Leather Jacket

By bunnybluewriter

21.5K 626 44

If the loss of her closest bestfriend wasn't enough she had to go and lose her family by a single phone call... More

Meet the Characters
Chapter 1 BIG
Chapter 2 Discovery
Chapter 3 Well enough alone
Chapter 4 Down hill
Chapter 5 Touch
Chapter 6 Protection
Chapter 7 Undone
Chapter 8 Bargain
Chapter 9 Baby
Chapter 10 Wish
Chapter 11 Cold Blooded
Chapter 12 Alive
Chapter 13 Idiot
Chapter 14 Right
Chapter 15 Relevant
Chapter 16 Over Drive
Chapter 17 I told you so
Chapter 18 Ready?
Chapter 20 Happier
Chapter 21 Normal
Chapter 22 Trust
Chapter 23 Trouble
Chapter 24 Love
Chapter 25 Go
Chapter 26 Mommy
Chapter 27 Blood
Chapter 28 On You
Chapter 29 Complaining
Chapter 30 Get out
Chapter 31 Die
Chapter 32 Night
Chapter 33 Love is the word
Chapter 34 Taste
Chapter 35 Worth it
Chapter 36 Safe
Chapter 37 Death
Chapter 38 Shindig
Chapter 39 One way or Another
Chapter 40 Full
Chapter 41 Turn of events
Chapter 42 Careful
Chapter 43 Complete
Chapter 44 Special
1 year Anniversary

Chapter 19 Lose

298 10 0
By bunnybluewriter

We pulled back breathless, both panting like crazy as I covered myself with his jacket.

"That was insane." He said sitting back ,with the biggest smile on his face.

"You're telling me." I said cuddling into his side while I could hear his heart beating so fast , that I was sure it was going to pop out of his chest at any given moment.

"I can't believe someone as amazing and beautiful as you , I get to call mine." He said placing a peck to my lips while I lied back down on his chest.


"Yeah?" He said , not moving a muscle as he started relaxing more.

"I love you." I said as I could hear his heart beat faster just by the mention of those three little words .

"What?" He said trying to sound calm but I knew he was bursting with joy on the inside.

"I love you. I really do. And I want you to know that." I said while he was stunned for a moment before I felt his hands stroking through my hair calmly.

"I love you too." He said , and I swear I could practically hear the smile while he said that.

I never thought I would, and it's not because I'm having his child either. But the fact that he makes me really , really happy. I've never been this happy before. Not even to mention that he just gets me in a way no one in my life has before. It's like he can read my mind or look into my soul. And I've never loved someone quite as deeply as I have loved him .
We sat like that until I heard his soft breaths in my ear as he dozed off, while I looked up at him looking so peaceful and innocent . And in that moment, I had no doubt in my mind that he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"Boss !?" I heard Tom's frantic pouding on the door as I pat Marco on the shoulder.

"Babe ," I said while he started stirring." Marco ," I tried again as he started opening his eyes , trying to pull me back into his hold. "Not now , Tom's at the door."

"He can wait. Come back. " he said while I tried to find my clothes from the floor.

"Marco!?" Tom tried again as he blew out a frustrated breath that our moment was indeed over now.

"Gimme a sec ." Marco said, pulling on his clothes while I tied my hair again.

"You good?" He asked approaching the door while I sat back down as if nothing had happened , while he opened the door.

"What is it ?"

"Something big's going down at the NightShade's . They need our back up sir. Right now." He said while Marco covered his face with his hand in frustration before walking over to me.

"I have to go Babe. They need us and they're allies so I have to. I'm so sorry. I'll be back soon. Lock all of the doors .The panic room is down the hall. Only I know the pin so I will let you out once I get back." He said placing a kiss to my lips before grabbing his gun from the table and running out. This might've been the most scared I've ever been.

Despite the image movies depicted of the idea of a panic room , their's were kind of homey. It had a bed , food , even a toilet. Which I could imagine being a problem when there's more people in here, but when it's just me it's not that bad. Aside from the overwhelming fear and - irony of the room - panic I felt to what Marco might be going through.  I now more than ever hoped to see him again. I couldn't bare to lose him . Not now. Not when I just found him.

Sitting down on the bed , I subconsciously placed my hand over my belly as I started tracing circles across it mindlessly , thinking if the baby would have his dreamy eyes or my stubborness. I started picturing every intricate detail of what I loved about Marco and hoped our baby would have from him. In a way it eased my mind from what was really going on , as well as thinking about him , holding our baby made me want him to come home safely even more.

"Don't worry. Daddy's going to be okay." I said while I rubbed my belly mindlessly. A click sounding and then the heavy door being opened made me jump to my feet and rush into his arms.

"Marco!" I said , not even noticing the blood trickling down his head. "Are you alright !? Let me see ." I said trying to access the situation .

"I'm fine. It's just a cut. But the guy's aren't. You need to help them Alice. And fast." He said grabbing my hand as we rushed downstairs seeing them all covered in blood , the one looking worse than the other.

"Um , okay. I don't really know how to do this kind of thing. But I'll do my best. Grab some hot water , towls and a first aid kid ." I said while Marco rushed out to get everything while I started looking at who needed my attention the most. They were all badly injured, loosing blood by the second ranging from gunshot wounds , cuts and head injuries. Ultimately, with the help of Marco I somehow managed to clean and bandage them all up before they lost even more blood.

"I did the best I could. But you need to get a doctor around here. Today might've just been luck on my side." I said starting to scrub the blood from the floor as Marco cleaned the walls they were leaning against.

"Don't worry. We do have one , he was just on another call tonight. " He said while I watched him. "I had the other gang take his help cause I knew you could help us . Besides , they needed the doctor more than we did." He said while I went back to scrubbing.

"Well , I'm just glad you're okay. I was so worried." I said standing up as he held me close to him.

"There's one thing you need to know about me Alice , I'm a survivor. And nothing will ever keep me from coming home to you." He said placing a kiss to my head as he held me close to his chest.

"Now let's clean you up too. Yeah ?" I said pulling back as he took his blood soaked shirt off , throwing it with the rest as I started cleaning his wound.

"You worry too much ." He said , not even wincing while I applied pressure to the cut.

"And I have good reason to be. Not only am I afraid of losing you. The man that I love.  But I'm also afraid of losing the father of our child." I said with a smile while I rinsed the cloth out. When I turned back to him , he put his hand on the spot of my belly where mine was the entire time he was gone.

"Neither one of you will ever lose me. " he said while he looked into my eyes , keeping his hand still on that place as I felt like I could just melt into a puddle by how much love I had for him in this moment.

A little action was needed. But if you need more. Just let me know. I'm sure I can work some things out 😉 thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time keep howling my wolves. ❤🐺

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