Crashing Into You (at the Spe...

By BlaneysBabyGirl12

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After a horrific race, Ryan Blaney finds himself in the arms of the last person he ever thought, the man who... More

Chapter One // Last Place
Chapter Two // Dawsonville
Chapter Three // Just You & I
Chapter Four // Reality Check
Chapter Five // Hope
Chapter Six // Broken
Chapter Seven // Missin' You
Chapter Eight // Try Again
Chapter Nine // You
Chapter Ten // Stronghold
Chapter Eleven // Crashing
Epilogue // Forever

Chapter Twelve // Turning Page

984 13 21
By BlaneysBabyGirl12

Content Warning: Smut

Chase's POV

My heart was racing as Ryan led me down the hall towards his bedroom. His fingers were interlocked with mine and he kept giving me sideways glances with a soft smile on his lips. I let out a deep sigh, trying to fight off my nerves. Ryan must have known because he stopped me right outside of his door, leaned in and placed the softest kiss on my lips that he could muster.

I sighed, instantly melting. This man knew how to calm my soul without even trying.

"I'm nervous, too, Chase, but I want this with you." He took my other hand in his, backing into his room until he sat down on the edge of his bed. I crawled into his lap, placing my hands on the back of his neck so I could tilt his head up.
"I want this with you, too." I kissed his neck softly and smiled when he inhaled sharply. "I want us to go slow." He nodded his head in understanding.
"We have the rest of our lives, Chase." I closed my eyes as a rush of warmth flooded my body at this. Ryan and I were finally on the same page and I'll be damned if I didn't make that statement true.

I am going to spend the rest of my life with him.

I reached for the hem of Ryan's shirt, pulling it up and over his head. He reached for mine, dragging his nails up my back in the process, causing me to whimper. Once the fabric hit the floor, I placed my hand on his cheek and crashed my lips against his.

Ryan moaned, licking and biting into my mouth. Even though we both wanted to savor this moment and to take our time, we couldn't help but let the passion take control. I chased his tongue hungrily, tilting his head so I could kiss him deeper. Ryan groaned when I began to pull on his hair, his hips starting to rock against mine. I sucked on his bottom lip once I ran out of breath and looked into his eyes. "I love you so much," I whispered.
"I still can't believe you said that to me today."
"But it's true though," I pushed away his bangs and kissed his forehead, "I'm just sorry that it took me so long."
"I thought you would never say it," Ryan confessed to me and I could see the tears began to swell in his eyes, "but you did, I can't believe you're mine."
"Forever and ever." I kissed Ryan's lips, pushing him back so he fell onto the bed with me hovering over top.

I took my time with Ryan, memorizing his body with my mouth; every mole, every divot of his muscles, the way his breath would hitch when I kissed his Adam's apple, or drag my teeth against his collarbone.

I kissed the ink on his chest, smiling to myself a little when I felt his heartbeat against my lips. "I can't believe your mine," I said in awe as I watched blush cover his chest, "fนck, you're so beautiful when you blush." I ran my hand down his chest, following the crimson color as it disappeared into his boxers.

I bit the inside of my lip as I stared at his hardness that was straining against the fabric. All I had to do was pull down the material to release the one thing that I was craving, the one thing that had my mouth watering. I had to close my eyes to steady my breath. I wanted to savor this moment, but I so desperately needed him in my mouth.

"Chase," Ryan said in a stutter as his body shook with anticipation as my fingers softly traced the skin above the fabric of his boxers. My eyes narrowed in on the dark red imprint of his seat belt around his waist and I leaned down to kiss it, forever grateful that Ryan was safe and sound after that horrific crash earlier today.
"You're bruising," I muttered, touching another spot the seat belt harness got him.
"That's nothing compared to what could have been." I closed my eyes and shook my head. I would not think about that. "It's nothing, Chase." Ryan shifted so he was sitting up and took my face in his hands. "I'm here, Chase, bruises be damned."

Ryan attacked my lips and that told me he would take more than bruises if it meant that he was still alive and in my arms.

Ryan fell back onto the bed, pulling me with me as he began to unbutton my jeans and shove them off of my hips. He wasted no time wrapping his hand around my hardness through my compression shorts. "I crave you so much," he whispered against my lips before pressing them softly against mine.

"Let me make you feel good first." It wasn't a question but he nodded, releasing his fingers from my hair and let me returned to where I wanted to be - in between his legs.

I licked my lips as I let his hardness free and I had to swallow a moan as I stared at Ryan who was now completely naked in front of me. His body was slender, but by no means does that make him unfit. He was nothing but muscle even though it doesn't show. His soft curves beckoned me, his creamy thighs widening to make room for my larger figure. Ryan's skin broke out into goosebumps as I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his soft flesh that was hard for me.

I was the one who made him that way and I couldn't help but feel prideful.

"You're so beautiful," I said in awe, my eyes sweeping over his body one last time before I settled on his straining cσck that was now leaking and twitching on his lower stomach.

I took him into my hands, relishing the fact of how heavy he was and placed his leaking tip on my tongue. Ryan instantly cursed, his hips jerking up as my hot mouth enclosed around him. "You look so sinful with my cσck in your mouth." I smiled around his length, my head bobbing up and down as I began to find my rhythm. Whatever words were spoken next were a mix of curses and moans, along with my name as Ryan's fingers grazed my hair.

I felt him twitch on my tongue and I knew he was close. Watching him almost fall apart on my tongue had me so fนcking hard that it started to hurt.

I moved off of Ryan, much to his protest. He watched with lustful eyes as I stood up and took off my boxers. I moaned in satisfaction as I got my hand around myself. "Sucking you off and not being touched is killing me."
"You not being buried in me already is killing me," I smirked at Ryan and moved back in between his legs.
"I want you to cนm in my mouth first and then you can have me." I fisted myself a few times as I grabbed his dick and took him all the way down to my throat.

Ryan didn't last long.


Ryan arched his back off the bed as came into my mouth. I drank him in, lavishing in his sweetness and saltiness, and didn't let go until he softened in my mouth. Even then I didn't stop kissing him, from his inner thighs, up his stomach, to his chest, the apex of his neck until I found his lips.

I moaned into his mouth as Ryan's tongue searched mine out and his hand found my manhood. There was just something about the way he was unashamed to touch me that almost drove me over the edge.

"Roll over onto your stomach." I looked down into his blue eyes and saw a flash of hesitation in his eyes. "I promise to go slow."
"God, I love you." Warmth flooded my body when he said this. I'll never get over the fact that this man is mine and that he loves me.
"Love you, too, so fucking much. Now roll over." Ryan laughed when I gently slapped the side of his ass and I moved off of him so he could obliged.

I quickly grabbed the necessities from his nightstand and returned to the edge of the bed where I admired the man who looked at me from over his shoulder.

Ryan smiled at me shyly as I crawled back onto the bed. "Anyone tell you how amazing your ass is?" I grabbed a handful of it before smacking it playfully.
"Why don't you show me how amazing it is, then." I shook my head, smacking him again before pressing a kiss to his pink skin.

Things shifted when I kissed his ass again, biting and licking my way up to the small of his back as my hands began to explore the back of his thigh and up his sides.

I moved up his back, licking from the base of his spine up and into his hairline. "Fนck," Ryan cursed as he began to writhe underneath me. I smiled, kissing the back of his neck and then licking the outer shell of his ear.

"Promise me you'll tell me to stop if this is too much for you." I heard him swallow and let out a breath.
"I don't think I will, I want you way too much to tell you that."
"I know," I kissed his shoulder and moved back in between his legs. "I just want you to be upfront about the pain."
"I know you won't hurt me on purpose." I crawled back up so I could kiss him. I did that so I could distract him from what I was about to do, but also because of how much he trusted me.

Ryan let out a gasp of surprise as my lube-covered fingers started to tease his entrance. My tongue sought his out as I pushed past the barrier. "Fนck." Ryan groaned, breaking the kiss, and took a sharp inhale.
"Relax," I cooed, holding my fingers still until he started to breathe again.
"Okay," he whispered, his blue eyes locking with mine. I moved in closer to him, my lips finding his jaw, kissing and licking my way back to his mouth as I began to move my fingers again.

Ryan let out a blissful moan that went straight to my cσck as I continued to finger him. "More," he begged, his hips moving up to meet my fingers. I added another finger, scissoring and curling until I found his hot spot. "Chase, I need you." Ryan moved, grabbing my face and kissing me softly, "Please, make love to me." A chill ran down my spine at his words and I nodded my head.

I climbed off the bed as Ryan rolled onto his back. "I can't believe you're mine." I grinned, jerking myself off as I eyed his slim body, fully aroused and ready for my taking. I rolled a condom on, lubing myself up as I crawl between Ryan's legs.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked one more time, just to make sure. Ryan has been through a lot today and if he wanted to say no and wait, then I wanted to respect that.
"I've been ready since the first moment I realized I was in love with you."
"And when was that?"
"When I realized I couldn't live my life without you."

Ryan took me by surprise, sitting up and grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down on top of him. His legs went around my waist as he kissed me breathlessly. I placed my hand on his cheek, holding his head to mine as my hips sought out the one place we both wanted us to be.

I reached down, grabbed my cσck, and lined it up to his entrance. Ryan moved against me and cursed when I pushed past the barrier. His fingernails dug into my sides as I shifted against him, my cσck burying deeper in his eyes.

"Fนck, Ry," I closed my eyes as immense pleasure shot through my body. I've never felt anything like this before. He was so fucking tight and he felt incredible. It took all I had to not ravish him, but I knew I would have my chance at another time and that thought alone had me moaning.

Ryan echoed my moan, moving against me and settling into the bed. "How do you feel?" He smiled through lustful eyes, his hands roaming up my back and then down to my ass.
"Like I need more."
"I like that idea." I captured his lips with mine as I slammed my hips fully against him. He cried out in pain and then in pleasure, but still made no move to stop me as I pulled out of him and did it again.

I rolled us over onto our sides, hooking his leg around my hips so I could go deeper and hold him closer to me. "I love you so much." Ryan breathed against my hips. His hand was on the back of my neck, pulling at my hair whenever I hit a spot that had him gasping for breath.

"Fนck, Chase, you feel so good." Ryan's leg tightened around me as his hips started to meet mine. "I can feel every fucking inch of your cσck." Ryan groaned, biting my shoulder as I began to set a faster pace. "Right, there." My hips bucked against him, the sound of skin on skin and our loud moans filling his bedroom as we both got lost in each other.

"I'm close," I admitted, my cσck twitching with every thrust as Ryan squeezed against me.
"I am, too," he breathed, "please touch me." I reached between us, wrapping my hand around his hardness, and began jerking him off.

Watching Ryan give himself over to me had me coming with his name on my lips. I jerked him through my σrgasm before he tensed beside me and spilled his seed all over my hand.

After Ryan and I came down from our high, we curled around each other, whispering sweet nothings to each other as we explored each other in ways we haven't before.

I didn't know when we fell asleep, whether the moon was high in the sky or when the sun was beginning to rise, but all I knew was that my heart was full and I was going to love Ryan until my last dying breath.


A/N: I apologize for how long it took for me to post this chapter. I really hope the wait was worth it. The next chapter is the last one. I hope it have it up before the 500.

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