Hushed Affection (Ziam, Larry...

By AshleyKakeru

5.4K 94 20

*NOTE: This story is unfinished due to real life circumstances & writer's block Liam Payne is the new student... More

Ch. 2
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7


2.2K 18 1
By AshleyKakeru

It was a long day of helping his parents unpack in their new home, and all Liam Payne wanted to do, was sleep. He was late to move into his new home, the dorm building at his new school. After checking in with the principal and saying good-bye to his parents, Liam carried all his things to his new room.

He didn't even bother to unpack, he just laid in his bed, and took out his cellphone. He smiled sadly at the low lit screen. His friends had been messaging him since he left his old home and school. He texted all of his friends as more replies came in. I miss you guys too, he responded.

Liam sighed, put his phone away, and looked at his room for the second time. That's odd, he thought, I didn't even notice that I wouuld be having a roommate. Liam shrugged, can't do anything about that now...It's midnight, he's probably sleeping. He turned on his side, facing the wall, and closed his eyes.

"HOLY COW!" That was the loud whisper Liam awoke to. He jumped and sat up straight, looking to his roommate's bed. The other boy was blonde, as far as Liam could see in the darkness. The blonde looked over at Liam, "I have a roommate? Since when? My name is Niall Horan! Hi, nice to meet you! I'm the student body president, and I'm so glad I'll be getting to show you around campus tomorrow!"

Liam raised a brow. Niall was talking fast...almost too fast. He was hyper, and it showed. Everything Niall had just told him, Liam had to quickly process it. "Um...My name is Liam Payne..." He said slowly. All that fast talking made him want to slow things down.

Niall sat next to Liam, and Liam finally got a good look at him: Blonde hair, and blue eyes, and braces on his teeth.

Niall opened his mouth and rapidly continued to hyper-talk, "Nice to meet you, Liam Payne! I hope you enjoy your life at this school! It's going to be great!"

Liam cleared his throat, "Um...Yeah...Niall, why are you so hyper?"

"I had caffine!" The strange blonde sang out in a random tune.

Liam didn't know if he could trust Niall or not. How is this guy the student president? "Okay...well...I'll go back to bed now...thank you..." He laid back down. But as soon as he did, their door opened and a boy with curly hair walked in. Liam sat up again, getting annoyed and irritated. Can't the new guy get rest?

"Harrrry!" Niall got off Liam's bed and went over to the curly haired boy. Liam crossed his arms and watched.

Harry looked at Niall, then at Liam, "Hey new guy...I'm sorry for this one," He said, pointing to Niall, "He doesn't usually drink caffine, so he's kinda out of it right now. I'm Harry Styles, the vice president...I live next door with my roommate, Louis Tomlinson. I'm sure the four of us would get long as Niall doesn't drink caffine again..." He gave the Irish blonde an evil glare as he said so.

Liam blinked in suprise. This Harry guy seemed to be more resposible and nice. He definately could trust Harry. Liam nodded, "Alright...sounds great, thank you, Harry."

Harry put his arm around Niall, and the two turned away from Liam for a bit. Harry whispered into Niall's ear, "We have football practice tomorrow...You better get sleep...NOW. And don't bother the new guy too much, alright? You already woke me and Lou with your hyper active voice."

Niall nodded his head multiple time, "Aye aye captain!" Niall pulled away from Harry's arm and leaped into his own bed, and went under his covers, "Good night!"

And then there was silence from the Irish boy. Liam let out a sigh, "Thank God..."

Harry chuckled, "I know, right? I'm always keeping the president in line...Well, good night, Liam..." He turned to face to door, but stopped, "Crap..." He went over to Niall again and said, "Nialler, how about we send the shy boy tomorrow?"

Liam laid back down, still watching Harry and Niall. He had no idea who or what they were talking about, but he was happy he had least thanks to Harry.

Niall made a weird muffled sound, which Harry assumed as a yes. Harry nodded and walked out of the room. Niall was surely crashing on his caffine quickly.

Liam turned on his side again. Finally...Peace and quiet. I get to sleep and start a new school life here...But seriously...should I be concerned about this guy they're talking about?

And with that, Liam's eventful first night ended.

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