BNHA Instagram!! 🌈♾➖

By squishmellowsandfics

18.4K 212 188

If the characters from My Hero Acadamia ever got an insta... this would be the story. 💫💫 Key //////// 🍋=le... More

Post #1
Post #2
Post #3
Chat #1
Post #4
Post #5
Post #6
Post #7
Post #8
Post #9
Post #10
Chat #2
Post #11
Post #12
Thank you!!
Chat #3
Post #13
🔥Private Instagram Stories 🔥
🔥Post #14🔥
Chat #4
Update! (Please read this)
Post #15
Regular Story Part #1
Public Post #1
Post #16
🍋Regular Story Part 2🍋
Public Post #2
Villain Post
Private Post #17
☁️Filler Ep☁️
🔥 NEWS 🔥
🔥☁️ Trying ☁️🔥
Private Post #18
Bakuboi Special
Private Post #3
texting post
hiiiii i'm kinda back???

☁️Valentines Day Special☁️

259 2 10
By squishmellowsandfics

Kacchako, KamiJirou, KiriMina, ShinDeku, todomomo, Tokotsu, EraserMicJoke

"Oh, hey Bakubro!" Kirishima said with a smile, "What can I do for you?"
"I... I was wondering if you could help me... Ochako and I are going on a date and I have no idea what to get her."
"Ooooooo! So you want my help?"
"Yeah, that's why I ask, shitty hair!"
"Okay, okay, Bakubro!"
"Anyway, what is Uraraka-san like outside of school?" asked Kirishima tentatively, "Like what does she like to do? What does she like?" 
"Mochi. She likes mochi. She also likes the stars."
"Oh! I know what you could do!" 

"Kats! Hey, happy Valentine's day!" she exclaimed happily, "I haven't seen you all day, it feels like..." 
"Yeah, you ready for our date? I have a whole thing planned." 
Ochako jumped into his arms and he spun her around slightly. The two stared into the other's eyes. The two never really said words. They were, however, very into actions. He pulled her face to his and their lips met. She let her lips rest on his for a second before it started to get heated. He pushed her against the wall quickly, she grinned against his skin. He started to breathe heavily, "Baby, we gotta go. Can we continue this when we get home?" 
She laughed, "Yeah, okay, babe." 

"Is this... a mochi shop?" 
"Yeah, don't you like it...?" asked Katsuki, worry filling his tone. 
She glanced at him with bright eyes, "Of course, Kats!" 
"Come on," he grinned, grabbing her hand, "Let's get some Mochi." 
She grinned at her boyfriend with the biggest smile in the world, "Thank you, Kats."
With a kiss to the cheek, the couple happily walked into the Mochi store. The two walked in and were kindly greeted at the door, "Bakugou-san, Uraraka-san?"
Katsuki nodded with a smile, "Yeah, the table I reserved a few days ago." 
"Yes, sir. Follow me this way." 

The two sat down at the table, hidden from the rest of the restaurant. He stared into his girlfriend's eyes lovingly. Ochako constantly wondered if she really did deserve the near-perfect boy. She felt like she, the poor, fragile, girl was not worthy of her middle-class, strong boyfriend. 
"Babe..." trailed off Katsuki, "Are you okay?" 
She stared at him, "Kats... do I really deserve you?" 
Katsuki stood up suddenly, "Baby, you mean the world to me. We've been dating for a year and a half now... but it feels like its been forever. You are my world. You are everything I want and more. So that's why..." 
And suddenly, Katsuki was on one knee, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Ochako's hands went to her face, "W-what?"
"Ochako, Round Face, Angle face... will you please spend the rest of your life with me? Will you... will you marry me?"


"Kyoka!" Denki said quietly, "Where the hell are you?" 
"What's wrong, Denki?" asked Mina with confusion, "Who are you looking for?"
"Kyoka, I have no idea where she is."
"Oh! That reminds me, here you go!" 
Denki looked down at the piece of paper skeptically before opening it. It was a picture of a... couch? With a note... it read; baby, look for me where we always end up. 

Denki looked up again to question Mina, but the alien girl had already runoff. He sighed slightly, why a picture of a couch though? 
The common room! 
Denki started quickly walking to the common room, he wanted to see his girlfriend... desperately. 

When he got there, he only saw Ejiro. 
"Oh, hey Denki! I have something for you, good job!"
Denki walked over to him quickly and grabbed the piece of paper eagerly. He looked down and saw Ejiro runoff through the corner of his eye. The paper this time held a picture of the training area and said simply; Where do we train? 

Denki sighed, "Welp, off to the training fields I go." 

When he got there, like before, he didn't see his girlfriend, but Ochako. 
"Hi, Denki-kun. What can I do for you?"
"Do you have another clue?" 
"Ah, yes. Here you go." 
Ochako carefully handed him the clue and with one final grin, ran off, "Good luck, Denki-kun!" 
He opened it to see a picture of a dorm... saying, look where you would not expect to find them. 

Denki sightly heavily, "Baku's dorm it is." 

"Hey, dunce face." 
"Hey, Bakubro. Do you have a clue for me?"
"Here ya go. Now get out of my fucking dorm."
"Sure thing, buddy," growled Denki. Denki looked down at the paper, it held a picture of the... classroom? Find them and get thy clue.

Denki felt a smile cross his face, she was adorable. 

"Hello, Kaminari. I have a clue for you. Take it so I can back to sleep."
"Hai, sensei." 
Grabbing the clue, he walked out of the classroom. Only to see a picture of a pool and a quote saying, see you at the pool baby

He ran down to the pool, certain his beautiful girlfriend would be waiting for him. But, instead was met with his best friend's face. 
"Nice to see you too, Denki," Hanta laughed, "Come here to get your next clue, I'm guessing."
"Yeah, I thought Kyoka was gonna be here, but I got stuck with you," laughed Denki.
"Yeah, sorry to break it to you, you got a few more before you see her."
"Are you fucking with me?"
"Nah, but Kyoka might."
"Oh my God, Hanta! Don't you dare get my hopes up!"
The clue was a picture of the cafeteria and said, I want food! Hurry up! 

"Hey, Denki!" 
"Is that a cake?"
"Yeah, the clue is inside it... you might want to start eating." 
Denki groaned and then grabbed a fork, pokeing into the cake, "It is really good, Sato."
"I know! Thanks," grinned the cake man, "Here's your clue." 
"Bye, Denki! Good luck!" 
The next clue was... another dorm. His dorm.

"Hey, Denki. Enjoy your scavenger hunt?" 
Denki walked up to her and engulfed her in a hug, "Yeah. That was hella sweet, babe."
"Yeah, I know I'm bad with emotions. I just figured this was a way I could tell you I love you."
"I love you too, baby."
Kyoka smiled, "I'm glad." 


Kirishima was laying down in his bed, thinking about how to deal with his crazy girlfriend who was obsessed with the idea of falling in love. thought, she did manage to miss the fact that he, Kirishima Ejiro had fallen for her. And was currently very much in love with her. 
"Baby~ Open the door already!" 
"Oh shit," grumbled Eijro, "Sorry, babe. I didn't hear you." 
Mina was standing at the door wearing only his hoodie and some leggings. She looked good, decided Kirishima, and he was never going to lose her. 
"Babe, so I was wondering... maybe this year, we just kinda hang out at the dorm today?" 
"Yeah, sounds good with me." grinned Ejiro, "Come on in," 
She walked in and jumped on his bed, "Baby, I wanna cuddle." 
Kirishima jumped on the bed and lay next to her silently, "Babe..." 
"Are you tired of me?"
"What?!" Mina exclaimed, sitting up suddenly, "My bright ball of sunshine, how could I ever be tired of you?!"
"I... I don't know. I just feel like you're so much more than me and I'm just kinda here being no one."
"Babe! You're the unbreakable Red Riot. You are not no one! You are The Red Riot! And my amazing boyfriend! And Bakugou's best friend! And Ochako's training partner! You are important to every single one of us. The readers too! They care more than you think, never forget that!" 
Ejiro stared into her eyes before blurting out, "I love you." 
Mina's eyes widened before she jumped on top of Ejiro and pressed her lips to his, "I love you, too." 


Hitoshi was sitting with his dads and mom, "I really really really like him, guys. I don't know... I don't know if he still feels the same and I-" 
"Honey," Emi said with a smile, "Of course he feels the same. How could he not? You're amazing and loveable." 
"Yeah! What you're mom said," smiled Hizashi, "Even if for some unknown reason he didn't like you, why would he be dating you if he didn't?" 
Shota nodded at his two partners, "I agree with them. Stop stressing about it and go talk to the problem child."
Hitoshi smiled brightly, "Thanks! You are the best parents in the entire world." 
Then, Eri came running out of her room. She gave Hitoshi a giant hug, "You can do it, big brother! Deku isn't the kind of person who would play with someone's feelings!" 

"Hello, Hitoshi-kun," smiled Izuku, "Please call me Izuku."
"Ah, sorry, Izuku."
"It's fine, don't apologize." 
"Can I do something really irrational?"
"Of course-"
Before he could finish, Hitoshi pressed his soft lips to the soft lips of the short green-haired boy. It only lasted a second, but when he was done... Izuku's eyes were bright and filled with stars. 
"I care about you more than anything... I want you to be happy. So please do not hesitate to lean on me, Izuku..." 


Shoto was walking with the Dekusquad to lunch as Ochako and Izuku were conversing about what their 'tops' had done for Valentine's day. 
"Valentine's day?" Shoto asked confused, tilting his head to the side slightly. 
"You don't know what valentine's day is?!" exclaimed Ochako in shock. Izuku's eyes were wide. 
"No wonder Yaomomo looked so sad! You haven't done anything!"
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Well, whenever it is Valentine's day you do something to 'gift' your significant other." 
"Oh... shit." 
"Good luck, Shoto." laughed Izuku, "Imma head out."

"Momo... can we talk?" asked Shoto, walking up to her group of friends, who all proceeded to glare at him.
"Oh, yes. What is it?"
"I was wondering if you would like to go on a date this evening?" 
The glares of her friends eased up and she smiled brightly, "Of course." 


Tokoyami grabbed Tsu's hand and dragged her off, "Fumikage? Where are we going?" 
"I wanna show you something, Tsu." 
They went out and sat next to a tree, waiting for something. All of a sudden the moon started to rise, "Woah." 
"It's almost as beautiful as you, Tsu."
"I want to promise you something. Not marriage, cause that's a little too soon, but here is a promise ring. That I will always be with you, I will always love you, and we will always be together."
Tsu kissed him lightly, "You're too sweet, Toko."
"Not as sweet as you." 


"Guys? Where did you go?" questioned Emi sadly, her two boyfriends had mysteriously disappeared. 
She sighed, walking into the kitchen, only to find the two guys standing there with their hands behind their backs. 
"Boys? what are you doing?" 
"Emi... we..."
"We love you! We want to get married!" Hizashi stated bluntly, Shota elbowed him in the side but grinned, "Yeah, we do. Would you spend the rest of your life with us?"
She was crying but managed to nod her head, "Of course!" 

And well, that was that Valentine disaster... but the good vibes ended rather quickly. Back to the main storyline! :/ 

sowwy, much love from kacchakotrash

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