My Promise To You

By ravensinging

18K 640 25

Cheryl is a teen with some issues Toni made a promise to always protect her This is based off the One Shot:... More

My Promise To You
It's ok!
i need you to be comfortable
Forever Has a Meaning
In a Heart Beat
I'm Gonna Be A Dad!
I'm a Dad!
3 years later
Day of Birth
Coming Clean
2 years later
Second First Time
Old Ways
I'll Be Ok
It's Not Living If It's Not With You
I Worry About You Blossom
All I Ever Wanted
Than Show Me
Thank You
16 years old
Anger Management
Back in Time
Love is Dead
You're a Good Kid
One Day Maybe
One Day
I'm Not Gonna Say Anything
Up and Out
First Day Of High School
Mental Health Check
Homecoming Fail
Oh... I Forgot
Button Down
Lost My Mind


139 9 0
By ravensinging


"Ben." I look at Toni as I get into the Hot tub. "What's up?" I ask quietly. "We need to put Jason in a bubble." She jokes. "Yeah." I smile. "Mom!" We both turn around to see Jason in his room with the window open. "Bud what's up?" Toni ask quietly. "I need help showering and Dani refuses to help me!" We both roll our eyes. "I'll be up there in a minute!" I grab a towel and get out. I walk into the house and upstairs. "Jason for fuck sakes cover yourself!" I look up. "You're about to help me!" He insist. "No! I'm putting a bag over your cast and getting back in the hot tub." I run downstairs, grab a plastic bag and run back upstairs. "Here!" I help him. "Shower away." I start to walk downstairs when Dani calls for me. "Dad." I turn around. She looks horrified. "What's up?" I ask quietly. "Can we talk?" She ask quietly. "Yeah what's up?"

"What are we gonna do?" I look at Toni. "It's her choice." I whisper. "She's 16!" She insist. "Can you guys stop talking like I'm not here?!" Dani gets frustrated. "How did this happen?!" Toni ask. "Well, I think you know scientifically. I don't feel like explaining it." She sits at the table. "Danielle!" She looks down. "I don't think you want to hear about my sex life." She says. Toni sits in front of her. "You're 16 and pregnant! You're my daughter! You're gonna tell me what happened!" She insist obviously pissed. "I don't know!" Dani yells. "Do you even know who the father is?" I ask. "Yeah. Because there's only one person it can be." I look at Dani. "You know he's gay right?" I ask quietly. "Not him I'm just his beard so Jason and him won't get harassed." I roll my eyes. "I heard my name." Jason comes downstairs. I look at him. He looks at Dani and nods. "I need help." He looks at me and motions to his arm. "Come on." I get up and grab a glass. "You guys talk." I walk Jason up to his room. "Meds!" I grab them from his bathroom. Dani and Jason share a bathroom. They have a connecting bathroom. They both hate it. There has been quite a few screams and 'Ew's the past few years. Usually coming from Dani. Jason is a guy and stands to pee and doesn't worn Dani. It's even funnier at 3 am when Toni and I can't sleep. Everything is funny at 3 am. "Did you know?" I ask quietly. "Yeah. She didn't want me to say anything." I take a deep breath. "Why does she leave all her shit all over the place?" He ask annoyed. "I have the same problem with Toni." I smile. "Who?" He ask before swallowing his pills. "Your mother!" He nods. "I know." He smiles. "Do you know what she's gonna do about it?" I ask quietly. "I think she was hoping you and mom would have an answer. Do you?" He ask quietly. "No. We just had a 20 minute argument about how it was her choice." I smile. "Figured." He walks back into his room. "What made you transition?" He ask quietly. I turn off the light in the bathroom before it's turned back on by Dani. I close the door. "A conversation with Veronica at 4 am after a long night of drinking." I turn around so he can change. "I thought you didn't drink." He whispers. "This was in high school." I tell him. "Why did you stop?" He ask. "A few reasons that you don't need to know about." I whisper. "Go to bed." He nods.

"What are we gonna do?" Toni paces around the room. "Well you can stop pacing around the room." I whisper. I pull her onto my lap. "Ow!" I move her off my dick. "What happened for that to hurt?" She ask quietly. "It's the way you were on it." She kisses me. "Do you want to?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I smile and kiss her. We both lie down. I quickly take my pants off. "Wait." I start to pump and get hard. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I smile. I slide into her. "Fuck!" I moan.

"You ok?" I ask sitting next to Dani. "No." She starts crying. "Hey!" I pull her into a hug. "There's nothing to be scared of." I whisper. "I'm about the get this baby sucked out of me!" She whispers. "You're gonna be ok." I whisper. Toni walks over with some paper work. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She ask quietly. Dani nods. "Ok. I need you to fill this all out." She hands the clip bored to Dani. She fills out the work. "Do I have any mental health issues they should be concerned about?" She ask quietly. I look at Toni. "I don't think so." I whisper. Dani gets up and hands the paper work to the person at reception. She walks back. "It's gonna be a 30 minute wait." She whisper. "Do you want one of us to come with you?" I ask quietly. "Yeah."

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