Fool For You » SuperFlash {1}...

By themiko2

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There was a crime scene for a murder so CSI Barry Allen hurries there but of course being 10 minutes late. A... More

pilot; part two
durning the 9 months..
national city
her story
not giving up
weird man from space
mon el
Kara's Smile
stronger together
fight or flight
saving kara
lucy lane
red faced
annoying little things
human for a day
alex & mon
they need Supergirl
they need Supergirl Part 2
they need Supergirl part 3
they need Supergirl part 4
dirk's office
kara is supergirl
iris' secret
kara & adam
the breakup
he's moved on
for the girl
black mercy
j'onn as kara
getting kara back
barry saved kara
her family
the american way
master jailer
her plan
nuke on national city
red kryptonite
bad supergirl
her darkest thoughts
jeremiah danvers
project cadmus
girl power
the finest
silver banshee
jealous of the spider
the civilians
her confession
max helping?
going back
the fight between lovers
heard everything
the fight
his confession
𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔

when you're an alien

1K 37 0
By themiko2

Next Day

Kara & Barry both rushed into James' office where Iris & Mon were waiting for them. "Good. You're here.", Kara said but Mon & Iris were still confused.

"Yeah we got your message. What happened?", Iris asked.

"It was horrible. They just- They just dragged Alex and Hank away.", Kara said.

"What?!", Iris exclaimed.

"Wait. Who is they? Who did this?", Mon asked and Kara sighed before looking at Barry.

"Lucy.", Barry said and Iris & Mon went nuts.

"WHAT?!", Iris exclaimed.

"Lucy is back here in National City?", Mon asked.

"Yes. With a Colonel Harper. They're leading the witch-hunt. They wanna know who knew about Hank. I've never seen her like this.", Kara said.

"Okay, but where did they take Alex and Hank?", Iris asked.

"Some place called Project Cadmus, which I'm guessing isn't an all-inclusive resort.", Barry said.

"No.", someone said. They looked in the corner to see James was actually in there, working.

"It's the reason that Clark won't work with the government.", he continued as he approached the four.

"Okay, so if- if the DEO is a prison, then Cadmus is a dissection lab.", Iris said.

"It's genetic engineering facility that treats aliens like lab rats. Amputated. Skinned. Drained. Injected with experimental drugs.", James said and they all felt disgusted.

"Why would they do that?", Mon asked.

"Weaponizing alien abilities for military purposes.", James said.

"What do they do to humans? Does Clark know where it is?", Kara asked.

"No. No one does.", James said and then Kara got an idea and looked at everyone.

"I know what I have to do.", she said before looking at Barry. "But I'm gonna need your help.", she said.

Kara & Iris' Apartment

Kara was sitting down in a chair at the counter as Iris was standing in the middle of the apartment crossing her arms and Barry was standing by the door. Then there was a knock at the door and Barry answered it. The doorway revealed Lucy and she saw everyone. "I don't have time for this.", Lucy said as she walked in and Barry closed the door.

"So you're back in the army.", Barry said. "And you're back in Kara's loft. I guess nothing's really changed for either of us. Just tell me what was so important that I had to come here. What is this all about?", Lucy asked.

"There's something you need to know.", Iris said and Kara sharply inhaled before unbuttoning her shirt to reveal her Supergirl suit. Lucy gasped as Kara took off her glasses.

"It all makes sense now. I just didn't wanna put it together. I didn't want it to be true.", Lucy said.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way. But you're the only person that can stop Hank and Alex from being sent to Project Cadmus.", Kara said.

"Why would I help you? You and Hank- Why do you all lie?", Lucy asked.

"When you're an alien, and you've lost your world and you're dropped into a new one, you don't have a choice.", Kara said.

12 Years Ago
Midale Middle School

It was Kara's first day of school and she was overwhelmed with what her newly powers were doing to her. She could see miles away, people's skeletons, could hear people from miles away.

"Who's the new girl?"

"Foster kid."

"Alex Danvers' parents took her in."

"I'd hate my parents if they did that to me."

"Totally. Who wants a stranger living in their room?"

Then young Alex approached a guy, who she seemed to like. "Hey, Rick.", she said.

"Bunch of us are heading to Swan Beach after school. You wanna come?", Rick asked.

"Supposed to hang out with her.", Alex said before gesturing to young Kara. "Then bring her."

Swan Beach

Young Kara was looking up at the sky, staring at the birds and everyone was taking in that she was acting weird. "Your new sister is kinda weird.", Rick said before Alex approached Kara.

"Stop! Everyone's staring at you.", Alex said.

"I'm sorry. We didn't have birds on my planet.", Kara said.

"Don't say that stuff out loud.", Alex said but then there was a crash. Kara looked in the direction and immediately started to run towards it. "What is wrong with you? Kara!", Alex yelled.

When Kara got to the scene, she immediately jumped on on the car and pulled the car door off. Then unbuckled the woman, and she quickly got out. Then Kara grabbed the baby and ran up to the woman, handing her her baby. "Thank you.", the woman said as Alex and people started to run towards them.

"Kara! What are you doing?", Alex yelled. "Alex!", Kara yelled before the car exploded, and the debris hit Alex on the arm.

Danvers' House

Kara was sitting outside, looking out onto the horizon of the ocean, taking in the new sights. Then Jeremiah approached her. "Alex had to get some stitches, but she's gonna be okay.", he said as he sat next to her on the bench.

"Listen. Doing what you can do makes you special. But it's not safe. Those kids, their parents, they're all wondering how a little girl pulled off that rescue today. We told them you got lucky, but that excuse will work once.", Jeremiah said.

"I'm sorry.", Kara said.

"I know you were only trying to help. But the world already has a Superman. All you need to be is Kara Danvers.", Jeremiah said before he brought out black glasses from his pocket. "I made these for you. The frames are lined with lead. They'll suppress your vision, help you fit in. They'll make your life easier.", Jeremiah said. Then Kara put them on and Jeremiah smiled down at her. Kara smiled back at him then hugged him tightly but not too tight. "Thank you."

Kara & Iris' Apartment

Kara was facing the window before looking at Lucy. "When you are an alien, you're willing to sacrifice anything, everything, betray your fundamental instincts just to fit in. To belong somewhere, to find your place in this world.", Kara explained.

"If you have a problem fitting in, it's because you lie to people about who you really are.", Lucy said.

"Lucy, are you really willing to let Hank become a science experiment? And who knows what they have planned for Alex.", Iris said.

"I know you're feeling betrayed and alone, but if you go along with Jim Harper just to feel like you fit in, to feel like you belong somewhere, ultimately the only person you're betraying is yourself. It wasn't easy for me to show you who I really am, but I did it because I trust who you are, who you really are, under that uniform. And I trust you'll do the right thing.", Kara said and Lucy sharply inhaled before nodding.

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