get to see my family for the first time in a couple months. I wonder if anything has changed since I've left?

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