Nannie's Diary

By KeiLovesKohi

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In great need to acquire money, she's a woman who will do anything and accept everything. Without second doub... More

Chapter 1 : Destined Encounter
Chapter 2 : Fated Job
Chapter 3 : Meet Again
Chapter 4 : Job Starts
Chapter 5 : End of Contract
Chapter 7 : One More Chance
Chapter 8 : Come Back Home
Chapter 9 : Long Day
Chapter 10 : Musician's Nanny
Chapter 11 : Growing Bonds
Chapter 12 : Family Part 1
Chapter 13 : Family Part 2
Chapter 14 : Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 15 : Return of the Great
Chapter 16 : Overwhelming Emotions
Chapter 17 : Price to Pay
Chapter 18 : The Musician's Punishment
Chapter 19 : Weight On Their Shoulders
Chapter 20 : What Love Is
Chapter 21: The Discovery
Chapter 22 : Greatest Sacrifice
Chapter 23 : Meaning of Life
Chapter 24 : Towards the Future
Last Chapter : Nannie's Diary

Chapter 6 : Guilt

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By KeiLovesKohi

Jennie, during those days she served as a nanny and lived under Chaeyoung's place, is already used of waking up in her extravagant room and sleeping in a comfortable bed. She almost forgot how it feels like to sleep in her cranky old bed and spending a morning in an empty apartment room. She got accustomed with serving Ella and Chaeyoung their breakfasts as her day opener and now that it's all over, she feels indifferent staring at her blank ceiling as she opens her eyes to start a brand new day.

"Jennie! Jennie! I know you're inside! Get out of there!"

Jennie jolted up from her bed, startled of these series of loud and hard knocks coming from her door. She quickly wrapped her body with her old blanket as she's wearing her revealing set of pajamas and quickens even more as she recognized these yells of an old woman. It's the landlady and Jennie can never be mistaken for she has experienced the same scenarios within these years she's living in this apartment complex.

"Yes ma'am? I'm here." Jennie showed a sloppy grin for she knows why the old landlady is burning in frustration on such an early morning.

The landlady smacks the paper on her chest as she enrages, "When are you planning to pay your rent? You're already two months delayed and I tried so hard to understand you because I know you're having a tough time on earning! But this is too much! I won't take any excuses this time Jennie!"

"Hold on a second ma'am. I'll just go get some money." Jennie excused herself and went to check her jeans' pocket which unfortunately, only had few bills left. "I'm supposed to use this for my foods and needs..." She sighed while gaping at this few amounts left in her hand.

"Don't dare you escape from me!" The landlady warned as she saw Jennie standing still with her back facing her.

Jennie halfheartedly walked back to the landlady and though it pains her, she hands over the bills and utters, "This is all I have. Please accept it as my payment for now. I promise I'll pay you within the week."

"This isn't even enough for a month rent! If you cannot pay within today, I'm sorry but I have to kick you out of here!" The landlady complained as she shouted, causing some neighboring tenants to close their windows in order not to hear Jennie being shamed.

"Sorry, I'll do my best to pay you until tonight. Please give me time." Jennie bowed down.

The landlady however interrogates strict, "How am I sure that you will even come back to pay?"

"Excuse me, what's happening here?"

Jennie straightened herself and found a fine tall woman in disguise. For the landlady she's a mystery but Jennie immediately recognized Lisa underneath that signature bucket hat she always uses when wandering around out of her schedules. Her presence is unexpected, needless to say, and Jennie can only stand there lowering down her head in humiliation.

"Who are you?" The annoyed landlady asked the supermodel in disguise.

Lisa proudly introduces herself, "I'm her friend and I'm here for a visit."

"Tell your friend right here to pay her two months' worth of rent within today or else I'll throw her out!" The landlady vented it out to the clueless supermodel.

Lisa, while looking at Jennie whose eyes cannot even lift up to look up on her, she carefully questions the old lady, "How much does she have to pay you?"

The landlady handed the document for Lisa to check it herself. Without saying anything anymore, as soon as Lisa checked the balance, she brought out her wallet and took out the amount that the landlady has been asking. The money came out of Lisa's wallet like a candy she's willing to give away to anyone, like a chocolate bar she wouldn't even ask why she's being asked for it.

"Wait..." Obviously, the poor Jennie is shocked by this act and gazed at Lisa's eye smile hiding beneath her hat.

"I'll pay for everything. Is that enough? Or does she have anything more to pay from you so I can also settle it?" Lisa asked the landlady and ignored Jennie's protest she couldn't even utter.

The landlady counted in front of them and later with a satisfied smile she confirms, "Yes, this is enough. Jennie never told me she got a rich friend to rescue her. If I only knew then I would have also asked you to pay since then young one."

The landlady left giggling and endlessly counting the money until she disappeared from their sight. Jennie can only feel so embarrassed in front of a world known supermodel, though her friend as proclaimed by Lisa. She never asked to be rescued, yet at the same time it came at a right time when she desperately needed it. Jennie wouldn't dare to ask Lisa for help yet again, what a blessing.

"Thank you, Lisa." Jennie formally bowed down. "I'll pay it back as soon as I've earned enough. I'm just in a pinch right now so I don't really have any too." She then said regrettably.

"Don't mind about it. You don't have to pay me back. And besides, you have loans and debts to pay, right? Just focus on those at least for this month." Lisa winked but Jennie gave her a confused look and thus Lisa immediately clarifies, "Oh, I heard a little bit about your situation from Chaeyoung that's why I knew about loans and debts thing."

"Is that so?" Jennie sighed.

"Also, I heard what happened from her too, that she fired you after the accident with her guitar and trophy racks. She ranted to me about everything so yeah..." Lisa spoke cautious for Jennie is at her grimace.

Jennie forces out a smile, "There's nothing much I can do about it. Everything happens for a reason, I believe. We weren't getting along well from the start, even with Chaeyoung. And maybe I'm not really qualified to be in that position, to be a perfect nanny for Ella."

"Will you be alright? Have you found a new job?" Lisa asked anxious for she can detect that Jennie is forcing herself to stay positive with those uncomfortable grins.

Jennie though dejectedly shakes her head, "I haven't found a new one actually. But I'll be out all day again to search a new one."

"If you want..." Lisa stepped closer to her. "...I can give you a new job. Are you in?" She smirked.

Naturally Jennie asks eager, "What is it? Tell me and I'm on it!"

"Do you want to become my personal assistant? I'm actually looking for one because my agency told me that I need to have at least one because I've been travelling in and out of the country a lot and that I need someone to tag along with me all the time to check on me. So, I thought that you're perfect for the job and I'd prefer to have you since we know each other already." Lisa explained.

"Oh..." Jennie was put into a pause.

Indeed, it's a great offer. The salary is surely huge, the benefits will be superb and in addition, Jennie will get to travel out of the country with a supermodel. Being Lisa's personal assistant will also get Jennie to know other models she works with. Everything sounds great and satisfying. However, for some reason Jennie is still contemplating and couldn't give a straight and immediate answer.

"Is it a no?" Lisa had to ask for Jennie spaced out in front of her.

Jennie blinked her eyes as she goes back to the reality. "Can you give me time to think about it? I'm thankful that you're offering me such an important job but I think I need more time to think about this." She humbly asked in return.

"I understand. Is it alright if I give you two days to think about it? The position is quite urgent so I also have to get an answer from you as soon as possible." Lisa pleaded.

To which Jennie assures, "Yeah sure. Two days..."

"I'll be expecting an answer from you and I'll meet you again soon. Don't be so hard on yourself, okay?"

Lisa gave the older yet shorter woman a pat in the head before she walked out in order to comfort her and somehow it does worked a little. Jennie has been constantly worried about what happened and how Ella is doing after that day she sacrificed for her. Though Jennie isn't asking anything in return from the young girl, she genuinely thinks of her safety.

"Ella sure annoys me but I can't help but to worry about her. I hope she doesn't feel bad anymore." Jennie thought and went to start her hectic day on job-hunting once again.

As bothered as she can be is Chaeyoung whose day is starting with an emergency meeting, rather than going straight to prepare her upcoming album. She's still fuming of what happened to her guitar and definitely this won't go away anytime soon. However, at the same time, she cannot take it off her mind how she sent Jennie away so easily without thinking twice, how her flaring heart chose not to be softened by Jennie's painful and hurtful situation as well.

"Why the hell did you fire the nanny?" This was the welcome greeting of an executive as he entered the meeting room, not even minding to start anything properly.

"And what about it?" Chaeyoung argued but stayed calm in her seat.

The executive rolled his eyes and expresses in dismay, "I heard what happened from your manager and yes the nanny did make a mistake for accidentally wrecking your precious guitar and ruining your place. But really Chaeyoung, is firing her the only option you have?"

"I had no choice! Ella also doesn't like her and Ella was almost hurt that day too. I do admit she's doing a great job up until she did that mistake and everything changed. I cannot afford to let her make such more mistake in the future especially when Ella is involved." Chaeyoung reasoned out and went up on her seat to contend her point.

"Did you ever think of the consequences before firing her?" He questioned and Chaeyoung was put into a silence. "Jennie already invaded your space. She already knows a lot about you and perhaps she might have gathered something that she can use against you. If Jennie decides to go out there and expose anything she knows about you and can go against you, your anticipated comeback will be ruined and your career will be at stake!" He strictly reminded and groaned in disappointment towards their musician.

It's only then that Chaeyoung recalled Jennie does have something with her that might end her career in a snap. Jennie still has that evidence of them kissing and her groping on the floor, somewhere stored in her phone, at least that's what Chaeyoung believed. Though it's a false accusation, this kind of uproar will cause different opinions throughout the internet and in a blink of an eye, her life would be a circus.

However, Chaeyoung holds onto her pride as she highly contends, "I don't care if she does something to me. I didn't do anything wrong and I'm certain that people will believe me and not someone like her!"

"Chaeyoung..." The manager entered and witnessed Chaeyoung's rants. He glared at her disappointed and voices out, "I've been working for you for how many years now and I know you're not this kind of person who would talk things like this to someone, even if they did something wrong. What's going on with you?"

"I also felt bad that I had to fire her but Ella is involved. I just cannot stay and pretend like I'm an angel all the time when I see her getting hurt. I have to protect Ella. I don't even want a single mosquito to bite her. I don't even want her to get the tiniest scratch." Chaeyoung frowned.

Chaeyoung, for the people working for the company and for her, has always been known as sweet and soft-spoken, humble as well, regardless if they are rich or poor. She lets mistakes slide and she can overlook it as she's known to be someone who is understanding, after all she came from a scratch and zero. Yet, meeting Jennie and protecting Ella at all cost are bringing out everything in her that no one has seen so far.

"We have a problem!" A staff came rushing in urgency, out of breath as she approached Chaeyoung.

"Why? What happened?" The worried Chaeyoung asked.

The staff pants as she discloses, "A guard from Ella's school reported that she didn't attend her afternoon classes and she was seen escaping during lunch break. They tried to chase her but she quickly took a cab and drove away. No one knows where she's going."

"What?" Chaeyoung thundered and without hesitations she grabbed her car keys.

But before she totally gets out of the meeting room, the executive stopped her, "Where do you think you're going Chaeyoung? You have to meet the CEO today about your album!"

"I don't have time for that! Ella is missing and I have to go and find her first!" Chaeyoung yelled and stormed out of the building before anyone could stop her more.

By this time of the day, Jennie imagined herself cleaning Ella's room before she arrives as she's coming back from school. She would be given those cold shoulders and empty face, ignores her and won't say a word until Chaeyoung arrives from a tiring day as well. Today none of those things are happening as Jennie is set on reconstructing her path, seeking for a brand new start with a brand new job she's yet to find.

Taking as stopover, Jennie visits Jisoo's workplace as her supervisor best friend also just started her shift for the day. In here she decided to take a rest as her headache is once again striking her hard, giving her a difficult time to be even moving on with the next company she's going to take on. Jennie believes that the weather has been wild, thus making her feel frequently unwell.

Coming back from the back office with a glass of water, Jisoo suggests to her best friend who is standing by the counter area, "If you cannot find better jobs here, why don't you try applying one abroad? Salaries might be higher compared here. Even if you're just a cleaner or a waitress, you might be able earn more than here. There are agencies out there offering free processing and you'll just pay them later on."

"I already have a lot of debts to pay unnie. I can't afford to add more by applying abroad." Jennie breathed big after those huge gulps on her water. Then she proceeds on sharing, "Actually, Lisa offered me to become her personal assistant. I haven't given her my answer."

"Really? Then that's great! You should take it!" Jisoo encouraged but Jennie let out a sigh. "Why?" And so she asked.

"I know it's a great deal but I'm quite not sure about it." Jennie confessed. "It's true that it's a rare offer and I'm lucky that I was even considered for it but I don't think it's not so right to take it." She opened up these considerations that have been bothering her.

Jisoo then realizes, "Oh yeah, she's Chaeyoung's best friend and it would be kind of awkward and not so comfortable if you work for her and might be disturbing if Chaeyoung finds out about it, that Ella's former nanny is working for her best friend."

"Well, yeah. That's one of the reasons but there's a part of me that I cannot explain more. I cannot put it into words." Jennie groaned as she cannot dig into this burden, as if there's more to her that makes it tough to accept Lisa's offer.

However, whenever she feels this way, Chaeyoung's image also appears in her mind at the same time, that one particular picture of her when she smiled because she loved the dishes she cooked for them. Jennie finds this odd and weird, hence she shakes her head whenever she feels this way so she can end it and remove her mind off from Chaeyoung.

"That aside..." Jisoo kicked Jennie's thoughts away as she goes back to the topic, "...that supermodel has been extraordinarily concerned about you, don't you think so? She constantly worries about you and she finds ways to keep you employed too."

"She said it herself that she wants to be a friend to us maybe that's why she just wants to help us out." Jennie alleged as she simply answered it without feeling the thrill unlike what Jisoo expected her to react.

"Oh c'mon, it's impossible you're not feeling anything. Lisa obviously likes you; I mean romantically likes you." Jisoo had to say it straight for Jennie to pick up.

Jennie though shrugs the idea off with a laugh, "Stop it unnie. She really is nice and down to Earth but there's no way that she'll like me in that way you're thinking of. And even if she does, I'm not down to be in any sorts of relationships yet, may it be closed or open or whatever they want to call it."

"Boo~ you're boring..." Jisoo pouted.

"I have bigger problems to think of unnie. Love life isn't on my list yet." Jennie ended the talk of love as she starts to fix herself again to continue her day.

She retouches her light make-up, dried her sweat from all over and tied her hair in a bun to look neater for the employers' eyes. "You're going again?" Jisoo asked as she watched her best friend preparing and fixing her papers again.

"I have to." Jennie simply said and took off with a short wave of goodbye.

Jennie proceeds on her day under the sun's heat hoping for a miracle to come upon her and grant that job she needs so bad, whatever it is. It's just like her routine before Chaeyoung hired her is being repeated. Restaurants decline for they aren't hiring, factories reject her for she isn't physically qualified and so on, rejections from one to another.

As she's walking exhausted along the quieter streets of the town near the riverbanks, someone shouts at her name from behind, "Hey Jennie Kim!" The voice sounded too young for it to be from someone who is older than her or at the same age. Hence, wondering who this brave young one informally calling her out is, Jennie twisted her head and that's when she's shocked of who's before her eyes.

"Ella?" Jennie's eyes widened and in haste she approached her but gently pulled her to a corner where no one could see them. "What are you doing here all alone? Does Chaeyoung know you're here? I thought you have school at this hour. It's dangerous for you to be roaming on your own especially that some of the public knows you, particularly Chaeyoung's big fans. What if they saw you and you get into trouble?" She grilled the young girl at once.

Ella looked away from her, pouting as she softly utters, "Chaeng-unnie doesn't know. I escaped from school."

"And why is that young one?" Jennie crossed her arms and stood tall in front of the guilty Ella.

"I wanted to talk to you and ask you something. I've been searching everywhere and I'm lucky I found you." Ella confessed, blushing out of embarrassment.

Ella isn't in her usual cold and sassy attitude and now that Jennie thinks of it, this is the first time Ella talks to her without having an attitude, rather she's showing her soft and reserved personality that Jennie finds so cute she couldn't help herself but to snort. If Ella is this shy and introverted, who wouldn't want to give her a chance to talk?

Giving in, Jennie nods and points by the grasses near the riverbank, "Let's go and sit there. No one's around and it's better to have a sit while we talk. This unnie of yours is also tired from walking all day so join me."

With her baby steps, Ella followed Jennie but ensured that there's at least a meter space between them as she still somehow feels new with Jennie's presence. This young girl never tried to have a one-on-one talk with anyone else aside from Chaeyoung, not even with Lisa who's the latter's best friend and not even at school where she's always around a group of friends.

"So..." Jennie started when she saw Ella settled and relaxed on her side. "What is it that you want to talk about that you cut your classes and looked for me?" She quizzed yet watchful not to scare the girl away.

Ella fidgets her fingers together by her lap and pronounces while looking far to the river, "Why did you lie to Chaeng-unnie?"

"About what?" Jennie played dumb so she can have Ella to take her bravery out.

"You know what I'm talking about." Ella whined and brought Jennie into a soft giggle. "Why didn't you tell Chaeng-unnie about the truth that it was me who accidentally bumped into the rack and that I was the one who caused all the mess? Why did you have to tell her it was you?" She nagged and looked back to the river right after, afraid to be seen fearful.

Jennie sighs heavy, "If I didn't do that you probably pissed your pants right on that moment."

"What did you say?" The embarrassed Ella argued.

"You saw how she got mad, right? You couldn't even say a word at all and you were terribly shaking. You were sweating a lot not to mention too. Now tell me, during that time, would you really be able to handle Chaeyoung's wrath?" Jennie questioned closely and Ella's lips trembled, unable to find anything to return. "See? Even now that you're being reminded, you cannot do anything."

Ella curled, hugging her folded knees and buried her face under her folded arms. "It's scary. Chaeng-unnie was scary that day. I know how that guitar is so precious to her. She always tells me the story about it and she's always using that whenever she practices and also used it on her recordings. Her trophies are something she worked hard on. Yet, because of me everything vanished. I knew she would be mad, but I never thought it would be on that extent." She finally admitted and sobbed in her arms.

"Even I am shocked." Jennie opened up her thoughts and cautiously moved closer to Ella so she can put an arm around her shoulders to comfort her. "But you know, it's okay now. Besides, I don't want you to be scolded like that. You're too young to be traumatized and it was an accident. You didn't mean to destroy anything so don't feel guilty about anything. I can always find a new job. This country is too huge and surely there's one for me." She gently whispered.

"Aren't you going to tell Chaeng-unnie about the truth?" Ella looked up and revealed her red eyes.

Jennie dried her drenched face from her tears and smiles, "I don't think that's needed. I'm fired anyways and there's no use even if I tell her. What's done is done. Let's just move on."

"But..." Ella frowned.

Jennie stretched up on her feet and settles, "C'mon, I'll take you back to your home. Chaeyoung must have heard about you escaping from your classes and might be worrying already."

Ella also followed and all she can do is to nod, "Yeah..."

And as they walk together, Jennie expresses beaming wide, "You know Ella, you look a lot cuter and more beautiful when you're not cold. Thank you for letting me properly talk to you at least once."

Because Ella has been aloof and distant to Jennie, she had never seen Jennie's genuine care and concern before. Because all she thought was Jennie is a nuisance and useless, she's only discovering her real acts of kindness at this moment in time they had a proper talk. At last, Ella finally realized and learned that after all, Jennie is a sincere nanny she once had.

Throughout the taxi ride, they didn't exchange a word for Jennie is busy checking her phone and the magazine in her hands for more jobs she can apply to, whereas Ella is in her deep thoughts while taking quick glances over to Jennie to see what she's doing. Until they reached the exclusive compound of the condominium building, Jennie used her remaining money from her wallet to pay the fare and not letting the young girl to take a single coin out of her pocket.

"We're here, Ella." Jennie said and guided Ella to the guardhouse where she can be certain that the girl will be secured. She bent down and expresses her advises, "Remember, be a good girl to your Chaeyoung-unnie. Behave well and don't give her a hard time, okay?"


Coming from a distance is the fuming Chaeyoung and Jennie immediately detected her anger by just the way she strides huge in every step and those eyebrows that crease so bad. As Chaeyoung approached, she grabbed Ella away from Jennie and the young girl gasped of how she was shoved all the way to the back.

"I saw her roaming around the town so I brought her back." Jennie spoke first as Chaeyoung is panting right in front of her.

Yet, Chaeyoung rumbles, "Do you expect me to believe you? Why were you with Ella, huh? What did you do to her this time?"

"Excuse me?" The taken aback Jennie has her jaw dropping from these direct accusations. "Are you accusing me of abducting Ella now?" She groaned as she questioned.

"Why wouldn't I? It's possible as I fired you and you might be plotting for a revenge by taking her away from me! If it's me that you hate because you lost a job, then don't involve Ella! Take her out of your revenge with me!" Chaeyoung further accused and put herself into details.

Jennie was initially speechless of Chaeyoung's accusations which she didn't see coming from her. As much as possible, she doesn't want to view Chaeyoung as a bad person after seeing her good personalities and after witnessing attitudes that softened her heart somehow. However, if Chaeyoung acts like this, it's near impossible for Jennie to still see her as that musician who once managed to move her heart.

Jennie gritted her teeth and in the midst of crying, she painfully voices out in her clogged throat, "You can hate me all you want but I know for myself I did nothing wrong this time. Fine, you can get mad at me all you want for accidentally breaking your trophies and guitar. Hurt me if that will satisfy you. I'll understand you because maybe it's your way of protecting Ella from me."

"Unnie, stop this..." The scared Ella tried to intervene but she's cut off when Jennie's tears started to fall off.

"How dare you accuse me of a crime that my parents never taught me of? How dare you falsely accuse me of a crime I never once did? And of all people I expect the least who'll falsely accuse someone, it's you, because you should know how it feels to be accused of something you've never done as you're constantly being feasted throughout the social media with rumors. I'm so disappointed in you. I wish I never met you personally..." Jennie vented out her last words in between her heavy sobs and rampantly walked away with a heavy heart.

Chaeyoung was stoned right on the spot. At the back of her mind, she's aware she went overboard but her upfront shows her pride and tough expression. Those tears yet again, it pained Chaeyoung to see Jennie pouring those out because of her. It was never her intention to hurt her with words, however, these unnecessary wraths came out of her mouth as Ella was caught into this mess.

"Let's go back inside, Ella..." Chaeyoung sighed.

She grabbed Ella by the wrist but the latter didn't move an inch from her position. As Chaeyoung looked back to see and ask why, Ella started bawling out in tears and loud cries followed. Certainly, this is alarming that Chaeyoung panicked internally, without knowing a thing why Ella suddenly started crying. She didn't stop even though Chaeyoung knelt down to cup her face as she goes on louder and breathless in her heavy sobs.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Ella cried loud as she clenched her fists on her sides.

Clueless, Chaeyoung asks worried, "Why are you apologizing? What happened? Why are you crying? Did Jennie do something to you?"

"I'm so sorry Chaeng-unnie!" Ella repeated her cries and Chaeyoung stared at her confused. "It was me... It was me..." She sobbed. She was ready to run away but Chaeyoung gripped her shoulders tight before she could even do so.

"What are you talking about Ella? Tell me... be honest with me..." Chaeyong glared at her, steady onto Ella's swollen eyes that are tired from crying.

Ella's body is trembling. The fear is still lingering her from head to toe. Her mouth is shaking in so much terror. However, she had seen how worst the lies and the cover-ups have gotten. She witnessed how the fight went worst in a wrong way that accusations were made because of these dishonesties. Ella is filled with fear but there's no other way for her but to tell the truth or else it could go worst and she'll have to carry this guilt forever.

"Jennie... Jennie-unnie..." Ella uttered in her shaky voice. She couldn't bring herself to look into Chaeyoung's sharp eyes, so she looked straight down the ground and confesses, "...Jennie-unnie did nothing wrong..."

"What?" Chaeyoung froze.

With all her might Ella went on, "It was me who accidentally bumped your trophies. It was me who caused the racks to fall off. Because of me, your guitar was wrecked. Jennie-unnie didn't do anything but to protect me from getting harmed. She protected me from the broken pieces of glasses. She got injured because of me too. Jennie-unnie didn't do anything wrong. It was all me. I'm so sorry..."

Chaeyoung was flabbergasted, she couldn't react and answer the moment the truth was planted into her head. The grip on Ella's shoulders loosened, feeling drained as the information is gradually creeping into her understanding. While she hears Ella cry, she's frozen, spacing out and drowned into the guilt. In spite of everything, all the hurtful words she spitted to Jennie, she's the one who's been wrong all along.

"No way..." Chaeyoung weakened and groaned as she couldn't believe she's the one who's wrong the entire time.

Ella rushed to hug her and continues on crying onto her shoulders, "I'm so sorry unnie. Please forgive me. Please don't hate Jennie-unnie!"

Chaeyoung pulled away and put Ella back into her hold by the shoulders as she questions frustrated, "Why didn't you tell me immediately Ella? Why did you keep quiet about it, huh? Why didn't you speak up earlier?"

"Because..." Ella sobbed. "...because I was scared..."

Chaeyoung hugged Ella once again to calm her down. She cannot possibly vent her anger to the young girl, more when she's the most important person to her. She cannot bring herself to argue more for she realized how her rage she couldn't control brought Ella into a terror. All the anger and wrath she has been feeling since the accident happened, it dispersed out from her blood and replaced by the pure guilt.

"Don't cry. I won't get mad at you, okay? Calm down. I'm sorry too that I scared you." Chaeyoung gently caressed Ella's back to ease her heavy sobs.

"Chaeng-unnie, please bring Jennie-unnie back to us. Please..." Ella begged as her cries ceased.

There's nothing Chaeyoung could do. She's guilty. Jennie deserves an apology. They deserve a second chance. They need to start a new beginning. They need to try again. Jennie is worthy to be Ella's nanny and live with them.

"I'll definitely bring Jennie back. I'll take her back home with us. I'll do everything to get her."


A/N: Another update~ I don't have anything much to say again, as always. Lol. But anyway, thank you so much and I will never get tired of thanking you guys for reading and supporting this fanfic. Please always stay safe everyone!

See you soon for the next chapter. 

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