The Little Dragon & The Littl...

By MysticalLover02

47.3K 1.1K 507

An accident in Fairy Tail's potion room *cough* Natsu's fault *cough* turns Lucy and Natsu into children. Mas... More

Chapter 1 - Mini Natsu and Lucy
Chapter 2 - What did you call me Pyro?!
Chapter 4 - AH JUVIA!
Chapter 5 - Breakfast
A/N Tagged!
A/N for a tag
Chapter 6 - Park
Chapter 7 - Cold
Chapter 8 - Snow Day Part One
Chapter 9 - Snow Day Part Two
Chapter 10 - Back to Normal
Chapter 11 - Confess
A/N Thank You!

Chapter 3 - Hide and Seek

4K 112 28
By MysticalLover02

Lucy's POV

I'm so happy to be playing Hide and Seek. Before we played the game, Big Brother Gray introduced us to everyone so we knew their names. Natsu and I are 'It' and we had to find everyone. We stood back to back in the middle of the guild with our hands over our eyes and counted to ten. I could hear everyone's feet running to their hiding spots as we started counting. Our counting took a little longer since I had to help Natsu. "One...Two...Three..." we counted together until Natsu said "eight" and I giggled. "It's four dummy" I giggled and I could tell he was pouting behind me. "Four...Five...Six...Seven...Eight...Nine...Ten! Ready or not here we come!" we shouted as we took our hands off our eyes and separated to go find our friends.

Natsu was the first to find someone. "I can see you Reedus!" he shouted toward a pillar with a round person behind it. "Oh" he said with a sad expression and then help us look for the others. "Hiding is manly!" I heard someone whisper and then a "shh Elfman" behind the stage curtain. I ran up the steps and opened the curtain to find Elfman and Lisanna. "Found you!" I cheered as I pointed at them. "Great job Lucy" Lisanna said with a kind smile and went to help us find the others with Elfman. "Found you!" Natsu cheered at someone under the stage which turned out to be Wendy, Carla and Happy.

I noticed a trail of cake crumbs leading somewhere so I decided to follow it. The trail ended at a cabinet behind the bar counter and I opened the cabinet door to find Erza inside who was eating a strawberry cake. "Found you Erza" I said and she crawled out. "How did you find me so quickly?" she asked and I pointed to the cake crumb trail. "Oh" she said and looked disappointed. "Don't worry, you'll do better next time" I said and placed my hand on her leg. Her frown widened into a smile, "thanks Lucy" she said and then left to help find the others.

We continued to find until we found everyone except for Big Brother Gray, Gajeel and Pantherlily. We found Juvia in the pool, Cana drunk in one of her drinking barrels, Levy and Freed in the guild's library, Max behind the gift shop counter, Nab behind the request board and everyone else in different parts of the guild.

"Where could Big Brother Gray be?" I asked beside Natsu as everyone was looking for them. "Has anyone checked the storage room?" Mira asked. "Come on Lucy! I want to be the one to find Gray" Natsu said as he grabbed my wrist and ran with me towards the storage room. When we arrived at the storage room, Natsu and I split up to look for Big Brother Gray. I looked around large objects where he could hide behind while Natsu made a mess digging through crates and barrels. "Found you!" I heard Natsu cheer from the other side of the room. I ran over to where I heard him and saw Big Brother Gray climbing out of a crate.

"Big Brother Gray! We found you" I cheered as I ran over to him and hugged his leg. Natsu ran over and hugged his other leg. Big Brother Gray chuckled and pat my head before patting Natsu's. "Good job you two" he said and then we heard a squeal coming from the exit. We whipped our heads around to see Mira standing there holding a lacrima. "So cute!" she squealed. "Am I the last person to be found?" Big Brother Gray asked. "Gajeel and Pantherlily are still missing" I answered him. "But you were the cutest find. Here's 70,000 jewels for being the cutest find" Mira said as she threw a bag of jewels to Big Brother Gray. "This would be enough for the rent" Big Brother Gray said as he looked at Mira with a questionable look. Mira gave him a knowing smile and a giggle before leaving the storage room.

"Come on. Lets see where Gajeel and Pantherlily hid" Big Brother Gray said and held his hands out for us to take. Natsu and I instant grasped his hands and then he led us out of the storage room. "Is everyone else here?" Mira asked as we walked into the room. "Ok. Gajeel, Pantherlily, you are the winners of Hide and Seek!" Mira called out with a microphone.

"Gihi" we heard a laughter echo above us. Everyone looked up to find Gajeel standing on the rafters with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. Pantherlily hovered beside him with his arms crossed as well. Gajeel jumped down while Pantherlily flew down. "So where's our money?" Gajeel asked and then Mira handed it to him. I felt tired from all that playing and yawned. I tugged Big Brother Gray's hand to get his attention. "Big Brother Gray, I'm sleepy" I said as I rubbed my eye. He let go of Natsu's hand and then picked me up, holding me with one arm. I hugged his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. "It is getting late. Time to go home" he said and walked towards guild doors. Natsu followed behind and then grasped Big Brother Gray's hand.

As we walked through the guild doors Natsu spoke up. "Gray, I'm hungry" he told him. "Um...How about we get some hotdogs for dinner on the way home?" Big Brother Gray replied. "Yeah!" Natsu cheered while I was too tired to reply. We found a hotdog vendor and Big Brother Gray bought hotdogs for all of us. We finished our hotdogs by the time we reached a familiar apartment. I don't know why it looks so familiar but I feel safe here.

As soon as we walked through the door, Big Brother Gray laid me down on a pink bed and tucked me in. Natsu tried climbing in but Big Brother Gray picked him up. "Nah ah, you're sleeping on a futon" he said as he moved Natsu away from my bed. "NO! I wanna sleep with Lucy!" Natsu screamed as he squirmed in Big Brother Gray's arms forcing him to put him down. I sat up and started tearing up. Natsu really wanted to sleep next to me and I don't want to sleep by myself. Big Brother Gray sighed as Natsu ran back to my bed. "Fine, you can sleep together tonight" he said. "Yay!" Natsu cheered before Big Brother Gray picked him up and laid him down next to me. I laid back down and then Natsu pulled me into a cuddle. Big Brother Gray tucked us both in as I cuddled Natsu back. I closed my eyes with a smile on my face and then sleep took over. Dreaming of unicorns and rainbows.

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