5.20, apotheosis

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season 5, chapter 20 : apotheosis

* * *

"Someone can just walk up to the beast, yell Mason's name and turn him back?"

* * *

| your pov |

Stiles and I walk with Deaton throughout the animal clinic, explaining the situation to do with Mason.

"Vanishing twin syndrome?" Deaton repeats.

"This is part of your expertise, right?" Stiles asks.

"Not particularly, no." Deaton replies.

The three of us snap our heads round at the sound of a door opening, Scott and Liam walking into the room with a Dread Doctor in their grip. One that's still alive. We place him down onto the metal table, Deaton beginning to do his inspection.

"Can you keep him alive?" Scott asks.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive." Deaton replies.

"Screw keeping him alive." Liam says. "How do we get him to talk?"

"Personally, is don't think we utilise torture nearly enough." Stiles speaks up.

Liam and Scott perk their heads up, glancing at one another as if something has happened without the rest of us knowing.

"Did you hear that?" Liam asks Scott.

The two begin to look around, trying to find the source of whatever they're hearing. All of a sudden, the Dread Doctor shoots up and makes a high pitched noise, all of us covering our ears as an instinct. The Dread Doctor stands up, slowly making his way over to the exit and outside where we then hear the door slam shut and electricity explode. Anything metal flies across the room, piling up to block out exit.

"Don't do anything." Deaton tells us. "It's electrified."

"Wait, be quiet." Scott says. "They're saying something."

All of us stay silent, allowing the two werewolves to listen into their conversation.

"The cane." Scott says with no explanation.

"They took the cane." Liam continues.

"Who did?" I ask.

"The Argents." The two replies.

We all gather around the table, Scott looking through the files his mother gave us earlier.

"Maybe there's something in here about him being a genetic chimera." Scott suggests.

"Mason had a vanishing twin." Deaton says aloud.

Stiles nods. "Now we've got a vanishing Mason."

"What does that have to do with him tuning into a 250 year old French guy?" Liam asks. "How does that even happen?"

"Masons twin wasn't entirely gone and that's what made him a genetic chimera." Deaton explains. "Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well."

I furrow my brows. "How?"

"Life is energy. Energy doesn't just disappear." Deaton begins. "The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world but there are some rules that simply won't break."

"So Mason can't just be gone?" Liam questions.

Deaton nods. "Somewhere in Sebastien he had to still exist in some form. A spark of energy, a flicker of memory."

Stiles picks up the mask. "Hang on. Liam, you said Mason said something right before he turned."

"Yeah, he said 'that's not my name'." Liam tells us.

"He finally remembered his name." Scott states.

"Damnatio Memoriae." I mumble.

"That's what they wanted." Liam begins. "They wanted Sebastien to remember his name."

Deaton looks up. "Scott, you know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf but it's given name?"

"It turns back to human." Scott replies.

"What does that mean?" Liam asks. "Someone can just walk up to the beast, yell Mason's name and turn him back?"

"Not someone.." Scott trails off.

"Lydia." I finish.


I grip Lydia's hand in mine as she lay in the hospital bed. Sebastien has slashed her neck to stop her from screaming. To stop the banshee from changing him in the future.

"Hey, you alright?" I softly ask, noticing she's wake now.

"Did.. Did you find something?" Lydia weakly asks, barely audible. "A solution?"

"Yeah." I reply with a small smile. "The solution is you, Lydia."


"Lydia, this is gonna have to be just between us since I can get fired for it." Melissa says as Scott and Liam sit Lydia up.

"It's a cortisone shot." Scott tells her. "It's going to bring the inflammation down."

Scott nods then I watch Melissa take the needle, peeling Lydia's bandage back slightly.

"Oh, yeah, I'm gonna need to leave." Stiles says.

"You're not going anywhere." Melissa replies. "Y/n, hold her hand."

I nod then leave Stiles' side, taking Lydia's hand. I watch Melissa take deep breaths, holding the needle up to Lydia's neck when we hear a thud. We all turn around to see that Liam fainted. Scott leaves Lydia's side, running over to Liam.

"Okay, Lydia, this is going to hurt like a bitch." Melissa tells her.

Melissa presses the needle into the strawberry blondes neck, Lydia whimpering in response as she squeezes my hand tightly.


Stiles and I left Scott and Liam to find Parrish with Lydia, the two of us heading to meet Malia at Scott's house.

"Stay here, I'll get her." I tell Stiles.

Stiles nods then I get out of the car, walking into the house to immediately be held at gunpoint by the Desert Wolf. Malia runs out form behind a wall, pushing me to one side before lunging at her real mother, the two falling into a glass table. I scramble to my feet and attempt to punch the Desert Wolf when she grabs me and throws me into the glass shards.

"Y/n?" I hear Malia call.

I roll over onto my back, looking down to see a chunk of glass poking out from my shoulder. I groan in pain, watching the Desert Wolf fire a bullet at her daughter before I can warn her.

"Malia!" I scream.

The two disappear down the hall, multiple gunshots heard which are followed by Malia's cries of pain.

"Malia." I call, crawling across the floor.

Malia looks around at me as I throw a jar of talons to her which she catches with ease.

"I want my power back." The Desert Wolf hisses, plunging her claws into Malia.

"I want my family back." Malia snaps, plunging the talons into her mother.

The Desert Wolf groans, staggering back to then be knocked out by Braeden. I hear another set of footsteps, looking towards the door to see Stiles.

"What the hell happened here?" Stiles exclaims.

His eyes fall onto me, immediately rushing to my side. Stiles begins to gently pull at the glass but I groan in pain, gripping his free hand tightly to try relieve the pain.

"I'm not leaving you alone ever again." Stiles informs me. "Anytime I leave you alone you get injured."


| third person pov |
Liam and Scott work together, the two werewolves fighting the beast with loud growls. The beats smashes his fists against the floor, the two flying back and landing on the ground in pain. Sebastien grips Scott's neck.

"You're strong, there's no doubt in that." Sebastien says. "But neither of you fight with a killer instinct. Let me show you how to go for the throat."

Liam scrambles to his feet, grabbing the cane as his eyes stay fixated on Sebastien.

"Liam, wait." Scott orders. "We can still save Mason."

"Who's going to save you?" Liam asks.

Sebastien scoffs. "What kind of werewolves are you?"

Liam snarls before lunging at Sebastien but gets thrown harshly onto the ground, Sebastiens grip tightening on Scott's neck as he enters Scott's mind. The memories to do with Allison Argent.

"Marie-Jeanne?" Sebastien questions, his accent thick.

The man releases his grip on Scott, Lydia and Kira appearing around the corner which grabs Sebastien attention. Sebastien walks towards the two, his eyes beaming blue as black mist swirls around him, turning him into the beast.

"Mason!" Lydia yells.

The best growls, attempting to block out the sound as black mist swirls around again, Mason falling from it. Corey appears from his hiding, gripping Mason in his arms tightly. The beast roams around in its mist form, Parrish grabbing ahold of it as Scott throws the sword at it. The beast roars before disappearing in Parrish's arms.


| your pov |
Stiles and I sit on the couch in the Sheriffs office, talking to his father as he goes through files.

"You guys saved their lives." Stilinski tells us. "Mason, Malia, half the population of Beacon Hills. That's got to feel pretty good."

"It did for a while." Stiles replies.

"But it's something you want to feel again?" Stilinski asks.

"Yeah." Stiles replies, smiling at me.

"Welcome to your future career in law enforcement." Stilinski tells his son.

"Oo, go you." I say, lightly punching Stiles arm as a joke.


Lydia, Malia, and I get out of the car and look around at all the students at the school. We smile at one another before linking arms and confidently walking into school, proud of our successes. Kira has gone back to the skinwalkers due to the deal she made, Scott taking her to the desert. Theo is also with the skinwalkers, joining his dead sister underground.


"When we started the school year, I was so stressed about everyone ending up in the same place after we graduate but I don't think it matters." Stiles tells me as we walk out of class. "We always seem to find each other anyway. Even Allison."

I smile. "Allison saved his life."

The two of us walk into the library, Scott coming over to us and joining us at a table.

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