There's More To Her

By JappaSatya

23.9K 1.5K 406

Sometimes a love is so potent that it affects everything around them and sometimes a love story requires a ne... More

1. The Idiot
2. Confession
4. Birds of Feather
5. Sweet Consequences
6. Preparing a Date
7. A New World
8. A Touch of Fantasy

3. Understanding

2.2K 173 51
By JappaSatya

Akash Raizada was a far cry from his powerful, hot headed, and insanely talented cousin. However, Akash was just as unforgettable for his empathy and altruism .

No man would part with the only token of his beloved, yet Akash gladly parted from the dupatta, his prized possession, for Khushi. It was the one thing that had made the sweet woman smile on that horrid day.

No man would remain kind to their orphaned cousin who took his surname and attention from him. But Akash knew that Arnav had as much right on being a Raizada as he. That working under Arnav was not the same as being in his shadows - he was grateful for being mentored by one of Asia's biggest fashion tycoons. That Arnav, behind his masks of terror and anger, had been beaten brutally by life to become so.

Anjali might be Arnav's biological sister, but to Akash Arnav was his brother - not cousin. He knew him better than anyone else.

Did he?

Shame was too small a word. And it was not due to what Arnav had said about the incident at Sheesh Mahal. It was the unsaid that occured after that. The events that Akash was too familiar with; the gossips of his brother letting Khushi fall a floor down, the forced photoshoot, the near accident at the parking lot, the guesthouse mishap.

Akash had doubted his brother's sentiments for the woman he despised when he bolted off the house on that stormy night. He was not being heroic, he was making amends.

And Anjali, the sister he idolised, was not generous to offer Khushi a job. She was manipulative.

Akash took his spectacles from Payal and took a step back. He could not meet her eyes.

"I can't say sorry for what my cousins have done. But I am sorry for everything, Payal ji." He addressed her formally, as if they were back to being strangers - which was the truth. Today proved that neither knew their cousins - so knowing each other was out of the question.

"And I promise that I'll never ask you to marry me." He choked at the last word. Payal staggered, physically impacted by the implication of his words. How dare he write the future of their relationship? How dare he not attempt to change her thoughts?

"Please, it's not a threat. My family has disrespected yours in every way but I want to respect you, by heeding to your request." Payal knew she was doomed. Akash didn't turn out to be the man she expected, he turned out to be better than she had ever imagined.

If he hadn't listened to her, she would have wished he did. And now that he did, she wished he didn't. By accepting her refusal to marry him, he became the man she wanted to marry.

"Thank you." She whispered, which meant I love you. Akash nodded and walked into the car, opening the car door for her.

Arnav and Khushi, mutely, followed their cousins into the car.


Payal sat by the temple, dusting the idol of Shiv Parvati over and over again. Khushi stood by the door, a big bowl in her hand. After fifteen minutes she gained enough courage to meet her sister.

"Jiji, here's your favorite gajar ka halwa!" Khushi sat by Payal and gave her a generous portion of the dessert.

"To anyone who says that a man's way to his heart is through his stomach, he must have never seen a woman eat! What not have you forgiven me for this carrot dish! Remember when I spoiled your science project? Or when I stole all the chocolates you got for your birthday? Or to support Salman ji's friend, Himesh ji, I took you to watch Karzzzz?" Khushi and Payal winced at the memory of the film, it was the most traumatising experience of their lives. Payal could not trust Khushi for two years on film selections post 'Karzzzz'.

They both burst into laughter recalling how Khushi followed Payal like a puppy, a bowl of gajar ka halwa always miraculously present until Payal relented.

Khushi took Payal's hand, her smiles overwhelmed by her tears.

"Jiji, today, for the last time, forgive me-" Payal enveloped Khushi into a tight hug. This Khushi was the one Payal had known since forever.

"My sister would talk to me, try to understand me." Payal broke their hug, wiped Khushi's tears and handed her tissues before she could blow her nose in either of their dupattas.

"I do understand Jiji, but I don't know why I thought you were being stubborn. I didn't want to force you, I just wanted you to know how much Akash ji means to you... I thought you didn't know how you felt." Khushi confessed.

Payal kept their dessert bowls aside and held Khushi's hands, "Khushi, a woman can accept, challenge or deny her feelings, but choosing either means she knows what those feelings are."

In this turn of conversation about feelings, one can readily forgive Khushi for forgetting her sister's feelings and remembering hers. To violently deny them though. Especially when a six feet tall, boorish, handsome man was in question.

"I was scared that you were hiding your happiness. That you were doing this for our sake." Khushi mumbled.

"No Khushi, no matter how much I loved you all, I would never sacrifice my happiness for others. I need a man who can respect my decision." And with a rue note, Payal realised that Akash had precisely done that.

"Good. Don't ever sacrifice your happiness for others. It makes living difficult." Payal would have thanked her sister, had she not noticed Khushi twisting her engagement ring.

For the second time of the day, Payal felt her blood run cold. Those words weren't of a concerned sister, rather of a broken woman. In all the mess, Payal forgot that her sister was engaged, and to be married in a month if it went by Bua ji's will.

Payal touched her shoulder. Khushi shook, pulled rudely out of her thoughts.


"Jiji, I'll be back in an hour." Khushi sprinted off. For a woman who was aware of a cheap metal key, she didn't even bother when the single cut diamond engagement ring slipped off her finger and fell to the floor with a considerable clank.

Bua ji picked it up and yelled from the end of the hall. She waited until Khushi slowly slipped the ring. Shyam entered the hall and offered to help Khushi with it.

"No, it's ok." She forced the ring back and walked away, giving a polite nod to both Bua ji and Shyam.

"Aw, she's still shy of you." Madhumati gushed.

"It will all change after marriage Bua ji," Shyam grinned.

An unsettling fear settled in the pit of Payal's stomach. Khushi was far from shy, and Shyam's comment didn't reflect his earlier unease and patience about marriage. How hadn't she seen it before?


Arnav loved silence, unpredictability and accountability - but not when they were directed to him. Akash said nothing, asked nothing and kept firmly to his business on their way home. He behaved like Arnav, and in any other time or day he would be happy to see his brother aping his best qualities.

Except today. He wanted to talk, explain and be held answerable to the man who was more than a brother. One chance before he was judged, forever.

"Akash, what I did-" Arnav began.

"It's not about that." Akash interrupted, "I don't need explanations Bhai. I know you, maybe not enough to understand your actions, but enough to defend your intentions." His words humbled Arnav. And he royally failed today to secure the happiness of the one person in his family who expected nothing from him.

He parked in the garage but remained in the car, "I'll fix this mess." Arnav promised.

"This is no mess." Akash saw no reason to debate or blame his brother when he finally saw reason. The thirty minutes of silence gave him enough time to think about what went wrong in his relationship with Payal.

Relationship? Akash recalled all the times when he met Payal. There was attraction, respect, admiration, even love but not relationship.

"I'll help you clear the misunderstanding." Arnav offered, his eyes taking the sharp look which formed whenever a successful plan formulated in his head.

It was simple - he needed to go to the Guptas, convince them that they would ideally not find a better deal than that of a matrimonial alliance between Payal and Akash. If there were any doubts, he would guarantee that Akash would financially aid them as well. Akash loved Payal, Payal loved Akash - there was no need to waste further time.

In the society they lived, marriage solved everything. As Akash had said, there was no doubt about Payal's place in his life - which said more than what Arnav could say for his fianceé.

Akash placed a hand on his shoulder, bringing him back from his thoughts.

"No Bhai, there's no misunderstanding. Payal ji has said no, and that's enough."

"But you love her, you said you won't regret bringing her in your life." Arnav protested.

"It's a marriage, Bhai. A transaction based on mutual interest and possibility of profit for both the parties involved!" Akash got out of the car and slammed the door shut on Arnav's face.

Counting to ten, he waited for Arnav to join him by the front door.

"Sorry," Akash mumbled, fishing for keys in his pocket. Arnav gave him a half smile, his brother was forgiven even before he apologised. He rung the doorbell

"Bhai, Payal ji is not just the woman I love. If I'm bringing her to my life, I'm bringing her sister, her aunt, her parents, her values - everything! Tell me she won't regret living as a Raizada." Akash quieted as a flurry of footsteps approached the door.

In real life logic and example rarely followed each other in quick succession. To Arnav, Akash's understanding felt all too sudden, and all too true. But when the door opened to a smiling Anjali, an unsmiling Nani and a confused Lavanya trying to understand the difference between different kinds of rice - Arnav finally understood the logic and the unfortunate example.

Lavanya Kashyap was a force to reckon with. The same could not be said for the to-be Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada.

Akash has brushed away his discomfort with the modern-turns-sanskari program only because he believed his brother was a righteous, indestructible force who would let Lavanya become her old self once they were married. He had relied on the same shield to gain the courage to marry Payal.

"Do any of you have plans to enter Shantivan?" Anjali chuckled, clicking her fingers before Arnav and Akash. Once they sat in the lounge and had been served their favorite tea and coffee, Anjali attempted to dissipate the silence between the three of them.

"So how was your day?" She asked, preparing a plate of digestive biscuits.

"Di, I pay people to do that," Arnav grumbled, taking the plate from her.

"I met Payal." Akash said, keeping his cup of tea aside.

"I asked her to marry me." Like a wise sister, Anjali kept quiet, not knowing how Arnav would react to the news of Akash and Payal. Like a wiser brother, Arnav nodded to his sister letting her know that he knew everything and did not have a problem. Breathing a sigh of relief, Anjali grabbed Akash's hands, excitement spilling from her incessant chatter and smiles.

"Thank God Chote! First I thought I'll have to manage you, then Mami!" She rolled her eyes at the mention of her aunt, "But then since you agree, I can involve you into the plan of getting our younger brother hitched as well!"

"Yes, and marriage means that she'll be my wife. Her family will be like my own. Her sister, as my own." Anjali nodded, her traditional instincts proud of Akash's understanding of marriage.

Arnav loved Anjali too much to question what he had learnt from the Gupta sisters. Akash loved Payal too much to keep quiet.

"Exactly, what did she say?" Anjali asked.

"What any woman would say to a man who's sister blackmails hers for a menial job." Anjali stood up, dropping his hands like hot coal. Arnav stood up as well, with all intention to stop Akash. Anjali had to have meant well.

"Khushi ji said she forgave me," Anjali whispered, unable to look at Arnav.

"Her sister didn't." Akash got up and placed a hand on Anjali's shoulder. It hurt him to see his brother protect Anjali from a scolding she deserved but he could not judge. Arnav and Anjali so often switched between playing each other's parents that they probably didn't even realise when they did it.

"Don't worry Anjali di, it happens," Akash smiled, "we forget that people have families. Have respect. Self respect. It happens when our clothes cost twice of someone's ten months rent." Akash stormed out of the house, leaving a sobbing Anjali and a stoic Arnav behind.

"Chote, I truly thought that-" Arnav shushed her, "It's ok Di. I just wish that I was the only one who made such mistakes. Now Payal will never understand that Akash-" Arnav stopped. Payal would not understand, unless someone made the effort.

In a flash he picked up his car keys and phone.


"Di, I'll be back in an hour," He stopped on his way and turned around to face his sister, "and Di, I'm not upset that you did whatever you could for my happiness." Anjali sighed in relief and approached her brother but he raised his hand, gesturing her to be where she was.

"But, I had told you that the contract was no longer legally enforceable. And you knew that I didn't tell that to Khushi."


Work is therapy. Akash wished that was true. The two hours he spent negotiating the launch of the winter collection only added to his headache.

A wise man once said that words, like arrows, cannot be taken back. Especially the ones said in anger. And Akash was wise, furious and had a choice of words simmering in him all afternoon in the office. Hence he declined every single phone call from Shantivan, Anjali di, and even Hari Prakash, until he switched off his phone.

Unfortunately now someone was at his office door. What can a man do to get one peaceful day!

"Sir, you have a visitor."

"Rakesh, you know I don't want any visitors." Akash said.

"How about a friend?" Khushi Kumari Gupta, disrespecting all beautiful rules of privacy, entered the room and stared eye to eye with a shocked Akash.

"Khushi ji, what a pleasant surprise. Is Payal ji here? No... why should be? Khushi ji, I have decided to understand Payal ji's no, so there is no yes in the no. You are my friend, but I won't be convinced. You know how Payal ji is," This was another case of verbal diarrhea.

Victim, Akash Raizada. Cause, first love and heartbreak syndrome. Previously seen in Khushi Kumari Gupta.

Khushi wondered if this is how she sounded to her family members throughout her life. That would explain her nicknames and her sister's continuous worry of her health. Right now Akash would faint if not interrupted, as in the case of diarrheas, and her sister would have her head if she inadvertently caused the death of Akash Raizada.

Oh wait, even the Laad Governor would have her skinned, without any preliminaries, if anything happened to Akash. So, out of pure selfishness, Khushi had to act.

"... Payal ji was right. I had no idea Di had enforced the contract on you. Don't worry I have understood Payal ji's no. You do not, please, convince me otherwise-" Akash babbled.

"Stop! Hey devi maiyya, who told you I'm here to convince you?" Khushi asked. Akash violently colored and sat on his office chair, to stand up again, show Khushi the office guest chair and sit down back in his chair.


"No means no. But now that you've understood her no," Khushi began, "so don't you think it's time you understood her?"


"Coming! Khushi if you knock once more-" Payal opened the main door and stopped. Last she remembered, Khushi was not six feet tall, wearing a pompom free and colorless suit, with a beard and a permanent scowl on her forehead. Also, she was not a man.

"You're not Khushi."

"So I'm told," Arnav said.

If there were any doubts on Payal being Khushi's sister, her inconsequential observation, and the necessity to voice it, removed it. Seldom had Arnav been faced with female attention not directed towards them, especially when he was in their line of sight. But Payal had other plans, and other intentions, as she craned her neck to find the taller, spectacled Raizada.

And even more rarely, had Arnav been pleased by someone's utter lack of interest and disappointment in his solo arrival.

"Akash is not here." He informed her. Payal blinked at him in a way that he interpreted as I-was-not-searching-for-him-at-all. It reminded him of Khushi.

"Why are you here?" Payal asked.

"I need to speak with you." Arnav answered.

"I don't want to speak with you."

"What the fu-"

"What?!" Payal glared, knowing well where the last word went.

"Future. Of yours and Akash. He loves you."

"I have said no."

"I'm not here to convince you. I'm just saying that - damn it - Payal, not everyone gets the chance to marry someone they love." Arnav said, his words betraying his inner turmoil. It struck Payal, love, it's what Khushi spoke about and believed in but her current situation deprived her of the one thing she ever wanted.

"Ok, meet me in Happy ji's garage in five minutes." Payal instructed.

"Why Happy's - his name is happy? - garage?" His question was promptly answered with a loud 'Hai Re Nandkisore'. Payal raised her eyebrows, gesturing a conversation between Bua ji and him. Arnav was intelligent, he chose his battles well.

"Right, Happy's garage, in five."


A/N: Thank you for your excellent response! I am humbled. I'm looking forward to hearing from you all. Also, please stay safe and alert, not anxious in this season. Take care for your near and dear ones, especially the vulnerable populations. Keep up the social distancing! 



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