His Majesty's Ballerina

By PenelopeMagdalene

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Kitty is a principal ballerina in Royal Ballet. She is also a stripper at a gentleman's club and a sugar baby... More

PART I -- Kitty
Part II -- Brad
PART IV -- Mother
Part V -- Prince Robert
PART VI -- Royalty
PART VII -- Good Bye For Now
PART VIII -- Royal Duty
PART IX -- A Broken Promise
PART X -- Farewell, Love
PART XI -- Tennessee Waltz
PART XII -- Engagement
PART XIII -- Ghost of the Past
PART XIV -- Almost Over
PART XV -- Any Minute Now
PART XVI -- The End
PART XVII - 3 Years Later

PART III -- Brad and Kitty

272 8 0
By PenelopeMagdalene

"So, what are we, Kitty?" asked Brad after a dozen times they pounded on each other and now they both laid side by side, exhausted but satisfy.

"Darling Brad, just because we slept together doesn't mean that you have to date me. We're fuck buddy, let's leave it to that," said Kitty as she rose up to go to the bathroom.

It was too bad that Kitty didn't look back. Because if she had, she would've saw the look of disappointment on Brad's face. Just as well that Kitty walked straight to the bathroom that Brad couldn't see the look of sadness in that girl's face.

Kitty realized how much she was attracted to Brad, after all Brad was the only man--out of a thousand man that has ever been to Kitty's life--who is kind, gentle and sincere.

Brad has a pure, angelic heart but as of right now Kitty has no used of dating, she's much too sensible for that. She has ballet that keeping her busy and even if it weren't for the ballet, Kitty was much too logical to be dating Brad. He's too poor and she's too materialistic as a girl should be.

Brad and Kitty were the kind of people who could hide their feeling well. Who could put on a smile and go on about their day without even bulging despite both has been harboring feeling for each other. But in their defense, they have the perfect arrangement; they were roommate. They were a man and a woman and need some physical touch once in a while which both could provide for each other. They go to work together and go home together. They were the perfect fuck buddy.

The royal ballet company finally announced that they'd be doing Cinderella for the summer performance and Kitty would go for the big fish; the role of Cinderella.

Since the audition of Cinderella have been announced 2 week earlier, Kitty has been practicing like a maniac. She would spent hours well after midnight to practice her ballet moves and would only came home when the sun almost rise. All the while, Brad was loyally watch her, accompanied her through those long hours of practice. Brad understood and very supportive of Kitty.

"Good luck with audition," said Brad as Kitty kissed him affectionately on the cheek.

Kitty left home cheerfully and even more cheerful when she got back and told Brad that the audition had been a success. The royal ballet company will announced the casts the next day.

Kitty clutched her hand tightly in a fist, her face grew red with anger and her eyes froze to a piece of paper that have been glued to the wall. In it was the announcement and the role of Cinderella went to Clarissa Harrington, Kitty's arch enemies.

Clarissa Harrington was a brunet that came from an upper class family. She was a girl with so many advantages that money can buy except -- according to Kitty -- a beautiful, exciting face.

Clarissa was plain, ordinary looking girl but covered it all up with expensive things from head to toe. She and Kitty has been an arch enemy since the first time they attended the royal ballet school 2 years ago. Although, it suffice to say that Clarissa always wins when it comes to ballet related competition and Kitty ended up the second place.

As of this summer's performance of Cinderella, Miss Piggy--that was Kitty's nickname for Clarissa--would get to play Cinderella while dirty cat--Clarissa nickname for Kitty--got to play Drizella, the ugly step sister.

"How did it go? Are you the Cinderella?" asked Brad when Kitty opened the front door. He was watching TV in the living room.

Kitty remained silent while closing the front door and frown when she looked at Brad that was when Brad knew that things went wrong.

"Is it that bad?" asked Brad when Kitty sat beside him.

"Oh, Brad! I hate that Clarissa pig! Where is the logic here? I'm the beautiful one, I'm blonde, like Cinderella by the way and I danced perfectly at the audition. There's no way I would lose to that bitch! The audition has been rigged!" Kitty laid back, rested her head on the arm rest of the sofa and drew a deep breath. "I'm Drizella, the ugly step sister!"

Brad took Kitty's both feet and put it on his lap, massaging it. "Well, at least you got to be in the main character not just some extra who dance in group, isn't that a good thing?"

"Oh, Brad, clearly you're good thing and mine are different. How am I going to achieve my dream of playing swan princess? The director would always see Cinderella! You know, people tend to hate those who played the evil part, in this case an evil step sister!"

"I'm sorry, Kitty but I still think that you ought to be grateful at least you're part of the main character."

Kitty once again drew a deep breath and fell silent. She closed her eyes as Brad kept massaging her feet. They didn't say a word for view minutes then suddenly Kitty jerked off the couch and stood in front of Brad, blocking the view of the TV.

"Brad, I'm tired of being sad!" Kitty took Brad's hand. "Come with me, I have a special place to go whenever I feel sad,"

"You're weird," said Brad as Kitty pulled him out of the house.

The drive didn't take long. View minutes after leaving the driveway, they arrived at the shopping mall in central London. That placed filled with expensive shop and people passing by with big paper bags on their hands, some even have their assistant followed behind them with dozens of paper bags.

Kitty and Brad went from shop to shop. Kitty fell in love with a dress but upon seeing the price tag she was disappointed and left the dress on the floor. It's just the price that she couldn't pay. They went to the jewelry store and came out there with Kitty pouting and even got more depressed.

The more they visit shops, the more it dawn on Kitty that she was broke and not one item in this shopping mall that she could afford thus she got even more depressed.

They were sitting on the wooden bench in front of Channel store. Kitty was sitting silently, brooding on her misfortune when Brad poke her.

"I got something for you," said Brad and reach into his pocket and pulled out a small gift box.

"For me? What is it?" exclaimed Kitty, slowly opened the box. She found a green ribbon inside. "What is it?" asked Kitty confusedly.

"I googled Drizella when you were busy checking out price tags and I see that she has green ribbon on her head at all time," Brad took the green ribbon and put it on Kitty's head.

"You know, Kitty, you'll make a beautiful Drizella and I bet if the writer of the Cinderella story could see how beautiful the girl that play Drizella they would've made the prince to fall in love with her instead of that dirty face girl. And don't forget you're a wonderful dancer no matter what part you got,"

"Brad, you're a darling!" Kitty embraced Brad.

"Let's get out of here! You said this place cheer you up but you got even more depressed than you were before we came here. You should really change your happy place because this one didn't do shit to cheer you up," Brad took Kitty's hand and led her out of the mall. "I have a place that would certainly cheer you up, I promise you! I'll drive,"

Brad drove Kitty to the pier. It was the fresh air that this Ballerina needs more than any expensive clothes or jewelries. He led Kitty to one of the bench overlooking the ocean and they just sat there silently, taking all of the picturesque view and enjoying the wind.

"For you," said Brad suddenly standing in front of Kitty with strawberry ice cream on his hand.

"What is it?"

"It's ice cream. Strawberry ice cream,"

"Oh, no, Brad! I don't eat ice cream at all. I only eat green salad and sour lemon tea ever since I was seven years old," Kitty looked at the strawberry ice cream with dread.

"Goodness! Poor little Kitty," said Brad as he sat beside her. "Just this one time, try it! Just one cheat day out of fifteen years. I don't think your body could be that unforgiving," Brad looked at Kitty with an appealing eyes that Kitty finally gave in.

"If I gain weight, I'll blame you for it," Kitty took the ice cream from Brad and licked it with the tip of her tongue, so carefully at first but then when she tasted how delicious that ice cream was she ate it with gusto.

"This is delicious!" exclaimed Kitty as she kept on eating the ice cream, by now she has view tears rolled down on her cheek.

It was the first time in 15 years that she ever eat anything else beside her usual diet of green vegetable salad, boiled egg and sweet and sour lemon tea.

Brad looked at Kitty with satisfaction and they both sat side by side on the bench enjoying the ice cream together. That moment was one of the moment that Kitty cherish for the rest of her life.

It was finally proven that indeed Kitty's body wasn't at all forgiving when it comes to foreign food as she got diarrhea attack when they got back home. That would be her first and last ice cream.

"It's your fault!" said Kitty when she finished her business in the loo and now laid on the bed, exhausted from running back and forth to the toilet.

"I made you some bitter tea to stop the diarrhea," Brad took the tea cup to Kitty and made her take a sip. "I'm sorry about the ice cream,"

They looked at each other and laughed. Good thing they could find the funny part of the whole diarrhea episode. That was the thing with Brad for Kitty, she could always find the funny and the fun part out of every misfortune as long as she's with him.

That night they both laid side by side on bed. Kitty was on Brad's arm, enjoying the warmth of his embraced and taking all of his fragrance that Kitty loved so much.

"I hear the drums echoing tonight but she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation," Kitty began singing.

"Wait, I have the perfect guitar," Brad took his phone and opened a virtual guitar app. "It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you, there's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do," sang Brad.

"I bless the rains down in Africa, gonna take some time to do the things we never had,"
They sang the duet of Africa by Toto.

Only with Brad that Kitty even think of singing in bed. It was their most intimate time and it wasn't even involved sex. It was pure comfort between the two of them.

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