Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMP...

By 5sauceeofsummer

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Traveling alone can be wonderful, you meet new people and you can do wathever you want because you don't have... More

2.9 - Last Chapter
Author's Note
F1 One shots


346 113 15
By 5sauceeofsummer

-I think we should get back home, Luke. It's getting pretty late! -I said.

-We could stay here, let's just forget what happened, okay? I'm sorry for ruining the whole day. -I could tell he was kinda sad so I just did what he was saying. After all, staying here doesn't sound so bad. I nodded and Luke smiled a little.

-You didn't ruin anything, okay? -Luke nods.

We didn't talk much after that. We just laid in silence in the sand looking at the stars and thinking about everything.

It's now three days after my "date" (that wasn't a date) with Luke. We only talk when it's extremely necessary and the air between us is always tense so we kinda avoid seen each other, which is pretty difficult when I live with him.
He was annoying again and I think he is kinda making me jealous because it seems like he is always texting someone.

Jade already knew everything that happened while she was gone and she is the only one I can talk about this now but I can't seem to find the perfect moment because when I try to talk to her, Luke always appears.

-I don't really know what to think, Jade. One moment he is being all cute, the next he is being a stupid idiot and now he is completely avoiding me. Is he always this difficult?

-I never saw him this way and when you told me about three days ago I didn't believe you. It just didn't seem like Luke, you know?

-I can't understand myself either because sometimes I miss talking to him and him being annoying as hell but every time I see him I just want him gone.

-Don't worry, girl. When he realizes that he misses you, is going to come to you running, you just need to make yourself difficult when that time comes.

-Sincerely? I don't know if I want that time to come. I'm a completely different person when I am around him.

-Don't say that! You know that you like him!

-I don't, Jade. -I said and even I didn't believe what I was saying. Jade just laughed.

I spent a lot of my morning just talking to Jade in the living room. I haven't seen Luke yet but I know he needs to come down sooner or later and I'm going to see him.

I started making lunch, just some spaghetti alla carbonara like the one me and Luke ate when we had lunch together. I didn't mean to make that happen and now I'm scared for what's Luke going to think.
When the lunch was finished I called everyone but no one appeared so my best option was to go to their rooms and call them.

I went upstairs and J was already outside of her room, ready to go lunch but I still needed to call Luke and I know Jade won't do that for me.

-Luke, If you want to eat, I made lunch. -I said closer to the door.

-You can come in. -Luke said opening the door. He was shirtless what made me blush a little.

-Do you want to eat? I made some spaghetti. But please put a shirt on. Nobody wants to see that! -I pointed to his belly and laugh. He laughs with me and the air between us didn't seem so tense now.

-You want to. Or at least you wanted three days ago. -He pushes me closer to him and whispers in my ear. My hand was on his chest by I quickly took them off.

-Luke, I don't want to talk about that now, please. -My voice sounded so sad and I don't even know why.

-We need to talk about what happened sooner or later, princess. You can't ignore me forever!

When Luke said that word, shivers were sent down my whole body. I missed him saying that for some reason and it's only been three days. What's going on with me? What did Luke do to me? Sometimes I just wish drama didn't follow me everywhere and sometimes I just wish things could be different for a change but now? Now I just wish things could be simpler... I just wish I could know if I want Luke close or far away from me... I just wish I could know what does he feel or what does he think... I just wish I knew how I feel about him. Things could be so simple but my life always finds a way to make it difficult for me

-Look, right now isn't the right moment. Can we talk about that later? -I said -Or we could never talk about that again. -I whispered, turning around to go downstairs again but Luke put himself in front of me. 

-We are going to talk about this later. I need to talk to you about something, Bella. -Luke said and I look at him confused. 

I know my name is Bella and I'm not confused about that. I'm confused about him calling me that? He never calls me by my name. And I'm also confused and curious about what he wants to talk to me about. 

-Can we just go lunch first? I think I made the best spaghetti you'll ever eat. -I joked so I can lighten the air.

-I don't know... The one that we ate together was pretty good too. -He laughed and followed me downstairs. 

-I can assure you this one is way better, my friend. -I said while sitting beside Jade. Luke sat in front of me. 

-Why are you shirtless, Luke? -J asked.

-I thought that I could be the way I want in my room but I forgot to put on a t-shirt before coming downstair. -Luke justified himself. 

-So I wanted you both together to tell you this but... I'll probably be spending less time here now. Michael and I are really getting serious and I really like him so I'll be spending more time with him but don't worry, I'll be spending time with both of you too, I'll just sleep less at home but I wanted to introduce him to you first... Can we have dinner the four of us? I really want you to meet him! -Jade begged. -And I kind of made a reservation at that Italian restaurant nearby to four people... for tonight. -Me and Luke at each other. I don't know if I'm ready to be at that restaurant with Luke again but I need to do this for Jade.

-Should we wear something nice? -Luke said to finally break the ice Jade left in the air.

-You don't need to but if you want, go ahead. You can dress whatever you want. Just don't go shirtless, please! -I laughed after Jade said that. 

-I bet some girls there wouldn't mind that. -I whispered while eating some of my food.

-Can I smell some jealousy? -Jade whispered and Luke looks at us while sucking in a string of spaghetti. 

-What did you say? -Luke asked confused about what made us both laugh.

-Nothing that you should know about! -I said. -You're being nosy! -Luke shrugs and continues eating. 

-You're right. This is better than the one we ate three days ago. -Luke said and I quick him behind the table what made him through a squeal. I didn't want Jade to know that later we are going to the same restaurant I and Luke went because I know she would want to change so we could feel more comfortable. 

-Thank you, Luke. But obviously its better than the one you did. You don't know how to cook. -I said trying to improvise a new story so Jade didn't realize what was going on. 

-I can make better than that! -Luke said getting into my story. -Unfortunately, It burned a little.

-What are you both talking about? -Jade asked confused.

-Luke made some spaghetti the other day and I told him I could do way better. He burned it and I didn't even knew it was possible to burn pasta the way he did. 

-I can do better, I just forgot it was in the stove. -Luke said and I smiled at him. 

We ate the whole pot and after we stayed a while in the kitchen talking to each other. For the first time in three days, the things between me and Luke weren't so tense. It even was kinda nice.

After a while, Jade left and I was alone with Luke again. I'm screwed now... he wants to talk and I know if I'm ready to talk to him alone. 

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, opened Netflix and watched some Rick and Morty which was probably one of my favorite shows there but I couldn't pay attention to what was happening in the episode. My mind was full of thoughts: What does Luke want to talk about? How is it going to be? 
I couldn't take my mind off Luke and my thoughts were all a storm inside my head. 

-Hey. -Luke said sitting beside me. He took a pillow and hugged it like he was scared of something. -Can we talk? -I barely could listen to him saying it and I wish I didn't hear that at all. 

-Sure. What do you want to talk about? -I asked and Luke lays his head in my lap.


-Us? What about us? There's nothing to talk about us. -I talk fast and Luke giggles.

-About what happened the other day. About what you said... about what we did. -He wasn't looking at me at all, only hugging the pillow while looking at it. I started to mess with his hair, a movement that was completely involuntary. 

-Do you have something to say? -I was not paying attention to what was happening on the TV but I was looking at it anyway, avoiding making eye contact with Luke. 

-You said you were falling for me. -Luke said and I finally look at him. -Is that true? -he whispered.

-I don't know, Luke. I don't know what to think... I don't know what's happening to me. I don't even know what I feel. -I whispered too like I was afraid of him hearing that. 

-Me too. -He said quickly.

-You too what? -I asked confused.

-I feel the same way as you. I don't know what's happening and I don't know how I feel too. This never happened to me before and I just wish I could figure everything. 

-Me too. -I sighed. 

-Let's just promise if we figure something we are running to tell each other. -Luke asks and I nod. -But I can't ignore you anymore. It was driving me insane not annoying you these past few days. -Luke laughs.

-Probably I'm going to regret saying this but I missed you annoying me too. -We both laugh and for the first time since the start of this conversation, our eyes met each other. 


HIII! I know it's short but I'm going to write even more today so I can post a bigger one tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please vote, comment and if you can please share this because I love writing this fanfic but lately I've been kinda unmotivated because I rarely have comments :(( If you can please help me, it means a lot to me!

Ly all <3

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