Forgotten Melodies (Lena X Re...

By Reign1990

122K 6.2K 1.3K

After Lois Lane left The Daily Planet things just weren't the same for you anymore, an old friend and one tim... More

CatCo Cat Fights
I'm Sorry But SuperGirl Sucks.....
Rainy Nights
Expect The Unexpected.
Being Neighborly
A Day In The Life Of Lena Luthor, Again
Girls Night In.
Secluded Moments
Symbol Of Hope
CatCo Bathroom Chaos
The Tears Of Lena Luthor.
Jealous Lena.
Late Night Visits.
Unfinished Business
Frenemies With benefits
Trips With The Legends
Firelight And Truths
Heated Embraces
Revealing Secrets
Waking Up From A Dream
One Night At A Gala
When The Lights Go Out.
Hot And Fluffy.
Grecian Days.
The Big debate & Mysterious Woman.
Everyone Knows But Them.
Ruby Red Lips
What Is A Flying Meathead?
Search For The Kryptonian
Poor Kara
Weaponizing Love
Pants Steak For Lunch with Kara
In Dreams
Adorable Kara And Naughty Alex.
Scattergories And Delight.
The Secret
Kara's Big Mouth
The Story of True Love
Images From the Abyss
Close your eyes
Pleasing Lena Luthor
First Class Service
There's Something About Lena

A Day In The Life Of A Luthor

2.8K 161 88
By Reign1990

"Absolutely not," Andrea said. "I need (Y/n) on something else."

"If you want this to be something that will blow the competition out of the water, it's not enough to only have Lena on the cover." Kara persisted, she'd been trying to get her boss to reconsider for half an hour.

Andrea was not budging.

"We have other photographers." Andrea dismissed.

"No one with the kind of clout that (Y/n)'s name carries." Kara persisted. "Two Pulitzer prizes, not just one but two." Kara pointed two fingers across at the woman to emphasize her words.

"Still, no."

"Imagine, the reporter who is me." Kara flashed a smile at her boss. "A Pulitzer prize winner interviewing the fanomanaly amazing Lena Luthor, photographed by the two Pulitzer prize winner, it will be flying off the shelves."

"She isn't that amazing." Andrea rolled her eyes. "I shared a dorm room with her trust me; only I know she snores."

"Does she?" Kara gasped. Who would have thought Lena Luthor snored?

"Does who what?" (Y/n) asked as she waltzed into Andrea's office, not bothering to knock.

"Lena Luthor, she snores very badly." Andrea snapped, sounding more like a petulant child telling on her friend to a teacher.

"Does she, that's gross." (Y/n) shrugged. I bet it's cute little snores, the kind that you'd listen to forever, and your heart would melt and... "Who cares, I need to know my next assignment, I don't want to do that coffee shop opening with Nia, it's boring as hell."

Kara flashed Andrea a hopeful grin.

"Fine, (Y/n) Kara needs, a photographer with her today." Andrea sighed, trying her best not to throw a temper tantrum. The thought of (Y/n) and Lena spending the day together was not something she wanted.

(Y/n) turned her head to find the reporter's smile was far too broad, and she looked way too happy with herself.

"What am I doing?" (Y/n) asked.

"You and I are going to be hanging out with Lena Luthor all day," Kara replied happily as (Y/n) felt the ground shift beneath her.

"What the hell!" (Y/n) flipped an angry glare at Andrea. "What if she falls asleep and snores?" What if I fall even more in love with her?

"She doesn't snore." Kara sighed. "Meet me at my desk in ten minutes." The woman rushed from the room a kick in her step as she aimed to set out all she needed.

(Y/n) watched Kara flee in horror, her mouth falling open.

"Hey, (Y/n)," Andrea called sweetly. "I don't snore."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, searching for the exit. "Hey, Kara, wait for me!"

Andrea watched as (Y/n) fled the office so fast she slammed her knee against the door frame.

(Y/) didn't stop. Instead, it spurred her to move faster.


Lena tried to sit comfortably in her chair and ignore the ominous figure of (Y/n) who sat seemingly unaffected on a chair beside Kara picking through some chocolates she had apparently brought out from nowhere.

Kara was already eyeing them up.

With (Y/n) consumed with the confectionary, Lena leaned forward, grasping onto the desk. "Psst, Kara, why did you bring her here?"

"Because she likes me the best." (Y/n) replied, her mouth full of chocolate.

"It clearly isn't for your table manners." Lena grimaced.

(Y/n) shrugged undeterred.

"(Y/n) was the only photographer in CatCo not busy, she volunteered to do this job, didn't that nice of her Lena?" Kara smiled sweetly, pretending to not see the questioning glare from Lena and (Y/n).

Lena blinked, moving her eyes to (Y/n) which seemed as shocked as she did, Lena was a little lost until Kara sent her a not so subtle wink. Oh no, Kara, please don't play matchmaker.

Lena didn't need to be set up with Andrea Rojas's favorite toy.

Kara ignored the blatant unhappiness with her idea and instead gave the biggest smile she could think of. "So, we're with you all day, Lena where do we start?"

"And when do we finish, I am meeting Alex for a drink at the bar tonight." (Y/n) raised her hand in the air waiting to be acknowledged.

"You are what?" Lena almost growled. "You have a date with Alex Danvers?"

"How can I have a date with someone who is already dating someone?"(Y/n)rolled her eyes. "Jeez, you're a drama queen. Alex is my neighbor."

"You have neighbors?" Lena scrunched her eyes up.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Yeah, would you believe I moved out of the swamp, Shrek was a shit landlord."

Kara chuckled. "I did say they'd get on," Kara replied sweetly.

Lena glared at her friend. "Yes, well, that was unwise." Of course, Alex will fall in love with (Y/n), who wouldn't? Lena had, she'd fallen for her empty, meaningless sweet talk.

"Can we get on please, or is this what you do all day?" (Y/n) let out an annoyed grunt.

It turned out a day in the life of Lena Luthor was pretty hectic, (Y/n) had no idea a wealthy CEO did so much of her own work.

(Y/n) had spent it trailing after Kara, who, in turn, was following Lena. Like a train effect where the end carriage and the first carriage really didn't want to be there.

As the afternoon drew on and their time together was drawing to a close, they found themselves back in Lena's office. (Y/n) sat on the couch alone, going through the images she'd taken all of Lena, of course, trying to give herself a reason to let her attention linger on the woman.

On Lena's desk, a wooden box sat, she'd called ahead to her secretary to move something and (Y/n) assumed that was what she had meant.

Lena went to open the box and snatched her hand back on a loud hiss, her green eyes watering at the sight of wood that now stuck in her finger. "Dammit."

"What's wrong?" Kara asked innocently.

In an instance (Y/n) had put her camera aside and launched herself at Lena, pulling her hand gently between her own. Studying the wood splinter that had dared attack the beautiful woman.

"This will be easy to get out; I just need a tweezer." (Y/n) said her eyes glued to the hand. She hadn't noticed she was gently soothing Lena's bruised and aching hand with her fingertips, but Lena had.

Kara fumbled in her bag until she found tweezers and handed it over to the photographer who casually but carefully used the tweezers to pull the wood out.

Lena set her sights on (Y/n), watching the side of her face set into fierce concentration as she worked. A thick strand of hair falling over into her eye, but it didn't seem to affect her.

Lena's fingers itched to push it back, to run her fingers through (Y/n)'s thick (h/c) hair.

"There's the little troublemaker." (Y/n) announced raising the wood into the air, realizing she was still holding Lena's hand (Y/n), threw it out of her grasp, and moved away as fast as she could, almost falling over her camera case in the process.

"Oh, I've forgotten my jacket. I'll just go and get it." Kara smiled as she jumped from the chair and closed the door behind her leaving Lena and (Y/n) alone together.

"So, I wouldn't have thought Alex Danvers was your type," Lena said spitefully.

"I prefer blondes." (Y/n) shrugged, refusing to be baited.

"Like your little girlfriend at the gala." Lena sneered, trying to hide her jealousy.


"Does Andrea know about your date tonight?" Lena asked smugly if she had to endure (Y/n) dating other people, then at least Andrea did too.

"I told you, it's not a date, and no, she does not know. I don't know why you think she should." (Y/n) replied nonchalantly.

"Where did you and the blonde meet?" Was it after us?

(Y/n) cracked a smile. "Let's just say we both enjoyed Greece."

"The musical?"

"If you want it to be." (Y/n) smirked. "She was very entertaining."

White-hot jealous rage flowed through Lena like she hadn't experienced in a very long time, not since that night she had found (Y/n) and Andrea together. "Well, I'm very happy for you."

"Thank you, your kind regards mean the world to me."

"Do they?" Lena asked skeptically.


"Idiot." Lena glared.

"Stuck up, old crone." 

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