disposition. | jack gilinsky

By rosegoldlox

266K 5.7K 2.3K

Imogen is a dangerous mess from Los Angeles & her crazy antics land her in Omaha, Nebraska. She only stirs up... More

| Chapter 1 |
| Chapter 2 |
| Chapter 4 |
| Chapter 5 |
| Chapter 6 |
| Chapter 7 |
| Chapter 8 |
| Chapter 9 |
| Chapter 10 |
| Chapter 11 |
| Chapter 12 |
| Chapter 13 |
| Chapter 14 |
| Chapter 15 |
| Chapter 16 |
| Chapter 17 |
| Chapter 18 |
| Chapter 19 |
| Chapter 20 | - Jack's Letter
| Chapter 21 |
| Chapter 22 |
| Chapter 23 | - Final Chapter

| Chapter 3 |

12.9K 267 176
By rosegoldlox

"And this is the kitchen," Cameron said as we stepped into the large space.

Frankly, I didn't care. I went straight for the cabinet beneath the kitchen sink. This was the spot in most homes. The spot that housed the liquor. And I was right yet again with this house. I picked up the small bottle of rum and twisted the cap off, bringing it to my lips.

"Uhh, that's my mom's," he warned me.

"Is it?" I brought the bottle back to my lips, taking a giant gulp. The taste hardly bothered me anymore. It was as if I was drinking water. I tilted the bottle toward him and he was so hesitant. It was cute how afraid he was. He was bold about everything else but he couldn't have one harmless swig? He finally shook his head and I shrugged. I know if Taylor was here, he'd finish off the entire thing.

"Got any drugs," I asked him.

"Why would I have drugs?"

"Why wouldn't you have drugs, Mr. Dallas?"

I began to roam out of the kitchen. To put him at ease, I left the rum on the counter. I heard him behind me, rushing to put it back under the sink. Next to the kitchen was the living room. It was a sunken-in room with the most lavish furniture. I made sure to sit and try out every chair and couch.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask him while I hug the hopefully-faux fur pillow.

"The same thing you wanna do," he replied, fidgeting with the bottom hem of his shirt.

"And how do you know what I would like to do, Cameron?"

"Uhh." He started to sound nervous.

I laughed and motioned my index finger for him to come to me. It was awkward the way he walked over and sat. His leg bounced and his face looked a little misty.

"Are you...okay?" I asked him.

He cleared his throat and nodded. Now, if I'm not mistaken, I would say he was a virgin. I've dealt with my fair share of guys and I know who is ready and who isn't. This seemed like a waste of my time. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Wait, where are you going?" He gulped.

"Cameron...have you done something like this before?"

"Like what?"

"Like sex, you idiot."

He nodded but then soon shook his head. "But I really wanna know what it's like."

I scoffed. "So you think I'm some sort of trial run?"

"No, you're gorgeous. There's never been a girl that got me this excited before."

I leaned down to kiss him. When I stuck my tongue in his mouth, he slightly jumped, causing me to stop & giggle.

"Maybe some other time. But right now, I need to tend to some things." I patted him on the head, grabbed my bag and left.


Back in LA, I always found dealers near bars and in shopping malls, usually around the stores for people in my age bracket. I didn't know where there was a bar around here so I asked Siri to lead me to the nearest mall. It was in walking distance, thank goodness. I found a Spencer's, as tacky as it is, and hung out in there to watch people carefully.

She's definitely not a dealer...that guy might be...oh...bingo.

I wasn't sure how to approach these Omaha boys, they're so much different than the ones from Los Angeles. So I played a bit of glance & look away. I eventually caught his attention. He sipped on his slushee, revealing the dimples in his cheeks. His dark hair stuck out from beneath his beanie and he slowly made his way toward me.

"What's up," he softly spoke.

"Hey," I replied.

"I'm Skate, what's your name?"

"Imogen. What kind of name is Skate?"

"It's what they call me," he smirked. "So...Imogen, I've never seen you around here before."

"Because I'm not from around here. From L.A."

"Oh yeah? That's dope actually. I used to live out there. So," he looked around. "Saw you lookin' at me."

"Wasn't exactly trying to be subtle," I scoffed.

"So what's up, you got a boyfriend?"

I chuckled. "No. Do you know where I can score some party favors though?"

His eyebrows raised as if he were impressed by me. He looked me up and down and sipped on his red slushee again. "I might know a guy. But what do I get out of it?"

"You...get to get high with me. Highest honor."

"Got cash?"

"Of course. But you'll never know where."

He takes a deep breath and adjusts his pants. The dimples pop up again.

"Let's get out of here."

Danger, danger, going to ride in a car with a stranger.

Skate put his arm around my shoulders. He smelled like weed mixed with cologne and I kind of liked it. When we exited Spencer's, it felt like my stomach was electrocuting itself.

"Bro!" Skate shouted.

"Oh shit, what's up Skate? ...Hello again Imogen." Jack licked his bottom lip.

"Ya'll know each other?"

"Just met today," I said. I didn't realize my breathing had picked up a bit.

"We were about to go hit up Sam for some drogas, wanna come?" Skate smiled a little too big.

"Drogas?" Jack clearly didn't know any important word in Spanish.

"Drugs bro," Skate said quietly. "Why else would we visit Sammy?"

"Oh I don't know, because he's our friend?" Jack said sarcastically.

"Oh," Skate laughed. "True, true." Skate gets closer to Jack's ear, thinking I won't be able to hear him. "It's her idea but...I think she might want a little more, feel me?"

He nudges Jack in the arm and Jack keeps his eyes on me. I couldn't read him for shit. Did he want me or was he upset by what Skate said. I noticed his jaw clenching as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Sure," Jack said, still keeping his eyes on me. His eyebrow raised a little as he tried to hide his grin. This boy is trouble.

Jack had to buy something really quick before we piled into Skate's little white car. It looked like it was from the 80's, drove like it too. It had faded black racing stripes and contributed to the rising pollution on our planet.

"I ain't got no type! Naw! Bad bitches is the only thing that I like!" Skate shouted along with the rap song. He had a CD mix because he said his Aux cord was missing.

Everytime I looked in the side view mirror, I caught Jack staring at me. I tried not to smile, he knew I saw him. I looked again...and he winked at me. I scoffed and looked back out the window. Of course, I was tempted to look again. He wasn't looking this time. He stayed looking out of the window but while doing so, he brought his index and middle finger to his mouth and flicked his tongue in-between, followed by a glance again.If that's how you want to play it, Jack, then that's how we shall play it. I checked to see if Skate was watching, but his eyes stayed on the road and occasionally a girl walking on the sidewalk with next-to-nothing shorts on. I looked again at the side view mirror where he was looking. I placed my index and middle finger into my mouth, moving them in and out. Jack's lips barely parted and he shook his head, mouthing bad girl. I started to pull them out my mouth but lowered my index until it was just my middle finger in front of my lips.

"Ha, okay," Jack said.

"What bro?" Skate shouted over the music.

"Nothing, just...read a text message."

We pulled up to a house with a long front yard and tall trees in the back. Skate honks the horn three times; one long beep and two short ones.

"Ow ow!" Skate shouts as we approach the front door.

The door opens and a teenage boy emerges, holding a puppy and wearing only a pair of shorts.

"Why are you so fuckin' loud?" The boy asks. "And who the hell is this chick? What's up Gilinsky?"

"Yo," Jack responds.

"This is Imogen, Imogen this is Sammy. She just moved here from the City de los Angels."

"Or just Los Angeles. Why do you always complicate your sentences? I'm too high for that shit. What's up Imogen, pretty ass name."


Sammy invites us in. He was more gorgeous up close. I felt Jack's hand on my lower back as he let me walk in first. I had some very devious thoughts with all of these boys but I restrained myself. Immediately I reached into my bra, pulling out some of my saved up cash that I made in Cali.

Taylor always gave me money if I helped him with his weed endeavors. Cutting, grinding, weighing, bagging, shit like that. Sometimes I'd actually deliver to clients. It was like living life on the edge everytime I passed a cop. But I made it a thing to dress as innocent as possible. They just thought I was a sweet girl walking home from school with books in my backpack. Fuck the cops though.

"How much will this get me?" I asked Sammy, holding the cash in front of him.

He pouts his lips in a sexy manner and takes the cash from me, being sure to touch my hand in the process. He counts it and whistles. "Depends on what you want, sweetheart."

"You sell more than weed?"

"This dude has it all," Skate chimed in.

"Got any pills?"

"Got X, MDMA, roofies, Xanax, uppers..."

"Shit, what else?"

"Weed of course, coke, but no crack, no heroin, no meth. Fuck that shit." Sammy reached for the can of Sprite on a nearby table. The house didn't look like it was filled with all those drugs but I guess he had it all hidden in his room.

"I'll tell you what," Sammy continued. "Since you're new to town, I'll give you a welcoming gift, on the house. It's a fuckin celebration."

"Hell yeah," Jack said behind me. I turned to see he was rolling up a blunt, catching him right when he was licking and sealing it. The way he looked at me while his tongue was out was enough to metaphorically impregnate me.

"Well then," Sammy said. "Pick your poison, my lady."

"Let's do some MDMA, boys."


Author's Note: Thoughts so far? Favorite person so far? Let me know! :) Vote & comment ;)

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