Real Steel x Reader Oneshots

By Unwanted_Zombie

1.9K 74 18

Soooo I love Real Steal, so here we are!! I DO TAKE REQUESTS! For legit, any character from Noisy to Charlie... More

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Noisy Boy x Reader (Slightly Sad But Gets Better)

665 23 7
By Unwanted_Zombie

Hai! gUeSs wHo'S bAck? BaCk aGAiN? MaXx iS bAcK! tElL a FrIenD

Alright, let's get started.


The fact that you hated Charlie in general never seemed to bother him. Honestly, you needed the money that he offered you in order for him to be renting Noisy in the first place. You didn't just need the money for your personal needs- you needed it for Noisy himself. Trust me, he was kind of hard to take care of.

He had originally belonged to your father, but... well, he passed away. You started taking care of Noisy Boy instead, and, well, that was the way it went for a while.

You kept him in the fighting business in Japan, and you guys actually lived there for a while before you realized you needed more cash to take care of him.

Online, you heard of a guy named Charlie Kent, an ex-boxer and now a robot boxer. Over the email, you said you're price, and he promised to pay you. But, you made it clear that Charlie was only renting Noisy Boy, and that if any severe damage happened to him, that you would get him fixed, and Charlie would never be able to control, touch, use, or even look at Noisy Boy.

Charlie agreed, but your only exception, was that you, would never leave Noisy out of your sight.

Charlie agreed, and that's where it all began.

You hated Charlie. His attitude, his carelessness, his cockiness, his anger, everything about him you didn't like. But as you remembered, you needed the money.

You were currently sitting in the back of Charlie's truck, praying the ride would be as slow as possible.

Charlie was driving you, Max, and Noisy to Noisy Boy's first fight in America for a long time.

Noisy was sitting in on one of the benches in the truck, powered off.

You couldn't seem to fall asleep on the drive.

You walked up to Noisy slowly, and turned him on.

His head moved upwards and his eyes lit up yellow.

That slightly loud but beautiful hum noise came from his chest and you smiled, sitting in his lap.

You stared him in the eyes, and sighed.

"Listen, okay, buddy?" You said aloud. It was a secret, and a very important thing about Noisy Boy, but you, (Y/N) (L/N) are the ONLY ONE that Noisy can understand, follow commands, follow, and interact with without a remote. So basically he's like a person, but not a person, he's a robot.

The hum noise happened again, and you sighed sadly.

"Whatever happens tonight... I want you to know that... well, you really do matter to me. After Dad died I felt like I had nothing left. But, obviously, I do have something left. I have you. You're my everything, buddy. Just... fight hard and... don't... don't get hurt too badly." You said, stifling a sad laugh.

He tilted his head at you, he felt you're doubt.

"N-Nothing, Noisy, it's just... I don't know, I've heard that Charlie can be really careless..." I said, sighing.

Noisy shook his head and carefully wrapped his arms around you, being really gentle to make sure he didn't crush you to death.

You snuggled into his chest and listened to the soft humming noise coming from his chest area. It almost sounded like... breathing...

You fell asleep almost as soon as you're head rested against his chest.

Almost 30 minutes later, the back door to the truck opened, and you slowly opened your eyes.

Max was standing before you, and he gently woke you up.

"(Y/N), it's time for Noisy's fight." He said softly, and you stood up, Noisy's arms going back into position at his sides as he stood up.

Noisy followed you and Max as you guys exited the truck, Charlie started making fun of you for snuggling Noisy. You're face went red, and Noisy's humming noise sounded more pissed off, and he glared at Charlie.

Charlie shut up, and you guys made your way through the Crash Palace.

'Til I Collapse was blaring through invisible speakers in the huge warehouse. You walked through the crowd of people and bots, clinging tightly to Noisy's arm. A random white and human sized robot instinctively threw a punch at you, it's fist about 5 inches from your face and you flinched.

Noisy jerked his head towards the robot and glared, shoving it backwards a little.

Charlie glanced behind his shoulder at you two, but kept walking.

Once you made it to the area where Finn was taking bets and stuff, Charlie, Max, you and Noisy walked into the small crowd, and Finn shouted for everyone to shut up, and everyone did.

"Is that Noisy Boy?" He asked loudly and in surprise.

Charlie nodded.

"The one and only," Charlie said, cocky and with a smile.

"THAT'S NOISY BOY!!!" Screamed Finn, and everyone went crazy.

You crossed your arms and stared down at your feet.

Noisy remained motionless, except for his head ever-so-slightly turning to glance at the crowd.

Charlie bet for a fight with Midas, an orange-mowhawked bot that you were sure as hell familiar with. The guy who operates him used to be enemies with your Dad.

2 minutes before the fight happened, you were preparing Noisy for whatever was going to happen in that ring.

You sat in his lap, cleaning off any smudges on his outer armour that he had.

After that, you sighed, smiling.

"Good luck, buddy." You said, softly kissing where his mouth should've been.

He hummed again in sort of a happy tone and you giggled.

Before you knew it, he was ducking into the ring and circling around it with Midas.

Punches were thrown, and you were sure that Noisy would've been beating him by now, but... suddenly... his arm was ripped off.

Your eyes widened and your pupils shrank, a loud and enraged scream escaped your lips. It managed to be slightly louder than the crowd that was going insane.

"N-NOISY!!!!!!" You shrieked, as your Robot best friend was getting pummeled.

You socked Charlie in the gut, and he glared at you after a quick yelp of pain.


"I'M DOING WHAT I CAN, (Y/N), SHUT UP." He yelled over the crowd at you.

"IF HE DIES, IT'S OVER WITH YOU," You screamed at him.

You tried so many times to call out to Noisy to try and give him commands, but they didn't work as well as the headset did, considering that Noisy could barely even hear you because of the screaming crowd.

Noisy was shoved into the corner, and fear flooded your body.

Midas placed his hand on Noisy's shoulder and raised his other fist, gazing at the crowd for support on doing what he was about to do.

The crowd went wild. They wanted your best friend, the only thing that you had left in this world... to die.

You inhaled a long breath and heavy tears ran down your face, as you prepared to start screaming.

"C-CALL IT OFF!!!" You screamed. "CALL IT OFF!!!! PLEASE!!!!!" You screamed in desperation at Finn, but he just grinned and wagged a finger at you, mouthing the word 'no'.

You shrieked at the reff, you screamed at Finn, your screams didn't work.

Noisy turned his head and looked at you as sorrowful as he could.

You cried out, about to jump into the ring, when Max grabbed you and you tried to fight him to let you go, punching at his arms and squirming.

Your breath left your body in a loud heave, almost like you just fell from the Empire State Building. With one single punch, Noisy's head was completely torn off.

His metal body fell with a loud clank, and his purple-red oil spilled onto the ring. It covered your hands, and you screamed a sad and angry scream.

You turned and ran to the man controlling Midas and tackled him, repeatedly punching him in the face with your knuckles and palms covered in Noisy's (blood), tears running down your cheeks.

Charlie had to literally pry you off of the guy and put you in the truck.

As you guys began to drive, you passed a man overhead welding Noisy's head off of the ceiling.

"Charlie, we are going to get his head back." You stated grimly.

"We can't just do that!"


"NO, (Y/N)."

You had to punch the shit out of Charlie in order to get out of the truck, receive Noisy's head and then get back in the truck.

You went in the back, loudly crying as you cradled your Robot's head in your arms, you laid next to his mangled remains of his body and really wanted to go home so that you could call Jeremy to come and fix him. Jeremy was your brother, and also a bot repairman.

Once you finally returned to Charlie and Bailey's house/gym and helped Max wheel Noisy's remains into the gym.

Bailey and Charlie had a long argument about what happened, and it took a lot of trying before you let Bailey come along and comfort you.

In the morning, you woke up next to Noisy's remains and started crying again. Charlie came in and apologized, even though you totally punched him in the face. Hard.

You called Jeremy, and it took him a very long time to fix Noisy, but soon or later he did, and he had to let him charge before anything else.

You sat next to your robot, not letting anything take you away from him.

You fell asleep against his chest, when, suddenly, that hum noise happened.

Your eyes shot open, and you sat up in his lap, turning so that your whole body faced him.

"N-Noisy...?" You said quietly, and his eyes lit up yellow.

"Noisy!" You yelled happily, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him. He lowered his head against your back and wrapped his arms around you, his eyes going black (closing his eyes).

"I thought you were gone...!" You whispered, crying with joy.

He hummed as if chuckling.

"Why the hell would I leave someone like you?" You suddenly heard come from Noisy.

You pulled away, looking at him with a shocked expression.

That hum noise happened again, except this time it sounded more like a laugh.

You smiled, kissing where his mouth should be.

"You're stupid. But I love you," You said, giggling and wiping your tears.

"I love you too."

And if he could smile, he would've. But... he was smiling. In his own, weird little way.


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