The Fate of Dreamland: A Kirb...

By neomeo

10.8K 311 905

A dark force is threatening to take over Dreamland, intending to shatter its dreams... forever. But a certain... More

The Fate of Dreamland: A Kirby Story
Meta Knight and Midori: A Formal Meeting
A Fluffy, Pink Stranger and the Dangers of the Miracle Fruit
Hey, it's the Lor Starcutter! And that pipsqueak, Magolor!
Magolor's Prank...and an Unexpected Voice.
A Trick Gone Wrong...
Tiffany Ebrum Comes Back to Town
Quick Author's Note :3
Portals, Vortexes, Worm Holes, and A Rift in the Time Space Continuum
More Problems to Come
A New Dark Power Rises
A Fiery Escape
A Shocking Discovery and a Familiar Knight
A Startling Connection
The Dark Essence
The Heart of Nova
This is Only the Beginning
Flames Galore and Pleas for Help
Finding the Rod... Part 1: Do Not Underestimate Your Foes
Finding The Rod... Part 2: Who Turned Off the Lights?!
One's Darkest Nightmare
Just a Little Case, Is All
Shocks and Situations, Oh My!
Damsels in Distress/ A Knight in Shining Armor
Out of Control
An Old Friend
Where Light Is
Return and Relapse

The Mother of all Lumas and a Purple Ribbon

277 5 49
By neomeo


“I’m right here, child.” Rosalina polished the tip of her wand, the golden star. “Don’t worry.”

A black hole stood in the place where the Galactic Nova had been, the air around it morphing into Dark Essence.

“I’m supposed to report back to the Star Warriors…” The Luma hesitated to go.

“I think I’ll go visit them. I haven’t seen Meta Knight and Kirby for a long time…”


Wait… no… that wasn’t Waddle Dee!

That was Waddle Doo!

“Hey, Waddle Doo! Get over here!” Tuff shouted.

“Urrhhhh….” Waddle Doo stumbled over, still pretty dazed. “Yes?”

"What's wrong? What happened to all the Waddle Dees?" Sakura asked.

"Well..." Waddle Doo sat down. "All the Waddle Dees were doing their jobs, just as usual. But suddenly, we felt this strong wind pullin' on us, like a-a tornado or somethin'. But the unusual part was this. There was no hurricane or tornado or anythin', only a mysterious dark-colored vortex in the sky. Anyways, the winds carried away all of the Waddle Dees except for me an' a couple o' others."

Meta Knight covered himself in his cloak, pondering this incident. Black holes like the ones Waddle Doo described were rarely spotted in the skies... Those kinds almost usually never formed... Unless...

"The only way powerful black holes can form in the Galaxy of Stars, the galaxy Popstar is in, is if the Nova is-" Meta Knight cut off his words, the conclusion too daunting to say aloud in front of everyone, but Tiff said it for him.

"Destroyed." Tiff shuddered.

They all stood/sat in silence as the news was slowly comprehended in their minds.

"Waiiit." Kirby cocked his head. "I've defeated Nova before though... But he didn't turn into a black hole then, poyo. So how could he be a black hole now?"

Meta Knight sighed. "I don't know, but I assume that there must have been an essence of Nova's heart that lived on, too weak to do anything but float around space and hope for the best. I also assume that bits and parts of Nova may have been salvaged by Galacta Knight or Marx..."

"But how... how did he just... get destroyed?" Sakura inhaled deeply, her hands playing around with the blossom pinned onto her head.

"Hey! Poyo! Look!" Kirby pointed at a floating figure in the sky. A floating princess, to be certain, for the figure had on a glimmering tiara. Meta Knight squinted, then gasped as he saw a golden-haired, blue-eyed woman possessing a certain Luma star-powered wand.

"That-that's Princess Rosalina. The Mother of all Lumas. The Princess of the Cosmos. The Lady of the Shooting Stars." Meta Knight stared in awe, completely unaware of the strange looks directed towards him.

Magolor smirked. "Hey, Dori, sounds like Meta Knight has a cru-"

Meta Knight and Sakura both turned to glare at him. 

"I do not have a crush on Rosalina!"

"He just really, really admires her. A lot. And wants to meet her in person. And get her autograph."

Magolor rolled his eyes. "Same thing."

Suddenly, a bright light shone through the open window they were looking out of, and the lady called Rosalina slowly floated down towards them.

"I have been anticipating this talk for quite a while, Star Warriors and fighters." Princess Rosalina calmly landed in front of the group and put away her wand. "As I'm sure Meta Knight already told you, I am Princess Rosalina, the mother of the Lumas. I came down here to speak to you personally because we may be in grave danger, both planet Popstar and the universe in general. A dark force has taken control of Nova and has destroyed him by making a wish that the Galactic Nova should transmit all its power to the wisher and ultimately destroy itself, creating a black Nightmare hole that could potentially swallow up the universe and turn it into a world of angst and fill it with previously unknown horrors..." The princess paused to catch her breath and waited for the group to grasp the full and possibly horrible reality they faced, but then King Dedede just HAD to come waddling over.

"I heard you talking to them peasants, and I heard you was a Star Princess! Allow me to introduce myself. I am the very rich, honorable King Dedede, ruler of them no-good Cappies and Dreamland! And..." King Dedede winked at her and took out a flower. "I might just even propose to you! I'm lookin' for a preeutiful wife, ya' see. And you just happen to be the one!"

Rosalina looked at him in disgust and dropped her kind princess demeanor. "Are you trying to chat me up? That is... just... disgusting and gross on so many levels! And WHY would I even want to marry you?! The Lumas wouldn't even WANT you as a father!"

"Well, well, well! I thought you was supposed to be a princess!" the penguin king huffed indignantly.

"I thought you were supposed to be an honorable king!" Rosalina spat back, getting ready to take out her star wand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold it, ladies!" Tiff yelped. "We do NOT want a fight here. The world is in danger! Save the world, and THEN you can fight afterwards!"


The ground shook tremendously, every brick of the castle vibrating to the point where it looked as if they were all going to topple onto one another.

"What the Dee was that?!" Sakura yelped.

"Oh no... what now..." Midori sighed, extremely tired. In the course of about a day, she had made a couple of friends, developed weird speaking abilities, visited another planet, almost died several times, found out lots about her past, learned that the whole universe was in danger, and then oddly felt like she was forgetting something that happened today... 

Meta Knight was the first to look out of the window, where he suspected the source of the tremor was located, and to his shock, saw...

"Ribbon! Poyo!" Kirby scrambled to the window and looked outside, eager to see the fairy whom he liked. As a friend, of course. Always a friend. Duh, poyo. Nothing more. Nope. Nothing more than a good, jolly friend. No siree, poyo!

Then he gasped. "Oh no! POYO! Ribbon!" Kirby jumped out of the window, floated down to the ground, and examined the devastating scene before him. Ribbon was lying unconscious on the ground. Her ribbon was stained purple.

Something had obviously made her crash-land face-first into Dedede's courtyard, which probably caused the mini-earthquake they had felt minutes before. But if Ribbon had landed that hard onto the ground...

"Ribbon! Poyo! Wake up! RIBBON!!!" Kirby shouted, tears steadily streaming down his face. This was bad... This was poyo bad...

Kirby remembered the day when he and Ribbon had saved Ripple Star from Dark Matter, when the fairy queen came back to her senses, and when Ribbon and Kirby had time to themselves... and when Ribbon pecked Kirby on the cheek...

Kirby blushed, his face momentarily turning into a bright Maxim Tomato red. Then he remembered the situation before him.

"Ribbon! Oh, Ribbon, please poyo wake up! Ribbon..." Kirby continued to gently shake the little fairy, all the while slightly blushing at the memory he had relived just a few moments ago.

"Stand aside. I believe I can be of help." The one called Princess Rosalina tapped Kirby on the arm and knelt down. "Your friend has barely survived a fatal fall. She is hosting many painful injuries, which is causing her to stay unconscious. I may be able to heal most of these injuries and soothe the pain." She took out her star-tipped wand, did some sort of complicated poyo hand gesture, and closed her eyes while taking a deep breath. Kirby silently prayed to the stars that Ribbon would be alright...

Suddenly, Ribbon's eyes fluttered, and she slowly turned her head towards Kirby.

"Wh-where am I? K-Kirby? Is that really you? Am I hallucinating?" she trembled and carefully observed her surroundings.

"Ribbon! Poyo!" Kirby cried in relief, hugging her carefully as to not arrouse pain from her just-healed injuries. "I'm so glad you're okay, poyo!"

Up from the window, Sakura, Meta Knight, Bandana Dee, Midori, Magolor, Waddle Doo, Escargoon, and King Dedede gaped and stared at Kirby, shocked and surprised at the sudden display of affection. Rosalina just smiled and started to hover in the air again, but then glanced down and cried out.

"Dark Matter. Her ribbon is contaminated with Dark Matter. Kirby, get away from your fairy friend instantly. I think she's had a lethal dose of Dark matter, and it may move itself onto you-" Rosalina said sharply, leaving no room for debate and unfortunately interrupting the romantic reunion, but it was too late.

Kirby suddenly gasped, clutching at his side painfully, his face contorted into a gruesome grimace. His legs failed him and he crumpled onto the ground.


A/N: Please note that the (Being Rebuilt) is NOW DELETED FROM THE TITLE.

Which means...

THIS STORY IS OFFICIALLY BACK ON TRACK!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD (for those of you who know what I mean. [my story got deleted before and I had no back up for it, but with a little (a LOT) help, I was able to retype all of what I'd finished so far!!!! :D])


*happy dance*

Expect the plot to go way uphill from here.

And to Infinite Kirbies and Beyond the Stars of Dreamland! :D


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