the Squad Wars: a Virgin's Gu...

By LikaRoberts

203 13 14

An obedient and shy freshman Jacqueline "Jac" Riley follows customary practices of Fa'a Samoa (The Samoan Way... More

Meet-Cutes: V Squad
First Love
Secret Identities
Forbidden Acts
Two Hearts Beat as One
Acting on Your Impulses

First Blood

38 2 0
By LikaRoberts

Funny, Mondays, a fresh start to the week doubled as my favorite day. The morning smells of Charming Heights in early fall differed from the summer scent. Likened to the aroma of my family's Sunday movie night staples of a hot mound of kettle popcorn and fresh-squeezed lemonade. Deeply inhaling the winter air, as its harshness danced on my skin keeping my eyes open.

But with the squad squawking about homecoming I dreaded dealing with the week. Every girl in school waited for an invite, and Cary wasted no time in asking. Watching him, hi-five, and fist-bump my brother Blaire, all the while looking my way.

"Farrah—take a picture of us," He said falling by my side. I dodged his arm. Comforted by his scowl at my success of annoying him the first hour of the day. "Why do you pretend not to like me?"

"Ugh, you must like her punishing you." Farrah sat close and pulled her phone out. "Come on picture time Cary, we match."

"You're hilarious." In catching her mobile, he fumbled grasping onto her I-Phone. Finally, gripping the cell, he clicked away. Then, leaning over he whispered, "We're gonna be together one day, Jacqueline Riley, I promise you."

Before replying, and afraid of falling for his stupid charm, I walked away. Under his gaze left me liking his possession.

"You... should give in..." Turning to my right, Dael snarled holding Draven's hand. Ignoring her, I moved along. "Oh, come on, Jac—you should say yes—be his dumb girlfriend."

"Chill, Kelsey." Cary stood upright flexing his chest. "No means no. Get it."

Rolling my eyes, I muttered, "Thanks." The jarring memory of them together laughing brought on a phantom stomach pain. I winced touching my belly, Draven noticed. Cary beamed, as I kissed him on the cheek. "See you later." While I pushed away nerves under Draven's intense stare.

In a quickness, we gathered our stuff rather than dealing with the Cheer Squad. Passing by Draven, he leaned out and nodded unseen. Acknowledging him with a returned nod, as his subtle hello, lifted, but confused my spirits for the rest of the day. 

Running to the other side of the gym Farrah dictated to the volunteers with a bite in where to hang balloons. After submitting V Squad as an official school club Ms. Sullivan, the activity director volunteered us for Homecoming Committee. In my chair, I had remembered burying the joy of hearing Dael fail in controlling her volume.

"The Cheer Squad has always done Homecoming." The white of her knuckles appeared as she had squeezed her hands together. "The dance is about crowns, cheerleaders, and football players."

"There are three other dances before the year is over. Cheer's responsible for those, as well. Also, four more bake sales, and not to mention the clothes drive," Ms. Sullivan said sitting down on the edge of her desk.

"Yea, I know. We can do it all."

"Cheer oversees a ton of events. Giving V Squad Homecoming legitimizes the club with CHA's board of directors for club funding. Plus, the team can enjoy court."

Fuming, she pursed her lips, but then protested. "Ms.—"

"I've decided, and that's final. You're excused, Miss Kelsey." She strolled by, glaring while I disregarded the zap of fear filling my body.

Unknown to Dael, Ms. Sullivan and my mom met in college. After a night of drinking too much wine, Hannah (Ms. Sullivan) advised the recommendation. In return, my mom had promised a large donation for the Christmas Drive.

The next day, I had asked, "Mom you don't think it's weird."

"No, Hannah's helping out."

Disturbing my flashback, Kieran asked for help on where to place the tables and chairs for the custodian staff. Dealing with the craziness of the homecoming weighed on my mind. In four days, I needed the whole thing to come together, or I failed the squad.

We battled over issues like decorating the gym with our school colors white and (the obnoxious) orange. An easy fix, as we submerged the orange under the white. Then, solving the dilemma of hiding our school mascot "Scotty" the Scottish Beagle.

In the middle of the night, Farrah had texted the brilliant idea of placing the DJ booth on top of the emblem. Afterward, I replied with: #TeamGoToSleep. She had sent back a thumb's down emoji.

Our group struggled with the homecoming dance's theme Under the Stars as Farrah asked, "Any other ideas." Adjusting and pushing up her fake glasses, I recalled the meetings. "Six hours later... We're still here on Saturday. I want to go home."

"What's up with the glassless glasses?"

"Kieran if you're going to be annoying—can you keep it at a minimal?" She stuck her tongue out at Farrah who dismissed the gesture. "Themes, people?"

Our grueling brainstorming sessions had driven us nuts until I suggested, "A costume party with everyone dressing up as a famous person of the 90s to 2000s."

Donovan and Rhawn had shouted, "YES!"

By the end of the meeting, the ideas came rolling in fast. With the gym walls bare Silas, Rhawn, and Rai built on their shared concept of plastering poster-sized nightlife images of major cities like Paris and London. We credited Farrah, the brainchild of pinning the three layers of school-colored balloons blooming in the corners.

In front of the balloons, paparazzi booths for pictures courtesy of Donovan's genius. She also proposed saving the school money by hiring the photography club. And then, Kieran advised roping the entire dance floor off, while the entrance and exit started at the paparazzi areas. When presenting our plans to Ms. Sullivan she approved them on the spot. 

We stayed behind every night stuffing goodie bags with wrist bands, glow sticks, knick-knacks, and glow-in-the-dark silly string as centerpieces. Since taking on the planning of the dance, my pride blossomed knowing V Squad will host the best homecoming dance in the history of CHA.

Tatum paced back and forth ranting, "No way, I can't believe this..."

"I know you're mad..." Principal Dr. Perry DeVos stood facing him as she patted his arm. "Comfort your sister. We'll figure this out." A miserable frown resurfaced on his face. Security staff redirected the crowd forming around the sectioned off area. "Keep this zone clear please and this traffic moving  thanks."

Within five minutes of stepping onto campus, the scattered contents in my locker strewn across the wooden floors. People snickered shuffling along as security picked up Twinkie covers, books, notes, hairpins, and pictures. Walking up, I stood there squashing away the hurt of my life on display.

"I can't help?" Annoyed and embarrassed, I kneeled then, gathered my dark curls into a bun, and snatched up the candy wrappers. "I'm serious, I don't mind."

"I'm sorry young lady—you can't." The security guard signaled to a staff member in assisting with speeding up the process. "We're almost done here."

Perturbed, I watched Rhawn crying consoled by June. On each of our lockers, the taggers sprayed a different word for virgin loser. The copycat moves of the basic mean girl scare tactic proving their lack of imagination and spelling skills.

"Creep is spelled C-R-E-E-P, not C-R-E-A-P—losers," Kieran screamed while marching away from her locker.

The one person benefiting from this weak attack knew hurting my friends would upset me. I began planning my revenge against Dael. Even though, the others barely grappled with the grief of being terrorized over a virgin pact.

"I'll find out who did this, I swear," Blaire said irate cradling his left fist. Rubbing his back, I rested my head on his shoulder. "Why are you comforting me? This happened to you—I'm sorry, Jac."

"I'm not." At the corner of my eye, Dael steered Draven away. "Someone will pay. I'm Samoan and a Riley... you don't mess with us."

"You sure don't." Erasing his smirk with a deep sigh he asked, "Do you know who did this?"

"The Cheer Squad."

Furrowing a brow, I caught his attention. "No way?"

"I can't prove it, but I know it's Dael." Running my fingers through my curls like a relaxing tick as I undid my bun. "It's still about her cousin."

"That girl came for you." The palm of his hand splayed against his forehead appearing worried he added, "And that viral video wasn't even your fault."

"It's about the dance too." Squeezing my hands around my neck I massaged out my irritating kinks. "Ms. Sullivan allowed us to take over Homecoming."

Shaking his head, disbelieving my undeserved retaliation he replied, "Over some stupid dance." A nervous chuckle rumbled. "If she's that crazy, I'm confronting her, and Draven better not stop me."

Touching his arm, I laid on his bicep. "I've got this big brother. I'm good." No one has ever corrected Dael's behavior. Until now, she picked on the wrong squad. Loving, my girls came naturally, and protecting them meant no longer playing nice.

Hearing the click of the buttons as Donovan typed our impromptu V Squad agenda distracted from my rage still resonating. I argued Dael and her friends vandalized our lockers. Without proof, others grappled with the accusation.

"Are we sure?" Rhawn gripped her Hello Kitty pillow. "Like sure—sure. Dael's crazy but if we're wrong—she won't stop until we all pay."

"Jac's right. Those who think we're religious virgin freaks—stay away." Kieran stared into the moon while sitting at the entryway of the balcony. "It's always gonna be about Morgan."

"Uh-huh..." Failing in quieting my anger, I said, "She won't expect a fight."

"You sound militant, Jac..." Pulling her blanket under her chin Rhawn downtrodden expressed, "She'll retaliate even harder—don't you think?"

"I'd be the happiest girl in the world if she dared." Matching my hatred Farrah continued, "She's a monster, and V Squad don't scare easy."

After two hours of planning, three drafts, we finalized our attack. In 24 hours, Operation Smear Cheer Mission: Homecoming to Dye For goes into effect.


Operation Smear Cheer: Homecoming to Dye For


Turn all cheerleaders into a lovely shade of orange like the OompaLoompas in Charlie & Chocolate Factory.


On Thursday, Rai's cousin informed us Cheer Squad tans at the salon she works. The team uses a specific tanning body wash. Their practice begins around 3:30 p.m.

· Donovan, Farrah, and Silas will watch the practice from the bleachers, and text when they return to the locker room

· Rai and Rhawn will be at the entrance of the locker room as another distraction if something goes wrong

· Jac and Kieran will fill the bottles with organic orange skin dye

Total time in completing the mission 30 minutes, because the cheer coach will return to the locker room by 4:15 p.m.


The dye will stay on for 72 hours the length of Homecoming weekend.


As I finished writing up the plan in my journal, I contemplated the war between our squads. With a light knock, my mom walked into my room, and I closed my diary. "Hi, baby..." Taking a seat on the floor she sulked. "I want to homeschool you—my sweetheart."

"Aww... mom." Leaning up against my bed, I closed my computer. "I'm not hiding from a little spray paint."

"It's the Samoan in you—your dad says you're too much like me." In a deliberate move, she draped her arms over my body, and I nestled in her neck. "I worry about you... all of my babies. You know homeschooling's a good idea?"

"Uh, no. Please, Mom, don't." Pushing away from our embrace, I assured, "They're not chasing us out. I'm sticking out even more."

Pulling me into her hold, she remarked, "You're amazing, sweetie." The lines of her crow's feet noticeable when stressed, and added, "Dr. Devos says they'll let us know anything."

"Sure, mom."

"Aww, baby girl... when did you get so grown up..." The light kiss on my forehead lulled the pain. "Time for bed. Goodnight. I love you."

I laid in the dark adjusting to the nightshade until the room came into vision. In my dreams, Draven occupied my gray matter. And every morning, I swept the fantasies away. But I hated every sunrise I spent without him.

Blending into the crowd, I trailed along with the human traffic of CHA's halls. Lacking a reason, the scuffling of classroom doors closing, and the clanking of the lockers meant I belonged.

With the dream I had last night, the noise this morning bizarrely calmed my nerves. I searched for Draven. Replaying visions of him from my dream, I remembered slipping underwater and scared of dying. Until he scooped me up and saved us both.

"Good things come to those who wait," Tatum announced, snapping me back. "Is that what they say?"

Curiously, Rai eyed him as she inquired, "Why are you so happy?"

Grabbing my hand, he cheered. "Come with me."

We sprinted to the Pavilion Performance Square. Within minutes, we merged into the audience of the student body celebrating the greatest performance of school pride.

The crowd chanted, "U-G-L-Y! You UGLY! Yeah! You UGLY!" Their collective voice thundered.

"You ORANGE!" Farrah exclaimed, and the students bellowed while a few of the cheerleaders cried—not Dael. My level of respect for her increased, because of the fact no matter the color she branded she feared no one.

"I don't believe it...," Rai murmured with a menacing sneer. "They look like happy chocolate factory workers."

Unaware, my space electrified as the mob roared. I glanced left, then the light touch of another's hand reduced the energy to us. A solemn Draven glanced downward.

Concealing my blushing face, I flashed a grin. We watched as the Cheer Squad performed one more time. When their routine ended, half of their squad tore through the quad crying.

"You bitch." The full force of Dael's push sent me flying, but Draven caught my hand. "What the hell!"

"Calm down," he urged. Bewildered by his instinct, I stepped away. "Why would you do that?"

"These freaks did this to us." Shrieking, I feigned unaffected by Dael's tone. "I know you did this—you virgin skank."

"Virgin skank... that's an oxymoron, you know when the ox is a moron." The wicked cackle released from Farrah only incensed Dael more.

"You freakin' mutant that's not the definition." But others laughed with Farrah.

Dael stomped her feet. "This is all your fault, Jac Riley."

Some rando kid screamed aloud, "OompaLoompaDoopity Do." Then, his friends hooted louder while repeating the lyrics.

"I think you should call your boss Charlie at the chocolate factory and tell him you'll be running late." An unexpected snarky remark by Rai left us astounded by her meanness.

"You hate us for standing up to your fake bullshit—none of you losers are that innocent."

"Melodramatic much, Dael," Sneering, and dismissing Draven's shock, I ignored him. "Why would I turn you into a Willy Wonka factory worker?"

"Because we sprayed painted your lockers," she shouted, and the pounding of her feet matched the tone in my heart after her admission. "Now, you losers think you've won." Then, Draven retreated a couple of steps. Dael aware of her mistaken reveal and backtracked. "Uh, I mean..." Tripping on her words, she said, "Because of you... YOU think we sprayed painted your lockers."

"Yeah. Thanks for being so honest."

Confronted by a shell-shock Draven, she urged, "No, I didn't admit to anything."

"You did." Turning my direction he apologized. His sad half-smile tugged at my heart. "See you guys around."

"Draven." Trailing behind, she reached for him, but he walked off. "Please, stop."

Blaire blocked Dael's exit. "You're lucky, I don't hit girls." Then, he steered us in the opposite direction. But the vacant glower in Dael's eyes proved she cared less.

A drumming force pulsed guiding my steps while we strutted down the hall. Today, the Cheer Squad learned V Squad vied for the top spot of CHA's social hierarchy. The louder Dael shouted foul-play without evidence—no one cared. But we gained the win because her vileness secured completing our mission of Operation Smear Cheer

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