Virtual Reality Book 1 (A Mel...

By melizabeth6137

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One day in the big city of Japan, a 17 year old girl named Elizabeth Liones finds herself in a really popula... More

Chapter 1-'The tales of Britianna-Darkness & Light'
Chapter 2-Welcome to the Virtual world!
Chapter 3-Goddess of light
Chapter 4-Bad Feelings
Chapter 5-"Gelda?!"
chapter 6-Bait
Chapter 7-First Prince of the Demon Clan Meliodas
Chapter 8- "I remember you!!!"
Chapter 10-Demon Princes Zeldris, Estarossa and Ark Angel Mael
Chapter 11-"Meliodas!!!"
Chapter 12-Being kidnapped couldn't be the worst to happen, right?
Side Chapter 1-"It was too late to save her, wasn't it?"
Chapter 13-Will everything really be alright anymore?

Chapter 9-New information for dark and light

206 7 0
By melizabeth6137

(Back in the Vampire realm w/ Elizabeth and Gelda) (Elizabeth' P.OV.)

"We need to figure out how were going to be able to rid that demon prince from this world or else it's game over no pun intended!" gelda said banging her fist on her desk. "Ok for one clam down and for two I don't think that there's any pun in that statement, but whatever." I said watching her start to pace back and forth.

I shook my head "Gelda wait is there possibly any other race that's free from this demon's encapturement that could give us information on this demon prince or maybe if he has anyone working under him....possibly?"

"No I wouldn't think so, because the giant clan has been taken out as well as the fairy and human clan, but I'm not sure on the status for the goddesses." Gelda said taking a seat.

I then rub my temple " *Gasp* Mael!". "Who?" Gelda asks with confusion laced in her voice. "I don't know! The name just all of a sudden came to mind." I said shrugging.

"I feel like I've heard or seen that name before, but I just can't put my finger on it. Anyway it's worth checking out especially if it's come to your attention." Gelda said standing from her seat. "Stand" she commanded. "Um, ok?" I said confused, but I still did as she asked of me.

"Now you can't just do this out on a whim it's takes a bit of focus." Gelda said rotating her arm straight out towards me. I raise my eyebrow at her confused, but I let her continue. "It's quite simple actually. Now you will take your hand and swipe it up in the air and down to reveal a virtual screen which will show you your characters skills and armory as well as other options such as, your location, other characters in the game, and the log out option which was once there." Gelda explains as she then swipes her hand in the air and down revealing the virtual screen she was talking about.

"Now you try Elizabeth" Gelda says with a small smile. "Oh ok." I answer following her exact instructions. Once I did that a virtual screen appears in front of me. "So this is my information and other stuff." I ask looking at all my characters skills and such. "Yep that's right! But now down to business." She says making her virtual screen disappear.

I nod ready to do what is needed of me. "Ok on the right of your screen there's the options which I'm sure you've already noticed, but anyway scroll through them until you find the 'characters' option." Gelda said watching me scroll. "Ah found it!" I Shouted in victory while Gelda just shook her head with a giggle. I then clicked on it to bring up several characters, but it only showed the ones that were being picked and being used at this moment in the game.

"Now since there's probably over a thousand players in the game considering there's not a way to log out or leave this virtual game then it would be a good idea to search this 'Mael' character up on the search bar at the top." Gelda said waving her hand around.

"Alright...M...A...E...L...there!" I said hoping I spelled the name right. "Ok now let's see if it brings anything up" Gelda says taping her finger against her cheek.

In a few more seconds one character was brought up. "What does it show." Gelda says leaning in. "Oh looks like there really is a character named Mael" I said clicking on the characters profile. "What race is he from Elizabeth?" Gelda asks with a bit of hope in her words. "He's from the goddess clan. He also seems to be one of the 'Four Ark Angels'." I said looking over his profile as Gelda then walks over to see my virtual screen.

"Let me see." She blankly states as she looks over the characters profile. "It seems that his title hasen't been changed to a slave title." Gelda says as she starts pacing the room once again. "Maybe he could of got away before the demon prince was able to capture or he had fought the prince and won, so he was able to get away." I said pointing out a very high possibility.

"Great thinking Elizabeth! Now if only there was some way to reach him. I mean we could try the contact option, but that wouldn't be a good idea because if we did that it could send a report of someone trying to contact another out to that demon prince Meliodas especially since he has full control of this game. Damn!" Gelda says still pacing, but faster now.

"Is there a possibility that were able to see his location." I said making Gelda stop pacing. Thank the goddesses I was getting a bit dizzy.

"Well maybe, but there's a possibility that any other characters location was turned off from any other eye to see but your own. But like I said it's just a possibility so let's try it out." Gelda said walking over to me and looking at my virtual screen again.

"Yeah I think we might be able to. Ok I'm going to approach this in a different way. Go back to your characters profile, go to location and you see that small search bar type the his name in there let's try that." Gelda said while pointing everything out. Just like last time a few seconds later it brought Mael up. but with his location this time.

"Yes we did it!" I cheered happily. "Don't celebrate just yet let's see if he's really not been captured by the demon prince." Gelda said as I clicked on his location and we were both happy to see that he wasn't, but actually not far from where we are.

"Looks like we got ourselves a brand new mission Elizabeth." Gelda said raising her hand and balling it up into a fist and motioning me to give her a fist bump. I give Gelda a wide grin and fist bump her.


(Back in the dark unknown place with Demon prince Meliodas) (Meliodas' P.O.V.)

All my wounds had finally healed thanks to the darkness. But now that that I know that she's starting to figure out to use her powers I need to move fast!

"Ah older brother your finally back we've missed you!". My younger brother states.

"Not really". My youngest brother immediately counters.

"Oh my two younger brothers were have you two been hmm?" I asked them and they looked at each other and then back at me. "We were obviously looking for you big brother" my youngest brother answered. "Yeah well same here now come we need to have a small conversation" I said walking past them which like intended gave them the signal to follow.

As we entered the room where we have our meetings I saw Chandler and Cusack the two out of many more what we call SP's. Which stands for System Players. System Players are players who were made from the system.

They are players that can not be taken on by humans to become their virtual characters. So to be specific they are characters that are controlled by the system and the system would be the whole game, so whoever is in charge of the system is able to also control the SP's. Which would be yours truly. That's right not only am I the First Prince of the Demon Clan, but I'm the ruler over this whole entire world giving me the power to bend anything here to my will.

For example: I can take someone's pain level and bring it all the down to 0, which means that instead of them feeling just a little pinch when getting injured like the game is originally set up they will feel a massive amount of pain that won't only affect their body in the virtual world, but also in reality.

But down to business.

"Chandler, Cusack could you please excuse us for a moment." I asked as they both bowed down to me when realizing my presence in the room. "Yes Of course young master!" Chandler said excited to see me as always, which gets on my nerves. I'm not his puppy dog or anything so treat me normally, but that is how Chandler was programmed so I guess I can't complain for now.

As they both exit the room I close the door and tell my two younger brothers to take a seat.

"Now as you both know there has been an intruder in our newly founded virtual world" I said receiving a nod from them both. "Well there is a women who has decided to follow along our intruder. Whether she is an intruder as well and is here accompanying her or not is still unclear and yet to be found out." I say taping my fingers on the table.

"Are we yet aware of the identity of this women following our new enemy." my youngest brother asks. "Yes I did my research." I answer and he nods, but then my other younger brother speaks up. "Awww come on older brother don't leave us hanging, do tell us who it is".

I raise my eyebrow at him "Your so impatient brother, but if you two must know I'll tell you. Her name in the game and I would presume in real life is Gelda. The character she chose is the 'Second princess of the Vampire Clan'. That is all know at this very moment, but Gowther is looking into her profile as we speak." I explain, but before they could say or do anything I interrupted them.

"But here's the catch".

"Oh and what would that be older brother" my younger brother said with a chuckle. "Well if you must know everything I do then, I'm having to go to the real world to get this information since Gowther's doll is unreachable I'll have to go to the real Gowther." I said as my youngest brother immediately spoke. "What kind of information is he looking into if I may ask big brother?"

"He's looking into any information he can find about our new little friend and the women that appears to be on her side." I say as I head for the door, but then stop as I place my hand on the knob and turned towards my two younger brothers. "I'm going to the MCR to log out, But I need you to do something for me. I said making both their eyebrows raise.

"Second and Third Demon Prince of the Demon Clan Estarossa and Zeldris While I collect thius very important information I need you two to find and distract two women that we have been speacking about until I'm able to show up got it!" I say raising my voice a bit. They both nod, but they're silence is the only answer I need Because I know for a fact that they would never go against my command especially since they're my brothers.

Not only in this world, but in real life as well.

Anddddd finished!

Wow this is probably one of the longest chapters out of all of them. But I'm super excited to say that from here on out things will be getting more and more interesting between all these people's.

Anyway I hope you all are having an marvelous and wonderfully fantastic Morning/Noon/Afternoon/Night.

Thanks for all the love and support! Love u all byeeeeee!!!!

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