The Superior

By MrThust

37 5 4

I am making the story a bit different so i will be deleting it in the near future or maybe i will keep it up... More

Chapter 2: Rise Of the Cube
Chapter 3: Reborn
Chapter 4: The Take Back
Chapter 5: Fifth gen

Chapter 1

18 2 4
By MrThust

The Superior

Chapter 1

*explosion sound* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "SUPERIOR WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "GRAB YOUR WEAPON AND GET READY TO FIGHT!" (Mectro/John Belue) "LAXI HERE'S YOUR WEAPON!" *Scene continues, voice-over starts (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Well you might be wondering how we got here. I may have stolen something very valuable and very powerful. Yeah, I stole the Power Cube. Now I got the swat team after us." *The scene's sound comes back into focus* (Laxi Keed) "EVERYONE COME ON, THROUGH THE BACK ENTRANCE!" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "COME ON, HURRY UP!" (Mectro/John Belue) "Where to now?" (Dr. Oeesds) "I know, follow me. I've got an idea of where to go." *start running to Dr.Oseesds laboratory and title screen starts to play*

*all arrive at lab* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Now what do we do?" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "We hide, they will be coming here." *both bust open door* (Mich) "SWAT COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!" *Both searching around* (Laxi Keed) *whispers "Quietly, let's go." (Mectro/John Belue) "threw the window they got the door blocked" (Carl) "THERE, THE WINDOW" *both swats start firing at them* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "To my house. They won't think to go there." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Okay. When we get close enough we can slow down but till then we run"

*arrive at Henry Muller's house* (Laxi Keed) "Now what are we going to do? We're fugitives now." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Well, we can't do much" (Mectro/John Belue) "Hey chip, got any food? I'm hungry." (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "uh, yeah I'm sure I do." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "We might be here for a while, so get comfortable." (Laxi Keed) "what we can do is scout out for them, and I mean the swat team" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "John What do you want" (Mectro/John Belue) "I don't care."

*at Infector's base* (Infector) "So they got the power cube. That makes my plan a lot more complicated. Now I have to take it from them, I will do whatever it takes to get my plans finished." (Mich) *radio sounds* "we found where they are hiding." *radio sound ends* (Carl) *radio sounds* "where?" *radio sound ends* (Mich) *radio sounds* "the Oseesds laboratory" *radio sound ends*(Carl) *radio sounds* "Copy that." *radio sound ends* (Infector) "I've got you now."

(Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Here John, I made you a sandwich" (Mectro/John Belue) "Thanks" *knock at the door* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Everyone get down now!" (Mich) "Hello? Is anyone there?" (Carl) "Mich I don't think anyone is here" (Mich) Yeah, let's go." (Mectro/John Belue) "Why are they after us?" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Ok fine, I stole the power cube." (Laxi Keed) "WHY?!" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Because if I didn't, the Infector would have it now." (Lai Keed) WHO CARES IF HE WOULD HAVE IT." (Mectro/John Belue) "Because you stole the power cube we are all fugitives." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "oh, I'm sorry. I'm trying to save the world from extinction." (Laxi Keed) " YOU HAD TO try and prevent that from happening, but you screwed up and we are all taking the blame." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "No you guys aren't, I am. I'm taking the blame, they don't know about you guys."

(Infector) "You guys argue too much, I am only going to ask this once or I tell them where you are. OK?" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "What do you want" (Infector) " the Power Cube." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I'm sorry, we don't have the power cube. Heck half of us don't know what the power cube is." (Infector) "I SAW YOU BREAK-IN AND STEAL IT! So don't play dumb. Now, where is it" (Tinker/ Chip Grimb) *whisper* "What do we do? do we fight?" (Laxi Keed) "AHHHHHHHHH!" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I guess we're fighting our way out of this one"

(Infector) "Conase deploy the shield" (Conase) "On it." (Infector) "the shield is impenetrable" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Stand down guys" (Infector) "I won't ask again, where is the cube" (Laxi Keed) "Gaven, give him the cube" (Mectro/John Belue) "Yeah, It's either the cube or we're in jail" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Fine, *Sigh's* here's the cube." (Infector) "Finally I've got it in my hands. *Radio sounds* They're at the white house Mich and Carl were at" (Laxi Keed) "Crap. We need to leave now" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "let's go" (Mich) "Not this time. You're going to jail for the robbery of the power cube."

(LAxi Keed) "You see what you did Gaven. You put us all in jail." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I have a plan" (Mectro/John Belue) "You lost our trust" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I'm sorry but you need to trust me on this" (Laxi Keed) "Why? Why should we" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) *Reveals power cube* "I gave him a fake. We can get out." (Mectro/John Belue) "seriously, you still have it." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Yes" (Mectro/John Belue) "Why?" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "so we can get out" (Laxi Keed) "no. I don't trust you" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "If you guys want to stay you can. But I'm leaving." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "last chance" (Mectro/John Belue) "sure, go for it" (Superior/Gaven Belue) "Everyone grab on" (Tinker/Chip grimb) "where are we going" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "somewhere where we can't be found"

*At reservoir* (Mectro/John Belue) "What is this place" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "the reservoir. Me and Gaven used to come here when we were younger." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Ahh, those were the good old days" (Laxi Keed) "where are we going to hide?" (Tinker/CHip Grimb) "remember the stick hut thing in the middle, at the bottom" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "oh yeah, that would be great to place hideout in. For now" (Mectro/John Belue) "Crap. get down. Police." (Laxi Keed) "This wasn't the best idea" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "sneak back up" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Dang why are they there" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I don't know. Maybe a couple of teenagers" (Mectro/John Belue) "so we just wait it out" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Exactly" (Laxi Keed) "you still have the cube right" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Yeah Uhh, it's right here, err it was right here" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Tell me you didn't lose it" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I lost it"

(Infector) *Laughing* "You dropped the cube and now I've got it. By the way, how could you do me like that? Give me a fake cube." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "How did you know we were here" (Infector) "oh, I don't know, the cube gives off a large number of readings. It was pretty easy to find you guys" (Laxi Keed) "we can't let you have it" (Infector) "Well I already have it. Goodbye" (Mectro/John Belue) "Superior, That's what you want to be called. Well, You're not living up to the name" (Laxi Keed) "You're supposed to be a hero, but you let the bad guy get the cube. Now the world is going to end, because of you." (Superior/Gaven Gajer)"Is this the end" (Laxi Keed) "end of what" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Of the group" (Laxi Keed) "I guess it is"

(Infector) "Conase activate the Olouth" (Conase) "Right away" (Infector) *Talks to self* "Now to put the cube in aannd, there we go. Conase start the destruction process" (Conase) "Right away" (Infector) "the end is near Superior. I will destroy the world" *At the reservoir* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "so you are just going to leave me here" (Laxi Keed) "Yes, yes we are" (Mectro/John Belue) "Bye" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Bye." *Talk To self* "Well I can't just let Infector destroy the world. With or without them I will save the world" *At Infectors base* (Conase) "Olouth at 85% power" (Infectio) "Keep it going" (Conase) "once the power rea..." (Infector) "yes, I realize keep it going" (Conase) "the cities power levels are getting low" (Infector) "start up the arc reactor" (Conase) "Arc reactor coming online" *Beeping sound, Olouth starting sound* (Infector) "Finally, the Earth extinction" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Not today, Infector." (Infector) "How will you stop me, the Olouth already started" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I'll do it somehow" (Infector) " well, that somehow is going to be your death" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "So It will be... AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" (Infector) "Conase shield NOW!" (Conase) "Powering up the shield now"

*At base* (Mectro/John Belue) "Well who will be the new leader now that Gaven's gone" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "I'll be the new leader, and now that I am the leader I am going to say we are going to help Gaven and save the world. Because we are superheroes and that's what we do." (Laxi Keed) "Yes that is what heroes do but superior betrayed us, and I'm not going to save him" *At infector's base* (Conase) "Olouth is getting unstable" (Infector) "keep it going" *sparks and electricity start coming out* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "the machine's going to blow if you don't stop it" (Infector) "that is the point." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "This is homicide" (Infector) "I realize that." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) *low tone* "you're not getting away with this" *starts attacking Infector* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "this stop now" *Epic fighting scene* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Superior I'll hold him off get the cube" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Got it *To self* get the cube...get the cube...get the cube...GET THE CUBE. *Voice over starts* Yes I realize THIS is where I die, but I guess this is my story. This is my ending...I guess. Every Superhero has a way of dying. This is mine *Back to the scene* Tinker I got the cube" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Take it out" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) Get down NOW"

*Explosion from the cube getting removed from Olouth* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "NnNnNnnnnnaaaaaaa" (Tinker/CHip Grimb) " GAVEN...GAVEN...GAVEN WHERE ARE YOU. ahh, there you are. Are you ok?" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I-...I wo-...I won't make it." (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "What do you mean?" *long pause* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I'm not going to survive. At- At least th-the cube is gone now" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "You did well. *Long pause* You may rest now" (Laxi Keed) " Superior...Tinker. Where are you guys at" (Mectro/John Belue) "There!" (Dr. Oeesds) "are you going to be ok" (Laxi Keed) *Starts crying* "Superior don't die on me. Don't you die on me, Gaven. WHY GOD...WHY HIM *Quietly* God damn it" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "So you made it to the end. Everyone on Earth all got to live happy lives, so did the rest of the group. This is the end of the story...Or is it just the beginning" *End credits*

*End scene* (Laxi Keed) *Thinks to self* What if Gaven never Died" *Show Superior eyes open then movie/show ends*

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