The Accidental Swap

By xlaughingclownx

3.2K 144 38

• All it takes was an accident to make them meet • ********* She was never suppose to be there. They were nev... More

Chapter One- The Trip
Chapter Two- Paris
Chapter Three- Miss Santiago
Chapter Four- The Ball
Chapter Five- What's his problem?!
Chapter Six- Bonding
Chapter Seven- I hate etiquette lessons[Part 2]
Chapter Eight- A peek into the past
Chapter Nine- Suspicion
Chapter Ten- Being a bitch is harder than I thought
Chapter Eleven- Revealed
Chapter Twelve- Don't ever underestimate the game master
Chapter Thirteen- Lucas Felton
Chapter Fourteen- Not so ordinary day

Chapter Seven- I hate etiquette lessons[Part 1]

94 7 0
By xlaughingclownx


As promised, here's the next chapter:) Enjoy<3

Picture to the right is Dog poo(Hahahha ik... It's a cute name)

She is beautiful isn't she? Such a piece of art<3


Chapter Seven- I hate etiquette lessons [Part 1]

The next morning I woke up to the cold air of my room hitting onto my skin. Someone had pulled my blanket off of me and the air conditioned room was freezing without my warm blanket.

I groggily lift my head up to see who it was, annoying me early in the morning. When I saw Madam Winterbottom standing by my bed, holding my blanket, I shot up immediately.

"Yes Mam!"

"Why are you still in bed young lady?! Look at the time now! It's so late! You're late!" She told me off angrily.

When I turn my head to look at the clock on the bed stand, my eyes widened in shock. "Yes young lady! You should be horrified at your behavior!" She scolded.

It was only 8.30 in the morning and she call that late?! Is she insane? No normal human being should be up before 10!

"But- It's so friggin early!" I protested, wanting to go back to sleep badly.

"Watch you language young lady! Early?! You call 8.30 early?! The chickens are awake at 5 and you call this early?! The sun rises at 7 and you're still asleep! You call this early?! The-"

"Ok ok ok I get it I get it." I hold up my hands to stop her unnecessary talks. "Jeez I'm up already."

"Good. I'll wait for you in the study room in 20 minutes. Don't be late." With that Madam Winterbottom walked out of my room with the sound her heels clicking on the floor.

20 minutes?! How can a girl get ready in just a mere 20 minutes?! That is just enough time for me to shower! Is she doing this to me on purpose?

When I finally made it to the study room, I found Madam Winterbottom tapping her foot on the floor impatiently, while she was glaring at me, or to be exact, more like she is glaring at the door before I came in.

"I specifically told you not to be late and you're late. Are you annoying me on purpose darling? Cause if you are, you're in for a nasty time with me today." She reprimanded.

I shake my head, indicating that I'm not. She sighed, "Let's get started darling, we have wasted enough time."

"Lesson two, table etiquettes." She started as I groaned internally. Here starts the misadventure of the poor Evie, learning about table etiquette.

Finally, after 3 hours of torture with Madam Winterbottom, she finally let me go and have my brunch.

After my brunch, I was bored to tears, not knowing where the rest went. I started to roam around the big mansion again, trying to find something to do.

When I saw the pool at the back of mansion, I decided to check it out. The sound of people laughing and screaming made my curiosity grew.

When I step out, I saw the whole gang there, playing in the pool.

When Emma saw me approaching, she turn around immediately towards me. I leveled her a glare, and she smile at me apologetically.

That woman. All of them having fun without me, especially when I'm in pain, having to deal with Madam Winterbottom the minute I wake up.

"Hey Evie!" Cole shouted, making everyone's head turn towards me.

I smile stiffly at him and made my way towards them. "So do you want to join us?" He asked again.

I look at Emma and she duck her head, ashamed. I sighed, "Sure why not. Let me just go and change. With that, I walk inside to change into my bathing suits.

When I walked out again, both Cole and Max stared at me openly, making me feel a little self-conscious. I may not have a perfect body, with ab-like stomach, toned skin, but I don't look pretty bad. I have all the curves at the right place and my chest and my butt are just the right size, not too big or too small, giving me an hour-glass body.

I had my black, polka-dot bikini on, and a pair of sand shorts that reach my mid-thigh. The only place I don't feel comfortable showing is my right thigh, there is an ugly scar there. No one knows about that scar except for my parents and Emma.

"Wow girl! Just look at that body of yours!" Cole gushed, yes he gushed. Which cause Julianne to look disappointed.

"Look away pervert eyes, my body is not for you to ogle on. Beside, I think there is someone else who would want that pair of eyes to ogle on." I retort back as I lower myself into the water, making Julianne blush.

"Hey I'm sorry." Emma apologized the minute I stepped beside her.

"Don't worry about it." I said back in a clipped tone, not in the mood to talk to her.

When I look around, my eyes meet Max's. I blushed when I saw him staring at me openly. And when he realize that I saw him staring at me, he turned away hastily. Before I can over think about his action, Simona speak up.

"Hey let's play chicken fight in water!"

"Yea! Let's!" Cole agreed.

"Great! So how about Max, Emma and I are one team while Cole, Julianne and Evie the other team?" Simona suggested.

All of us nodded as we start of group ourselves. First up is Max and Emma against Cole and Julianne. Simona and I stood at the side, cheering for them.

Emma caught Julianne's arms as Julianne started to struggle, trying to get out of Emma's iron grip. Because of her moving, Cole started to loose his balance as he wobble around, trying to prevent Julianne from falling into the water.

This match is so predictable, Emma is obviously stronger than Julianne, and Max is buffer than Cole, so it's really obvious that Emma will win. Such an unfair fight I must say.

After a minute of battling, Julianne finally lost her balance and fell into the water with a loud splash. Emma and Simona cheered loudly in victory, while Max smirked at Cole.

Cole scowled and helped Julianne to stand up properly as she resurfaced. "Whatever, it's an unfair fight anyways."

"Awww come on. Don't be a sore loser." Max teased.

"Am not." Cole sulked. It was then that I realized how similar Emma and Cole are.

Before I can continue my thought, Cole clapped his hands loudly. "Okayyyy! Enough talking! Let's get the next game begin. Come on Evie! I'm sure we can win this one right?" As he said my name, he turn to look at me, giving me a look that says 'you better win.' I roll my eyes at him and nod in response, seeing that I don't want to lose to Simona anyways.

Simona and I got onto the boys' shoulders as we get ready. I was determined not to let Simona win when Max leered at me. I will not give him the pleasure to mock me.

The game started with the four of us circling each other slowly, before Simona gave a battle cry and lunge towards me.

I moved away just in time as Cole tried to match my movements, making sure that I don't fall. It continue to be like this for the next few minutes, Simona lunging at me and me avoiding.

When Max decided to open his big mouth and say, "What? Are you scared? Stop avoiding."

My blood started to boil when he started to taunt me with taunting words, such as "coward" and "scaredy cat". This time, I was the one who lunge, which caught Simona and Max off guard. Cole got a shock too and almost lost his balance trying to hold onto my ankle.

I grab hold of Simona's arms and gave her a big push, she wave her hands around as she try to find her balance back, but when I gave her another push, she fell backwards completely, falling into the water ungracefully. I cross my arms in satisfaction as Cole whooped loudly in victory.

He dropped me into the water with a victorious whoop, as I suck in a big gulp of water due to the shock. When I resurfaced,I'm started to cough, trying to cough out the water. When Cole tried to help me, I hit him in the arm as hard as I can.

Immediately, his hand went up to his arm as the pain slowly start to sink in. "Owwww! Woman! Chill! We won! No need to be violent." He said as he rubbed his arm in pain.

"And you get me drenched wet." I glared at him as I swiped my hair away from my eyes.

"Ooooh... I got you wet huh?" He joked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

I raise my hands again, preparing to hit him as he cringe away, throwing his hands up to protect himself. "Ok ok ok! Sorry! It was just a joke! No need to be violent." He screamed in fear as the rest laughed at his pathetic attempt to calm me down and apologize.

"I swear if you annoy me one more time, you won't see daylight again." I threatened, as I put a sweet smile on my face afterwards.

"Geez. You have the face of an angle but the personality of a devil." He muttered.

"What did you say?!" I asked in a threatening voice.

"Nothing nothing nothing! Chill!" He said as he raise his hands in surrender.

By that time, Emma was hollering in laughter. I smile at her amused, as I watch tears roll down her eyes. "I didn't know that what just happened is that funny." I state, amused.

"Yea it is!" She said in between her laughter. "If only you can see Cole's face when you threatened him! He is so much bigger than you yet he is scared of you!"

Even Max snickered at that as Cole glared at the rest of us. "Oh shut up." He muttered dejectedly.

"Awwww... Did Emma hurt your fragile ego?" I taunted in laughter.

"No." He scowled.

"Oh. Is it because you don't have any ego to start with?" I teased.

At that Juliane snorted in laughter as the rest laughed and chorused, "Burnnnnn!"

"Fine! Be like that! Bully the poor, innocent Cole." He crossed his arms and sulked.

Before we can say anything further, the sound of grams shouting for me could be heard, "Oh Evie darling! Where are you?"

I sighed in resign. Great timing grams, just when I'm having fun.

"Coming!" I shouted as I got out of the pool, grabbing my towel and waving goodbye to the rest, telling them that I won't be long, that I will be back later, not having a single clue to the news that awaited me.

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