The Flash GIF Imagines

By WookieSithLord

105K 2K 207

This is really just a book of imagines that are based off of GIFs. I do almost all characters from the Flash... More

Sore loser-Wally West
Sport time-Wally West
Will you help me babysit?-Wally West
Camping trip-Wally West
Late night Nonsense-Ralph Dibny
Unintended birthday mishap-Ralph Dibny
Ever heard of the game M.A.S.H.?-Ralph Dibny
Stargazing in a hammock-Ralph Dibny
Fight like a married couple-Barry Allen
My boyfriend's a jerk-Barry Allen
Always got my back-Barry Allen
Shopping time-Barry Allen
Couple Costumes-Cisco Ramon
Bird watching-Cisco Ramon
Pumpkin carving boo-boo-Cisco Ramon
Flower head-Cisco Ramon
Childish banter-Cisco Ramon
Karaoke night-Savitar
Scar kisses-Savitar
I want him-Savitar
Cloud watching-Savitar
You're gonna get caught-Weather Wizard
A dance in the rain-Weather Wizard
Leaf crunching-Weather Wizard
Lazy day contract-Weather Wizard
Look at me-Caitlin Snow
Ice cream date-Caitlin Snow
What am I wearing?!-Joe West
Power Outage-Joe West
On a mission-Leonard Snart
Mission-Leonard Snart
Grocery Shopping-Killer Frost
You've melted my icy heart-Killer Frost
Let's waste the night away-Julian Alberts
Karaoke Night-Julian Alberts
Dance studio-Julian Alberts (Part One)
Dance studio-Julian Alberts (Part Two)
You're not all smoldering looks-Harry Wells
You're still here?-Harry Wells
Dumpster diving-Harry Wells
Let's make slime-Harry Wells
Bad with scissors-Iris West
It tastes awful-Iris West
Teach me a phrase-Iris West
Kitchen goof off-Iris West
Food pun masters-H.R. Wells
Well, we're lost-Eddie Thawne
Late night drive-Eddie Thawne
Let's talk future-Hartley
Wanna make life lists?-Earth 2 Barry
Pool time-Jesse Wells
Let's be rich for a day-Jesse Wells
Holiday party-Dante Ramon
How they look at you addition
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
How they look at you when-
Proposal addition
Proposal-Iris West
Proposal-Wally West
Proposal-Eddie Thawne
Proposal-E2 Barry
Proposal-Ralph Dibny
Proposal-Harry Wells
Barry when...
Wally when...
Killer Frost when...
Ralph when...
Iris when...
A little less party and a little more ice cream part one- Nora Allen
A little less party and a little more ice cream part one- Nora Allen
Proposal-Joe West
Central City Robin Hood-Barry Allen
Zoom when...
Wally when...
Jesse when...
Eddie when...
Dante when...
Harry when...
Leonard when...
Cisco when...
HR when...
Weather wizard when...
Joe when...
Caitlyn when...
E2 Barry when...
Killer Frost when...
Savitar when...
Julian when...
Hartley when...
Nora when...
Barry when...
Iris when...
Ralph when...

Cute moments = nosy friends-Julian Alberts

635 8 0
By WookieSithLord

Before we begin this chapter I would like to give a shoutout to @kayla_cruz2019 for this imagine's idea. I hope you like it!


Imagine it was a pretty uneventful day at S.T.A.R. Labs. There were no villains to catch and frankly no one had any work to do. Despite this, the crew stuck around and decided to hang out until something happened...Hopefully. So, you and Julian eventually decided to split from the group and soon found yourselves in Cisco's tech room.

Julian grabbed one of Cisco's inventions, it was a small red cube, but neither of you knew exactly what it was. He began tossing it in his hand. A pit grew in your stomach, you were scared he might break it. Then, Cisco would be really mad. You sauntered over to Julian and delicately removed the cube from his grasp, carefully setting it back down on the table.
"Y/N! What did you do that for?" He whined. You rolled your eyes and rested your hand on your hip, meeting his gaze. He broke out in a smile.
"You know, you're bad at intimidating someone," he joked. You squinted your eyes and moved closer to him.
"Oh yeah?"
Julian broke out in a fit of laughter.
"What's so funny?" You asked. Julian continued laughing. At this point, you could see tears streaming down his face. Still, you couldn't help but start laughing yourself...After all laughter was contagious. Eventually, the two of you stopped laughing so much and were left giggling every so often. You wiped your tears and looked at Julian. The two of you hardly ever laughed that extensively over something so stupid, you figured the boring nature of that day was taking a toll on your mental state. You moved over to one of the metal tables, hopping on top of it. Julian followed your lead and sat down next to you. You looked over at him.
"You know Julian, you have the most beautiful eyes," you said, turning his face towards your own. He smiled and looked down. "I could look into them all day," you continued. Julian met your gaze.
"Is that so love?" He asked in a hushed tone. You smiled and cupped his face. He moved his hand to cup your hand.
"Well yours are pretty lovely too Y/N," he said softly. You bit your lip. You loved seeing Julian's soft side, it brought out the best in your relationship and was what made you love him even more than you already did. You scooted across the table, now only inches from Julian. You both smiled at each other as you began moving in for a kiss.
"Move! They're going to kiss...Ow!-I can't see!"
Your head snapped towards the door. That was odd, you thought. You could have sworn you heard voices, but you didn't see anyone. You shrugged and turned back to Julian who was watching you. He had a humorous expression on his face.
"And here I was thinking you were going to kiss me," he teased. You smirked and leaned in. Julian pressed his finger to your lips.
"Mmm...Sorry love, how do I know you're not going to trick me again?" He joked. You snatched his hand away and leaned towards him.
"Because I'm not. Now let me kiss you," you whispered. Julian smirked.
"Ooh, I'm intimidated," he said. You were about to say something when he pulled you into him and pressed his warm lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, he never failed to surprise you.
"Yes! There's that cute shit I've been waiting for!-Iris shut up! Make me Frosty!"
You pulled away from the kiss, hearing the voices yet again. This time, you knew you weren't crazy, you had heard Iris's name and knew your colleagues were just outside the room. You threw an apologetic look towards Julian before hopping off of the desk and making your way over to the door. You threw it open.
"Ow!" You heard. You peaked your head out. There, huddled in a group, pressed up against the door was your group of friends and teammates. Cisco was at the front, rubbing his head.
You looked at them furiously. "Were you guys spying on us?!" You asked. Julian was at your side a second later, the same look on his face.
"You guys, that'a creepy. You have no boundaries," he pointed out. The group stood up. Iris crossed her arms over her chest.
"We were bored...And to be quite honest, I don't regret a single second of the spying. Y'all are cute and warm my heart," she said, a smile planted on her face.
Cisco butted in. "Yeah honestly. You guys are like couple goals."
"I don't know, the PDA is a little obnoxious," Killer Frost added. The others turned towards her, a fire in their eyes. She pursed her lips, taking the hint that her negative comments were not welcome at that moment. Iris turned back to you.
"Look, we're sorry, but you have to know that we're pretty nosy people so..." Iris trailed off. You tried to be mad at your friends, but after hearing their arguments, you couldn't help but smile. You walked towards them and pulled them into a group hug, which Julian soon joined.
"I love you guys."
"We love you too," Cisco chimed in. Suddenly, you heard an alert from the main room. Your eyes lit up and you raced towards the sound.
"Come on guys, we have a criminal to catch!"

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