
By Tigerdragon54

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A young girl found the Young Justice team. As she and Robin(Dick Grayson) grow closer, her past will come bac... More



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By Tigerdragon54

Wonder POV

Sitting on the bed provided, I looked around studying my new room. It was very basic. At least it wasn't over crowded. It would function as a room better then the cave.  

"Because normal people look at a room and go wow what a functional room. Can't you at least try to act like a normal girl? Maybe think of which poster you're going to hang or something?Shekra again reminded me of her presence reading my thoughts and adding in her own commentary.

Ha normal. I barred my teeth, 'What use is hanging a poster? I have more in here then I'm use to anyways. More then needed.'

A bed with a side table, a small dresser, bookcase and a desk in the corner with two chairs. One pushed in and one to the side. Why a desk needed two chairs I had no idea.

"It's for someone else. Ya know if someone comes over to chat." 

After over an hour of previous silence her comments were long over due. The sarcasm in my own thoughts bled over into my answer, 'Yes because that's what I need. We've witnessed my wonderful social skills.'

"You will have to talk with them eventually."

'That is your fault.'

"Would you like me to just take over for you then?"


"Speaking of taking over though when do I get my two days?"

'Can you not think about yourself for once? I'm under surveillance and if I have a sudden personality switch I think they'll notice!'

"Let's do it this way then. I'll get one week of nights to make up for the deal you are going back on. You'll tap into the cameras watching and I promise to be back before they notice."

'Stop giving me commands. You can have your days when we can take them. Batman often works at night from my understanding. And he will be overseeing my training.'

She gave a heavy sigh, "I will get my time. One way or another." 

A shot of sudden pain folded me over grabbing my head. 

"You don't have a choice."

Her voice echoed as I breathed in through my nose and sat up straight. The pangs continued as I gave her an angry grin hissing, 'I do. It's you who doesn't. Your pitiful attempts are nothing more then a mild inconvenience! I've dealt with worse discomforts then your idiotic temper tantrums! I live with this pain! Shekra just because you are allowing a little more then normal to pass means nothing! Now take what I have generously given you and back down!' 

Robin POV

She hadn't moved much. After we had left her in her room she looked around then sat on the bed staring off into space.

"What do you think happened to her?" I asked still watching the security camera image. Yes, I felt bad about spying on her like this but this was also for her safety. She didn't know who was chasing her and the mind sweep didn't give us any answers. If they found her here, we would know. My justification sounded weak in my own head. 

Calm down. She knows it's there and once we switch it, it'll be an internal storage camera only meaning we won't be able to see anything unless we go and get the actual device. We aren't spying if she knows.

"I don't know." He said tapping on the keyboard and the screen went black. "Here, this will signal you if she leaves her room or if someone else enters. Two taps will stop the signal and four will alert the base. When you are with her you can shut it off by holding the button in for five seconds. It is the same to turn it back on."

"Aren't you suppose to be training her though?"

"We are down a league member and you are getting old enough to teach someone. I will be stopping by more often but I will need your help as I explained earlier."

"Yes sir." Placing the small box in my belt I subconsciously looked back to the blank screen.

"Keep me updated on progress and information as she remembers."

"Will do."

"Good, I will be doing an assessment on both of you in..." An alarm went off causing my mentor to change the ending of his sentence, "Go get Wonder and meet me in the loading bay."

Spinning on my heel I ran off towards the room we'd left Wonder in.

If he is bringing her, we all will get to see her in action. Giving a grin my excitement grew at the thought of seeing a new fighting style so similar to mine.

Wonder POV

An alarm blared bringing me back to reality. I was told I'm not suppose to leave my room once in it for the night so I wasn't sure what to do. Though I should get changed just in case. They can't see how I don't have a suit under my clothes so I have to change now before anyone comes. Going to the blind spot in the room I focused on shifting my clothes, which followed my morphing commands, into my typical fighting suit. Someone from my past had designed it. She'd asked to do it before I left. I didn't really plan to wear it but since it made her happy I allowed her to and surprisingly it had come in handy a few times, now being one of them.

My top covered by a no sleeved dark blue black halter top, held up by a collar and an often half zippered vest over top with a hood that I rarely used. Separate armored sleeves that showed the peaks of my arms and shoulders connected to half fingered gloves. The bottom half being tight but flexible blue highlighted, black pants with silky gaucho type attachments flowing out to the sides, connected with a utility belt. These seemed useless at first but were wonderful for hiding weapons and I'd found them to be a great distraction technique. They often threw off people when I used kicks. Flexible boots laced up my shins with a tabi style slit. I never needed to use a mask before but they didn't need to know this so I quickly decided on a full face mask that cut slighting like a crescent moon. Allowing my curved horns to grow I pulled half my hair back into a pony tail then connected the two halves with a straight braid.

"Don't you look adorable. But don't you think the horns are a bit much?"

'I was trying to make an obvious feature. It helps people to remember the part you want and forget everything else. I don't have that blur effect on my image anymore.' Even with my defense I retracted the horns.

"You look like a goth kid."

'Well I'm not wearing pokadots. Nor your style of outfit or lack there of.'

"You have your method of distraction and I have mine."

'And you wonder why I hate you using my body.'

Before she could answer the door swung open, "Wonder we have a...wow!" Robin stopped in his tracks.

Underneath the mask I felt a small smile slip.

"...um...yea...you...it looks great! I didn't know you had an combat outfit already." An odd emotion I couldn't quiet understand rippled off of him causing my own emotions to leach off of it.

"Um yea. So...we have a what?"

"Oh! We're meeting Batman in the loading bay. Something's happening in town. Let's go!" Darting out he began running. Not wanting to lose him knowing I wouldn't be able to find my way if I did I took off after him.

"First mission with the team. It's like sending off my little girl to her first day of school."

'You don't have any idea how that would even feel.'

"True but this is going to be quiet a thrill. I can't wait to see how it goes."

I was just hoping I could hide long enough to figure out what to do next.

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