Cranberry Vodka (Billie Eilis...

By 2brokeus

43.5K 1.1K 522

"So, you're going to fall in love with me?" I teased. "You know I don't fall in love Pumpkin, but who knows... More

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1.3K 34 24
By 2brokeus

Back in school I kind of expected Kacper to talk to me, but he wouldn't even look at me for the whole day, so I didn't try to talk to him either.

"Wait show me the messages again" Lauren ordered and took my phone.

"I love you?" Still can't believe he actually wrote that" Lauren laughed. "Boys be really out there thinking it turns us on to hear those words after like one date"

"We didn't even go on a single date Lauren" I signed. "Maybe he found out I liked him and wanted to mess with me, I don't know."

"But do you like him?" Lauren asked.

"I don't know, maybe?" I'm glad Lauren wasn't like pretty much the rest of my friends and directly assumed I was in love with someone just because I said they're cute.

"No. You don't chase boys. A man wouldn't tell you those sensible words over text one day and pretend you don't exist the next. Listen carefully: He ain't the one babygirl."

"I know,." I signed. Honestly I wasn't surprised. It all seemed too random and good to be true.

The bell rang and I made my way to my last period when I felt someone harshly grabbing my wrist. They dragged me into an empty room and closed the door. As my body was pressed against the door, I could finally register who it was: It was Billie. The girl from my music class. What the fuck?

I tried to pull my wrist away again, only for her to push my body against the wall more aggressively. I panicked and before I could overthink anything I punched her in the face with my other hand, to free myself. She looked shocked and carefully checked her nose with her hand. It was bleeding heavily. Her hand was covered in blood as well, which  seemed to trigger something in her.

"Bitch" she said angrily and the next thing I knew was me lying on the ground with her on top of me with furious anger. She fixed both my wrists above my head. "Do not EVER do that again" she said sour, "trust me you'll regret it". A drop of cold blood from her nose fell down on my cheek, but it didn't seem to bother her.

"What the fuck do you want," I asked trying to keep my voice steady. I was completely overwhelmed at that point.

As she said the next sentence, she made sure to look me deep into the eyes. "I want you to forget that you saw me or anyone else there on Friday. I'm serious, if anyone ever asks, you haven't seen anything that night. Is that clear?" she asked menacingly.

"And why would I do that" I provoked her, still trying to free myself from her grip.

"Because I tell you so, understand?" She said forcefully, but her voice had something desperate in it.

To prove once again that she was in control she lightly squeezed her hand that was apparently on my throat now. She was strong and surely didn't do that for the first time.

"Why do you want me to not tell anyone so badly? Were you cheating on your boyfriend or something?" I squawked and gasped for air. I knew it probably wasn't the best idea to provoke her right now, considering the position I was in, but I couldn't help myself.

Surprisingly she didn't get angrier. She didn't ease up her grip either, but she did reply rather calmly: "I don't do relationships Pumkin". I looked at her confused, but just when I wanted to ask further, she told me to mind my business.

Her grip tightened again when I continued to fight back and wiggled under her. My throat and my wrists which she was holding just with one hand above my head were burning from the pain, but she didn't seem to let go anytime soon.

It seemed like she wanted to say something else, but I didn't wanna hear it, I just wanted to get out of this situation. I was scared. Why didn't she let go? I needed to think of a way to escape, but she was so much stronger than me. I slowly breathed in and out to control my breathing, when I suddenly had an idea. I just needed to surprise her enough so she'd stop for a second and I could gain control of the situation and escape.

I couldn't help but laugh slightly at the thing I was about to do next. The irony.

"The fuck you're laughing at?" Billie asked with a confused undertone in her voice. Now or never, I thought. I slowly took another breath.

"Nothing, it's just, this is kinda hot. To be honest this kind of turns me on" I said as convincing and seductive  as I could.

"What?" She looked at me in complete shock, not believing what she just heard. I decided to take it even further.

"Choke me again daddy" I whispered and felt her body freeze. That was exactly the reaction I was trying to get. I started to laugh loudly as I took advantage of the situation and switched positions. "Surprise bitch" I smiled. Her face was absolutely priceless.

"Fooled you once, fooled you twice" I whispered into her ear. She looked incredibly angry and tried to free herself from my grip. "Nah Nah, I think I just hurt someone's ego," I said, stroking my thumb over her throat.

"Believe me, you're gonna regret this," She said furiously when she suddenly lifted her head and bit me in the arm. I screamed out of pain and loosened my grip. She rolled on top of me again trying to punch me, but I bumped my head with all my power against hers instead. This probably wasn't a good idea since my head was throbbing, and I needed a few seconds to reorientate myself. I looked up and saw that she seemed to be in a little more pain than I was which satisfied me at least a little bit. Yet I still didn't even know why we were fighting.

I ran to the door and wanted to leave, but she screamed at me and suddenly everything stopped. She pulled out a knife and held it against my throat. My eyes got big, and I stopped breathing.

"So, you wanna play huh? Then play bitch" she threatened. I didn't dare to move. I was terrified. Why the hell does she carry a knife even around? Is she gonna kill me? Wait no, we're in a school, she wouldn't do that, would she? I mean I didn't know her at all, she may be a psychopath. Tears were forming in my eyes and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop them from slowly running down my cheeks.

"What do you want from me?" I cried out, barely audible. She wiped her nose which was still bleeding a little bit. I looked down on her hands, which were now both covered in blood. When she noticed my reaction, she slowly pulled the knife away. "I'm sorry," she said and I could tell she was seriously regretting it. „I didn't mean this to get out of control like this, I just-" But she didn't get any further.

God probably sent an angel because we suddenly heard someone entering the room. Billie was quick to hide the knife, but the teacher wasn't stupid and immediately realized we were fighting. Billies face and hands were covered in blood. My wrists had handprints on them and on my face and clothes were bloody fingerprints.

"Get away from each other" He screamed pulling Billie away from me. "What is wrong with you?  Principle office, now. Both of you"


Hello, guys! I'm honored that you wanna read my story. I hope you like it so far. I'd be happy if you'd give the chapter a like!

Feel free to comment or contact me, if you have any thoughts/ideas etc. .

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