My Vampire Lover

By ChelseaFlynn8

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Alexandria is a senior in high school and is in her final year before graduating. Ever since she was in eleme... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty - Final

Chapter Six

11 0 0
By ChelseaFlynn8

Alex’s P.O.V
I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in my face and I squinted and looked up to see Grayson still sleeping and I smiled to myself and gently kissed his cheek and saw his mouth twitch into a smile as he started waking up and looked over to me and kissed my nose as he moved on top of me and we stared into each others eyes and he smashed his lips to mine and it was full of passion and love and then I realized that it was a school day and I quickly pushed him away slightly and he looked worried and I smiled, “it’s a school day, we should start getting ready” I said and we both got out of bed and started getting ready and when we were done we went downstairs and I grabbed an apple and gave my mom a hug and kiss goodbye and walked out the door. We finally arrived at school and we went to our lockers and we decided to meet each other at our first class and sat in the back and decided to talk for a little before the teacher walked into the room. Our first few classes were finally done and it was time for lunch and Grayson and I walked into the cafeteria and went to sit next to Grayson’s brother Ethan and we hung out until lunch was over and went over to our next two classes of the day.
School was finally over and Grayson and I walked home together talking the whole way there and when we finally got to my house I turned to face Grayson with a smile on my face, “do you want to come in for a little bit, my mom said she’s going to be out for a while and won’t be home until late” I said with a slight smirk on my face and he did the same as he bit his lip and he finally gave in, “sure why not” he said and I grabbed his hand and led him inside and brought him up to my room and he gently pushed my on the bed after we threw our bags on the floor and smashed our lips together in a rush, he lightly grazed his fingers at the hem of my shirt and he pulled it over my head and took it off and I did the same with his and we slowly took each others clothes off. After a few minutes he broke away from the kiss and looked at me as he rested his hand on my cheek and I slightly leaned into his touch and I looked at him concerned, “Gray what’s wrong, is everything alright” I said, “nothing’s wrong, I just want to make sure that you're alright with this and that you want to go one” he said and I smiled and gave him a gentle kiss and he rested his forehead against mine, “I want to and I know it’s going to hurt, but I want you to be my first” I aid as I moved my head to look into his eyes and we started kissing again as he positioned himself, “this is going to hurt a little” he said and I nodded and he gently inserted himself and I squeezed my eyes shut as I let out a whimper of pain and we stayed like that until I told him to move and the pain soon became pleasure and I soon reached my climax and so did he and he came inside as he started kissing my next before he laid down next to me and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.
After a while of laying there in silence, Grayson decided to say something, “did I hurt you” he said as he propped himself on his elbow and gently rubbed the side of my cheek with the back of his fingers as he looked at me in the eyes, “no you didn’t, I would have known if you did” I said as I did the same and he gently kissed me and rested his forehead against mine, “I love you” I said and he smiled, “I love you more” and we continued to lay together until we heard my mom walking through the door and we quickly got up and got changed and heard my mom asking if I was home, “Alex are you home” she said as I finished getting changed into some comfier clothes, “hey mom I’m in my room” I yelled back to her and I told Grayson that I would be right back and went down stairs, “hey mom, Grayson came over today if that's alright with you” I said and she smiled, “your hanging with him quite a lot lately, is there something going on between you two that I should know about” she said and I looked down as I fiddled with my hands as I realized that I haven’t told her that I’ve been dating Grayson, “well he asked me to be his girlfriend recently and I said yes” I told her and she smiled and gave me hug, “you can tell him to come down stairs if he wants” she said and I smiled and went back to my room, “my mom told me that you can come down if you want” I said and he smiled and we walked downstairs to see my mom sitting on the couch, “Alex told me you asked her to be her girlfriend” she said and I blushed, “ya I did, if that’s alright with you” Grayson said and my mom smiled and nodded, “it’s alright with me, just as long as you don’t hurt my baby girl” she said sounding stern, “I promise I wont do anything to hurt her, I love her more than anything” Grayson said as he looked at me and we continued. 
After a while my mom decided to start making dinner and Grayson and I went up to my room and we cuddled together until Grayson broke the silence, “are you scared of me, since you know, I told you that I’m a vampire” he said sounding upset, “why would I be scared of you” I said as I straddled his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist as I rested hands on both sides of his face, “I love you for who you are and nothing will ever change that, I promise” I said and he smiled as he leaned into my touch as he closed his eyes and kissed my palm, “I love you more than anything, what did I ever do to deserve you” he said and we rested our foreheads together, “you didn’t have to do anything” I said and I gently pressed my lips to his as he brought me closer, And we laid together for a while until my mom called me down for dinner and Grayson and I walked downstairs and before I walked into the kitchen Grayson stopped me and I turned to face, “I should probably get going I’ll talk to you later, I’ll probably come later tonight so leave your window unlocked” he said and I nodded and gave him a kiss and said goodbye and went to go eat dinner. 

Grayson’s P.O.V 
As I left Alex’s house, I took my time walking home. I started getting worried for Alex because of the council. They already know that I’m with a human and the worst part is that if they find out that she’s knows about us they might do something horrible. As I’m brought out of my thoughts, I saw that I’m already home and I walked through the door and saw everyone in the living room talking to one another about something and when they heard me they all looked at me with worried faces and I got anxious, “let me guess, the council found out that she knows who we are” I said and they all nodded and I sighed and walked upstairs and waited for Alex to text me when she was done and when she did I rushed to her place and when I arrived, I climbed through her window and she smiled when she saw me and came and hugged me tightly, and when she let go I looked at her with a worried look on my face, “I have to tell you something and I don’t know if your going to like what I’m about to say” I said and she looked worried, “what’s wrong Gray, is everything alright” she said and I nodded my head no, “gray tell me what happend”, she said and I let out a heavy sigh, “you know the council That I told you about” I said and she nodded and I decided to go on, “well we have laws and one of them is that we have to keep our existence a secret from humans, and now that i’ve told you and your a human” I said and started freaking out as I struggled to find the words until I felt her hand resting on my cheek and I looked at her with worried look, “I’m guessing they found out about me knowing about your kind even though i’m not supposed to” she said calmly and I nodded, “ya pretty much, but when they find out something like this it's never a good thing that follows” I said and she nodded and she hugged me tightly, “I love you no matter what happens” she whispered in my ear and I smiled and brought her closer to me we both went to bed as she cuddled up to me as I wrapped my arms around her protectively and fell asleep.

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