We Run for Love

By Hafsa_Sabih

334K 23.2K 3.2K

She is, Afaaf عفاف ; Chaste, Virtuous, Decent , Pure. A beautiful young woman with sparkling brown eyes. He... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Last Chapter
Team A & Z
Team A & Z
Bonus Chapter
Team A & Z
Love From A & Z

Chapter 28

6.7K 519 38
By Hafsa_Sabih

آغازِ عشق بهی کیا خوب تھا غالب کیا کہوں'
پہلے دل لگی تھی, پھر دل کو جا لگی -

That plead of Zaryaab was so gut wrenching that I could travel through oceans and surf on glaciers, and run in the jungles to take away his pain. In any form and element it was possible.

His desperate words had caused an explosion inside my body as I hugged him to my chest that night till he fell asleep in my arms. But he had left this stinging feeling inside of me, that made me question myself.

Why would I challenge life for him?

Why would I do just anything to see him in peace and ease for once?


Something was just so stronger this time, urging me to accept it. Yet I remained disheveled between reality and fairytale. A fairytale I had never lived.

Easily walking towards the hall, I saw it filled with various bouquets. Frowning, I bend to Dadi Gul Jan's level seeing the woman wearing spectacles as she set some roses in a large vase.

" Where did we get these from?"

The strong smell of roses, lilies, peonies and Jasmine's filling the large hall. Making me reach towards a bouquet of white roses and smell them. The fresh petals lively and shining.

The hazel eyed woman smiled at me, her glasses on the tip of her nose now.

" The people of Swat brought these for your husband. Welcoming him back home."

I nodded.

The hall looked like a nursery filled with so many flowers all around.

" Where is Zaryaab?" I asked filling a glass with water. Dadi Gul Jan snickered like a teenager before tiptoeing to the large windows making me softly follow behind her.

Outside in the patio, the therapist helped my husband with the crutch and then with the movement in his lower extremity. But Zaryaab was restless and irritated as he scolded the young therapist yet again. Making me and Dadi Gul Jan share a small laugh.

" That poor man is going to lose his mind in some days if he works with Zaryaab." Dadi Gul Jan said moving away from the window.

I could see it was hard for Zaryaab, and the therapist as well. Zaryaab was more grumpier now and he'd snap at anyone. The fact that Jahan's health and recovery had not sped up, caused immense stress to Zaryaab. The man would go and sit for hours in the hospital. And talk to the unconscious man.

One day, Zaryaab and I had spent the day at the hospital with Jahan and seeing him sleep so peacefully made me guilty. When I couldn't stand him lying so still, I barged into the doctor's room.

" We are trying our best, but it seems that he doesn't wants to come back to life."

This was what Jahan's neurologist said. And it had made me shudder. Jahan's parents were back in Swat. His father was stoic but one glance at his son, he was crumbling. His mother had soft features and looking at the woman cry would only make it all very emotional.

The couple would visit us after every two days. And they planned to take Jahan to their home whenever he regained consciousness. But him, not recovering had us heart always beating faster than normal.

If Zaryaab was the colour then Jahan was the man that brought light to this haveli. And without him nothing was livelier than before.

My revive broke when the falling of the crutch sounded. Making me snap my eyes to the two men. Moving to the double doors, I stepped down on the patio.

" Try to put your weight on it, at least try-"

" I am unable to do it. Can you not see!" When Zaryaab snapped, I stood before him.

Keeping a hand on his shoulder, I stood on my tiptoes.

" Have some mercy on the man. Be polite." I whispered as he narrowed his eyes on me. Giving him a soft smile, I turned to the therapist.

" What were you telling?"

The younger man passed me a relieved smile and demonstrated the movement. I held onto Zaryaab's hand as he extended his leg and abducted it as the physiotherapist guided. For the next half an hour I stood besides Zaryaab as he exercised.

Throwing me his very smexy smirks and those rare smiles of his. That always made butterflies roaming in the pit of my stomach.

" Great then, I'll see you next week." The therapist turned around and walked to the gates, a huge grin on his face that he wouldn't be dealing with this grumpy man besides me till next week.

" You should be a little polite with him. He helps you so much." I said walking with him inside.

" Whatever." He muttered under his breath.

" Arey!"

" Afaaf, he's not my son-" I gasped loudly and stopped in my tracks as Zaryaab stopped as well, his remaining words dying.

A coat of blush covered my cheeks as I walked past him.

" Stupid."

Hearing the man chuckle.

When we sat at the dining table, Khan Dada got a call from the hospital. And suddenly our hearts were in our mouths as Khan Dada talked intently.

" What is it!?" Zaryaab asked impatiently as soon as the call disconnected.

" Jahan has regained consciousness. He is out of danger."

The dining room suddenly exploded as a cry of thankfulness bubbled out of my mouth and Dadi Gul Jan leapt towards me embracing me.

Khan Dada and Zaryaab were already standing.

" We want to go as well." Dadi Gul Jan said standing up.

" We'll go and see the situation there for now. You two can come later." Khan Dada said fixing the woolen cap on his hat and I nodded.

" Afaaf- um my jacket." Zaryaab asked for it and I rushed to the temporary room we were using. Getting his phone and jacket, I walked out seeing the man wait for me at the patio.

I sighed, helping him with the jacket seeing a small smile on his face. He looked down at me, his forest green orbs calm and composed. Leaning down he unexpectedly pressed a soft kiss behind the soft skin of my ear. Sending my heart on frenzy.

" We'll be back soon."

I was shocked to react but seeing him smirk and limp down, I waved before composing myself. The cars rolled out of the driveway and I stood there for a second before walking inside.

Dadi Gul Jan and I had dinner and afterwards Norie helped me in cleaning. I sat with Dadi Gul Jan for a while talking, but when the woman started dozing off, I walked to my bedroom.

After praying, I straightened out the bedsheet before lying down. I could barely keep my eyes open as I pulled the comforter over my legs.

And before I could stop, sleep was lulling me.


I walked carefully inside the bedroom. Seeing the dimmed lamp glow in the corner as the figure lay, sleeping. Smiling to myself, I pulled off my jacket and placed the crutch to the side of the bed.

Unlocking my phone, I went through a few notifications before putting it away. And lying down. The shift in the mattress made Afaaf stir as she shrugged her shoulder in sleep. Lying my head on the pillow, I carefully pulled the woman to my side, making sure not to disturb her sleep. But she was already opening her eyes as I curled my arm around her waist.

" How's he?" She asked keeping her hand on my chest, right where my heart thudded.

" He was fine. Tired." Brushing a soft kiss on her hair, I whispered.

" Mm. Did he talk?" She whispered back looking at me groggily.

" Yes, but his speech wasn't clear. But he asked about you?"

" He did?"

" Uhm hm. The doctor said that they'll still have to keep him under observation. But he is out of danger now. He wasn't feeling any pain but the look on his face-"

I sighed. Running a hand through my hair, remembering how Jahan looked.

Afaaf propped herself on her elbow making me turn to her side so that I was facing her. She rubbed a hand softly over my cheekbones, her voice soft as she asked.

" What about it?"

I leaned to her.

" He seemed to be mad on his existence, for returning back to life. I just sensed it. It could just be my assumption but there wasn't any expression on his face that could prove that my assumption was false. I don't know."

Afaaf sighed softly. Her large brown eyes like caramel under the glow of the lamps.

" Zaryaab, he just needs some time now. He needs to be rehabilitated. His loss is obviously more than ours. And he needs our support more than anything else."

I tucked a thick lock of her dark hair in her braid, loving the way she said ours and not mine, or Jahan's or any other family members. She was my family and I was her family.

This woman was something else. And I was blessed to have her. I was amazed how she had taken care of everything and everyone around the house in the past few days. She was always hopeful and she'd always have an answer for my questions. She made life easy and beautiful.

I simply nodded agreeing with.

Reaching forward I caressed the scar on the side of her forehead.

" When did you get rid of the stitches."

She yawned, scrunching up her nose.

" Early morning, today."

" Uhm hm."

" Zaryaab, sleep you're tired now." She said snuggling in the comforter and closing her eyes.

" You love me so much?" I uttered the barely audible words out. Making sure that she didn't hear it. But her head snapped up.

" What did you say?" She asked.

I shook my head, yawning and turned on my side making Afaaf reach forward and ask yet again but I closed my eyes, smiling widely.

" Ughh! What is your problem!"

" Zaryaab, tell me!"

" Wake up, Don't leave me hanging like this!"

I ignored her and tried sleeping as the woman kept shaking my shoulder.


" I will call you if I need help getting down." I said to the guard seeing him nod his head before he turned around and went down the stairs.

I kept the crutch by the boundary wall before limping to the pigeon cage. Cool air brushed past me as I looked at the beautiful scenery around my house.

Taking in a deep breath, I trailed my fingers over the net of the cage seeing the birds show their joy on my appearance making !e grin.

" What are you doing here!" A voice intruded and I turn to see my wife heave as she asked with her hands on her hips.

" I've been looking for you all around the house for the past fifteen minutes. And the least expected place, I find you."

" Why?"

" Mahzala stopped by, she was asking about you." Afaaf said walking over to me.

Her dark hair dancing with the crazy wind. Running a hand through her hair, she straightened out her long cream dupatta. The red shirt fitted against her feminine curves well and the matching trousers.

I liked her in all colors but specifically red was something that looked more beautiful. It wasn't the color, it was her simply. Her large brown eyes stopped on me and I looked away when she came to stand besides me.

" Tell me what you said last night?" She asked softly.

" No." I replied.

" Please, tell me naa." She almost pleaded.

" Uhm hmm no."

" Zaryaab!" She almost whined and I chuckled shaking my head.

" No means no."

" Fine then." The woman stomped her leg on the ground turning her gaze to the birds.

I reached to the cage door and unbolted it. Making Afaaf gasp. We moved away as I opened the door. Making the pigeons fly out.

The once clear sky now filled with the birds soaring high and Afaaf's lips parted in amazement.

In a few minutes, the pigeons we're back on the terrace. Hopping on the boundary and knocking their beaks.

" Why are they back?" Afaaf asked, shooing the birds away but failed.

I smiled looking in Afaaf's direction.

" No matter how far the loyal ones fly, they always return home."

Afaaf looked at me and laughed. Her laughter making the scene more magical. I grabbed her small waist and pulled her towards me. The swish movement of our bodies, scaring the pigeons on the floor as they flew up. And Afaaf gasped as I caught her.

Her hands landing on my shoulders. Tucking her wild hair behind her ear. I jerked her forward and her eyes widened.

" Abb btaon kal raat kiya kaha tha!" I asked huskily. Inching closer to her lips.

She looked at me with large eyes. And in her eyes I could see my reflection. Her breaths were uneven and so were mine. My hands roamed her back before landing on the curve of her waist. She pressed her lips together and I bubbled up the urge to laugh seeing the red colour fill her cheeks.

" Mm." I probed.

Her eyelashes fluttered and my heart skipped a beat. She swallowed down her throat and the action made me reach forward and kiss her throat making the woman shudder in my arms.

" Zaryaab." She whispered out softly.

The name rolling of her tongue had never sounded so good as it had sounded now.

" Afaaf, can I kiss you."

You stupid man, you are seriously asking her this! My mind was cursing me in Pashto.

Afaaf looked at me, a small smile starting to form on her lips as she closed her eyes. Giving me her answer.

And I didn't keep her waiting as my lips descended down to hers. Her shoulders curled inwardly as my hand reached up and angled her head. Her lips were soft as always. And I deepened the kiss feeling her melt in my arms. The kiss had started off slow and beautiful but as I kept devouring her lips, I felt like a drunk man.

Afaaf pulled away, puffing breaths in. Her lips bright red as she looked everywhere but me. I tucked a loose strand of her hair behind and she looked up at me. And moved away. Her eyes widening and an expression covering her face that I couldn't decipher.

I was confused as she took steps back. Afaaf turned around to go but I grabbed her wrist.

" Wait."

She stopped. Her back to me as she tried getting out of my grasp.

" Don't you want to know what I said." I asked.

The woman turned with a grin on her face as she looked at me.

" I heard it last night."

A chuckle rang in the air as I left her wrist and she ran away.

" You are going to be the death of me." I whispered to myself.



I ran down the stairs with a thudding heart.

I was falling in love with him.


Uff- our ZarAaf!! 🙈🙈🙈

Do write your reviews about the chapter!! A new one is coming up real soon!!

And vote, comment and share!! 💓💓💓

Until next time,


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