TMNT Daughter Scenarios

By thriller5

192K 2.7K 4K

My first time doing TMNT daughter scenarios! please read. So, I thought about doing this book because I have... More

🐒Introduction 🐒
When He Finds You
He Takes You Home
First Night
He Feeds You
Pacifier Issue
Milestones Pt. 1
Milestones Pt. 2
When You Get Kidnapped
When He Saves You
When You Draw Them A Picture
Master Splinter
When He's Injured
New Story
When He Get's Overprotective
Your Daddy Has A Nightmare
You Fear Loud Sounds
When He's Sad
First Day of School
Daddy's Girl Forever
Should I add Shredder?
TMNT Daughter Sequel is released!
Shredder {Adding}
Tiger Claw {Adding}
Coming Soon...
I've Made Some Changes
Adding April and Karai?
April O'Neal
Karai Hamato/Saki
I dont know if I should add Casey Jones
Casey Jones
Teaching You How-To Drive
Your Favorite Cartoon Show
Be Honest If I Am Annoying...
Please Read My New Story
Your First Curse Word
When He Asks One of His Brothers To Watch Over You
They Take You With Them on A Mission
When You Have Your First Period
Taking Their Weapons
You Meet Your REAL Parents
The Last Ronin
Can Someone Give Me Advice?
Meeting The 2k3 Turtles

Potty Training

2.3K 33 58
By thriller5

Hey everyone! I know that this isn't a Casey Jones chapter, but I'll update him soon this month sometime. 

Song: Crazy Kids


"Y-You can do this Leo. The first attempt isn't so bad." Leo said to himself.

"Daddy? What are we doing?" You asked.

"Y/N, today I'm going to teach you how to potty in the toilet," Leo said.


"Because you don't need diapers anymore and you're growing up to be a big girl."

"Oh, okay." 

"Do you need any help?"

"No. I can do it." You said as you went into the bathroom shutting the door behind.

Leo waited patiently for you to try to potty in the toilet and when he heard the toilet flush, the door open when he saw you standing there with your hands behind the back.

"I did it!" You cheered.

"Good girl."


"You got this Raph. She's a big girl and will no longer be wearing any dirty diapers." Raph muttered.

"Daddy? What are we doing?" You asked.

"You're going to learn how to potty train. Let's go."

You and Raph went to the restroom as he pulled down your diaper and sat you on the toilet seat. You both waited patiently for you to start peeing and it happened. 

"Finally! Now I am no longer changing dirty diapers." Raph said in relief.


"Come on lucky charm let's go to the bathroom." Donnie carried you to the bathroom with a mop just in case the potty training wasn't a success.

"Why do you need a mop?" You asked.

"Because if you accidentally pee on the floor there's always a second chance. Potty training takes time honey." Donnie set the mop aside against the wall while setting you down on the toilet. 

After a few minutes passed, you finally peed in the toilet and Donnie was happy that he didn't have to use the mop to clean up the accident.


"Come on Y/N, potty training isn't so bad." Mikey tried to pull you over towards the bathroom but you held onto the couch.

"No potty! The toilet is too scary." You cried.

"What's so scary about a toilet?" Mikey asked.

"Monster inside of it to suck me in and take my soul!" You cried. 

"There is no monster in the toilet and even if there was I will beat the shell out of it. I'm a pro when it comes to saving my loved ones." 

"Even me?"

"Even you." 

You gave in as Mikey went to take you to the bathroom to help you potty train and succeeded. 


"Come child. You must learn to use the restroom." Splinter said.


"Because you need to use the bathroom on your own."


"You're going to be a big girl."


"*sighs* Sit on the toilet and I'll be outside waiting for you to finish." Splinter exit out of the bathroom and shut the door to wait for you to finish using the toilet. About an hour later he heard the toilet flush and you have completed your training.


"Y/N go to the bathroom." Shredder demanded.


"You need to potty train." 

"Can you help me?"

"No. Potty train yourself." He said and shut the bathroom door for you to figure out how to use the toilet.

Tiger Claw

"Now young child you must learn to use the toilet." Tiger Claw said.


"Sit on it and wait for something to happen. Then you flush and come tell me the news."  He shut the door behind him so you can potty on the toilet. 


You were quite nervous about using the potty chair your mommy got for you. 

"It's going to be okay, Y/N. When its all over I will give you a treat." April said.

"Okay." You nodded.

You sat on the potty chair waiting to pee and it happened. April was so proud of you that you earned yourself a chocolate cupcake with (Frosting type) and (Toppings). 


"Y/N, you have to use the toilet. I'm not going to be changing your diapers for the rest of my life." She said.

"I don't want to be a big girl!" You cried.

"Why not?"

"Because then you'll never love me again when I get older." You whimpered.

"I will not forget you. I love you with all my heart." She hugged you as you returned it.

Eventually, you gave in and used the toilet to achieve your training and earned a Snicker Bar.


"Okay Y/N, here's how it goes. You sit on the toilet, I wait outside, and when your done tell me. Got it?" Casey said.

"O...kay." You nodded slowly.

Casey walked out of the room waiting for you to finish the toilet and when he heard a flushing sound and you appeared.

"How it go?"

"It was...okay." You said.


Let's just say you peed on the floor a little and hurried to get on the toilet so the rest would come out. You even cleaned up the pee on the floor with your dad's hockey glove. 

🎉Sorry, I haven't updated in a while, I did say that I might do the Sister Scenarios too. 🎉

February, 2, 2020

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