Not hop x reader shit again/L...

By CrookedMe

22.5K 956 805

Reader moves to galar and resident hop won't shut the fuck up Cover art isn't mine, KatomiBlu edited this im... More

Reader and hop scream
Leon hears Hop curse
hop is secretly a little shit deep down
Demon dogs appear for all of five seconds
Wooloo is baby but we already knew this
Another wooloo bc we cant have enough of em
Ho*ding h*nds is so intimate omg
oh my god and they where roommates
Opening ceremony time gays
Bede fucking dies
Sonia's here gays sound the alarms
sonia spills the tea
Fluff for the soul
Sonia and y/n have a fucking meeting
Ruh ro
Your Tragic backstoryTM
Alight, y/n's gonna head out
Reader wants to commit arson again smh
Breaking and enetering
Pretty boy
A wild Leon appears!
*Mission impossible theme plays*
Late-night worries
I dub thee oof
Nighttime trama
The one where reader is gay
A lot of shouting
Oop a Pangro
What if's
Working things out
I lived bitches

Ah shit, here we go again

721 24 31
By CrookedMe

It'd been months of digging into this topic for both you and hop, but all you two know was that back when pokeballs were first made, there was a protest of sorts, thinking that pokeballs hurt pokemon. Still, with some more digging, you found they stopped because the company disproved this fact with a demonstration. What was the demonstration? Who knows! It didn't fucking say.

At the moment, you were just laying on the ground, waiting for the earth to swallow you whole because maybe then you could see where this damn information is.

You might have to do experiments with pokemon and pokeballs, but you really didn't want to hurt pokemon if you could help it. You were starting to believe you'd found everything you could here, which really isn't a lot, so going somewhere else would probably be beneficial, but uggghhhh that requires moving and getting up. You just wanted to sleep forever, but noooo, let's make y/n move. It was very rude in your opinion.

Speaking of things making you move, "y/n!" Playboy shouted from above the hill, you just groaned again. "C'mon! Lee is coming to visit!" That got you up, teasing Leon was even easier than Playboy and so much fun. You wanted to see how many death glares he could give you in one day.

You got up with a bunch of dirt on you and your pokemon following you, "what were you doing laying facedown in the dirt?" Playboy asked as you walked to the station, "I wanted to see if Arceus would pity me and just let the earth swallow me whole. They didn't." Hop just rolled his eyes and making it to the station there was a crowd of people surrounding Leon, but it was just fans so you'd let him get mauled by them.

He was talking about pokemon battles or something, and you honestly weren't paying attention, but then you saw a Charizard, and oh god, you just squealed in delight.

Everyone looked to you from how loud you were, but you just ran up to, probably, Leon's Charizard and started petting him. Everyone figured he'd just push you off but were surprised when they found him leaning into your pets. You knew what parts a pokemon likes to get pets on, and Charizard was obviously loving it.

You started baby talking them like you would a dog, but they didn't seem to mind, "y/n what the f- frick." You always found it funny when Hop almost curses in front of his brother, Leon, however, pushed you off Charizard saying, "I think Charizard is good for now y/n." Which you replied with, "Aww is the champion mad that Charizard loves me~" Which earned you a groan. Not even a standard glare, rude.

He finally found Hop and started talking to him again, but you honestly zoned out pretty quick, it wasn't hard with these two. However, Mimi nudged your neck to snap you out of it and caught the tail end of there conversation, "-ks like you came to pick me up, huh Hop." He ended with a smile, "We all know you're terrible with directions, Lee, you'd get lost." You looked up ahead to Hop's house, and yep, it was just as you thought, it was still a straight line.

"Hop that makes no damn sense, it's a fucking straight line, how the hell would he get lost?" You asked, and Leon told you to watch your mouth, "Honestly, mate, you'd be surprised." Which you had clear confusion on your face, "Okay, yeah, I get it, Leon's not straight but c'mon!" You shouted to which Hop choked, and Leon just smacked your head as you stuck your tongue out and chuckled.

But despite that, you all walk back to Hop's house, which took all of twenty seconds, but instead of going inside like a regular loser, you all stayed outside, "C'mon Lee! I know you brought me presents!" To which Leon chuckled, and you had a feeling as to what those presents are because he didn't bring anything with him, you can't even argue he had a Mary Poppins bag because he's not even carrying a bag!

You figured you knew what the present was, "Alright, you two, take a good look!" He said as he threw out three pokeballs all with different pokemon in it. "Oh, for fuck's sake!" You shouted groaning, "You could've picked anything, any present, and you choose pokemon, again, might I add!" You knew that pokemon were probably used as presents often, but it still made you upset.

"Y/n don't be rude!" Hop said, "Like I have any other way of talking." You replied as you saw the pokemon out and about just staring at you, but fuck it, they were cute. Hop and Leon were most likely saying something, but you tuned them out again in favor of the three cuties in front of you.

You kneeled down to them, "Hey, you three, you must have come here from far off, huh?" You asked, and they didn't say respond, which is better than what pokemon have some have done. "You three are all pretty strong, aren't cha?" You asked, and the bunny one, as well as the monkey-like one, jumped up and cried in agreement while the blue frog-like one only stared.

You chuckled and were about to say something else but were pulled away by Leon, which just made you groan. "So Hop, which one do you choose?" Leon asked as you backed off.

"If I had to choose, I'd go with scorebunny." He said, waking up to the pokemon, "Who are you?" You heard the pokemon ask and oh for fuck's sake not again.

You guess you'd been around too many wild pokemon again because you could understand them now, this happened in alola also but not this quick. You thought it wouldn't be zero to a hundred thing again, but here we are.

But you found your aunt walking to Hop's house, either she was invited, or you were in trouble. Probably both.

"Oh, hello y/n."

"Hey, auntie, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was asked to come join everyone here for a little grill out, and I didn't have anything else planned, so why not."

"Yeah, that sounds like this family."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean!?" You heard Hop shout, you giggled in response as Hop's family came out to start cooking.

You had mostly stayed to the side the entire time as everyone was having fun and eating, you were mostly cooing and talking to the other pokemon Leon had brought.

Everyone was doing their own thing, so you told Sylveon about it again. "I can understand you all again." Sylveon and Umbreon looked up, "Again? I thought you couldn't in galar?" Came Sylveon's sweet voice.

"Did you hear those new pokemon talking?" Umbreon's motherly voice came, it always made you calm. "Yeah, I don't know what happened right before we left alola... I don't know why I couldn't understand you, I don't know why I can now. This is so fucking weird." You said, and heard soon after, "y/n! Who are you talking to?" Playboy asked.

"I'm talking to my damn self what does it look like?" You replied, "y/n be nice!" Your aunt shouted from halfway across the yard.

What the hell, honestly? How and why did I stop understanding them, and why can I do it again now? You thought to yourself, and frankly, you were slightly worried, would you stop again? How long would this bout last?

You felt Sylveons feelers wrap around your arm, he had a slightly worried look on his face. You smiled and bent down to his height, "Don't worry, hun, Whatever happened, I'll still be here promise." You said as sylveon smiled himself.

"You should probably go over and mingle with the others then, y/n. I know you haven't eaten in a while." Umbreon cut in, to which you immediately got anxious about, oh fuck you had to talk to people??? That's ew.

But Umbreon's nudging to the group gave you not much of a choice. "C'mon, you need to talk with other humans!" Umbreon exclaimed as you just rolled your eyes, "Hey, young lady! Don't roll your eyes at me!" And fuck, she was about to kick your ass if you don't move.

"Okay! Okay! I'm going, mom!" You shouted out as you moved, Umbreon just sighed, "Does this mean y/n is my sibling now, mom?" Sylveon asked innocently, which made you chuckle.

"Heya, playboy." You said, "Y/n!" He said, and you could see Leon's worried expression upon seeing you come closer and sit at the table.

"That's me." You said, "I thought you would have stayed over in your little corner for the rest of the time, or just leave in general..."

"Well, in all honesty, I would have, but Umbreon was over there nudging me to come closer, and I think if I left or didn't move, she'd beat my ass into the ground, so, here we are."

"For the last time, stop cursing in front of my brother!" Leon snapped which made you chuckle, "Oh? I'm not sure what you're referring to, can you tell me exactly what words I shouldn't say?" You teased.

Leon's face just soured more, "You know what words." He harshly said as Umbreon came up and smacked your wrist with her tail, "Wha- Umbreon for fuck's sake!" You shouted.

"Be nice!" Umbreon said, "Don't you like Hop? I thought you'd wanna make a good impression on someone he cares about." Sylveon questioned, and you hate that they were right, "Ugh, fine. I won't swear." You promised.

"Thank you!" Leon said in a tired tone, "for now..." You finished, Leon only groaned in response. "Stop giving Lee such a hard time, y/n." Hop told you, "But it's so easy to give him a hard time playboy." Hop rolled his eyes to "just don't."

"No promises~" you teased. "Is there a reason you came here, or are you just here to make everyone's life harder?" Leon asked to which you made an exaggerated shocked look, "Leon! Are you insinuating that making everyone's life harder isn't a reason to talk to people?!"

Leon looked close to just killing you on the spot to which you celebrated internally for, hell yeah, you made him want to kill you.

It went on like this for a while until Umbreon told you to shut the fuck up because Leon was going to kill you in your sleep if you kept this shit up.

So you just stole some food and left, nobody noticed like usual. The remainder of the day was you trying to figure out why the hell you could understand pokemon again, but just as before, you had nothing.

Groaning with annoyance, Umbreon told you to sleep, "Your just a hater."

"Y/n, if you don't sleep, I can and will make things very hard for you." Umbreon said, and honestly, she can and will.

Back in Alola when you didn't heed her warnings she'd take your things and break them, she would draw more attention to you, trip you, scare you, you name it she did it.

You fear for your safety around Umbreon, so you went to sleep before she did anything.

You were woken up by someone tripping over your body, "Bitch what the fuck!" You screamed, getting up as the person just said, "ow!"

Your head hurt, and someone just tripped over your body, you hated being woken up with so whoever this was is about to get their ass kicked.

Your eyes adjusted to the light, and you saw Hop in front of you, dusting himself off, "The fuck was that for playboy?!" You screamed.

"I didn't mean to!" He pleaded as you got closer to him, "Fucks sake, Hop!" You yelled, To which Hop said: "I'm sorry!" In a pitiful voice.

"Whatever, I guess, but now I'm up, so what the hell are you doing?" You asked Hop didn't get a chance to answer before you heard, "Hop!"

And you knew that voice. That was Leon in all his motherfucking glory. "It's too early for this shit." Which was followed by another 'watch your mouth!' From Leon.

He was talking about how to properly catch pokemon with pokeballs, and you swear you were this fucking close to strangling him right then and there.

You and Mimi were giving off an aura of rage so much that even Leon, the dense ass motherfucker, noticed. Hop, not wanting his brother dead, said: "Y/n he doesn't know, nobody really does, so calm down."

"I don't know what?" He asks, and you groaned. "Nothing yet. Just a hypothesis, and I'd tell you, but you'd probably tell someone else, and then word will spread around because that's how gossip works, and it'll be 10 times harder to do what I need to do."

Leon looked half confused, and half annoyed, "Whatever, have fun enslaving pokemon bitch." You said, walking away, you knew Hop wouldn't want you to strangle his brother, but it was tempting.

You had left in a small rage that you didn't know where you were going, you found yourself in front of the house you broke into through the window again. "Oh, hey, look at that. Wonder if the granny is still here with the orange-haired little bitch." You said to yourself.

"Y/n stop saying stuff like that! You are going to get people upset." Umbreon said as you just and Mimi just huffed. You and Mimi had a long history, really. You met her way back when you were a little kid in Alola with your mom. Mimi accidentally broke something of yours, and you blamed her for the longest time.

But as you were wandering the forest, you found Mimi cornered by some powerful, much bigger, much scarier, wild pokemon.

Even then, you knew pokemon battles against trainers and wild pokemon fighting were way different, and even if you hated Mimi, you had to help her, so you went in and took the hits.

You used your body as a shield, and sooner or later, after the pokemon realized you weren't going to budge left you. Your body stung, and the pokemon left many scratches and bruises, most cuts deep, but you knew it's what your mom would have wanted, so you stood up and went over to try and patch yourself up, but saw Mimi doing it for you.

You gasped in surprise, And then it hit you how you and Mimi were similar in multiple ways, since then you two have been attached by the hip, well shoulder in this case. And even if Mimi didn't talk, you both still knew what each other was thinking, usually having similar emotions at the same time, too. If you didn't know better, you'd say Mimi was your twin, but you didn't know better, and if you weren't calling Mimi, well, Mimi, you'd call her twin.

But at that point, you entered the house, through the door this time, without really thinking about it. "Hello, miss, aren't you the one who broke my window?" The old lady asked, to which you grinned devilishly. "In the flesh!" You replied to which the woman had a look of disappointment on her face, but you could see the hidden smile she had.

"What are you doing here, child? Looking for 'demons' again?" She asked, chuckling to herself. You stuck your tongue out in playful defiance, "No, that's a problem for you on another day, I just wanted to get away from-" You got cut off as the door slammed open, "I'm back professor!" Leon shouted.

"Him." You spat, to which Leon looked guilty and surprised, "Oh, y/n, I thought you left." Leon stated awkwardly, you grinned, how couldn't you tease the champion right now?

"What? Wanted to get rid of me that bad, huh?" You smirked to which Leon back-peddled really quick, "No! I just didn't expect you!"

"Sureeee~" You teased while the old lady who lived here just hit you on the head with her staff thingy, the fuck was she? A wizard? "Stop being rude child, That is the champion you are talking to." She says, "Yeah, but that's what makes it so fun." You replied as the lady just sighed with a hidden smile on her face.

"So anyways, Leon, the fuck you doing here? Thought you'd be hanging out with Hop, for the time being, it's been like, what, three minutes?" You asked, turning back to Leon, "I wanted to talk to professor Magnolia about if she found anything new about Dynamax yet." He said, looking at the floor in somewhat embarrassment, he's a fucking dork. You thought.

"What's Dynamax?" You heard sylveon ask, "Is it like Z-moves in Alola?" As you shrugged. You heard Magnolia and Leon talking a bit, but you were more preoccupied with seeing Playboy laying down face first in the dirt outside.

You all just stared at him for a while, "Think he'll get up soon?"

"I don't know, I didn't take him as the type of person who'd do this." Umbreon said. You heard Sylveon giggle, "Do you think Y/N is a good, bad influence on him?" Your eyes immediately lit up, "Oh, hell, yes!" You shouted out, never thought he'd follow in your footsteps, or you guess not footsteps, but the point still stands!

"What?" You heard Leon ask, turning to you as he saw you staring out the window, well where a window used to be before you showed up, anyways. You turned your head back to him, saying, "Go outside, and you'll know." As you jumped through the window with Sylveon and Umbreon behind you, honestly, you had no idea how Mimi could always stay on your shoulder without falling off, but you weren't going to question it.

"Oi! Fuck, boy, are you dead?" You asked squatting down near him as he just grunted in confirmation without moving an inch. You chuckled at this, "What happened in that like, three minute time period that made him this exhausted?" You heard Umbreon ask.

You were about to say something, but you were cut off by Leon running out to see what was wrong with Hop, pushing you out of the way in the process, "Damn bitch, you don't need to be so pushy." You spat as you fell to the ground, Leon was holding Hop like he'd just died in his arms, you could see the spotlight shining down on them, no literally you could see it, "What the fuck-" but before you could finish you once again got cut off by Leon.

"Lee, what are you doing?" Hop asked with dirt on his face, upset that he got picked up. "Hop! You're alive!" Leon shouted, "Why the fuck wouldn't he be??" You asked but Leon ignored you. You grumbled, but you saw Magnolia approach you, "So child, what are you doing out here?" She wondered, your face morphed to a suspicious look, "Nothing that much really." You said, as Magnolia only stared at you more, you had a feeling she knew something, "You can talk to them, can't you?" She asked, and you got confused, "Uh, yeah, I can talk to people?" You answered, but it was more of a question.

Magnolia shook her head, "No, no, not Humans child, I mean pokemon." She said, and you went from confusion real fucking quick, "How'd you know?" You asked, as Magnolia smiled, "I've been around pokemon very long myself, though I admit, I wasn't this young." She looked back up at you, "You're only a teenager, and yet you can understand pokemon, You must be around pokemon all the time for your whole life to get that sort of understanding at such a young age." She commented.

"Yeah... I guess so." You replied half-heartedly, You didn't like where this conversation was going, but lucky for you, both your and Magnolia's attention got placed on Hop's screaming.

"What!? You're really going to endorse me for the gym challenge?!" Hop shouted, you could practically see the stars in his eyes, but it changed quickly to an unsure look, "I think you might be ready, what do you say, Hop?" He asked.

Hop looked unsure, like he was weighing his options, before he finally said, "Yeah, I think I will." And you ran over to him real damn quick, "Playboy the fuck you think your doing!?" You shouted, "I thought you were against this sort of thing!?" To which Hop flinched back visibly.

"Calm down Y/N! There's probably a reason, hear him out!" You heard Umbreon say to which you rolled your eyes and backed off, "Hey, don't yell at my brother!" Leon near shouted, he did look pretty angry, and it hit you, fuck yeah, he finally gave me the death glare! I can now count this trip successful.

"Hold up Y/N! There's a reason!" He shouted in defense, You looked back at him with a scowl, "Then spill." You said, your voice laced with anger. He held his hands up in defense, "Look, you want to see what pokeballs are doing to pokemon, right?" He asked to which you gave him an unamused look, "Well, If you want to find out why then battling others would help get information, right?" He said to which your face lit up in surprise because damn you didn't think of that.

"Y/N's trying to what?" Leon asked, to which you just rolled your eyes, "Don't worry about you overgrown fashion disaster." You said and then looked back at Hop, "I want you to know that I don't like this, but if it helps, then I'll allow it." You said, and Hop smiled widely as Leon stood there confused as ever.

You looked over to the side, away from everyone else, Playboy better knows what he's doing. 

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