Little Angel

By Anyakumar

234K 12.2K 3.7K

Lan Wangji gets deaged. Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen takes care of him. More

Note: Thank you
Changing Future
Tunes of melody
Hopes and Dreams
Path of Future- I part
Poll: Please suggest
Path of Future -II part
Back to Normal....or is it?(Finale)

Second Chance

12K 637 79
By Anyakumar

In the morning all of them were shifted to a cottage two streets away from the place the rogue was held.

Lan Zhan was very excited but he tried to control it, because even though he was a small kid, his Uncle's teachings had been engraved in his small brain.

He asked Lan Xichen "Big Brother are we going home?" "No, Lan Zhan, we'll be here for a few days. We have to help the villagers in defeating a bad guy."

Lan Xichen told and made it seem like they were vanquishing a great evil, so that the kid will be happy and not demand to go back to Cloud Recesses.

After they had settled down, Jiang Cheng had gone to hunt in the nearby village and the two disciples were guarding the rogue, so he doesn't try to escape. Wei Ying and Lan Xichen were in the cottage taking care of Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan wanted to explore the lavender fields near the cottage. It was a very pretty sight and he had always loved nature. He requested them to take him into the fields.

Wei Ying was worried to take him outside even though he knew nothing bad will happen in the fields. Lan Xichen was reasonable and agreed to take him there. So the three set out to explore the fields.

"Look, Big Brother, Wei Ying, look, ohhh the flowers are so beautiful and the smell is also very nice. Do you think there will be rabbits here? Can we play with them?"

He was extremely eager and forgot all about propriety and pulled at their hands. He couldn't contain his excitement, because he has only seen snow and white.

Adult Lan Zhan has seen these before, but for the kid it was like seeing it for the first time.

When they reached the field, he started to run forward and Wei Ying's heart dropped the moment Lan Zhan left his hand.

He stretched his hand to catch him, but Lan Xichen stopped him, " Young Master Wei, don't worry, he'll be right in front of our eyes and he'll be safe."

Wei Ying scratched behind his neck and gave an embarrassed smile. "Sorry, it's just he's always been so strong and unbreakable and seeing him so small and vulnerable, I can't help but be scared for his safety. How are you so relaxed Brother Lan, I know you are also worried about him, then how can you not be scared?"

Lan Xichen gave a small smile and said, "I'm also worried about this curse but I can't help but be happy to see my brother so carefree after so long.

He grew up too quickly Young Master Wei, he never got to enjoy a childhood. I'm forever grateful to Uncle for raising us and teaching us cultivation, but he never understood what indulging a child is. And Wangji became a model student, so as to not trouble him or me.

I miss those moments when he used to play or just do things which gave him happiness. So if the rogue was true and this spell truly only will last for seven days, then I would be happy to give him this reprieve and let him enjoy this second chance at a happy childhood."

Wei Ying listened raptly, he always wanted to know more about him and he was saddened to hear how Lan Zhan didn't have a happy childhood.

After he lost his parents, when he was brought into Jiang Clan, even though Madam Yu was not cordial towards him, he had his Elder Sister, brother and Uncle for him.

He thoroughly enjoyed his childhood with so many adventures and trysts. Why, even now he didn't leave his childishness behind.

But hearing Lan Zhan's story, he wanted to give all the happiness and joys to Lan Zhan. He decided not to be scared of the spell and give him the small joys and experiences which makes a memorable childhood, even if it's only for seven days.

"Elder Brother Lan, I, Wei Wuxian of Jiang Clan promise you that, I will make Lan Zhan so happy, that he will never ever forget this. And if he's changed back after this week, the rogue will beg for his death after I'm finished with him".

Wei Wuxian said determinedly and Lan Xichen was shocked to see such fierceness. "Calm down, Young Master Wei, I'm sure the rogue was not lying and Wangji would be fine."

As they had been speaking, Lan Zhan was going through and field and was gently grazing his small hand over the flowers gently. He would smell the flowers, but he took great care to not break any flower.

He couldn't even think of harming such delicate creations. He turned back to see his brother and friend standing on the same spot where he left them. They did not seem to be enjoying the beauty and he didn't like it. He wanted them to enjoy and appreciate the nature.

He pouted and called to them, " Big Brother, Wei Ying, come here, look at the flowers. They are so pretty and beautiful. Come, smell them and see. Please don't just stand there."

Seeing his pouting face, Wei Ying immediately sprinted towards him with a huge smile and lifted him up in the air. Lan Zhan laughed and took hold of his shoulders.

(Pic cr: AhitaX )

"Wei Ying put me down and stop running, you will damage the flowers."
"Ahhh Lan Zhan, so proper, so proper." Wei Ying said shaking his head and bumping his forehead with Lan Zhan.

"But don't worry Lan Zhan, the flowers may look small and delicate, but they are very strong, just like you Lan Zhan." He gave a dazzling smile and Lan Zhan's ears turned red and he ducked his head, his forehead falling on Wei Ying's shoulder.

Lan Xichen was looking  astonished, because he never thought Wei Wuxian could talk so maturely.Lan Zhan wriggled down from his arms and started going forward. He suddenly stopped and bent down and peered between the plants.

He gave a small gasp and turned back. He had a huge smile that made his whole face glow. He ushered them forward and made shushing motion with his tiny finger, as if asking them to come silently.

Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian were intrigued and they tiptoed to where he was standing. They saw a bunch of rabbits playing around the plants and it was a beautiful sight.

Lan Zhan was looking at them longingly, but Wei Ying didn't dare go near them because animals never came to him.

Lan Xichen gave a calming aura and went near them with soft steps and knelt down. The rabbits looked at him with vary and curiosity.

Lan Zhan wanted to go near him but Wei Ying held his arm and gestured him to wait. The rabbits slowly came near Lan Xichen and smelt around him.

Finally after few minutes they settled around him. Lan Xichen gently picked a rabbit and cradled it in his arm.

He beckoned Lan Zhan to come near him and he went carefully without disturbing the rabbits. He slowly settled beside Lan Xichen and petted the rabbit gently.

The other rabbits didn't move much and Wei Ying thought that's because, the rabbits thought Lan Zhan was one of them as he was as cute, if not more cuter than them.

If Wei Ying was asked he would say Lan Zhan was the cutest and most prettiest creation of this world, but that's nobody's business.

Lan Xichen transferred the rabbit to Lan Zhan's arms and he cuddled it close to his heart. He was cooing at it and the rabbit scrunched its nose at him. He looked up at Wei Ying and moved his head at him to come near, but Wei Ying smiled and shook his head.

He was content to watch this adorable sight and his heart felt full to see Lan Zhan so calm with bright face full with a beautiful smile.

He has never seen such a serene expression on him, he was always silent but it was a cold silence, not this calm and serenity. He vowed to always keep this smile even on adult Lan Zhan's face.

Thank you all for your support and please leave your feedback.

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