Oh Honey (Vento Aureo x Reade...

By Imnotpreggers

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(A little story inspired by a bunch of others) She likes the manga and anime of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, esp... More

Chapter 1- Why so serious?
Chapter 3- Lets talk stands and gangs
Chapter 3+1- First impressions
Chapter 5- Giorno's dumb plan
Chapter 6- Trish Una

Chapter 2- Black Sabbath is a jerk

532 41 16
By Imnotpreggers

"If I die, it's your fault."  Giorno looked over his shoulder and saw you. He was confused as to why you were here, but he didn't bother asking. Giorno began to look at something, probably Black Sabbath. You looked over at the old man, who froze in place.

"Th-thats-" Giorno stuttered, looking back at the old man. You weren't a stand user, so you didn't know what was going on, but you're pretty sure Mario over here was gonna die. "No way! You bastard! What the hell are you doing!?" Giorno yelled, you looked at him with concern, even though you knew what he was yelling at, looking at it without being able to see Black Sabbath makes it weird. The old man was flung down the stairs, and Giorno caught him in his arms. "H-hey, are you..." Giorno stared at the old man's corpse. You couldn't help but feel disgusted at how some random old man had to die just being of relighting a stupid lighter. Giorno began to back up, bumping into you, you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm probably gonna be next, and to be honest...whatever reason you're doing this for is probably not worth it." You stare at him with a blank face and wide eyes, it was mean, definitely, but you were kinda stressed out. As if on cue, Black Sabbath pulled out your soul and began to speak.

"You relit the lighter too, didn't you? I'll give you one more chance. You have two possible paths, the first path is to live and become the chosen one. Your only other path is death. You relit the lighter! This is your fate!"

"Fuck you-"

"Who are those people collapsed at the bottom of the stairs!? What did you do to them?!"

That's what you woke up to. Damn, you woke up pretty fast, like three minutes, that's a world record, shortest nap taken. "Hey! Don't get the wrong idea! That wasn't me! The stand right there atta-" Giorno began, but he choked on his words.

"Wrong idea? I saw you talking to that old man! I was watching from the window!"

"You were...watching?"

"Yo, little dude, believe him." You said as you got up, placing a hand on your back which hurt like hell. "He wasn't the one who attacked me or the old man." Koichi looked over at you in shock, but before he can say anything Giorno yelled, 

"Don't step into the handrails shadow, Koichi! Get out of the shadows!" But it was too late, Black Sabbath dragged Koichi's soul. You were taken aback when you saw both Black Sabbath and Echoes,  but now's not the time to dwell on it, you're a stand user and you can't do anything about it. You will become a gangster, you know it, and you've accepted your fate. "Shit!" Giorno yelled, Black Sabbath pointed the arrow at Echoes's neck. Giorno jumped into action, summoning Gold Experience and grabbing the arrow with it's hand. Giorno complained how it hurt, but you can't blame him. The handrail then began to turn into flowers, the sun shining on Black Sabbath, burning him as if he was a vampire. You took some time to process what just happened, you're a stand user now, that's pretty cool not gonna lie. 

"Hey!" Someone called out to you, it was Koichi. You went over to him, and stared down at him.

"I've got a name, y'know." You stated, "It's Y/n L/n."

"Y/n, you were stabbed by the arrow right?" Koichi asked.

"Yeah, I did, either way, what's your name huh? I'm not gonna just tell you my name, give me yours." 

"You must be a stand user then...Oh! Yeah! My names Koichi-" Koichi got cut off as he looked to his right, spotting Black Sabbath. You stared at the stand as Koichi and Giorno began to talk. It's so weird, looking at Black Sabbath in real life is so...cool.

"Hey, cut the chat, we've got more important things to deal with. Koichi, explain everything to me as fast as you can, I'm behind here." Koichi was a bit shock at your attitude, you've just become a stand user and you're acting as if this was nothing new. He told you everything, or at least the basics, about stands. You already knew everything to know about stands, but since you're a new stand user, you can't just flex your facts.

"It's a long-distance remote-controlled stand!" Was the sentence to bring you from your thought. Your attention went to Black Sabbath.

"Long-distance and remote-controlled?" Giorno asked.

"It can only carry out simple commands, but it won't stop attacking until it's fulfilled its motive. Our best option is to find the Stand user and take them down." Sweat trickled down your cheek as you bit your lip. This isn't knew information to you, you watched the show a couple times, but you were watching it before, now you have to do something. Then a thought came across your mind, what if you left? You can't, Black Sabbath will hunt you down. You just won't do anything, you haven't manifested your stand yet, so you probably don't have anything to fight with so you're doomed. You better just stick with the professionals.

"Sadly, that's not an option. The user is in a jail cell. We can't get to him." You and Koichi looked over at Giorno, "Anyways, that thing won't be able to leave the school building's shadow, so let's head into the sunlight while it's still there..." And blah blah blah. Giorno explained his boring plan, which does work, but you already knew it so you didn't bother listening. You and Koichi followed Giorno when he started to run, then Koichi stopped, making you turn around. Just as you thought, Black Sabbath wasn't there. You quickly turned back to see Giorno on the floor, Black Sabbath grabbing at his leg. Giorno used Gold Experience to try and kick Black Sabbath, but to no avail. You and Koichi rushed over to Giorno. 

"Act 3! 3 Freeze!" Koichi yelled as he summoned Echoes. Koichi explained his stand ability as you stared at Gold Experiences legs.

"His legs! They look like they're gonna break!" You said, gaining Koichi's attention

"It should let go! I made it's hands heavier! It shouldn't be able to bend it's fingers anymore!" Koichi stated. Koichi was about to undo 3 Freeze, but Giorno stopped him.

"This ability that makes things heavier, don't you dare undo it. This is perfect. This is exactly the ability that I was looking for!" You looked at Giorno with skepticism, 'Bitch, stop lying, you weren't looking for shit' You thought. A crack was heard, which made you cringe, 'till you noticed a branch fall off the tree. The tree began to wither away. With the tree now gone, the sun was able to reach Black Sabbath, burning him. Black Sabbath attempted to escape, but failed. You watched as Giorno beat the shit of it before sending it in the air to burn in the sun. You clapped as Giorno picked up the lighter and looked over at you, Koichi did also.

"Awesome! Great job! A+ beat down! What did you gain from that anyway?" You asked as your clapping faded out, "Why did you even have to do that? I hope it was worth it, looked like a pain in the ass to deal with." You rubbed your neck, you knew why he did it, but that didn't stop you from being an asshole. "I don't owe you anything by the way, I was dragged into this. I might see you tomorrow though, I have nothing better to do, and whatever life you're living seems fun..." You trailed off as Giorno and Koichi looked at you in confusion. 

Giorno looks over at you, analyzing every detail of your face. 

"Yo, golden boy." You stated to get his attention. "You haven't told me your name." He looked at you for a second, before answering.

"It's Giorno Giovanna." He stated.

"Well Giorno Giovanna, you live an interesting life, and I wanna be apart of it." You said as you gave him a grin.

"I don't think you should, it'll be danger-"

"Come on, I've got a stand. Besides, I owe you for saving my ass, so whenever you need it, I'll help you." You said as you gave him a thumbs up. "You won't escape me Giovanna, see you tomorrow!" You said as you walked away, waving. Giorno could only stare as you walked away.

'Didn't she say she didn't owe me?'

 As you walked away, you looked at your hands, specifically your nails. They were shaped like claws. They aren't noticeable thank god, but someone would definitely notice it if they were close enough. You thought Giorno would notice it but he didn't. Could it because of your stand? Is you stand bound to your body? Will your stand have a physical appearance? You sighed as you looked down at yours hands. 

Yeah, it's definitely bound to your body.

Just so you know, stands can be bound to something, like how Love Deluxe is bound to Yukako's hair, or like how Shizuka's stand is bound to her body. So your stand won't have a physical appearance. Sorry not sorry!

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