Low Key My Soulmate: lumark a...

By wonwooni

62.7K 2.7K 1.2K

What happens when Lucas and Mark become roommates after Mark gets his heart broken? Will Lucas be the one who... More

main characters
before we begin
the one with breakdown
the one before they met
the one where they meet
first social media chapter
the one with the ex
social media updates
the one where it's Valentines day pt. 1
the one where it's Valentines day pt. 2
social media 2
the one with Mark's daily routine
the one with Lucas's trip
authors note (important)
the one where Mark's alone
the one where they're reunited
the one with the late night shenanigans
the one with Renjun's 19th birthday bash
another authors note (very important)
the one with the next morning hangover
the one with the accidental first date
the one where they do stuff
the one where Mark hang out with Johnny
the one with the first offical date
the one where they move
the one where lucas has an exam
the one with the recording session that's kind of a mess
the one with the first "I love you"s
the one with the start of summer
the one where they go on a road trip
the one at the first night in the hotel
the one with the first full day
the one with more santa monica stuff
The one with the interview type thing
the one with the talk
the one with the last day of the convention
the one with kind of domestic lumark
the one with meeting lucas's other friends and other stuff
the one where its a johnyong special chapter
the one with the morning of the wedding
the one with the wedding
the one where Mark is sick or something idk what to name this one
wow another social media chapter :o
the one on the day before the concert
the one with the concert
the one with the day before Mark's bday
the one with Mark's bday party
the one with Marks actual birthday
yay another annoying authors note
the one with a 99 and 00 party type thing
the one with the album release
the one where Lucas get's a tattoo
the one with packing and shit
the one where they leave for los angeles
ha social media updates chapter
the one where its the night beofore the first concert of tour
the one where they leave the states
the one where the author doesn't know what to name the chapter
the one show in Hong Kong
the one when Mark meet's Lucas's mom
the one with just another day on tour
the one back in Canada
the one with their first christmas together
the one in chicago
the one with photo shoots and interviews and stuff
the one where Lucas turns 21
time skip / sns chapter :D
the one with the plan
the one with their anniversary
the one with the proposal(s)?
the one with problematic news sites
the one that skips forward five months
authors note version: wtf
the one with just them doin stuff i guess
the one where they just basically have fun the enitre chapter
the one where the author is just avoiding ending the story
hi hi - authors note
the one where lucas and mark have a bad week
the one where lucas's job sucks
the one where they just spend time together
the one where Lucas's brother comes to stay
the one where Yukhei's dad shows up
the one with the family christmas
the one where mark has to take care of a giant baby
the one with Lucas's 22nd birthday celebrations
the one with album release prepartions
the one where mark and lucas do a photo shoot together
update about updates aka an authors note, but important
another authors note
the one with Mark and Dejun spend four days together
the one where it's the day before their anniversary
the one where it's their second anniversary
authors note bc im dumb lmao
the one with the trip part 1
the one with the trip part 2
the one where mark gets injured
the one where lucas tries to cheer mark up
the one where they both graduate
putting this on hold
just checking in
i might be coming back soon
discontinued, i'm sorry

the one where they film a video

1.3K 70 14
By wonwooni


I was getting settled on the couch when Yukhei asked,

"Where do you want me to sit?"

Taeyong pointed to a place just off camera and he nodded. He sat down and just kinda sat there awkwardly. Johnny sat next to me and smiled. Taeyong set up the filming equipment.

My brother hit record and then ran over and sat himself on his fiancé's lap.

"Hey guys! It's Taeyong. So today I had a funny idea to have my baby brother, Mark..."

He put his hand under my chin and wiggled his fingers,

"and my fiancé, Johnny, read and answer questions and assumptions you guys have about me! I asked you all to ask me questions and leave assumptions on my socials."

Johnny wrapped his arms around Taeyong and he laughed a little,

"Oh and this over here off screen,"

He pointed at Yukhei,

"Is my little brothers roommate and Ten's friend, Lucas. He's just hanging out here."

Taeyong opened his phone and went to get up but before he did, Johnny said,

"Wait, baby."

"Yes, honey?"

Johnny puckered his lips for a kiss and then Taeyong complied and kissed him,

"Okay now let me up!"


He let go of Taeyong and my brother stood up. He handed Johnny his phone and then said,

"Here you go, you can read them!"

Johnny smiled and then said,

"C'mon Mark let's do this."

I laughed,

"Dude I'm nervous, some of these probably will me weird for me as the little brother."

"Nah it's fine. Okay let's do this thing!"

I moved to where I could see the phone as Johnny read the first one,

"'How old are you?'"

Johnny scoffed,

"This is a lame question, but he's 22 almost 23, like me. Mark you read this next one."

I read the next question,

"'Why do you always call Johnny, honey?' Umm well you see johnny is secretly a bee. NEXT!"

I heard my brother laugh off camera and Yukhei laughed lightly too. Johnny then read the next one,

"This ones an assumption... 'you secretly have a daddy kink'"

My eyes widened,

"I don't like this one."

Johnny shook his head,

"I can neither confirm or deny that's statement, but he does. MOVING ON!"

"John Jun Suh! You take that back I do not!"

My brother yelled from off camera and I began laughing

"No i'm kidding, but he does. Next question. Mark?"

Taeyong threw his shoes at Johnny, hitting him.


I busted out laughing and fell off the couch. I tried to recover from laughing as I read the next one,

"'you baby your little brother a lot now.'"

I laughed,

"That's very true. That's because I am actually 19 months old and not 19 years old. I am an actual child."

Everyone laughed and then I said,

"Nah, actually it's just because I got cheated on by a dumb bitch and he just wants to make sure I'm okay. Which I am, thanks to him. And some other people."

I smiled and looked to Lucas as he smiled to himself.

"Okay let's move on!"

I sighed as I handed the phone back to Johnny.

"Okay this one says, 'How has being engaged changed your relationship?' hmm..."

He though for a minute and then motioned for Taeyong to come back in frame. He pulled him into his lap and said,

"It hasn't changed much. Except now I'm broke because if this."

He grabbed Taeyong's hand and showed it to the camera. He was showing off his engagement ring.

"I'm just kidding. I bought this almost a year ago. I got my money back."

He kissed Taeyong's cheek and then stood him up,

"You can go now."

Johnny handed me the phone and I read the next on,

"Oh dude this is dumb, a dumb question, 'are y'all actually gay?'"

I made a disgusted face and I heard Lucas laugh quietly. I noticed my brother trying not to laugh from his spot in the floor in front of us. Johnny made a face and said in a sarcastic voice,

"No. We're not. I obviously have sex with my fiancé because i'm actually straight and so is he."

"For those of you who can't take sarcasm: Yes we're gay. Next question."

This went on for about twenty more minutes.

When we finished, Taeyong was doing his outro,

"So that's it for today's video. I sincerely regret doing this but hopefully you all enjoyed it!"

Johnny made a face and made eye contact with me. He then started to tickle my brother, who yelped.

He tried to continue his outro while laughing,

"Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you tomorrow! Mark turn off the camera."

Once I turned the camera off Johnny stopped tickling him. He was trying to catch his breath,

"Why are you like this."

"Because you love me like this."

My brother shrugged and said,


Johnny faked being mad and turned his head away from Taeyong. I laughed as Yukhei moved to sit next to me.

My brother turned to me and asked,

"So what were you guys up to today when I texted you?"

"Lucas made me leave the dorm for the first time in a month. Since he's mr. psychology major."

He laughed,

"He's smart then. I'm glad he got you out and about."

I sighed,

"Yeah... we saw Henry."

"Ah are you okay, sweetie?"

Taeyong asked frowning. I nodded,

"I saw Lucas flipping him off and it made me feel better."

Taeyong nodded. Then Yukhei said,

"Yeah he was my roommate freshman year."

"It's good to know you'll look out for him."

Johnny said as he pulled Taeyong closer to him. Taeyong smiled,

"Honey, he's a good kid. Don't get all overprotective now."

"Okay finnee. There goes my plans for an interrogation."

Everyone laughed and then Johnny sighed,

"I have to get back to recording. I was doing an intro when they walked in."

"What kind of video were you filming today?"

I asked,

"Well I was just going to vlog. We can all do something today to make it more interesting since my domestic life is kind of boring sometimes."

"Hey! Our life isn't that boring. We're parents now!"

My brother said as he held up the dog they had just gotten a few weeks ago. Ruby was her name, I wasn't sure what breed she was though. She was an adorable puppy.

"I want a puppy now."

I pouted and laid back.

"Oh wait Mark, I have to ask you something!"

My brother said, ignoring what I had said about a dog,

"How is did the talk with the label go? Did you get a contract?"

I nodded,

"Yeah it went well actually. The people said something about... possiblymyownalbumbytheendoftheyear."

"A WHAT!?"

My brother and Johnny yelled at the same time. I smiled ever so slightly,

"They want me to start working on my own album to release this year."

Taeyong jumped up and said,

"That's amazing! When did they tell you this?"

"Umm December. A few hours before the whole Henry thing."

"Sweetie that's amazing! You've worked so hard to get here!"

I nodded,

"Yeah I did. But you know what the best part is? I'm no longer a cringy soundcloud rapper!"

They all laughed, including me.

The next few hours had went by as my brother and Johnny had gotten to know Yukhei.

It was now around 6 in the afternoon, and we were about to go out to eat. I got into Yukhei's car and waited for him to start it. He buckled up and then said,

"Your brother is nice. So is Johnny. It's nice to know that they're the exact same as they portray themselves on youtube."

I laughed,

"Yeah they're very real on youtube. The only real difference is that they don't show when my older brother has panic attacks or a depressive episode. They try to stay positive on their channels."

He frowned,

"I know it's not my place to ask, but why does he have those?"

I sighed,

"Him and I had a hard life growing up. And recently he's had a rough time with some stuff that I'm not going to say, but he has Johnny... and me... and Ten so we're trying to make him happy."

Yukhei frowned,

"It's good that he has you guys."

He said as we pulled out of their driveway. I nodded,

"Yeah. He's done so much for all of us it's only fair that we return the favor."

On the drive over Yukhei was trying to make me laugh, and he succeeded. He was probably the funniest guy I've ever known. It was especially funny when he was trying to tell a joke in english but would forget the english word for the joke.

"Xuxi you're cute."

He shook his head,

"no i'm not you rice bucket."

"Fun fact Lucas, I understand Mandarin and I'm not a rice bucket. You are cute and I will fight you."

(rice bucket is a saying in china essentially calling someone stupid.)

"All this time I could have just spoken to you like this and you could understand me?"


"Well that's dumb. Why didn't you tell me!"

"Because you never spoke in Mandarin around me! And I only know a little bit..."

"Well how do you understand it!?"

"Renjun and Chenle are from China and Ten and I learned bit of Mandarin!"








We began laughing and then I said,

"Okay let's stop."


He laughed at himself and then said,

"Okay I'll stop."

"Okay but you're still cute."

"Shut up."


We pulled into the parking lot and parked next to my brother. We got out of the car and saw my brother holding hands with his fiancé,


I nodded and we walked in.

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