too broken /yoonmin/

By oblivionvoids

20.2K 1K 198

"You make it hard to love me." Book 2 Book 1: too skinny /yoonmin/ Started: Dec. 08, 2019 Ended: March 09, 20... More

Coming Soon...


762 38 10
By oblivionvoids

Yoongi walks into the living room of Jimin's apartment as the younger walks in from getting his mail from downstairs.

    "I think that's the last of your things, Jiminie." The older says looking around the apartment. "Are you sure everything else is garbage?"

Jimin's attention is too focused on a piece of mail he received to answer Yoongi.

    "What is it?" The older asks walking over to him.

    "Oh my god," Jimin says dropping the rest of the mail. "this can't be..."

    "What?" Yoongi asks as Jimin walks past him and sits on the couch.

The younger tears the mail open, his eyes widening when he sees the familiar hand writing on the cheap notebook paper in the envelope.

    "It's Soonyoung." Jimin says, his voice nearly inaudible as tears spring into his eyes. "It's from Soonyoung."

Yoongi smiles softly. "I'll take this last box down, take all the time you need."

Jimin can hardly nod his head as he chokes on his own tears.

Soonyoung's messy handwriting sprawled across the cheap paper sends chills down his spine.

Jimin-hyunggggg, it's Soonyoung. They finally let me write and of course I'm writing to you. I know my parents will be expecting a letter but I will write to you each week during my hour of free time. It has only been a little while but the more I behave the faster I get released so I'm trying not to let myself get upset. This has been my fastest recovery after relapsing and I think I owe that to you. I always hear you telling my to take care of myself and it makes me so much stronger.

My medication has been reduced and I only take a few pills a day, I don't even feel sick when I take them. I've been trying to write this letter for so long but I'm so excited that I keep writing a bunch of nonsense. I just want you to know that once I get out this time I'm going to try to be on my own. I think this is the last time I let this happen to myself, hyung. I really think I'm better now even though I said it before I mean it this time.

Write me back and make sure you tell me all about how you're taking care of yourself because I've been worried about you. Just let me know that you are okay.

I've wasted all my time now so I'll close this letter. We will meet again when I get released Jimin and we'll celebrate because this is the last time I get checked into a hospital.

I love you Jimin-ah.

Take care of yourself.

—Hoshi <3

Jimin smiles down at the letter, his tears wetting the page as he rereads the words over again.

Soonyoung sounded happy through the letter and he hoped that the younger truly was happy.

"I love you too, Hoshi." He says out loud, tracing the words under his fingers.

The front door opens and Jimin looks up at Yoongi.

"You okay?" The older asks with a sad smile.

Jimin nods, wiping his face. "He's okay. He s-says he's doing better."

"I'm glad." Yoongi says sitting down next to him.

Jimin leans into Yoongi's embrace. "I was so worried about him."

"I know. You guys will see each other again." The older says rubbing his back in circles.

"I know. I'll have to remember to give him our new address." The younger says. "He might get out before he's aloud phone calls, hopefully he is."

Yoongi nods. "He will be. Should we get going?"

"Yeah. Sorry." Jimin chuckles, wiping his face once more. "Just let me get the key and we can turn it in."

Jimin grabs the key to the apartment from the counter, looking around the empty apartment once more with a small smile.

He was happy to be leaving the small apartment and he was even happier to be leaving it with Yoongi.

He turns the key in to his landlord before taking Yoongi's hand and walking out of the building.

"This is it." Yoongi says to him with a smile.

"This is it." Jimin repeats with a smile. "I love you, Yoongi."

"I love you too, Jiminie. I'll always love you."

—time skip—5 months—

Jimin sits across from Jin with one leg crossed over the other, a smile tugging at his lips.

"You sound happy, Jimin."

"I am. I really am."

Jin smiles, genuinely and truly smiles at Jimin. "It's hard to see you go."

"Just know that I'm leaving because I'm better now." The younger says. "I'm so much better, Seokjin. I couldn't have done it without you and Namjoon."

"You're a very strong young man, Jimin. You have made me and Namjoon very proud." The older says. "I know we didn't meet by the best circumstances but I'm glad we met nonetheless."

"I am too." Jimin smiles. "Thank you for everything, you healed me."

"You healed yourself, Jimin. The minute you walked through that door you saved yourself." Seokjin says. "Please take care of yourself and never forget that you are strong enough to combat anything."

Jimin chuckles. "I'll call you every now and then just to see how you are, Seokjin. I have to work so I'm gonna run."

"Of course." The older says as they stand. "Take care of yourself, Jimin."

"You too." The younger smiles. "Goodbye, Seokjin."


Jimin leaves the room and he almost wants to cry because he feels like he's finally closed a chapter in his life.

"How was it?" Yoongi asks from where he stands waiting.

"This is my last session." The younger says, his tone bittersweet.

"How do you feel?" The older asks taking his hand as they leave the building.

"I feel like I'm moving on from a part of my life. A bad part, but I'm moving on for good." Jimin explains. "It feels really good."

"I'm glad." Yoongi says with a smile.

"Yoongs." The younger says stopping and facing his boyfriend. "I know this is really random but I just need to tell you that I love you so much. It's like we've been coming here forever for these therapy sessions and you've been by my side since the beginning. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, Jiminie." The older pouts softly. "You know I'll always be by your side."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Jimin leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to Yoongi's lips, the older kissing him back before they pull away.

"Let's go home." Yoongi says making Jimin smile widely.

"Yeah, let's go home."

This was everything the two of them had ever wanted, to be happy and to be healthy with each other.

They've seen each other at their absolute worse and even when they thought they'd never see one another again fate brought them back together.

Thinking back to the time where they were both so broken and so lost in their own pain it seemed like they were two different people now but they weren't.

Those broken parts of them would always be apart of them no matter how far away they got from that time in their lives.

Jimin's disorder would always be apart of him and he's prepared to live with it just as Yoongi is prepared to help him live with it.

They loved each other and their love was enough to get them through anything as long as they were together.

Jimin and Yoongi were always meant be together and they knew that now.

Jimin loves Yoongi and Yoongi will always love Jimin.




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