Tsukkishima wasn't the type of person who'd listen to someone else's problem because he thinks that his life has more problems. But surprisingly , he listened attentively to (y/n)'s story which actually kinda freaks (y/n) out but it's rude if she said it out loud.
"Are you dumb?" Tsukkishima said and sighed after hearing the whole story. "What?" (Y/n) tilted her head as she put on a confused expression. "Yeah , now I'm really starting to think you're dumber than shrimpy and the king." Tsukkishima said sarcastically.
"H-hey...that's rude." (Y/n) complained. "I mean , you shouldn't have listened to your brother and let him bring you down , isn't that easy?" Tsukkishima said. "It's easy for you to say , Tsukkishima. I don't think you even care of what people say about you." (Y/n) chuckled.
"That's because I'm not stupid and let people get to me." Tsukkishima snickered. "I get it , i'm stupid..." (y/n) sighed accepting her defeat. "That's why you should be smart and make up with your stupid brother." Tsukkishima said as he stood up. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going back to practice. You should go back soon and listen to what he has to say." He suggested and walked away. "Wait , Tsukkishima."
"Thanks for listening to me."
"I'm back." (Y/n) said after she took off her shoes. "You're back. I haven't had lunch. Do you want to eat together?" Wakatoshi asked as he walked up to the younger. "S-sure." (Y/n) said forcing a smile.
The both of them went to the dining table then and eat their lunches that Wakatoshi , surprisingly prepared. He rarely cooks for his family and when he does, It'll be something simple like egg rolls and rice.
But this time he cooked a perfectly smoked salmon , egg rolls , a small serving of salad , miso soup and rice. A perfect balanced Japanese meal.
"You made all of these?" (Y/n) asked in surprise as the older boy nodded in response. "Thank you..." she said and the both started to eat in silence. It was not until when (y/n) was halfway through her food that he began to talk.
"I'm sorry." Wakatoshi said. "I shouldn't have said those words and discouraged you back then." He sighed. "It's okay. I know you didn't mean it like that." (Y/n) smiled.
"Besides , I've quit volleyball because I wasn't good enough for it." (Y/n) chuckled dryly. Wakatoshi quiet down and put his chopsticks down. "Do you still love volleyball?" He asked. "Huh? I think so..." she said.
"Then that's just enough reason for you to play again."